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Posts posted by williambryan392

  1. Welcome! 

    There are lots of great resources on the Forum (as well as the help centre) so please do look around, use the search feature and contribute constructively however you can. The link below is a post I put together that covers a lot of common questions, and great links to topics created by other successful sellers. If you're serious about growing on Fiverr I think it's well worth the time investment to read through it.

    Best of luck with your Fiverr journey and welcome again!

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  2. Welcome! 

    There are lots of great resources on the Forum (as well as the help centre) so please do look around, use the search feature and contribute constructively however you can. The link below is a post I put together that covers a lot of common questions, and great links to topics created by other successful sellers. If you're serious about growing on Fiverr I think it's well worth the time investment to read through it.

    Best of luck with your Fiverr journey and welcome again!

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  3. Welcome! 

    If your impressions are good then your gig title and tags sound good, but perhaps your gig description is putting people off from buying. Take a look at the competition. As for whether your 'gig is too lame', to be honest I've seen a lot of gigs that look lame to me but are successful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder as they say!

    There are lots of great resources on the Forum (as well as the help centre) so please do look around, use the search feature and contribute constructively however you can. The link below is a post I put together that covers a lot of common questions, and great links to topics created by other successful sellers. If you're serious about growing on Fiverr I think it's well worth the time investment to read through it.

    Best of luck with your Fiverr journey and welcome again!

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  4. Welcome! 

    There are lots of great resources on the Forum (as well as the help centre) so please do look around, use the search feature and contribute constructively however you can. The link below is a post I put together that covers a lot of common questions, and great links to topics created by other successful sellers. If you're serious about growing on Fiverr I think it's well worth the time investment to read through it.

    Best of luck with your Fiverr journey and welcome again!

    • Like 16
  5. Welcome! 

    There are lots of great resources on the Forum (as well as the help centre) so please do look around, use the search feature and contribute constructively however you can. The link below is a post I put together that covers a lot of common questions, and great links to topics created by other successful sellers. If you're serious about growing on Fiverr I think it's well worth the time investment to read through it.

    Best of luck with your Fiverr journey and welcome again! 

    • Like 23
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  6. Welcome! 

    There are lots of great resources on the Forum (as well as the help centre) so please do look around, use the search feature and contribute constructively however you can. The link below is a post I put together that covers a lot of common questions, and great links to topics created by other successful sellers. If you're serious about growing on Fiverr I think it's well worth the time investment to read through it.

    Best of luck with your Fiverr journey and welcome again!

    • Like 9
  7. Welcome! 

    There are lots of great resources on the Forum (as well as the help centre) so please do look around, use the search feature and contribute constructively however you can. The link below is a post I put together that covers a lot of common questions, and great links to topics created by other successful sellers. If you're serious about growing on Fiverr I think it's well worth the time investment to read through it.

    Best of luck with your Fiverr journey and welcome again!

    • Like 14
  8. 2 hours ago, vickieito said:

    Does anyone else want to confirm what I'm seeing?

    Yep, 100%.

    I haven't done any research, but I wonder if there is a country / geographical location & price point bias. I would expect so.

    E.g. US and $150 for a basic gig package logo.

    That would tie in with Fiverr's push / goal to get new high quality / high fee sellers on the platform.

    • Like 10
  9. 11 hours ago, theratypist said:

    However, I am still wondering as to what the qualifications are for this..... Because the person who got the badge above has 1 review and the last delivery was a year ago.

    The qualifications for the rising talent badge still need work in my opinion.

    I recently purchased from a rising talent, US based seller- the profile looked great. What I received was heavily plagiarised, clearly not written by a native English speaker and was littered with spelling mistakes and poor punctuation.

    I researched the profile and discovered that the gig profile photo was of a model and the gig description was plagiarised from another seller.

    This other seller also had a very similar user name, so either the new seller couldn't even think of their own user name, or I believe had multiple accounts.

    I reported the profile, and left less than desirable private feedback on the order.

    Sadly they are still shown as rising talent so I don't really know what to make of it and I'm not certain how 'hand picked' they actually are.

    9 hours ago, danno1950 said:

    I just got a Fiverr's Choice badge on one of my gigs - I only discovered it when a buyer placed an order that had the badge on it.

    If your gig looks great, and your private feedback has been similarly great you've got a chance to get this so congrats! I think there is also automation here but I definitely trust the Fiverr choice badge more than the rising talen badge.

    • Like 11
  10. On 10/16/2022 at 11:29 PM, alamin_shaikh said:

    Hello Sir, here I just shared my experience. Why should I say what others are doing? Do I copy and paste from online to make a comment? A lot of people have reacted haha after seeing my comment reply, however you can review my gig

    I'm hiding your post because you can't share your gig link in this forum category. If you want to share it please do so in 'improve my gig' or 'my fiverr gigs'

    FYI, I think it's likely your gig will get removed by Fiverr if you offer 'guaranteed $1000+ monthly passive income'.


    Because you can't guarantee results like this (I think!). 

    • Like 8
  11. There was a bug showing everyones impressions at zero. It should be fixed now / soon.

    On a separate note, being active doesn't help you to be successful to be here.

    • Like 14
  12. No one knows for certain but....

    Everything is considered by the editorial team for a seller to become TRS.

    ASP is one thing, and the more money you make the more money Fiverr makes. 

    However, there's not a specific number, and if there is a) no one here knows and b) it will vary by service and category.

    My opinion is that ASP should matter to YOU! If it's increasing that's a good sign for your business because you're (probably) making more money.

    Also, too many people worry about getting TRS, just do a great job and you can make a lot of money whatever your level is.

    • Like 6
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  13. 2 minutes ago, logomarcketplac said:

    Means, Can you explain?

    He means you should stay at your computer or on your app all the time so buyers see that you are online.

    This does not help.

    No successful seller I know does this.

    Please do not waste your time by just trying to stay active.

    Instead I suggest you invest in your skills and your gigs.

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  14. 2 hours ago, ben_grahicx said:

    Having million of goods without buyers to buy them is just waste of time. 

    But there are buyers here, lots of them.

    There are also sellers selling here, lots of them (not just having gigs live, but actually selling them).

    • Perhaps you are selling something few want to buy.
    • Perhaps you have too much competition.
    • Perhaps your competition is offering a better price.
    • Perhaps your competition looks or communicates better.

    Obviously everyone can believe what they like, and building a business is about testing strategies and prayer could be one of them, but I think you can do other things as well as prayer.

    I tried prayer to win the lottery and to save my fathers life. It didn't work for me.

    I didn't try prayer to make sales on Fiverr, yet I have managed to sell my gigs.


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  15. 4 hours ago, vickieito said:

    Thanks @williambryan392! I might take you up on that!

    Seriously please do! There's only so much time in the day to find these and take action. It's like holding back the tide sometimes. I usually browse the forum for 30 minutes with my morning coffee and you'd be making it much quicker / easier to clean up!

    4 hours ago, vickieito said:

    The tendency seems to be to accept one of the first answers as "the answer" ...even if 5 TRS come in later and refute the answer. This is why I search for threads where there are no answers yet, because I have a chance at giving a good response and making an impression on the OP before the "stay online" promoters jump on.

    True, and people don't read the whole thread. That's why I think downvoting comments would really help steer the forum to a better place.

    • Like 4
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  16. 60 clicks and 4 orders? That's not a bad conversion rate in my book.

    If you're getting less impressions perhaps you got a bad private review, or perhaps your competition has been doing better than you and they are now being given more impressions.

    Perhaps it's just the nature of freelancing - ups and downs.

    Perhaps you should look to improve your thumbnails, or description or tags.


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  17. 10 hours ago, vickieito said:

    This might work if the answer is really the correct one.


    Spot on. That's the issue we face here, I think we've all seen the echo chamber of 'stay online, social media, blah blah'.

    We've also all seen sellers with no sales advising other sellers on how to get sales.

    9 minutes ago, cartoon_avatar said:

    The chances of marking an unhelpful reply as best answer are quite low.

    I fear it's not that low. Each day I see 'stay online' being liked/upvoted. The same people would mark this as being the correct answer for not knowing better.

    12 minutes ago, cartoon_avatar said:

    May be OP does not find any of the replies as an appropriate answer to his/her question and might need further clarifications.

    True, but I also think 99% of the time the question has already been asked and answered, often countless times. Most OPs don't try to search the forum first but that's kind of a separate issue.

    Perhaps an alternate solution would be to only allow sellers of a certain level (be that forum, Fiverr or a blend of both) to answer topics in the Fiverr questions category.

    Or actually, I would also like to see more downvote options across the forum. These could also impact / remove forum points.

    I think that the loss of forum points would really give a lot of people pause for thought before answering, and they'd quickly learn if an answer wasn't the best.

    I say this because points / levelling up seem very important to people here, perhaps because they incorrectly think it impacts their Fiverr performance. Some just 'like' everything they see.

    FYI the reporting function can be slow, so if you ever see anything that is just super spammy / bad / incorrect you can tag me and I'll take a look / action.

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  18. Fiverr already offers courses and badges / certificates. They also have levels and ratings and reviews that are based on your experience on Fiverr.

    What more would you like?

    1 hour ago, azmain7 said:

    If Fiverr provide this, we can utilize that many ways...

    How would you utilize it?

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