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Posts posted by williambryan392

  1. Nothing that @jonbaas, @vickieito or @mariashtelle1has said is incorrect @lei_ghton and I don’t think anyone was trying to be mean or patronising. They were just trying to be clear.

    BRs are changing and shouldn’t be depended on anyway (IMO). Fiverr releases new/different features to different user groups at different times to test (most global marketplaces do this to reduce risk).

    There’s lot of great info on the forum, and the successful sellers that have contributed in this thread above regularly make other great posts. I’ve learned lots from them, and we even sometimes disagree which is also ok 😃.

    I suggest you check out the ‘tips for sellers’ category, lots of great info there for growing your fiverr business.


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  2. Hello,

    The forum is 99.99% Sellers & Buyers, Fiverr staff occasionally stop by with an announcement or for moderation purposes but if you've encountered a bug you should contact support (support@fiverr.com). I was going to suggest that you may need to create a new brief, but given the error message contains the word 'Fraud' I suggest you send a screenshot to support.



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  3. Hello @lindasakinah, welcome to the fiverr forum and best of luck with your fiverr journey!

    I have to say that the advice above is bad advice. I suggest you do not follow it.

    Posting on social media and staying active on Fiverr will not help you.

    What will help you is optimising your gigs, and providing great value to buyers.

    If you are serious about being successful on Fiverr then I suggest you read the below topic, in particular section 3...


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  4.  I kinda feel if fiverr really wanted it used it would be a requirement for trs or pro. Like solid requirements, spelling, FAQs, portfolio etc. If you don’t have those you’re not getting promoted. But no video, no problem.

    On 8/2/2022 at 7:00 AM, vickieito said:

    he is an artist,

    Yeah, for visual things it does make more sense, I get you. Again, the way video clicks and promoted gigs work I’m kinda avoiding it. Also not disagreeing, I just think it’s case by case. 
    I currently have too much time on my hands clearly. Why did I go out of office 😂


    On 8/2/2022 at 7:00 AM, vickieito said:

    getting 15x the returns with my Promoted Gigs and having the videos, so they're not hurting me.

    That’s awesome! I’m gonna go watch your videos, I’m curious!

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  5. Good post and I agree with everything entirely except the gig video. I’m not saying you’re wrong at all. I just think it’s open to debate…

    For certain gigs it is practically a necessity such as video editing or voice over. 

    However for others, such as say a business plan or LinkedIn writing I’m not sure it adds value.

    The reason I chose not to add a video is that I want people to click through to my gig and read the info and not decide whether to click through based on a short video. Ultimately it’s far easier to make a good thumbnail and solid gig description than create a premium video (IMO) and not having a video hasn’t held me back. If your video is generic / stock / amateur I think it’ll do more harm than good.

    I used to have a video (a few different types) and it didn’t make a difference I feel. I’ve done far better since removing them.

    Also, one final thing to add, if you have a video, just clicking play of that video thumbnail counts as a click if you’re using promoted gigs, even if they don’t then click through to your gig. That was what put me off adding new videos for now.

    Internally they are doing a category by category review on whether gig videos actually increase conversion because there is debate around this. It varies by category. Some categories it may even harm clicks conversion. The data needs to be reviewed. Indeed my SSM told me not to bother for now because I’m not selling video / audio. The ‘up to 40%’ is a bit misleading and I think that’s probably specific to video / audio gigs etc.



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  6. Hello @sojib_mia0, welcome!

    The forum can be a great place but you need to do some research yourself. There are lots of posts here that can help you, if you’re willing to put in the work, read them and take action.

    I suggest you start by searching and reading this:

    Best of luck!

    @sohelsamy what are you congratulating him before? I don’t see a success story here (yet!). Please be sure to read the posts and make sure your comments add value, otherwise you could be marked as spam. 

    • Like 7
  7. It sounds like your key words / gig seo is good if you’re getting impressions.

    But if you’re not getting clicks I think your gig thumbnail image or pricing isn’t attractive.

    If you’re getting clicks but no orders then your gig description / offering / pricing isn’t attractive.

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  8. 2 hours ago, vickieito said:

    There are three reviews that buyers get to leave after each order

    Ah ok! Didn't realise there are 2 private reviews. I just thought those were different types of the 1 private review.

    I was previously pretty sure that a cancellation meant there wouldn't be a review. I've seen some buyers here complain of not being able to leave a review after a cancellation. But now I'm not so sure!

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  9. 3 hours ago, vickieito said:

    If buyers can see a negative review from a seller before giving their private reviews, I'm not sure how "honest" this review is.


    This is why I'm a coward and always review buyers as 'great buyer'. (I know, I know, some sellers will judge me for this (fair enough)).

    The truth is after a bad experience I don't want to add fuel to the fire and just want to move on.

    To be clear though, re the above, and please correct me if I'm wrong? (I've bought quite a bit but may be forgetting):

    1) There are only 2 reviews. 1 private. 1 public.

    2) Buyers are prompted (more than once) to provide them if they have not provided one or both of them.

    3) The weighting of the private feedback has no link with the prompt to provide it / the time that has elapsed (I don't see why it should).

    4) There is not a second private review.


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  10. On 7/9/2022 at 3:48 PM, frank_d said:

    the majority of this forum doesn’t read anything

    Ah i've missed this place 😆

    Thanks as always for the info Frank, BRs getting a makeover has to be a good thing, it can't be much worse can it.

    Funnily enough buyer 'labels' came up on a call about a month ago, and how they are pretty useless to sellers in detemining a clients professionalism / likelihood to buy etc (vs. seller insights which are very useful). I guess the 'certified' client is Fiverr's new way to differeniate. Here's hoping!


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  11. 2 hours ago, lortui said:

    Thanks for sharing it @williambryan392 this is very helpful!

    I'd like to ask you for some general feedback, please.

    I see you are using your own name on Fiverr. I see other top-rated sellers are using their company's name.

    I work with a team of other freelancers. To grow my brand etc do you think I should just close my current profile (with my name) and just open a new seller's profile with my Company Name? Is it important to show that my company has a team of freelancers and experts instead of just showing me as a 1 team member on Fiverr?

    I feel like most of the successful sellers here have a company brand profile and are getting many orders compared to a 1 man show business profile. If you have any advice it would be very appreciated! Thank you so much!

    Good question, and there's no clear answer, but here are my thoughts....

    You can be successful here whatever your username is.

    The quality of your work, gigs, feedback etc is what matters.

    I came to fiverr as a buyer and then started selling months later, so that's why I don't have a cool business name.

    Plenty of TRS use their own name.

    I think 'people buy/trust people'. It's why Fiverr insists on a real/human photo for your Business Marketplace profile image. So maybe a name is better. But I don't think it actually makes much difference.




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