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About akib0079

  • Birthday 07/28/1998


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  1. https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/payments-and-withdrawals/withdrawals/unable-to-withdraw-funds/create-ticket submitting a ticket following this link might help, here support team can only solve this issue, as for I am aware of
  2. yes, to be fair these are scammers who are using Fiverr to scam regular sellers. I know Fiverr has taken a good amount of measures to keep all the sellers in check and updated to avoid these situations.
  3. @Lena thank you as always I know Fiverr's internal team is working hard to protect us from these scam messages. I was a bit amazed as I received 3 messages within a few hours, I will make sure to inform support regarding these spam or scam messages
  4. I just got 3 scam messages within a few hours of timeframe, one named Bot Helper. wondering these messages seem legit, some sellers who don't have any idea will definitely click on the links.
  5. we do hope the same. in this situation, we humbly request everyone's assistance. as situation here still somewhat normal, should get better within the upcoming week
  6. usually, this happens when the buyer is a scammer or their id got restricted. this shouldn't cause you any harm
  7. this is definitely a scam, please be aware. there are a lot of helpful topics here in fiverr forum regarding how to spot a scam https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/328977-suggestion-fiverr-could-send-a-message-to-fiverr-users-warning-them-about-scams/
  8. This might be a bug on the mobile app, the best thing to do would be to keep trying this process and inform Fiverr support regarding this issue that you are facing, trying this with another phone might help too (if you have any other personal devices give it a try)
  9. A big thank you from me too, for being this much considerate of us. still, network connections are down it was turned on for some testing purposes, today only industrial connections are working so that offices and banks can operate.
  10. you really faced an issue on this, you should definitely inform Fiverr support regarding this. hopefully, it won't affect the success score
  11. thanks for being patient, currently network connections are still unstable, and mobile network roaming is still under maintenance, some wifi/broadband connections are getting back on track. Hopefully, all the freelancers will get back within tomorrow.
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