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Posts posted by vickieito

  1. 48 minutes ago, Lena said:

    I get it. Simply blocking was easier, not needing to write any reasons. However, that has changed some time ago. Now we have these options. The 'other' box is there for a reason. You are not obliged to write in length, just a simple sentence is enough. 

    A year ago I created a help desk ticket on this topic and was told to use the "other" button:



    Then, when I told CS that the "other" button was still allowing the user to message me, CS then told me to use the spam button to block the buyer:



    Since then, I've always just marked a buyer as "spam" if I wanted to block them immediately.

    Using the report button just seems like a waste of time, especially since I then had to create a Help Desk ticket for it since the buyer was still communicating with me even after I used the report button. I had three different CS agents responding with different suggestions on how to use the report button and was finally told to use the "spam" button to block.

    I only wanted to block a buyer who wanted to share all of his stories with me (and I didn't have time to listen to all of his stories):





    Using the report button was just a lot of work and CS seemed to think that action needed to be taken by them, when the only action I wanted was to block this buyer so that I could concentrate on my orders.

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  2. 2 hours ago, avneeth100ms said:

    Knowing that racist guy is active on the platform and earning money even after such brutal act, is what bothers me more.

    Who knows how long this seller will be on the platform. I'm guessing not for long if he continues to act that way - either Fiverr will ban him (for multiple violations), his business will die (because customers won't want to work with him), or he will leave on his own. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, avneeth100ms said:

    I did but I don't know if they are taking it seriously at all

    Because of Fiverr's privacy policy, they can't tell you what they are doing to remedy the situation or what conversations they have with other users on the platform. But I have seen Fiverr take action because of racism and discrimination and it's an issue that they take very seriously. Sometimes they give warnings (which you can't see and Fiverr won't tell you if they have given another user a warning). Other times the account gets banned (this is usually when an account is reported by multiple users or the violation was very serious).

    So on your end, you won't see anything that Fiverr does. Luckily the seller already blocked you, so you won't have issue with that seller again unless he unblocks you and you have another conversation (but you can block and report him again at that time). Most likely he will not reach out to you again.

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  4. 36 minutes ago, dwlangdon said:

    that wasn't intuitive to me.

    Fiverr's platform does have a lot of things that just aren't intuitive. 

    It took me a while to figure out how to make different paragraphs in the inbox messages (instead of just one long message). It also took me 2 months to figure out how to submit my first Help Desk ticket to customer support. 😅 Luckily Fiverr made platform changes last year to make it easier to access customer support and Fiverr staff is participating more in the forum.

    It's much easier to get answers to technical questions now.

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  5. 1 hour ago, yasir_wd said:

    What if a user unintentionally or accidentally delete the account permanently from mobile app?

    I had my account deactivated by a hacker who logged on from desktop mode and requested via customer support to shut down my account permanently. Luckily it was only deactivated and I received an email from Fiverr CS saying:



    I was able to get my account back. I know I'm not the only one it's happened to, and another seller came on the forum stating his kids accidentally deleted his account (and he got his account back). If kids can do it on a desktop, they can definitely do it on a mobile.

    1 hour ago, filipdevaere said:

    I agree with that.

    I also find it hard to believe that they would make something so final, so easy to do on the mobile app:




    • Like 6
  6. On 11/23/2023 at 3:57 PM, doston_cohen said:

    Especially as I don't have any reviews or clients on the platform yet, what would be your tips for fast growth?

    Hi @doston_cohen,

    Your gig gallery is your pitch deck to your buyers. Fiverr gives you 3 gig images, 1 gig video, and 2 PDFs to showcase your unique value proposition to your buyers and convince them that you are the solution to their problems. Currently, you aren't utilizing this. As a new seller without orders or reviews, it is critical to use all of your arsenal in your gig gallery to build enough credibility and trust with buyers so that they will want to place an order with you.

    You state that you've helped 150+ clients secure $7.5M in funding, so find creative ways to showcase this in your gallery. There are over 1,850 sellers offering the same services as you, so what do you have to offer that no one else does? Why should buyers work with you (and not your competition)? If your gig gallery is compelling enough, your messaging will resonate with buyers who visit your gig and you will get orders.

    Pay attention to your impressions, because that will tell you if Fiverr thinks you're relevant when buyers search for your services. Impressions indicate how often you are being shown to buyers. Look at your clicks, because that will tell you how often buyers are attracted to your gigs (versus your competition). If you have high impressions and low clicks, that means your gig isn't attractive enough to get buyers to click on your gig. Also, pay attention to inquiries that you get in your inbox, and your orders. Your goal is to turn impressions into clicks, clicks into inquiries, and inquiries into orders. These numbers will give you a benchmark to gauge your success. Track these numbers on a weekly basis to see if the changes you are making to your gigs are effective.

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  7. On 11/26/2023 at 2:22 AM, editoraarif said:

    Fiverr portfolio is the main thing. This is what client see before placing an order. 

    I don't know why my designs are not showing there. 

    Can you help me? Any tips for me?

    Hi @editoraarif, I'm not sure why your Portfolio images aren't showing. However, that isn't the only place where you can share samples.

    Most of my growth on Fiverr was based on my gig galleries, where I displayed all of my portfolio samples (I got the My Portfolio option late last year). So use your gig gallery! I noticed that you don't fully utilize your gig gallery to share your portfolio samples. Actually, you don't have any samples there. You get 3 images, 1 gig video, and 2 PDFs (which, by the way, can have many pages each to display as many portfolio samples as you need). Start by posting your portfolio samples there, while you wait for the tech folks to fix your portfolio features.

    On 11/26/2023 at 2:22 AM, editoraarif said:

    I contacted customer support many times, but it's still the same. 

    What is customer support saying?

    • Like 3
  8. Just now, jahidhassantipu said:

    Is it okey if i asked them to do it faster? 

    You can ask, but most likely they'll ignore that request.

    The only way for them to do their review faster is if you have solid proof that you didn't violate any ToS. Otherwise, it usually takes 60-90 days.

    • Like 7
  9. Just now, jahidhassantipu said:

    Suggest me, if i talk to support is it helpful? In my experiences from other people,  they are not totally helpful.  

    If you have solid proof that you never worked on a student assignment (e.g., you screen all buyers and ask them questions to see if their work is related to schoolwork), then it makes sense to talk to support. Accounts do get flagged falsely, and Fiverr will usually restore the accounts shut down accidentally. However, if you don't have such proof, it may be best to wait until Fiverr has finished their review of your account.

    • Like 6
  10. 3 minutes ago, asmnayeem said:

    But Payoneer CS said, "It appears that since this payment was not sent to the account".

    Please clarify - the Payoneer ID is not your ID and the payment didn't get posted to the Payoneer ID in question?

    If the payment was a failed transaction, then the money should be returned to your account in 30 days.

    However, if you are only saying that the payment wasn't sent to your account and the Payoneer transaction ID wasn't related to your account, then you did the right thing in notifying Fiverr. Fiverr was able to see that the transaction ID wasn't related to my account or email, and that's how I was able to receive compensation from Fiverr.

    • Like 10
  11. @jahidhassantipu - Were all 5 of your gigs removed by Fiverr, or did you remove some?

    2 minutes ago, jahidhassantipu said:

    It was the buyer who send file name assignment in order page. A doc. File. But, i never did used any such words not in the message and not it the file name..

    Was this order found to be a student assignment?

    Research and Summaries are tricky - sometimes you really have to interrogate the buyer before you find out the work is an assignment. I usually ask for their criteria (and then find out it's a syllabus). At that point, I politely decline the order.

    3 minutes ago, jahidhassantipu said:

    How many days has this review been there?

    It can take up to 90 days for your account to be reviewed.

    • Like 8
  12. 3 hours ago, asmnayeem said:

    Could you please help me to get back my earnings and get rid of the cash advance? (I never discuss cash advances on Fiverr.)

    Hi @asmnayeem, Sorry to hear that this happened to you, too! I also had my account hacked (and the hacker withdrew all my Earnings before shutting my account down). Fiverr was luckily able to compensate me for my lost Earnings and restore my Fiverr account. It did take some time for Fiverr CS to respond to my ticket, though.

    What did Fiverr CS tell you on the ticket that you mentioned?

    • Like 13
  13. 1 hour ago, dwlangdon said:

    Can someone please point me in the right direction? I'm obviously missing something very simple, since thousands have been able to set up accounts.

    Hi @dwlangdon, If you don't hit the "Tab" button after entering in a search term, the system won't count your search term as a tag. It also won't let you have a tag longer than 20 characters long.

    1 hour ago, dwlangdon said:

    I tried filling out a support for, but it won't let me send it because the "gig" section is blank. However, the dropbox is also blank, and it won't let me fill in anything manually!!!

    What do you mean by this? Can you send a screenshot? Thanks!

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  14. On 11/25/2023 at 10:53 PM, kubrafatima250 said:

    So, what actually help us out?

    Hi @kubrafatima250, Fiverr gives an initial boost to new sellers, so if your impressions are decreasing, your initial boost may be over.

    In order to get orders, you need to show your buyers what you can do. You currently have zero samples of your work, so buyers won't trust you. Use your gig gallery to show all that you can do. You only have 1 picture for each gig and that's not enough to convince buyers of your abilities to deliver what you promise. Fiverr allows you to have 3 images, 1 gig video, and 2 PDFs in your gallery to show potential buyers what you can do. Think of this section as your business card to buyers and create a compelling gallery that will make buyers want to buy from you. 

    • Like 30
  15. 1 minute ago, catwriter said:

    The OP has hired two freelancers on Fiverr to help them with their GoFundMe campaign.

    These are both new sellers (who started in Aug 2023 and Oct 2023) and I can't see their gigs or their buyer reviews. I do question the quality of these two sellers' services, and if they can deliver what they promise.

    9 hours ago, michael_timm said:

    I thought there was some kind of support and secured on this site, but I guess I was either wrong, or so far hidden that I can’t find it. 

    5 hours ago, shaunbaines said:

    I suggest contacting fiverr support who may be able to help in this matter. You can do this by emailing support@fiverr.com

    Hi @michael_timm, In addition to @shaunbaines's suggestions above, you can submit a help desk ticket for each of your orders here to request compensation and report the sellers:


    @Lena, are you able to help @michael_timm? Thank you!

    • Like 18
  16. 7 hours ago, asifmahmud010 said:

    I have completed 2 order in November but didn't get any reviews

    Hi @asifmahmud010,

    I know how hard it can be not to get a review when you are first starting out. I saw you have 5 reviews so far, so keep up the good work!

    7 hours ago, asifmahmud010 said:

    Is there any formal way to convince about a review?

    In addition to the suggestions above, one of the best ways to "convince" a buyer to leave a review (without even asking for one) is to exceed expectations and provide exceptional services that make them want to leave you a review. Then, when you deliver an order, you only need to request for honest feedback once, and they should be jumping to leave you a review. 😊 But also, don't be discouraged if they don't leave a review. Buyers do get busy and reviews can be tedious if they are repeat customers.

    27 minutes ago, asifmahmud010 said:

    Would like to know what a buyer thinks about my work skills etc please.

    Looking at your reviews, it looks like your high points are that you are responsive, quick, friendly, and have excellent customer service. To make sure your customers are even happier, make sure that the samples in the gig represent the type of samples that your buyers can expect from you. You've received a handful of orders now, so the samples you are delivering might not match what you originally posted. Make sure to keep your portfolio samples updated as your skills grow and adapt to the customers who are being attracted to your gigs. Create projects for yourself to add to your portfolio and keep the "Portfolio" option checked on each of your gigs so that your delivered work can also be added to your gig galleries.

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  17. 4 hours ago, webdevelopers90 said:

    last month I did not receive a single brief,

    4 hours ago, webdevelopers90 said:

    what should be the reason,

    Hi @webdevelopers90,

    Fiverr doesn't guarantee a set number of briefs each month (or that you'll get briefs at all). The market is very dynamic and Fiverr's algorithms constantly change based on the behavior of buyers on the platform, your performance on the platform, and the performance of other sellers in your subcategory. Sometimes you'll get a lot of briefs, sometimes none, and other times, the briefs may be completely irrelevant.

    It's important to understand that Fiverr operates as a matchmaker, matching buyers to the sellers that it thinks are most relevant to their needs. Sellers are given a Gig Match score and the ones with the highest scores receive the briefs. This score is based on appearance quality and delivery quality (which are based on a number of factors). You can read more about this from Fiverr's Help Center:


    This score affects the briefs you get, how successful Promoted Gigs are for you, your visibility on Fiverr's platform and more. So it's important to understand how Fiverr works and the things that you can do to improve your chances of getting matched to buyers. A lot of this depends on how you've set up your gigs, how well you can keep buyers happy, and the quality of your services.

    These articles explain this in further detail:





    If you have time, please also check out Fiverr's Promoted Gigs webinar, which has a great Best Practices and Q&A section on how to improve your visibility on the platform so that buyers can find you:


    See last video in the link below – Best Practes start at 5:18, Q&A starts at 45:00:


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  18. Thanks, @Kesha!

    These scripts are super helpful for both new and experienced sellers to improve their communication in small, but meaningful ways. Great communication often gets overlooked here on the forum but it creates more smooth experiences for both buyers and sellers alike. I've seen my stress levels and cancelations decrease and and orders and positive experiences increase as I've focused on improving communication throughout every step in the order process. Thanks for bringing this topic back up again!

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  19. Quote

    How can increases my gig, actually my account was not active around 2 years. now anybody suggest me for sells my service.

    Hi @mdali0, Just put a note in your bio that you are back in business after a 2-year break. You will only need to have that until you get your first purchase. Then it won't look like you've been away for 2 years. You might want to thoroughly go through your gig and make updates to make sure your gallery, services, gig description, and packages are appealing for your target buyers. Create new, relevant gigs to support your main one, if you want to. This is helpful for graphic designers like yourself because buyers visiting your gig page can see the extent of your skills through the different gigs that you have.

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