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Posts posted by williambryan392

  1. Yes. You can reject buyer briefs. You should reject ones that are not suitable. The AI will learn and will provide you with better briefs.

    Also, please just use the defaults font size when writing on the forum. Your topic was hard to read. Thanks!

    @vickieitoput this together, you should read it:

    Here are 16 tips to train the AI to get better matches:



    And here's more information on what you can do to improve your gigs so that you get better matches:


    @mariashtelle1 recommended this webinar to me (see last video in the link below) and I really liked the "Best Practices" tips that start about the 8:00 minute mark and the Q&A that starts at the 45:00 minute mark. It has really good tips that can help you improve your chances of orders:


    I also found @vickiespencer's buyer perspectives on the Brief & Match feature (scroll to see all of her comments):


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  2. On 12/3/2022 at 1:19 AM, nazimbhuiya said:

    We two brothers provide the same service , we both use two accounts really, our wi-fi line is the same , the rest of the complete information is different, now what can i do? you can give a better solution????please  everything is differnt , just the same ip,

    is it possible to continue like this, without incurring a penalty

    This has already been answered:

    On 12/3/2022 at 1:19 AM, nazimbhuiya said:

    Two computers on one wifi is not a problem.

    Two Fiverr accounts on one wifi is not a problem.

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  3. 5 hours ago, intro6 said:

    He clearly said, he isn't comfortable sharing his password and he only wants to give access with my email ID. 😞

    You are allowed to share email IF it is necessary to complete the gig. However, to be extra safe I would email support@fiverr.com and explain the situation. They should understand, and then if you get a warning for it later you can say that you checked with support and they said it was OK.

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  4. Well said @damooch916. It's great to see an increase of intelligent and helpful contributions from the likes of @vickieito @breals @sunboatrecords . It's made the place better for sure! 

    On 11/30/2022 at 4:34 PM, sunboatrecords said:

    In any case, I admire the wonderful @vickieito who tries to help all these people day in and day out

    Yep agree, it's admirable, the patience of a saint! 

    On 11/30/2022 at 4:34 PM, sunboatrecords said:

    I was lurking for months before I typed my first sentence here. I read all the valuable posts by my seniors.

    The sensible approach! Too many people don't read the information that's already available and instead expect to be spoon fed. 

    I wish others would do the same! Every day I get inbox messages about how to get orders on Fiverr and how to improve their gigs. I send links and tell them to read as that's the only way they will be more capable professionals in the long run. Spoon feeding obvious answers they could work out themselves won't make them better. It shows them that laziness is rewarded. It's like a teacher just giving the student the answer rather than showing them the route to get the answer. The classic 'give a man a fish' adage. I also fear that (in some way) it is helping sellers mislead buyers because their profile isn't their own work which is perhaps borderline unethical. This is why writing gig descriptions as a gig isn't allowed. Anyway, mini rant over, but darn, it annoys me so much and I'm so glad to have seen this new blood on the forum this year. Thanks again to you all! 

    Can't believe it's December already. Let's hope 2023 is great for us all and that the forum only continues to get better! 

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  5. It can take weeks or months to get your first order @mynul4266. In the meantime search the forum and look at the 'tips for sellers' category. There's lots of great advice there.

    I suggest you split your gig into multiple gigs. 'I will do data entry, copy paste, lead generation, web research' are separate tasks.

    Also, I don't know what 'copy paste' is as a service.

    @webdevexpert0 in case you don't know it's against Fiverr terms of service to use a profile image that isn't yours. I suggest you change it before you get reported / banned.

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  6. 5 hours ago, abeerazahid927 said:

    My client told me that he has given me ratings but its not showing up. I don't know what to do.  I've searched for this issue and many people are saying to get ratings i have to give feedback but still the option to rate my experience or giving the  feedback to buyer is not available there on that order page please tell me what to do

    Have you checked the app?

    I had a bug where I couldn't leave my review of the buyer on desktop.

    • Like 9
  7. I'll hide this topic shortly because like you say @mariashtelle1 it's incorrect / bad advice, and / or not original content.

    1 minute ago, filipdevaere said:

    Is there a reason why nobody is cleaning up the topics with false advice?

    @filipdevaere we really do try. It's a balancing act of allowing free speech and removing spam / incorrect advice.

    For example, in the above, staying active is bad advice, having an attractive gig image is technically not bad advice.

    It is however advice that is certainly not original which is why I'm happy to hide this.

    Also, being a mod isn't a full time thing, most of us are volunteers, and there's just too darn much of it to stay on top of it.

    There are daily user warnings and hiding of topics / comments. Most just don't see it happening.

    If you tag me or another mod (not all of us see when the report button is used) we can take a look 😃


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  8. 1 minute ago, vickieito said:

    The article below is 5 months old...do you still feel this comes into play in determining a seller's TRS status?

    oh absolutely, they are all still factors, it's still a very relevant and helpful post / topic! To caveat though, 'the pyramid' is quite variable as there are sellers that sell over multiple categories and I don't know how a shortage of TRS in one category and an over supply in another plays off against each other. I still think the overrarching rule of thumb is keep over delivering, make your buyers super happy and it will come. The funny thing is as soon as I stopped caring about it is when it happened for me. Like literally that month I was like 'screw it, I don't care' and boom it happened.

    • Like 11
  9. 35 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    fast-track to TRS

    This is just marketing to get more to be on the plan from what I've heard on the grapevine. By definition you're going to get a preference / fast track, because only certain sellers (great ones) get on the plus plan in the first place, and SMs want their people to get promoted, so whilst the review regularity is likely higher the chances are only increased because the seller is already great, not because of plan. I know a resume/linkedin writer that started this year that refuses to pay for anything (as much as I insist they should lol) and they made TRS 7 months in and then paused everything to go do other stuff. I guess because it came easy for them they didn't relish / appreciate it as much as the rest of us! I think he's been a bit sort sighted!

    • Like 12
  10. New gigs / new seller profiles are usually not allowed for one of three reasons:

    -The gig / profile is low quality.

    -The gig / profile uses copyrighted material.

    -The gig is against the terms of service.

    Just because you see other sellers selling a certain type of gig it doesn't mean that gig is allowed. It just means Fiverr hasn't gotten around to removing it yet. Some sellers have sold 1000's of gigs that break TOS and then have their gig removed.

    Fiverr could have made a mistake, it's possible, but they do want new sellers joining and selling.

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  11. Seriously @rakibmaruf?


    You literally copy and pasted this question from @ca7acly5m.

    All you did was change your age from 16 to 22 (nice catch, it would obviously just look crazy/silly if you kept the age the same).

    Why would you do it? Why do you keep doing it? It literally boggles my mind. I just don't understand it. Like why?

    Please tell me why, I genuinely want to know!

    There is no benefit to you, or any other seller or buyer, or any other human being in the world.

    Indeed, no one that has ever existed in humanity, or will ever exist until the end of time will benefit from this contribution.

    It adds no value to the forum and is once again plagiarism.

    It wastes the time of decent sellers such as @callyofficialthat genuinely just want to help other sellers.

    It puts people off using the forum when they see rubbish like this.

    STOP PLAGIARISING. Yes, the caps are intentional. Continuing to plagiarise, or give bad / incorrect advice will result in a ban.

    The forum can be a wonderful place, a place to learn and help each other become better sellers. Please use it constructively. Please post questions that you genuinely have that you can't find an answer for.



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    20 minutes ago, tharinduslaksha said:

    Is He Right ?


    @tharinduslakshait is inappropriate to comment on anyones personal appearance.

    The forum is a friendly and relaxed place, free speech is encouraged BUT commenting on someones appearance adds no value and won't be allowed.

    It's just not cool, and it doesn't help anyone. The forum is still a workplace, and professionalism is always expected.

    It seems to me that @filipdevaere took your comment as a joke, which is fortunate, he would be justified not to.

    Please don't comment on someones personal appearance again.

    22 minutes ago, tharinduslaksha said:

    'mo de ration team" What Is It ? (I'm New To Fiverr)

    @mariashtelle1 is referring to the Forum Moderation team (which I am part of).

    You are not new to Fiverr @tharinduslaksha . You've been on Fiverr since September 2021, and the Forum since October 2021.

    You should know the rules by now.

    22 minutes ago, tharinduslaksha said:

    how will he say as it is a scam

    @filipdevaere said 'spam', not 'scam'.

    I would agree, this topic from @forhadahamma143really doesn't add much value, which makes it spam.

    Additionally other comments from OP are usually 'nice' or 'ok' which again adds no value to the forum.

    So, friendly reminder to everyone, be respectful, don't make personal comments and please only contribute to the forum with well thought out, original and meaningful content.

    Failure to follow the rules can result in warnings, suspensions and bans.

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  13. 3 minutes ago, psykkopatte said:

    Same, it was all about the pandemic when the world was stuck, but I'm very sceptic about this platform and will leave when I'll find a real job

    During the pandemic I had a job for some of it, but no day to day work, so I could do consultancy for very a low price and build a good profile. It wasn't about the money, I just enjoyed doing it and it killed some time. Then when I was level 2 I was able to put my prices up to a semi-respectable level. Since then it's grown further. My view is that right now your goal shouldn't be making money, but building a great profile. You can then increase your prices.

    There are decent clients / multi-million (and even billion) dollar companies using Fiverr with big budgets. I really do think, with the right skills, experience and gigs you can make more here than a full time job. It's not certain, nothing is, but it is possible.

    I see you work in video, and i know some very successful video sellers here, there's no reason you couldn't be as successful or more so than them!

    • Like 8
  14. 21 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

    Can you share any links to local rentals?

    I just use airbnb, but others use myhome.ge & place.ge , and there are facebook groups, but to my detriment I dont use facebook

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  15. I enjoyed the philipines, but wifi could by tricky, especially on the islands (so ive heard) and you don't want to spend too long in manila.

    Love Tbilisi, chilled out, good food, and still pretty cheap.

    I want to Columbia, I hear great things about Medellín

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  16. Yep, that's me pretty much, i enjoy it. Currently back in Tbilisii, Georgia, but done a few other places this year. Going to UK for Christmas, then Canary islands I think, then maybe South Africa, not sure where after that. I love the lifestyle, just have to careful with the time difference. It can be tricky to find local communities, each place is a bit different with different styles, some are better than others, but as @katakatica it is out there, you just have to find it. Where would you like to go @strategist_ceo? I assume you're thinking of doing it?

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  17. 11 minutes ago, moikchap said:

    If it doesn't come up from this link, blame some kind of obscure fiverr bug. (I've found my reviews do or do not show depending which browser I'm in)

    Ah great, thanks for helping me do some stalking 🤣

    Have you paused your gigs / profile? I can't see your gigs or profile and you don't come up in search.

    Oh wait, I'm being an idiot I think, you're solely a buyer and are now considering starting to sell? I thought you were just considering adding new / different gigs!

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  18. I've got it but won't be using it. As others have said it doesn't help with the response time, I already have a list of tempates and it would be far too generic.

    The only thing I can think of is letting them know my sleeping hours so they understand why they may not get an immediate response, but I don't think it's worth it.

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  19. 51 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    The other people that I know don't think highly of Fiverr. So while they think my success on Fiverr nice, they don't understand why I even bother with it. 

    18 hours ago, psykkopatte said:

    My friends think/thought the same.

    They thought it was a bit of a joke when I started around 2 years ago. It kind of was to be honest, but it was the pandemic.

    They don't think the same now. They wonder why they're in their corporate jobs doing 60-80 hour weeks.

    I think more will come to Fiverr as the economy melts down.

    51 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    "Mom, don't deprive me of my childhood."


    51 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    You should give it a try! I deliberated for 2.5 years before posting my first gig. That's because I couldn't think of any skills. If you already know what skills to sell, that's half the battle. I think your buyer reviews all look good and communication was mentioned as your strong point. I think most "bad" reviews are result of poor communication, which, I don't think you'll have a problem with. 

    Again, agree! Just test it. You can always pause the gig if you don't like doing it, and assuming you already have and continue to get other good reviews I'm sure you could handle/absorb one average hit. How did you find @moikchapprofile @vickieito, it's not coming up in Fiverr search or google for me. Weird!

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