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Posts posted by williambryan392

  1. 2 minutes ago, breals said:
    7 minutes ago, mdsohelerana said:

    Please refrain from giving inaccurate advise. Staying online 24/7 DOES NOT increase your gig impressions, or likelihood of getting sales.  Please read the forum yourself before posting your opinion.  

    This is correct.

    Trying searching the forum for your answer.

    Type in ‘buyer request’ or ‘sales’ or ‘tips’. I bet you a million dollars there’s a post that will answer your question. 

    • Like 3
  2. On 8/20/2022 at 1:34 AM, gongor32 said:

    It seems to be too excessive to disable account for one report.

    Completely agree, but I have a doubt it's based on just one report. I expect 'one report' is just the straw that breaks the camels back, and it follows perhaps a theme of less than great private reviews, and perhaps CS/T&S also then review a number prior orders and make their decision.


    • Like 16
  3. 35 minutes ago, zeus777 said:

    Sorry, never heard of that before. Where did you get that info??

    There are quite a few different articles out there, I should have been clearer, you defintely do need wash it with water to get the dirt, polution and dead skin out, and to keep a clean scalp etc, but don't have to use shampoos / cleaning products on it.



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  4. 9 hours ago, smashradio said:

    I'm gonna take off at least 45 pounds before I'm happy.

    I started using omad (one meal a day) a couple of years ago. I have little self control and can use food as a crutch when I'm stressed or bored. 

    I don't do it constantly, but in spurts for a few weeks when my lack of self control gets the better of me. It does take some getting used to initially, but the benefits, in addition to the physical results is that it really helps with focus (no sugar highs or crashes) and also I just have more time because I'm not wondering about breakfast and lunch. I can enjoy a brilliant dinner of whatever I want, and I'm still in a calorie defecit.

    I want to ask all the hair aficionados @zeus777, @vickieito, @katakatica and anyone else... what do you think about shampoo....? Ok hear me out... I've heard that hair starts cleaning itself after a couple of months. Agree, disagree?

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  5. 12 hours ago, smashradio said:


    13 hours ago, fiveroptic1 said:

    My goodness - given the volume of orders and income some of these sellers are getting, I should create a gig for that too!! 

    I'm going to create a "I will perform a religious/new age ritual of your choice while wearing my black cloak and devilish Sigil of Baphoment satanic ornaments for five dollars". 


    Remember @smashradio… remind your buyers that if they aren’t positive it won’t work. Guaranteed 5* all the time, every time.

    • Like 5
  6. 2 hours ago, vickieito said:

    I make noises as I ease into and out of chairs

    With you on this one for sure! Same when I get into bed.... 'ahhhh bed is so good'.

    I started getting a few greys a couple of years back and now by stubble is becoming 'salt and pepper'- it's distinguished though isn't it? Isn't it!?!?

    Something positive is that I've started eating healthier, I feel much better for it, have more energy etc. Problem is I LOVE my food. It's almost a hobby. 

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  7. @mariam_funnel you describe yourself: 

    'As a digital marketer, my areas of expertise are AFFILIATE MARKETING, SEO OPTIMIZATION, SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING, and EMAIL MARKETING, SMS MARKETING. Let's Grow Your Business & Take It To The Next Level For Unlimited ROI'

    Therefore I'm surprised you're asking the question, however there is a link below to a post I suggest you read if you're serious about growing here. Pay attention to section 3. A very successful seller called Frank_D knows far more than most and you can see his advice there, and it's free!


    Additionally, I would suggest you use a photo of yourself (if you are this model then I apologise). Using a photo not of yourself is misleading and against terms of service. You can get banned and buyers won't trust you.

    https://www.freepik.com/premium-photo/photo-beautiful-black-lady-making-heart-figure-fingers-hands-smiling_28971155.htm#page=3&query=nigerian lady&position=30&from_view=keyword

    • Like 6
  8. 8 hours ago, james_google1 said:

    You are wrong, fiverr do partiality with Asians.  

    Pfffff this is rubbish. Fiverr doesn't care where you're from.

    Fiverr only cares if you're selling to happy buyers because then Fiverr makes more money!

    If you're not able to sell to buyers then Fiverr will reduce your impressions (this is not discrimination, this is capitalism).

    That's not because you're Asian, it's because you're not making sales and not making Fiverr any commission!

    There are plenty of TRS and other sellers at different levels from all over the world (including Asia!) making a good income on Fiverr.

    If you're not making sales don't blame Fiverr, or anything else for that matter. That's on you!

    You are solely repsonsible for your own success on Fiverr.

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  9. 1 hour ago, theratypist said:

    wordplay of therapist and typist

    It's a good name! Mine is so... boring!

    1 hour ago, theratypist said:

    hanging out in the forum for a while and I still find it a fun place (for many reasons hahaha)!

    Massive agree. Maybe there's something wrong with me but I do love when it escalated into a bit of drama 😆. @newsmike where are you!? I stayed away from here about 6 weeks or so and you don't seem to be here much any more! I'm missing your 'truth bomb' contributions!!

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  10. I don't think the half an hour timing is an issue (sometimes I make deliveries in that time frame) but I would clear this with support or your success manager if you have one to be safe.

    Fiverr may not like you representing their brand without permission.


    • If you're setting up a new account (for a demo) this is technically against ToS because you can't have 2 accounts.
    • You are also technically doing / getting someone to complete a fake order.

    Would you then demo the review process as well? The private and / or the public?

    • If so then you are also doing a fake review.


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  11. 4 minutes ago, miiila said:

    Be careful with that, though, as it can hit your response rate if you take out an old message.

    I feared as much, the message was 72 hours old so I expect it may well have dinged my repsonse time. Darn it.

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  12. Yep, I'm noticing more, although I also think the filter is working better. Perhaps it's even working too well though. I found a repeat buyer of mine had been moved to spam yesterday, nothing in the message was bad/spammy though so I'm now going to start checking the folder regularly.

    This was a recent interaction I had with another 'buyer'....


    Screenshot 2022-08-11 10.46.28.png

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