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  1. I have mentioned before that it could have been resolved with a solution rather than removing it altogether. For example, Fiverr could add a feature for buyers that could flag a certain offer that seems copy-pasted or spam. Then Fiverr could review that request and give a warning to the seller. At first, they could stop them from sending requests for a certain period of time and if the seller kept spamming they could have banned that seller. Again, I acknowledge that buyer requests we flawed but it did more good than bad in my opinion. In any case, it's gone and done with. I have no hope. What I can ask you, a Top seller is your advice. Can you review my account and give me feedback or general guidance?
  2. I agree. Both could work. But I have been watching a lot of videos and TRS sellers agree that this move made by Fiverr is detrimental for new sellers and it is essentially Fiverr signaling to them that there is no space for new sellers or sellers that do not provide quality in their work. For now, I am going to start to revamp my gigs in hopes of a better experience. But it is still like doing things in the dark. I am not sure what I am supposed to change in my gig to make it more appealing to Fiverr's algorithm. In my case, all the best for you. Let me know if anything helps you out.
  3. This is a horrible response to say to someone who is giving genuine feedback. In this way, you will simply push away sellers from your platform, or maybe that is your intention? We are part of the Fiverr community and our feedback matters. Instead, you are basically saying if you don't like the way things are here then get lost. Buyer request was a good feature that helped sellers like me get orders. I am not saying that it didn't had problems. But instead of solving said problems Fiverr decided to remove buyer requests altogether.
  4. It is sad to see HOW much business you have lost. But yes, the Auto Fiverr algorithm is absolutely dystopian in nature. I think it is anti-human as well. Because before you had the option to try hard and send compelling buyer requests but now you can do nothing but put your fate in the hands of a good-for-nothing algorithm that systematically only prefers top sellers and never gives a chance to help grow new and mid-tier sellers.
  5. I think everyone would be happy if Fiverr brought back the buyer request system again. It has destroyed so many seller's careers on Fiverr. The new system only appeals to people who are already established on Fiverr and never needed buyer requests to begin with.
  6. Trust me, Its not just you. I also relied on buyer requests. I don't know what Fiverr was thinking when they removed buyer requests. It has been detrimental to SO many sellers including me.
  7. As simple as I can reply. Nada, Nope, Nien. Initially, I got 1 or 2 briefs but they stopped and I have never received Briefs again. It's been almost a year and briefs are just a myth to me. Yes, I have toggled the option to receive briefs but no luck.
  8. I am glad that you took the time to respond. I am happy that you acknowledge the problem. But I might add, that the competition between new sellers is always increasing every year. So it gets harder and harder to establish yourself on Fiverr. I hope Fiverr understands this issue and works to resolve it. And like you said, you were not even aware that buyer requests were removed. Because you do not need it anymore. And then Fiverr only taking feedback from top-rated and established sellers makes less and less sense. I remember reading posts from TRS back in the day when Fiverr first removed buyer requests and how they were defending it. Saying that it was the right move. I was just stunned with no words. Like do you even understand the perspective of new sellers? Anyways. I hope Fiverr works on this.
  9. Will Fiverr EVER bring back BUYER REQUESTS? My name is Vakar Malik and I have been working on Fiverr since 2019. It took me a long time to become a level 1 seller and even longer to become a level 2. I received loads of redundant advice like working on SEO for your gigs, working on gig descriptions, and working on gig images. It just feels really frustrating because I tried everything and nothing seems to be working. If you ask me from my experience what helped me get orders? Well, my answer would be buyer requests. I got most of my orders from buyer requests. It allowed me to directly engage with the buyers and let them know about my thoughts on their project and how I would approach it. I have had satisfied sellers only ever since I started working on Fiverr. Imagine my surprise when Fiverr announced that it was going to remove the buyer request feature. I knew it was going to be devastating for me but promises were made that Fiver's own algorithm would work to match buyers and sellers. it felt great on paper but feels abysmal in implementation. It removed the chance for new sellers to struggle on Fiverr. It removed the human element from Fiverr. Now a dystopian algorithm will decide whether you are worthy of work or not. You get no say in whether you are competent or not. The algorithm will DECIDE FOR YOU. Everyone can agree that people usually start at the bottom and work their way up. They could be improving their skills or establishing themselves as a reliable seller on Fiverr. BUT NO MORE, because let Fiverr decide for you. Oh, you have not worked on Fiverr before? you must be a novice you cannot handle this... goes the Fiverr's algorithm. I understand that the reason Fiverr's buyer request was removed was because of buyers spamming it and not using it properly. I acknowledge that it must have been a problem. But was REMOVING buyer requests altogether the way to go? Instead of putting a badaid on a limb fiverr decided to rip off the limb itself. You could have worked on making Fiverr's buyer request a better experience for both the buyer and the seller but you decided to simply remove it. How is that helping it? Because Platforms like Upwork, freelancer, etc. work on the same principle and they are FINE! You cannot use the excuse that it was a problematic system that needed to be removed. If it was problematic then fix it! Don't REMOVE it. I also understand that Fiverr is well-connected with its community and asks its top sellers for advice on how things are going. Which is great! ( ON PAPER ). The thing is... Fiver's top sellers were doing fine without buyer requests. They had an established brand and clients they could rely on. So Fiverr listening to THEIR feedback did not help the middle and low-level sellers on Fiverr. I feel like I have been ranting for too long. But I needed it. This post is an amalgamation of months of frustration and constant disappointment and not feeling good enough and trying hard but not even understanding HOW to try hard on Fiverr other than making a gig and sitting and waiting for Fiverr's dystopian algorithm to notice you. My apologies if I said something wrong or got the facts wrong. This is written from my point of view. I hope This gets noticed by the relevant people. This is just not just my frustration. I am not alone in this. Please try to work on this issue.
  10. I am a level 2 seller and ever since Fiverr decided to remove buyer requests I have not received new orders at all. You are right about giving up. It really feels frustrating and I have been looking to other freelance platforms but I do not want to start on them thinking about all the effort I spent on Fiverr and I will have to do the same all over again. I can believe that buyer requests may have caused spam but for sellers like it is a big blow to have it removed. Because I always sent genuine requests and responded professionally. Now that buyer requests are removed you can do nothing but sit and wait.
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