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From almost broke to $30K a month! Just because of fiverr!


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May be its too late to share the story but I believe, it will inspire someone who is expecting something from fiverr.

I am from India. When I was 5, my father died in Cancer & my mother had gone through a lot of struggle to raise me & my sister. Though her average salary is equivalent to $150/month, she has provided the best possible environment. When I was in college, she lost her job due to very bad heath conditions. There was few thousand dollars (equivalent in our currency) with her and she gave me tat money to start my business.

Well, I was in this internet marketing & service providing field from early 2011. I struggled in my business & was in huge debt… I had lost almost all my money & there was less than $200 in my currency in my family account combined! Yes, WE WERE BROKE.

At that time, I had opened my fiverr account & started setting “banner design service”, I got 3 sales on my first day that is January 17, 2013. In couple of months it reaches to $2000… I got hope again… I got equivalent income for next few months. After that I have started to enhance my fiverr business. We are from India, lifestyle over here is not that high. Even $1K/month can be considered as good income if one is not in metro cities… I can hire very affordable services from local market to enhance my business. Due to which, I was started to earn around $8000 - $8500/month…

Mean while in November 2014, I got married & bought a new car too. All expenses are managed by fiverr!! Story doesn’t end here. I have started to enhance my fiverr business even further from initial time of 2015 & I was able to make $15000 on average from fist 3 to 4 months… Right from this point, my logo design gig is on the top of entire category in “High Rating”. It was on 1st position when we open subcategory page. Then I have bought a corporate office, having capacity of 60 professionals along with my executive class chamber.

And in last 4 months I have made $115K+ EXCLUSIVELY because of fiverr! (after deduction of 20% of fiverr, without deduction, it can be $144K+)

I am leaving a better lifestyle, getting experience of managing a growing company, doing what I love & still getting paid better than ANY JOB that I can get. Even this is better than any job that my friends have in USA as software developer from 3 years.

Yes, this not impossible. If you are on fiverr, you can do it. Fiverr has given me the opportunity of lifetime. I am 25 years old & if everything will go as per expectation, in next 5 years, I can build an empire in service providing sector in India. And this all is because of fiverr. If fiverr won’t there, I don’t know what I would become. Thank you fiverr for being a part of my business.



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congrats! what an inspiration. I don’t do logo designs but Ido alot of company or logo adverts. I offer my service and give 300% for my clients. I hope to achieve even half of what you have accomplished here as well

well done!

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Guest webexpert1313

Wao !! Great Achievement Really !! Congrats with our Heart!! Best of Luck for your bright future.

I am also love fiverr and i hope fiverr change my life 🙂

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Reply to @emjayye: Strategy is the key to success over here. Look into figures & understand what can increase the clicks & sales…
For example, I can achieve this with 900k+ impression & 42k+ clicks…
Increasing your clicks will lead you towards moooore sales!

Good luck!

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