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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Okay! I've updated all seven of my gigs' FAQs to reflect how I'm handling my outsourced work (I might add something about NDAs as well): Will you keep my information confidential? Yes, your information will never be shared or outsourced without your consent. If consent is given, it will only be shared with those participating in the delivery of the finished product. I will always perform the final check to ensure that quality is consistent and meets the highest standards. Will I have copyrights to all intellectual property? Yes, copyrights to all created intellectual property will be transferred to you, the buyer, with the right to use them for commercial purposes. This includes any outsourced work, designs, or other content. On my end, I have to make sure that the sellers I work with will give me copyrights to all intellectual property so that I can pass it off to my buyers.
  2. @omorodiono - If you want someone to buy your game design, you should state that in the title and describe your services in the gig description. I didn't know you were selling game art from your gig. The title only states "I will do something I am really good at" and the gig description only says "lovely game design," followed by a thousand letter n's. You also mention in your bio that you are a "proficient person in the use of the English Language" and "specialized in writing and editing." If you are, you really need to show that in your bio and your gig description. Currently, it doesn't look like you are proficient in English (so you should probably change your Language setting to "Conversational"). There are a lot of grammatical errors in the bio, and the the gig description make no sense. Fiverr operates as a match-making service, so everything in your gig has to match what your potential buyer will be typing in search to find your services. So make your gig as relevant as possible so buyers can find you. I suggest you make changes and improvements to your gig as soon as possible - Fiverr is shutting down gigs for "low-quality." Here are some things you can do when updating your gig: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-📈-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/ Good luck!
  3. Fiverr's algorithm is based on relevancy, so if you aren't getting shown in search, it's because your gig is not considered relevant when buyers search for your service. Other sellers, based on performance, reviews, and seller metrics are seen as more relevant. Fiverr also rotates gigs, as @newsmike mentioned, to allow temporary exposure for all sellers, so don't be surprised if you see other gigs rotated in front of yours. Normally a sudden drop in impressions is due to a negative private review. Those are reviews that you never see. Buyers can leave 3 reviews on each order, 2 private and 1 public. The private reviews are given higher emphasis, as buyers can be more honest in their reviews. If you don't want to improve your gig, then keep doing what you're doing. If you do want to improve your gig and become more relevant in search so your gig gets found, then you can follow the advice given by @spaintranslator. I'm always looking for ways to improve my gigs so that I can provide better services to my customers.
  4. Hi @giulianociolino, you can add English (and any other languages you know) by visiting your profile page: Scroll down to languages, and "Add New":
  5. I had many questions, so I reached out to Customer Service. Amazingly, they responded in 22 minutes and answered all my questions. That was the fastest response I've ever had! One of my question was the definition of Intellectual Property. Here's what Customer Service gave me: Based on this, the services that I provide (and may outsource at times) that are NOT intellectual property include: Data Entry, Resume Updates, Cover Letter Writing, LinkedIn Updates, Proofreading, Editing, Research & Summaries (written in Q&A format), Beta Reading, PowerPoint Editing, & Video Editing The services I provide that ARE intellectual property include: Video Creation, Voiceovers (I'm done doing these!), Script Writing, Content Writing, eBook Writing, Worksheet Creation, PowerPoint Designs, Resume Designs, Research & Summaries (written in MLA or APA style) My other question was on outsourcing. Here are some of the things that were clarified by Customer Service: 1. Sellers are allowed to outsource part or all of a service, but clients MUST be aware of this and give consent. Buyers may not want their information share or outsourced to a third-party. 2. For any intellectual property outsourced, you must have all copyrights transferred to you, with rights to use it for commercial purposes. (this was for voiceovers that I was using for my e-courses) 3. Per Fiverr ToS, sellers confirm and undertake that whatever information they obtain from the buyer, which is not on the public domain, shall be kept confidential and not shared or used for any other purpose other than for the delivery of the work to the buyer. 4. Fiverr doesn't have any additional non-disclosure agreements, but buyers and sellers can enter into NDAs if they want.
  6. Yes, I have my Promoted Gigs turned off, too. It's great that you can turn the feature on/off based on need. If you need that little "boost" in orders, go ahead and turn it on. 😊
  7. Oh that makes sense, if you are using Promoted Gigs! You will definitely see greater fluctuations if you're using that feature. In Promoted Gigs, your gig is competing against other sellers' gigs based on performance, quality, and relevancy to the search term. If your gig "wins" it'll get more impressions and if it doesn't you'll see less impressions.
  8. Hi @titansign, I don't know why, but I really enjoyed reading your post. It was the first time I've ever heard of "Broken The Egg," so I like it! I think many sellers are lulled to the Fiverr platform thinking that sales will just land in their laps. I'm glad that you learned that it takes diligence, research, hard work, positivity, and good communication to succeed. I took a look at your gigs and you have great work and many happy customers. And you probably have over 1,000 orders as well. That's awesome! I have much to learn from you! I look forward to reading more of your posts!
  9. Hi @jeromehiq78, it's awesome seeing a kidpreneur doing so well on the platform! I see the same thing as you - I have some gigs like your Minecraft Video Editing gig that are pretty consistent, and other gigs that see huge fluctuations, such as 5,000 impressions in one day versus only 500. It's only natural to see fluctuations - people do searches every day and it's unlikely that the number of people doing searches each day are the same all the time. Like you, I don't concern myself too much with the fluctuations as long as I'm getting orders on my gigs. Congratulations on hitting all the targets for Level 2!
  10. Hi @arafat_28, what you see in search isn't what a buyer will see in search. Search results are unique and tailored for each buyer. So it isn't worth your time trying to find yourself in search. What you should focus on is making yourself relevant in search and a lot of this is based on your seller performance and how happy you are making your customers. Getting less orders or a negative private review can negatively affect how you're shown in search. So focus on keeping your customers happy and delivering quality work.
  11. Hi @web_expart101, you posted in the wrong category...if you want to share your link, you can post in "Improve my Gig" or "My Fiverr Gigs." I took a look at your gigs and noticed that your average response time is 14 hours. You might want to improve that if you are serious about building your business. You are also in a very competitive market, so you'll need to find ways to stand out from the competition. Here are some good articles to read: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/211706-are-you-a-new-seller-this-is-how-you-get-more-orders/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/263159-many-clicks-but-no-sales-read-this-a-guide-to-improve-conversion-rate/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  12. @nazmulhuda01, Welcome to the forum! I see that you had 6 orders within the last week and your last delivery was 7 hours ago. It seems like you are getting orders. Many sellers can't get that many orders when first starting out. I saw your status update and saw that you want to be a top-rated seller and you were frustrated that a top-rated seller had a more terrible-looking gig than you have. I understand your frustration, but if they are getting sales and you aren't, that means they are doing something right that you aren't doing yourself. Not everyone gets that coveted top-rated badge, so I suggest you look at that top-rated seller and see what you can learn from them. This isn't something that happens overnight. It takes time to build a business. You have great reviews and that's a good start.
  13. @optimizer7, you mention on your profile, that it can take 6 months for the websites you build to rank based on ranking factors. You have been in business for 8 months and your gig isn't getting seen. I don't even see an average response time for you, which means you aren't getting any inquiries. It might be helpful for you to know that Fiverr no longer "ranks" gigs ... it is a matching service. When buyers type in words in the search box, only relevant gigs will show up. Relevancy is much more than SEO and keywords. Sellers with more orders than you and positive reviews will be seen as more relevant. A good insight into your relevancy is how many impressions you are getting. If you are getting good impressions, then you are more relevant. But that's not enough. As @smashradio mentioned, it requires you to research your market so that you know how to connect with and attract customers. If no one is clicking on your gig, that means no one is finding your gig attractive. As @mariashtelle1, mentioned, if you don't attract the customers, they won't buy your gig. If buyers click on your gig, that means your gig was attractive enough to take a look at. However, if they didn't place an order, you weren't convincing enough to get a sale. No orders is a problem. Unfortunately, that's where you have to do your research to find out how to make your gig attractive enough so that your customers will want to place an order with you. You can start with your gig thumbnails, portfolio, and gig descriptions.
  14. Hi @craig4568, Was your linked shortened? I suggest your read Twitter's Help Center. Here's what Twitter's Help Center says on harmful links: https://help.t*********m/en/safety-and-security/phishing-spam-and-malware-links#:~:text=Malicious links that could steal,Attempts at phishing If you have any additional questions, please reach out to Twitter's customer support.
  15. H @joppebijlsma, Welcome to the forum! 😊 If a buyer cancels an existing subscription, then normal cancelation terms apply. It may affect your seller statistics. If a buyer cancels a future subscription that will start in less than 10 days, it will affect your seller statistics. I usually run into this problem if I do weekly subscriptions with my buyer. If a buyer cancels future subscriptions that starts in 10+ days, then it will not affect your seller statistics. This is from the Help Center. Feel free to read more about that here: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017173498-Subscriptions
  16. Hi @dmbnn0728, just because you didn't get a sale within the first week doesn't mean that there's something wrong with your gig. Most sellers will not get a sale their first week. Some take months to get their first sale. It's a myth that all you have to do is set up a gig and orders will start pouring in. @joyh97 & @breals already gave you great advice to get started. In order for you to get orders, you'll have to learn how to connect with your target customers and deliver great customer experiences. You also need to makes sure to highlight your unique selling points (USPs) so that your gig stands out from the competition. Read the link that @joyh97 provided you. It is a great resource for sellers who are serious about making money on Fiverr. These articles can also help you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-📈-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282067-my-first-25-days-–-how-i’m-getting-the-most-out-of-fiverr-forum/
  17. Hi @ratulperfection, @smashradio is correct, you will have to do the research yourself to understand your market and determine how to best connect with your customers. The forum is a great resource! I suggest you get started with these articles: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282067-my-first-25-days-–-how-i’m-getting-the-most-out-of-fiverr-forum/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282867-how-to-build-credibility-on-fiverr-even-if-youre-a-new-seller-with-zero-reviews/
  18. Hi @ghazlani662, You are in a very competitive field, so you'll have to find ways to make your gig stand out from the competition. It can be hard to get new orders when you were last active 3 years ago. However it can be done. It will take a lot of time and dedication on your part. Here are some articles that you can read and learn from to help you grow your Fiverr business:
  19. First of all, there's no such thing as "gig ranking" any more. That's not how Fiverr currently operates. Fiverr operates as a matching service. So what you need to focus on is making your gig as relevant as possible, so that when buyers type in search terms, your gig will be seen. Relevancy is not only the title and tags, but your performance as a seller. Sellers who consistently deliver quality work will be seen as more relevant than sellers who may not be getting as many orders, are responding slowing, or who not getting good reviews (this includes private reviews). You can read more about how this works here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/
  20. I agree with you @writing_elites8! Fiverr has Fiverr Business, where freelancers can do exactly what you want (giving other team members admin access): https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010492798-Fiverr-Business-Managing-account-team-members?segment=business https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010396097-Fiverr-Business-overview?segment=business The only problem is, this is a buyer-only program, so Fiverr's freelancers not allowed to take advantage of this program. Fiverr does give its freelancers Fiverr Studio (for select sellers) and Fiverr Workspace, but neither of them give Fiverr's freelancers the features available in Fiverr Business. For freelancers working as teams (with either a remote or local office ...or with a team created on Fiverr) and also selling on the platform, a version of Fiverr Business would be great!
  21. @fredm777, you posted the same question 16 hours ago. This isn't necessary, so I've asked for your previous post to be deleted. I checked out your gig and it looks like your last delivery was 2 days ago, so you have received at least one order. Low impressions means that your gig is not seen as relevant to search as other sellers on the market. You have a very specific gig, writing articles on dentistry. If I were to type in "write dental" in the search box, not too many gigs will come up in search. Only 185 services pop up. If I type in "write medical," you have 3,583 services that pop up. You might want to read this article: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-📈-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/ This article also explains how Fiverr works: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/
  22. Hi @piksart_designs, This should not be posted in "Seller Tips." Seller tips are for experienced sellers to share tips with other sellers. If you want to receive tips or share experiences, you can post in "Your Fiverr Experiences," "My Fiverr Gigs (links allowed)", and "Improve My Gig (links allowed)." It can take a while for your gigs to gain visibility when you first post your gigs. From the screenshot you just sent, if you click on the gig title, you will see graphs of the impressions, clicks, and orders you are getting from that gig. This gets updated daily and will give you a view of how your gig is performing over time. More impressions will mean that more people are finding your gig in search. This means you are more relevant in search. Your relevance in search depends on your seller metrics that you see on your dashboard, how relevant your gigs are to buyers who are searching for services, and how you compare with other sellers in your category. More clicks will mean that people who see you are attracted to your gig and want to learn more about your services. More orders will mean that people who do visit your gig are convinced to buy from you. There is no such thing as a "gig rank" - Fiverr operates as a matching service. You can learn more about that here:
  23. Very interesting, @uk1000! This is part of Fiverr's efforts to protect the work of designers, artists, writers, and creatives: https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/intellectual-property I think the main points are in these words here, saying that sellers cannot resell another seller's work "as-is"... So clearly, an artist can't take the work of a cheaper-priced seller (in its "as-is" state) and deliver it to a buyer as their own work. This makes sense. This prevents sellers from stealing another seller's work. However, it seems like sellers will now have to be completely transparent if work is being outsourced - so just stating it on their gig page or FAQs is not going to cut it. Sellers will also need tell their buyers if part or all of the work is being outsourced for each order. Previously sellers didn't have to do that. Now it looks like they might have to. For those who already work in teams - the fact that you are working in teams should be clear anyways. But for sellers who usually do their work solo and only outsource occasionally, to handle order overflows, I'm not sure if they would want to have that stated on their gig. However, if they remain true to the working-solo image, they might have to start turning down orders, and that could affect their gig's performance as well. So I'm not sure what the solution is for them. I have gigs where I operate solo (and am looking to outsource for overflow needs) and where I operate as a team (with video editors, voiceover artists, content writers, and graphic designers). It looks like I will have to put a notice on all of my gigs to make it clear that I might be working in collaboration with other sellers. I only have that on several of my gigs. I'm curious to see how others interpret this, and how it might affect how they do business!
  24. @finndev478, I would love to do that (especially during these hot summer months)! ...but my husband would be so angry if I shaved my head! You are a fighter! I see some of your threads on the forum and know how tough you can be! You've got this! You might want to grow moringa yourselves - these trees are easy to care for and grow like weeds! They are easy to chop down with a machete, too (the wood is very soft). I chop the trees down to the trunk, and the next day there are leaves growing back from the stump (and the branches that I've cut up). I think you can even grow them indoors (but they can get huge really fast if you aren't cutting them down all the time). My family only delivers organic greens to a market that's 5 minutes from the farm so customers can get the freshest products. We eat a lot of salads and drink a lot of green smoothies. 😋 I'm not sure how tall the cacao trees get because mine died.😔 But I think they can grow more than 2x my height (I'm 4'10" or 148 cm). That seems big to me!
  25. Hi @smashradio, quick question ... one of those Fiverr Business buyers who blocked me earlier unblocked me to send sneering remarks about how he found a better seller (and to take up more of my time). So I decided to block him. However, I only reported him (with the request to block him). So he is currently not blocked and it has been more than a day since I made the request. Isn't there an immediate way to block someone? Do I mark him as spam?

    (note: I think this is the only status update I can make while post-limited, so I'll respond back when I can!)

    Thanks for your help!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. smashradio


      P.S. What a ridiculous person you've been dealing with! 🤣

    3. vickieito


      Thanks @smashradio! I'm celebrating too! I was able to block this buyer with no guilty feelings at all. 😊 I really can't believe this guy!

    4. smashradio


      I saw you made it to Grand Master! Yet another thing worth celebrating. 😄 

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