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  1. After level one and earning $833, I have been stuck for 8 months. What can I do?
  2. sell one or two gigs, where you think, you are the best out of the best sellers in your category.
  3. Better not to work with. it may seem you will experience odds.
  4. I was tipped by some buyers though at first, I didn't know that buyers could tip sellers. Fiverr used to message after tips received from buyers. This is truly a fantastic experience working on Fiverr.
  5. I achieved a level 1 badge 8 months ago when there were buyer requests. I completed 27 orders and my rating is 4.8; but after the replacement of the buyer's request, I have neither received any briefs nor any orders as yet. Is there any hope of getting orders or any problems with my gigs? Can you help me?
  6. I achieved a level 1 badge 8 months ago when there were buyer requests. I completed 27 orders and my rating is 4.8; but after the replacement of the buyer's request, I have neither received any briefs nor any orders as yet. 

    Is there any hope of getting orders or any problems with my gigs? Can you help me?

  7. Take one skill and apply this to earn. Open one Gig and it will rank soon so you will get orders. Write proper description of your service for the clients Are you from Bangladesh?
  8. I appreciate your intention to earn, what services are you providing?
  9. The automated reply is within a few lines seeking more info regarding their projects and then a human approach to convince the client. Thanks, everyone for the nice presentation.
  10. Yes, I shared it as soon as I noticed your request. And can you help me what's problem with my profile? Every day I'm getting impressions and clicks on my promoted gig, but no orders yet.
  11. Why are my Inbox response time and earnings blurred on my dashboard?
  12. I see you've 7 gigs. My suggestion for u to keep one or two gigs at best in which services you're the best, and can cope with competitors, then your gig will get impressions, clicks, etc. try to showcase your talent and services for customs through your gig descriptions
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