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Without buyer request who are getting orders?



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59 minutes ago, chathudis said:

Cant find byer request 

Fiverr got rid of buyer requests more than 6 months ago. It was replaced by the Brief & Match feature. Make sure to turn this on from your Gig pages to enable this feature!

Here's more information on briefs:


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1 hour ago, expro_designer said:

I think fiverr should launch a seller club for new seller. I don't know if it exist or not. But sharing my thought. That seller can share their daily design there and buyer can visit these page also and can choose their seller from there too.

Sorry, you have to work hard and fight to stand out against those who got here before you just like everyone else did No training wheels. 

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2 hours ago, expro_designer said:

I think fiverr should launch a seller club for new seller.

A club for new sellers will not make new sellers successful. Change your mindset. Stop considering yourself to be a victim, and make yourself a winner.

Yes, strategy, experimentation, and research will be required. Nothing is given for free. You need to work to earn your success.

2 hours ago, expro_designer said:

That seller can share their daily design there and buyer can visit these page also and can choose their seller from there too.

This already exists. We call it the Fiverr marketplace.

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4 hours ago, expro_designer said:

I think fiverr should launch a seller club for new seller. I don't know if it exist or not. But sharing my thought. That seller can share their daily design there and buyer can visit these page also and can choose their seller from there too.

That’s sounds like a good idea.

From what I’ve noticed, it’s like some sellers who’ve been here for a while do not want new sellers to have the “easy” route.

For clarity, it’s my opinion. I will not argue. You’ll argue alone 

1 hour ago, jonbaas said:

A club for new sellers will not make new sellers successful. Change your mindset. Stop considering yourself to be a victim, and make yourself a winner.

There’s nothing wrong with that idea. If it is not successful, Fiverr can remove it the way the removed BR.




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4 hours ago, expro_designer said:

I think fiverr should launch a seller club for new seller. I don't know if it exist or not. But sharing my thought. That seller can share their daily design there and buyer can visit these page also and can choose their seller from there too.

Launching a club for new sellers could be done on the new community hub (or here on the forum):

Any new seller can apply to lead the community. New sellers would be able to share their daily designs, showcase their best work, and have various discussion. This new seller community would have to lay down the ground rules of the club (such as "there are no such things a stupid questions" or "only supportive conversations" or "only sellers with the 'new seller' designation can be in this club").

The only thing is, there might be a high turnover since many new sellers may quickly move up the ranks and only be in the club for 1 month. This might also make it difficult to have a community leader who is also a new seller. You might want to expand it to include anyone who published a gig within the last 12 months. The likelihood of a buyer joining this community would be low. There aren't many buyers on the forum to start with (these are mostly sellers who also buy).

To be found by buyers, the only thing Fiverr currently has is the search criteria. Buyers have to manually select "new seller" in order to see all the new talent on the platform:



New Sellers can still show off their best work in their gig galleries (3 pictures, 2 PDFs, and gig video). Not too many new sellers take advantage of this gallery to show off their work, but it was my work samples in my gig galleries that got me orders when I had few reviews as a newbie seller. When buyers see your work, they are more likely to buy.

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14 minutes ago, jonbaas said:

New sellers can work hard to earn their success, the same way experienced sellers earned theirs.

So new sellers should only earn their success the exact way experienced sellers earned theirs?
I always say Fiverr is an evolving platform and a personal experience, but to each their own. 

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5 hours ago, vibronx said:

Exactly! I'm a buyer, and I only used BRs maybe three times out of now 250 orders. I usually look through the gigs of both new and established sellers. And I think many buyers do the same. So, I do give everyone a chance to impress me. However, I gotta admit that new sellers have disappointed me more often than not, and often their gigs just don't look that great, so 95% of the time, I'll end up choosing an established seller.

If I had a very strict budget, though, I would still choose new sellers as I used to primarily do.

And I gotta say that I think Fiverr thought primarily about the buyers when deciding to get rid of BRs. It was an absolute mess from the buyer's side. It just wasn't a good look for Fiverr with all the spam and incoherent messages you would get, and I think many buyers would be turned off from buying on Fiverr if they went there. In addition to the three times I did end up buying from BRs I tried several more times without getting anything but spam, spam, and more spam from people who didn't understand or even read my requests. Out of 50 messages, you would get maybe two or three coherent ones if you have a straightforward request. But as soon as it's something a little specific, you will get nothing but unrelated spam offers.

great perspective - should be pinned somewhere.  Even as a new seller, I completely agree with what you are seeing.  Buyers reputations and jobs could be on the line depending what they do and if their is a deadline and they get a poor quality output.

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Thanks for jumping into the conversation @minordetails! It's really good to see someone who is a new seller, in this current market, who was able to get their first order in a little over a week of posting their first gig.

7 hours ago, vickieito said:

Any new seller can apply to lead the community.

I think you'd make a great community leader for new sellers. I believe the challenges that many new sellers have is loneliness (that they are alone in their struggles), fear (of the unknown, which comes with being new to the game), and a number of limiting beliefs that make them think that they are fighting the impossible game.

I don't think the purpose of a new seller club is to get "more sales," but to help new sellers get the community support that they need to stay motivated and have the resilience needed to ride through the challenges that come with starting a new business.

As a new seller, do you think new sellers are adequately supported to be successful? What do you think would be helpful and what would you like to see?

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20 minutes ago, vickieito said:

Thanks for jumping into the conversation @minordetails! It's really good to see someone who is a new seller, in this current market, who was able to get their first order in a little over a week of posting their first gig.

I think you'd make a great community leader for new sellers. I believe the challenges that many new sellers have is loneliness (that they are alone in their struggles), fear (of the unknown, which comes with being new to the game), and a number of limiting beliefs that make them think that they are fighting the impossible game.

I don't think the purpose of a new seller club is to get "more sales," but to help new sellers get the community support that they need to stay motivated and have the resilience needed to ride through the challenges that come with starting a new business.

As a new seller, do you think new sellers are adequately supported to be successful? What do you think would be helpful and what would you like to see?

@vickieitoThanks for the kind words. This is not my first go around.  I was a seller on eBay and then Amazon.  I have to clarify I have horrible ADHD, so when I started to send shipments into FBA, that was the spot I was in and I benefited from talking to others, mostly on Facebook.  While the forums are great, I could not respond last night to your mention as I hit my limit for the day.  So, I can't help anyone or support them if I cannot respond.  But, I get it.  It could be viewed as a spam mechanism.  Now, as far as help, there is plenty of it within Fiverr and off Fiverr.  Maybe it could be better organized.  Sometimes reading something from the place that some feel is not "giving" them orders is not going to be read, but it is helpful to cross-learn from the TOS, community standards, some of the top posts in the form.  Also, people should be given the option during forum set up to put their seller profile URL in.  It makes it SO much easier to help people. I actually filled out the whole mentoring application but when it got to the video, I closed the tab :). If management would want to have a peer group/focus group, count me in.  I have over 50 years of work experience.  Yes, I started at 4. We all benefit if we can help other sellers achieve certain standards. Any ebay seller knows some of these challenges.

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5 minutes ago, catwriter said:

Do you think it's difficult to go to one's profile, click on "edit profile", and put their seller profile URL in like you did?

It is not, and it baffles me why people ask generic questions without having the link in the profile. That is the first thing I tell people to do.  They can also see how many are looking at their profile and it potentially gives them traffic. It might not be qualified traffic, but it is traffic. 

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Hi to any new sellers,

I haven't read through all of this thread as it is quite long but I wanted to share how I went from new seller to top rated in a relatively short period of time. Put yourself in the buyers' shoes. When you are picking someone for a job why do you choose one person over another? If you see sellers with a similar level of skill you will pick the one with the most good reviews OR the cheapest. Basically if you haven't been on the platform long enough to get lots of good reviews then you need to be CHEAP! Get yourself some jobs by being a great price for the buyers and then once you have the excellent reviews from giving an amazing service, people will be picking you for your reviews and you can put your prices up.

That's how I did it.

Hope that helps! Like any successful business put giving your customers a great service at the top of your priorities. And don't give up 🙂. Fiverr has earned me more than I ever could have imagined and the irony is I never went into it to earn money. I was only interested in the experience of doing the jobs themselves, which I love. The money was a surprise extra. 🙂 The most important thing is to enjoy the experience. Good luck all! 

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On 11/10/2022 at 7:28 PM, ben_grahicx said:

I joined this platform getting to 5 already. I got my first order after a Month. The rest order was from buyer request I sent to buyer's offers. 

But it seems everything has changed now since this introduction of Brief matching. It will take a grace for the new seller's to get order like before. This new system won't be favorable to most of us that haven't got the chance to enter level 1 yet. It's getting to three months now. I haven't receive any brief for once. Many seller's are giving up already because of the new system. Some seller are receiving up to 5 to 10 brief in a day when some can't even get 1 it's really frustrating. 

Just make sure your gig is well created and is in order. I'm sure one day it will attract a potential buyer to buy your service. Don't give up and keep working on your skill and try to join social platform that offer your service. With that you can use the opportunity to promote your gig to attract some buyers that might need your service. 

I am a level 2 seller and ever since Fiverr decided to remove buyer requests I have not received new orders at all. You are right about giving up. It really feels frustrating and I have been looking to other freelance platforms but I do not want to start on them thinking about all the effort I spent on Fiverr and I will have to do the same all over again.
I can believe that buyer requests may have caused spam but for sellers like it is a big blow to have it removed. Because I always sent genuine requests and responded professionally. Now that buyer requests are removed you can do nothing but sit and wait.

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22 hours ago, premhamad said:

I have created new profile new gigs, I don't see the buyer request option?

How it works ?



Hello premhamad,

Fiverr has made the unfortunate decision to remove the buyer request option, which has significantly impacted the platform. As a result, it has become increasingly challenging for newcomers to find job opportunities on Fiverr. Even as a level 2 seller, I face difficulties securing enough jobs to sustain my freelance career. This change has posed significant challenges to the Fiverr community and has created a more competitive environment for sellers. We can only hope that Fiverr considers the impact of this decision and explores alternative solutions to support both new and experienced sellers on the platform.

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What's happening in the name of Briefs? It was better to set tight options for buyers before posting their jobs. Fiverr might update the sides of buyers so that there might not be any spam/scammers. First, they could verify the buyers' info; second, their motto of purchasing services; third, their payment method, etc. Like other platforms, Upwork and Freelance.com

Thus they could have stopped spam and scams. on the other hand, they should send the buyer requests to relevant sellers. Competition is a must. The most qualified ones will get hired. But if the buyers pick the wrong seller, this is their decision.

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Great! But then you must have been one of the early sellers of your category on Fiverr and again have had many previous orders. It is not easy for new sellers because their gigs show up at maybe page 3up. Rarely will a buyer search to that extent.

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