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About webdevelopers90

  • Birthday 02/21/1886


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  1. I have this situation too, one of my gigs about find to font online, as you know if the font exists, so will find it, if not exist hand make how we will find it.. So I politely asked and mentioned that, "Please ask before making an order and blah blah.." but still they made the order and then canceled the order, because the font or not exist... So I think, the Fiverr system must have an option that we accept or reject the order before going further.. And now the big issue is the new Rating system, if the client does not select the addition option then the system calculates less then a star rating...
  2. I joined Fiverr at the end of 2014, and that time was perfect daily we were getting orders from new clients, the income was good enough for family expenses, and I had a few clients from 2014, who are still using my services... I am happy that I am a member of the Fiverr Platform, this is the only source of my income. And by the way, I have done an MPhil in Computer Science but unfortunately not doing any Govt or Private job
  3. Ask them with polite language and ask them the reason, and wait for their replay, do not bother them to opening the ticket again and again, one time they removed my gig and also gave me the reason, and I asked then with polite language and requested them, with in 24 hrs they recover my gig, almost I have completed around 10k order on that gig, but for some reason they remove it, and upon request, they recover it again...
  4. There must be a some reason, some gigs if they violate the Fiverr Policy they disable the account...
  5. It has been almost 3 to 4 months since I had not gotten buyer briefs before I always got around five to six briefs every day, but they were irrelevant to my services so I ignored them, but now I am not getting a buyer brief nor getting any new client... Does anyone know about this issue, I am not sure what the problem was...
  6. I am part of this community but did not understand the new level system, but I am still learning each post what is happening in the new system..
  7. I think, yes, but some buyer create an image in AI, and asked to create a vector files, so that is totally impossible to create a vector files, so it means they still need two to three color vector files to use for screen printing...
  8. No still do not use it because My services gig is almost $5 for each logo to make it vector...
  9. You can find it, in your inbox, in the Promotion tab,
  10. Maybe you will receive it later I have got an email as well as an app notification...
  11. Mine take up to 15 minutes to withdraw from Fiverr to Payonerr, and then from Payonerr to Bank account normally takes up to 2 hrs, on business days and some time takes up to 24 hrs or long...
  12. Almost 2023 is going to end. "Some numbers you’ll love The year is almost over, which means the time to start celebrating your success is… now!" Got this from Fiverr, If you have got it, just share your "2023: your year of success" Thank you Shamoon
  13. Hello and welcome! It's great to have you here on Fiverr. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out. Best of luck with your endeavors on the platform🙂
  14. Congratulations. I wish you all the best of luck, In our time in 2014, there was no such verification process, and the account creation was very easy...
  15. Hi, there is no rule of grammar and spelling in speaking in English, do not try me to how to speak fluent English, I said in grammar and spelling, I watched you and there is another one, that shows us like this, so be polite and respect other sellers in Froum, be aware from negative feedback,
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