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Posts posted by williambryan392

  1. 1 minute ago, mateusbl said:

    For what I see in the Help Center:

    (FAQ item 1) "The sellers can use both Buyer Request and Briefs." The point is when you post a Request you go to Briefs creation, so how the buyer will create the Buyer Request post? For what I saw they will not be merged.

    (FAQ item 3) "Fiverr uses a wide range of quality criteria that are taken into consideration to determine seller eligibility." So new sellers will not receive Briefs? They will be using the buyer request?

    There's some points not clearly enough.

    As it's a new feature I expect even Fiverr isn't 100% sure where this is going to go.

    I expect new sellers will receive briefs, and also expect pricing will be a key factor in matching. Low budget buyers are the perfect match for new sellers with highly competitive pricing.

    • Like 8
  2. 19 minutes ago, markp said:

    where it says incomplete

    It doesn't say incomplete anywhere and the order isn't visible anywhere (either in active or incomplete), there's no assigned order number either. I have no option to start it anywhere. I've asked the buyer if they can do so, but no reply, same with CS. Let's see!

    • Like 5
  3. 4 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    So the buyer has to go back through their emails and then initiate the process

    oh that's interesting (and kinda sucks!). I thought they automatically started / went to the requirements stage on the subscription date.

    I'd consider turning this feature off, but I know how Fiverr likes us to use all options!

    • Like 5
  4. Thanks @vickieito! Nope, no email reminder received and it still doesn't explain the date discrepancy.

    I also find subscription transparency annoying. There's no way to see my ongoing subscriptions unless I make a manual record of that buyer, and click into a past order to then see when the next one is due. I was on holiday a month ago and two just started. I don't mind that they just started, that's the deal with subscriptions, but not easily having the visibility and easily being able to plan ahead is a little frustrating!

    • Like 6
  5. I had a buyer chase me for their 3rd and final subscription order.

    This order isn't in my orders queue anywhere.

    I'm a bit confused...

    Why is the date the 10th September when it's a monthly subscription and should have started on the 28th August?

    Even if it is the 10th September why has it not started yet / in the requirements stage?

    I feel like I've had some brain fog recently so I'm wondering if I'm missing something obvious?

    (I've reached out to support)



    • Like 7
  6. 1 minute ago, katakatica said:

    5 year old strolls into your office to show my customer her Elsa doll


    1 minute ago, katakatica said:

    Come on, that's PRECIOUS!

    We all know you've planned that with your daugher@breals😉, what a great way to soften clients / team members and build that human feel / trust with them. You're probably getting her buy in with some sweets. Frankly I'm impressed!

    (Stating the obvious I'm joking).

    • Like 10
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  7. 22 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    When I didn't take the weekends off 

    I'm still at this stage (I need to sort it out and get some time back), so everyday for me still feels like both a Sunday or a Monday!

    As for what I do... food, glorious food! That's always my go to treat, or perhas a fun coffee like a mocha! I just love my food, it really is my simple pleasure!

    Although I indulged a little too much in April, May and June and packed on 20Kg! My clothes stopped fitting! Fortunately I've dropped most of it since then, so now I can give myself treats again!

    • Like 16
    • Haha 1
  8. Impressions / clicks do go up and down. It's just the way it is.

    My last 7 days were also showing a red down arrow, but the week before that it was going up. It won't always be going up, but I expect it will go up again.

    If it keeps going down and down and down for weeks and weeks, then it's probably because you had a bad private review.

    I would wait and see what happens. You can always look to improve your gigs / profile, that is never a waste of time!

    • Like 7
  9. On 9/15/2022 at 10:40 PM, best_cv_guru said:


    Sellers don't pay anything extra back with the cash advance.


    Respectfully you're mistaken @best_cv_guru, you do pay extra back.

    It is not 'interest' though as interest payable is linked to the time a loan is outstanding, and with Fiverr it doesn't matter how long it takes you to pay it back.

    So there is no 'interest' to pay but there is a cash advance fee.

    For example, if I want to get a cash advance of 5K, ill repay a total of $5681, therefore the fee is $681.


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  10. Hey awesome people!

    Hope you're all doing well?

    Almost 3 months since this post was created, and a little over 3 months until the end of the year, how are we all getting on?

    @katakatica @ozan_erdi @spaintranslator @smashradio @wp_kid @nomuffinsforyou @corsogr @visualstudios @vickiespencer @donnovan86 @vickieito @brillzart


    @vickieito triggered my memory of this post and I wanted to check in! 😃


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  11. Glad to hear it's going well for you! Coincidentally this month also my best month, and we're only 2/3 of the way through! This reminds me of my 2022 goals post. I think I'll revisit it now, see how we're all doing, and this means we won't spam up this topic.

    2 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    And just out of curiosity...can you, as a m0d, approve your own content? I know a m0d has to approve any post made on this thread, so I'm just wondering if your new status/power gives you that right! 🤔

    Yes I can approve content, and I have to approve my own after I post it. It does give me a little chuckle. 

    • Like 26
  12. 1 hour ago, vickieito said:


    Nothing to be sorry for! Thanks for the reply, hope you're doing well! 😃. It came back for me, probably just coincidence. I was flying that day so it was good timing for me! On a separate note, I saw some posts re messaging being slow/clunky recently and I had experienced the same. It's been much better the last couple of days for me so hopefully that is now fixed! 

    • Like 23
  13. 2 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    I think I was out of line

    I don't think you were to be honest. I think you spoke truth. But I hid it for you anyway.

    3 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    "I operate as a team" (to cover for the few times I might), would that affect any Pro seller applications (e.g., for technical writing)

    I'm not sure, a question for your SSM, but my view is that it may have an impact. It probably all depends on how you frame it.

    If you're at the pro level for technical writing yourself, get approved by the pro team for your own prior technical writing work, and then make clear you have a team in your gig description but you check their work to ensure it's pro then it's probably not a problem (probably!).

    If though you say you're a pro because you have access to people that are pro level then I don't that would be ok. E.g. I try to get verified as Pro for video ads because I outsource to Frank_D and another Pro for voice over that wouldn't be cool (stating the obvious I know).

    • Like 40
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  14. If you've published it there's nothing more to do than wait (and perhaps improve your gig / profile).

    You get paid after a buyer purchases what you're selling, you complete the work, the work gets accepted, and then wait (usually) 14 days to withdraw the funds.

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  15. As others have said above, I'm guessing the profile or gig was low quality, plagiarised or Fiverr spotted it was a second account by the same user. Whatever it is it really isn't hard IMO to get a profile / gig approved. I almost think you'd have to purposefully try hard to not get approved. But maybe I'm being harsh.

    As for how to improve, I'm slightly torn on how much help to provide (this is in general to all sellers asking for help, not specifically this topic). I have in the past done a full review for someones gig on the forum and told them what to change it to (I was bored), but now I'm increasingly thinking the right approach is to point out the errors / failings (if you're feeling generous), but not point out what to change it to and instead just link a post / topic that helps. There is enough info out there, aspiring sellers that don't seek it out (beyond saying 'help') are just lazy IMO and don't deserve success here (or anywhere maybe!).

    My thinking is you can't offer a paid service to improve a sellers gig, and although this forum advice isn't paid, I still think telling people what to change their gig to is going against what/how Fiverr should be and what Fiverr wants.

    A gig / profile should be the Sellers creation and not the result of successful Sellers telling you what to change it to. It's one of the few things buyers have to make a judgement on whether to use the Seller. By doing this we are in fact, to a degree, helping Sellers to mislead / deceive Buyers.

    Similarly, If you outsource (in certain circumstances) you have to make it clear to the buyer, so perhaps sellers should also say on their profile 'thanks to @vickieito @theratypist @williambryan392 @lloydsolutions @newsmike for improving my gig / profile'.

    But am I being too harsh? I fear I'm in a grumpy mood!

    (I'm not criticising you @animie_video, I'm interested in your thoughts on this!)


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  16. Sharing on social won’t do much IMO unless they’re your target audience and they already trust you.

    If your gigs and profile are fully optimised, then I’m guessing some private reviews weren’t great and that tanked your visibility. Or, it could be just a bit of rotation to give others a chance.

    As @imagination7413 links there can be a sales slump after levelling up, and also sales slumps in general. If you’re delivering quality over time then I would expect everything to recover and improve eventually.

    • Like 6
  17. You know being online all the time makes no difference right? It not a rookie thing, it’s a stupid thing. I’d suggest saving your PC and a little bit of the environment.

    As for what you can do, did you search the forum or check out the tips for sellers category?


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  18. Interesting for sure. I wonder if we’ll see a few of those well known TRS Pro sellers that have a team updating their gig descriptions. On the call the other day with that copy seller that did a mil in 2 years they said that they didn’t tell buyers they had a team of writers  (I’m not saying they denied it if asked by a buyer, but they don’t state it, you definitely think it’s being done by the profile owner).

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