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About venonusa

  • Birthday 01/16/1904


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  1. you have 2 gigs in the "LOGO DESIGN" section where there are thousands of other sellers..... perhaps you should create new services in categories where there are fewer competitors
  2. I agree with you, but please don't write "Customer Support mediation" because every time I contact customer support, they tell me that they cannot solve the problem, even though I show them that the work has been done correctly... then at at the end of the day customer service refunds the order.... and I worked for free.... In my opinion, customer service for sellers and customer service for buyers should improve, checking order by order so as to be able to refund the client if the order was not done correctly or deliver the order because the seller delivered the order as a Fiverr description.
  3. other Fiverr sellers have responded to this in the past by saying: Why should I do that with the Fiverr service when it is possible to do the same thing by directly linking to a service page on a personal website? so as to save the 20% Fiverr fee... Hey, it's not me saying these things, but they are the voices of other sellers who have responded in the past. I think most Fiverr sellers expect Fiverr to give traffic directly to Fiverr sellers' gigs...
  4. Yes, this is not clear why, it seems a bug on the app, if you don't log in from your PC you will receive an email stating that you have not reviewed the requirements...and most likely at that moment they are already attacking your performances... can you check it @Kesha ?
  5. I don't think our performance will be penalized if we contact Fiverr customer service.... but we can ask @Kesha for confirmation.
  6. you forgot that you have to maintain 4.2 to be a level 1,2, top..... for who in the past have archived a lot of 5 star reviews "maybe" will remain in their level, but a new seller will not be able to reach 4.2 stars to reach the first level.... This may mean that Fiverr is thinking of demoralizing new sellers so that they leave the platform and only "old" sellers with a good history reviews can continue working... or they are thinking to set a new "Seller Level"... example reducing level 2 to 3.2 stars.... @Kesha can you clarify it for us?
  7. @Kesha when this new system comes in, all sellers Level is expect to drop, so sellers with first level or second level or Top Rated will move to new sellers level..... or Fiverr will reduce the target that sellers has to keep to maintain its level? ( Since now to be a Level 1 or 2 or Top Rated need to have at least 4.2 stars )
  8. let's see what @Kesha says, because if the other metrics will be used "against" the seller's performance then it is better to remove.... since the client will have about 10 submetrics... and certainly they will bore the clients so as to leave "wrong" information
  9. We get a lot of these messages! They try to find as much information as possible so that they can re-sell same service to your, and they do it with their seller account....
  10. Hi @Kesha, do the metrics in the red boxes affect seller performance? or only the "emojis" will affect seller performance? Because if the metrics in the red boxes also affect the seller's performance, this means that the seller has 2 master metrics and about 10 sub metrics..... 😓
  11. Hi @Kesha since now we have private reviews and public reviews and it's not very clear for me.... can you explain how both reviews affect the seller's performance? Example: if a client leaves a public review with 1 star and also leaves a private review with 1 star, these are calculated as 2 "options" to be calculated in the seller's performance? or these are counted as 1 "option" to be calculated in the seller's performance?
  12. @Kesha I don't understand, why do private reviews have to exist? Private reviews seem like you're telling the client that they first left an untruthful public review, but now we're asking to client to leave a hidden truthful review... it seems like the system doesn't trust what customers say in the public reviews... so if the client decided the first time not to leave a public review, after a few days we send a second email to the client ( and it can annoying/irritating ) by asking to leave a private review, so having irritated the client for sure they will leave a private negative review ( for the system's fault.... ) According to my purchasing habits the best thing is to leave a review only when client accepts the order and client must also have the opportunity to refuse to leave a review, and this review to respect freelancer work and for compliance with clarity should be visible to everyone, so that the freelancer can improve himself work and other buyers can decide whether to buy from that seller or not.
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