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Posts posted by vickieito

  1. 14 hours ago, vickieito said:

    If you still need help, click on "I still need help" to create a ticket and Fiverr Customer Support will help you update your phone number.

    Hi @little_hut, Did you do this step yet? ⬆️ When tried to change my phone number (and ran into issues), CS was able to help me update my phone number.

    Edit: I just saw that you reached out to @ana_tomy. You should still create a help desk ticket by following the steps outlined in the link above.

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  2. Hi @tess_paul,

    You're not the only one receiving bot-like orders that are immediately canceled. I saw several forum members complain about the same thing.

    It looks like it may be a futile attempt by competitors to try to hurt your Fiverr business. However, since these canceled orders don't affect your seller stats, you can just ignore these bot-like orders, even though they can be annoying. It also means you must be doing things right if others consider you a threat to their business.

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  3. 11 minutes ago, mstresmabegum said:

    Why is my fiverr not clicking?

    Hi @mstresmabegum, Both of the words in your post's title are misspelled. I also noticed that you have misspellings and grammar issues in your gigs as well. As an expert SEO marketer, correct spelling and grammar are essential to your success. Proofread your gigs and gig images to make sure there are no errors. Also make sure your skills are up to par and you can do what you say you can do.

    Your profile is also very sparse - you claim to reach target audiences of 1.5-4 million, yet you only have one thumbnail image in your gig gallery (and nothing else). Put effort into creating your gigs so that there is no doubt in your buyer's mind on what you can do. Fill up your gig gallery with examples of your work and services so that buyers, upon seeing these images, will want to contact you and place and order.

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  4. Hi @johanjaved, You only have 4 orders since 2020 and your last order was 2 years ago. There are also 100,000+ other gigs that offer Wordpress services:


    So you've got competition. Fiverr's algorithm is designed to show the most relevant services - this is based not only on the relevancy of your gigs, but also the performance of your gigs. Sellers who are getting more and delivering more orders will be seen as more relevant (and will get higher impressions).

    Since you are a digital marketing expert, this might be a great time to put your skills to use. Revamp all your gigs to give them a fresh look, let people know you are in business, and emphasize what makes you unique from all the other sellers offering the same service. Your gigs look very generic, so you will need to figure out ways to highlight your unique selling proposition and value. Once your gigs are updated, then use your marketing skills to drive traffic to your gigs. This will help you get the initial orders so that you can gain visibility in Fiverr's search. 

    • Like 13
  5. I also think it has to do with this: ⬇️

    29 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

    It might be something to do with this (if they thought a buyer ordered just to increase ratings/reviews):

    This system is known to trigger false flags - and I remember one forum member who reported a false flag that happened because all their reviews were starting to look the same (and from the same buyers). Fiverr reversed its decision when the seller showed that all of the orders were legitimate - even though the spammy reviews made the account suspect.

    Since @lucamedina780 is a tarot card reader, I noticed many of her reviews say something along the lines of, "Thank you for another great reading," with the same reviews (word for word) coming from the same buyer. This may have triggered this as "review manipulation." However, for a tarot card reader, this type of review is to be expected.

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  6. 6 minutes ago, michael_ric01 said:

    Thanks for your feedback @ana tomy..i have reached out to fiverr support several times with no response anyway i am going to give it a trial once again. that is why i am here to seek for help.

    @ana_tomy & @Lena - ⬆️This is the issue with restricted accounts - any ticket created by a user with a restricted account gets ignored, even if this person has a legitimate concern.

    @michael_ric01's issue is a common one - Users with restricted accounts will be given 7 days to withdraw their funds (but the system doesn't allow them to do so). These users reach out to Fiverr CS (who ignores their pleas simply because it is coming from a restricted account). Meanwhile, the clock is ticking and if it expires, Fiverr then uses it as grounds for saying that the user didn't use the 7 days to do a withdrawal.

    Fiverr's site is very glitchy and these users cannot withdraw because of it. In order to get heard/helped by CS, @michael_ric01 will need someone (a real person) from Fiverr to override this automatic response so that this issue can be resolved by CS. Can either of you help? Thanks in advance for all for help!

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  7. 1 minute ago, chetouia said:

    first fiverr propose me 10% off as my first order. but i can't see a promo code to enter.

    Hi @chetouia - Was this 10% discount seen when you visited a seller's page? If so, as long as you place an order with that seller, the 10% discount will be automatically applied to the order.

    If you found out about the discount through a promotional email, then a promo code should be in the email and when you place an order, it will ask you for a promo code when you pay.

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  8. 7 minutes ago, grayprogrammerz said:

    I believe completion rate should based on amount of money earned.

    and cancellation rate be amount of money cancelled

    This doesn't make sense.

    21 minutes ago, grayprogrammerz said:

    Suppose a guy earns $400 in 2 orders. and cancel 1 order of $5. Then order completion be like %66 ? 😂

    What if you canceled 1 order of $200 but delivered a bunch of $5 projects? Your order completion rate would be terrible either way. Cancelations hurt, and Fiverr does it so we don't have too many order cancelations.

    10 hours ago, charlsmcfarlane said:

    Due to my low number of orders and the one cancellation, I have been fighting to keep my completed orders above 90% and avoid a level demotion.

    10 hours ago, charlsmcfarlane said:

    In a way, this incentivises prioritising non-milestone orders.

    Fiverr's algorithms will always favor sellers who have and deliver more orders, even if their average selling prices are lower. Unfortunately, this puts a lot of pressure on low-volume sellers (I'm one of them). Even 1 order can make or break your seller stats, and it can take a long while to recover. This is why I choose to have higher prices and am really selective about who I work with (I reject most buyers coming into my inbox, and right now, I just keep my out-of-office on all the time).

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  9. On 1/5/2024 at 12:09 AM, jessica_chi said:

    I was just wondering what could be the reason for missing a lot of brief 

    Most buyers don't think things through when they create a brief and they realize that as soon as they start getting messages/quotes from sellers. So be that seller who can anticipate what these buyers need (even though it may be different from what they might have in the brief). Make sure you phrase your response in light of what the buyer has stated and take it to the next level by showing the buyers how you understand their needs (even ones not communicated through the briefs), and how you can meet those needs.

    Buyers can't edit their briefs, so getting a response from a seller who can "see" through their imperfect brief submission and address their real needs is like gold. I've been lucky to be able to "see" and address those needs in my first message to the buyers (so I don't need to "chat up with them"). I only send one message and then leave it up to the buyers to reach out to me if they are interested. Most buyers do contact me, and it's usually because I "got" their project right away and gave them more options to consider, whereas other sellers only regurgitated the brief's content/prices in their offers or wasted the buyer's time in the inbox chatting.

    Once buyers contact me, that's when we can finalize all the details before I send them a custom offer. Normally these offers are much higher than the brief price (and most buyers say that they just put the brief price down as a placeholder because they don't know all that's required for their project). Sellers who can fill-in-the-blanks for these buyers are usually the ones the buyers choose to go with.

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  10. 2 hours ago, catwriter said:

    Perhaps it would be for the best to get rid of the forum badges completely?

    I would support that decision, at least for the automatic badges (but keep all the manual badges, like the one @breals suggested below). ⬇️

    1 hour ago, breals said:

    Can I recommend something like an 'outstanding contribution/contributor badge'.

    When setting up rewards, badges, and ranks, we should really consider how we want users to behave (and not behave). Good behavior should be rewarded. We want users to visit the forum, keep coming back, read through threads, connect with other members of the forum, help members find answers, report forum violations, and engage in meaningful conversations.

    We don't need to reward users simply for posting. We don't need more spam, duplicate posts on the same topic, threads of meaningless conversations that start with, "Say yes if you are..." (which could be handled through polls), or users posting the same questions over and over again (and not searching for their own answers). I love that we have more Fiverr Staff on the forum, but I don't want them to spend more time cleaning up the forum.

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  11. Hi @Kesha -

    Why not get rid of forum ranks and make them all 'Badges' (Since we can see these badges attached to our pictures)? And then we can call the current badges 'Awards.' I also like the labels of "Seller Plus Premium Member" and "Fiverr Staff." but am afraid if we add labels for seller levels, then it would make buyers easy targets for unscrupulous sellers.

    7 hours ago, Kesha said:

    Additionally, we plan to simplify the amount of available badges, so that users will be able to earn the following badges: 

    • First Post- Awarded upon a user's first thread creation. 
    • Conversation Starter- Awarded to users who start five or more threads. 
    • Dedicated- Awarded to users who start at least 20 threads.
    • Posting Machine- Awarded to users who start at least 50 threads.
    • Very Popular- Awarded to users who receive 25 comments or more on a thread they've started.

    I wonder if these automatic badges/awards should be eliminated - they appear to promote spammy behavior. Most of the regular forum members that I follow, and who contribute the most quality content, have less than 25 or 30 threads (even if they've been on the forum for years). Most of the spammers can get the "Dedicated" and "Posting Machine" badges within a few weeks on the forum. The posts these sellers make are usually on topics that get regurgitated over and over again on the forum.  I also sometimes request that my thread be closed (before getting to 25 comments) so that I can keep the thread clean of spammy replies.

    I think these badges/awards are okay:

    7 hours ago, Kesha said:
    • Well Followed- Awarded when a user gains at least 15 followers.
    • Active Contributor- Awarded to users who post at least 30 comments.

    We might also want to add back (I'm not sure why these were taken off the list, but they are better than rewarding people for making spammy posts):

    • Problem Solver- Solved 10 topics.
    • Week One Done- A week since joining.
    • One Month Later- A month since joining.
    • One Year In- A year since joining.

    We might also want badges/awards that encourage engagement, such as:

    • Consistent- Visited daily for a week.
    • Joined A Club- Awarded to users who join their first club.
    • Community Leader- Awarded to users who start/lead a club.

    I'm curious to see what manual badges/awards will be given to encourage good forum behavior... 🤔

    7 hours ago, Kesha said:

    Additionally, moderators will be able to manually award badges such as Community Champion, Best Answer, and Most Valuable Feedback.

    These are the manual badges I'm aware of...what others are there?

    • Community Champion
    • Best Answer
    • Most Valuable Feedback
    • Great Content for a post in a topic
    • Great Support for a post in a topic
    • Helpful for a post in a topic

    If there's any way we can reward users for read time, that would be great as well.

    Will we still have "Community Answers" and will there be stricter posting limits/restrictions or changes for Newbies/Rising Stars?

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  12. 6 minutes ago, dewale_xpert said:

    I continue to get clicks without translating them into sales.

    This means that potential buyers are visiting your gigs and then decide not to purchase from you. I suspect it is this 2.7-star review that you got a month ago:


    Their communication was good, and they were responsive, but the campaign resulted in exactly $0 in sales, so it was a complete waste of money for me.

    Buyers can't see a response from you, so we don't know your side of the story or what expectations are being set with your buyers. One thing that you should make clear with your buyers (possibly in your gig description or FAQs), is that promotion results are based on various factors (many of them outside your control).

    You can't guarantee them sales or increased customers (this is considered misleading and against Fiverr ToS), but you can guarantee them increased exposure to their target market. Make sure that you are delivering what you promise to deliver.

    I would also add more Portfolio samples (or revise the current samples) to highlight what you can deliver. It needs to be crystal clear with your buyers what you can (and can't deliver). So make that clear in your gig descriptions, FAQs, and portfolio samples in your gig galleries and Portfolio.

    Your tagline could also change. It currently states "MARKETING AND WEBSITE DESIGN EXPERT" - this is an overused title (usually by new sellers who aren't really experts). It may be a red flag to potential buyers who visit your profile and gigs. I think "Professional Fundraising Manager" sounds better and is more in line with the services you offer.

    It can be hard to get past a negative review, but it isn't impossible. Your other reviews show that you are hard-working, have quality work, and value your customers. The more you can show that, and let your customers know what they can expect, the better your gigs will perform.


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  13. Just now, tayyubb said:

    Thanks vickieito,

    Its fixed 🙂

    Hooray! I'm glad your issue was fixed! 

    If you ever do get overwhelmed with orders (or want to take a break without going out-of-office), this is a great feature to turn on!

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  14. 49 minutes ago, tayyubb said:

    I am facing the Issues regarding to my gig when someone open the gig he saw a message alert on top "Looks Like This Service Is On Hold" and buyer is unable to buy any gig package only Custom offer works. How i can fix this?????

    Hi @tayyubb, Click on "Gigs" from the "My Business Tab" and then click on the title of the gig in question. Double check to make sure your "Max orders in queue limit" is set higher than the orders that you currently have in queue.

    Right now it looks like you have 2 orders in queue for the gig in question, so you need to set your orders in queue limit higher than 2 (or turn the limiting function off using the toggle button). Otherwise your gig will show as being on hold until the amount of orders go below your max limit.


    Note: All my gigs should be shown on hold because I have all limits set to zero. I'm only working with current clients at the moment.

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  15. @green_guard - Sorry you had such a bad experience. You are absolutely right that this site has been really buggy lately - I noticed other sellers (like myself) on the forum complaining about this. Often we don't get buyers posting about their experiences unless it is really bad, so I'm sorry you had such an experience. Even though you can get a refund (or start a new order), is frustrating to see all your time and effort go to waste. It can take a day or two for Customer Support to respond and usually technical issues are outside of their scope (the issue is referred to another department).

    3 hours ago, green_guard said:

    your app/website is unstable... shouldn't even be operating if its that buggy.... 

    I know from my own experience that revision requests, order extensions, and messages were not going through for several of my orders. My buyers were sending me screenshots that they sent me messages, or made revision requests and extension requests (yet on my end I saw nothing - and an order auto-closed). On the seller side, I know that messages and deliveries sometimes do not show (for both buyer and seller). Since I know Fiverr's site gets buggy pretty often, I'm usually in constant contact with my buyers to make sure that they are taken care of, even if the site is buggy. We do get our orders done and we do share files in the chats, but it would be easier without the site being so glitchy all the time. Especially when it comes to things like order requirements, deliveries, revision requests, and extension requests not going through.

    • Like 12
  16. 5 hours ago, vickieito said:

    CS may not be helpful because they often ignore any type of request coming from a restricted account (until the review period is over).

    3 hours ago, aaryan_727 said:

    And they sent me same bot message again

    This is usually what happens with a restricted account. @ana_tomy, Can you help the OP get past this auto-reply? Thank you!

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  17. On 1/11/2024 at 5:49 AM, rajasain72 said:

    In the future, I hope to help others during downtime.

    Why not now? You have been a seller for 5 years now, which much longer than I have (I published my first gig in Nov 2021), so I feel you already have invaluable experience on the platform and can really share your experiences on how the market changes over time. I would love to hear your experiences! 

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  18. 24 minutes ago, aaryan_727 said:

    Recently my fiverr account was restricted due to sharing a discord Id. Now I am worried that I have funds in it and I have to withdraw them. Will I be able to add a New bank account to it and withdraw from it. It asks me to verify my number which I did but no sms comes on my phone.

    Hi @aaryan_727, From what I've seen on the forum, if your account is restricted, you will not be able to make a withdrawal until your account review is complete (this usually takes 60-90 days). Once the review is complete, you should get instructions on how to make a withdrawal. At that time, you should also be able to set up a new withdrawal method.

    • Like 4
  19. 1 minute ago, rajasain72 said:

    I haven't received any messages from new buyers or new orders in nearly 3 months

    2 minutes ago, rajasain72 said:

    These buyers are all repeat clients, which I hope speaks to my dedication and skills.

    Hi @rajasain72 - This is normal. Business is dynamic, so you can't expect it to be bustling along all the time. There will be some slow periods. I had several gigs that didn't have new clients for 6-9 months. During those times, I was really grateful for the repeat clients that I had, and that I was offering a diverse range of skills (so when one gig was down, another was going strong). Take care of your repeat buyers because they'll keep you going until business comes back up.

    It's also good not to put all your eggs in one basket - make sure that Fiverr isn't your only source of income. Fiverr was my only source of income until last fall. Even though I could continue that way, once I diversified my income, my stress levels went down and opportunities from unexpected places started popping up. I'm currently reconnecting with my colleagues that I worked with for more than a decade ago, and have remote projects that I can work on with them.

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  20. 30 minutes ago, zaeema_nazir said:

    I am not getting an option to create my portfolio.

    11 minutes ago, ana_tomy said:

    Adding more examples of your work will help for sure

    Hi @zaeema_nazir!⬆️I agree with @ana_tomy - this is the one thing that helped me most when I was a newbie seller with zero sales and zero orders.

    Although only select sellers have the Portfolio option, ALL sellers have the gig gallery that they can take advantage of. New sellers have the most to gain from utilizing ALL of the gig gallery options - the gig video, 3 photos, and 2 PDFs. This your business card to buyers and this is what gives you credibility in lieu of reviews and orders. New sellers also have the time to really develop their portfolio (and hone their skills!), so take the time to create new samples to show off what you can do.

    Start with an engaging gig video that clearly explains your service and highlights your unique selling points. According to Fiverr, this increases user engagement with your potential buyers by 40%. Select a frame that you can set for your gig thumbnail - this is what buyers will see when your gig shows up in search. Buyers only have a few seconds to decide to click on your gig, so make sure your thumbnail has a title that clearly describes your service (1-3 words long) and relevant images.

    Right now, it's hard to know what service you're offering just by looking at your gallery, so make this crystal clear to your visitors. I also noticed that you don't have any PDFs in your gig galleries - add them. PDFs can showcase a ton of portfolio samples. You can also use it to help the buyers (I used to have a "Top 10 Tips for Getting Started on Fiverr" PDF for my buyers in each gig gallery because the platform can be a little tricky (and doing business on Fiverr is different from anywhere else). Buyers will appreciate the time you take to help them out. And when they see a portfolio sample that resonates with them, they will contact you in your inbox to learn more. Make sure you are always keeping the buyer in mind and try to find out ways to make things easier for them.

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  21. 18 hours ago, Kesha said:

    the main thing that drives buyers to work with you is the connection or intrigue they form with you. Before deciding to check out your gigs, the buyers' main priority is learning more about you as a seller.

    This would explain the increased inquiries from irrelevant buyers. This also increased the amount of time I spent answering questions from buyers who weren't relevant, so even though they were very interested in placing an order, I had to kindly tell them that I didn't provide the services they were requesting and turn them away. Although this shows higher buyer engagement, I feel bad because it was a waste of those buyers' time to chat with me.

    14 minutes ago, catwriter said:

    with the complex work you're offering, it might inspire confidence.

    If the conversion rate was from gig to inbox, it did increase (in the form of higher inquiries from buyers). I think the Portfolio section helps a lot because that section is pretty big and hard to miss. I do like how our Portfolios are highlighted. Although I don't have a seller video, I do notice that most of my high-dollar clients will always request a Zoom meeting first to discuss their specific needs and projects.

    4 hours ago, edc_lab said:

    I was wondering why I'm not able to create a portfolio that can be shown on the profile page.

    Since the Portfolio section is highlighted (and seller profiles now look very empty without it), it would be nice if more sellers could have this feature to show off what they can do. This is probably the best part of the new profile layout.

    Currently, new sellers (without orders) can only have this feature if they have the Rising Talent badge. Level 1 & Level 2 sellers only have it if their account is "selected" to have it (probably based on seller metrics). All TRS and Pro sellers have this feature.

    I was a Level 2 seller for the longest time without the My Portfolio section (but all writing gigs at the time had a huge gallery to show off work samples). Now that there are several categories that have a very small gig galleries, it might be nice to offer the Portfolio section to more sellers or at least make it available by paid subscription.

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