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About asifmahmud010

  • Birthday 02/10/2004


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  1. This above text is coming when I am about to activate my gig. I have total 7 GIG, Of these, five are active and two are paused. I can't activate my paused gig 😪 Please help me!
  2. Can I use the words gig or page in the client's message box? Such as : gi....g, pa...g, gig, page etc Will there be any problem with my account if I use the words gig and page in the client's message box? Please I need help.
  3. Is it possible to discuss the remuneration of the work with the client? As I say. As I said, talking to the client about remuneration like this can cause problems in the account? Please help me
  4. What kind of problems can I have if I edit this gig in such a situation? I want to make my gig image more awesome. Thanks
  5. Welcome and have a ni Welcome and have a nice day
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