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5️⃣ Fiverr Business Account for Sellers


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9 hours ago, smashradio said:

Just visit https://business.fiverr.com/business/marketplace and you'll get a very similar experience to the regular marketplace, but with Business only sellers

And once you're there, you can (almost) never get back to Fiverr Classic, at least that was my xp with both Pro and Business so far, once you clicked yourself there somehow, it's really hard to leave the labyrinth. Probably on purpose, though, not by unintuitive design, like siphoning would-be ticket creators through the Help Center. 😅

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3 hours ago, miiila said:

And once you're there, you can (almost) never get back to Fiverr Classic, at least that was my xp with both Pro and Business so far, once you clicked yourself there somehow, it's really hard to leave the labyrinth. Probably on purpose, though, not by unintuitive design, like siphoning would-be ticket creators through the Help Center. 😅

Haha - I bet! But if I want to work in the regular marketplace, all I have to do is visit Fiverr.com instead of business.fiverr.com so it's not really that difficult. But I don't have a business account, I'm just a business seller. Maybe it's different if you do? 

Help Centers have always annoyed me. If I'm looking for that help button, it's for a reason. But then again, I'm great at googling, so that siphoning isn't really meant for me. It's meant for all the "how to rank my gig"-people. I don't think the staff would survive if it weren't for that. 😂

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On 8/10/2022 at 6:24 AM, smashradio said:

Good lord. You're a veteran on the forum and still limited to five posts?

I think it has to do with tenure on the forum. I probably need at least 3 more months before I get more posting privileges.

Just so people know my limits (and I'm not ignoring them): I can post 5 times a day (this includes private messages), make 1 status update, and post 1 status reply per day.

On 8/10/2022 at 6:24 AM, smashradio said:

 Man that Newsmike voice makes me want to buy a bolt action rifle and go hunting with a bottle of whiskey and some raw chewing tobacco. 

I listened to both of your voiceovers and was blown away ... I love your voices! ...I'm bringing in @williambryan392 because we were having a discussion on how helpful/not helpful gig videos are: @williambryan392 - Have you seen @smashradio's and @newsmike's gig videos?! (much more powerful and higher converting than the mediocre gig videos we were talking about!)

On 8/10/2022 at 7:03 AM, smashradio said:

Actually, I found out that you can use the Business marketplace for free. That way, all the sellers you see will have gone through the vetting process. Just visit https://business.fiverr.com/business/marketplace and you'll get a very similar experience to the regular marketplace, but with Business only sellers. You don't even need a Fiverr Business account to access it. 

18 hours ago, theratypist said:

I was able to do this without a Fiverr Business buyer account. Perhaps the access may change in the future, but right now in terms of catalogue access I see the experience is still open.

Is it okay to use? My Success Manager told me that if you are a seller, you can't use the Business Marketplace (it's for buyers only). I always thought it was a buyer-only program like Fiverr Select, which Customer Support told me multiple times cannot be used by sellers-who-also-buy (though prompts will try really hard to get you to join the program). Maybe my problem is that I always ask for permission... 🤔

@gina_riley2 will be very happy to hear that she can try this out for free!

18 hours ago, theratypist said:

From my experience, there are buyers who make use of what Smash said below, the "Business Success Managers" I've gotten a couple of orders through this, as in the buyer told me "Hey Fiverr recommended you would be a good person for my project etc." sort of introduction.

That's so cool! 😎It's nice when Fiverr promotes you. The Fiverr's Choice badge has helped me tremendously.

18 hours ago, theratypist said:

To prove this, as @vickieito said she isn't on the Fiverr Business catalogue yet and has been told by her SM she can't apply for it at the moment. (Btw Vickie, I think you deserve to be there! In due time you will be). But if you change some filters like seller location, it will eventually show her gig. 

Thanks for finding me! ❤️ I'm sure you had to apply many filters to find me! 😂 It reminds me of my early days when I would put in "vickie" and "proofreading" in search to find myself. And even then, only @vickiespencer would pop up!

Note: I like how the Business Catalog shows the actual number of orders completed (instead of the number of reviews you have).

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On 8/10/2022 at 11:19 PM, vickieito said:

Just so people know my limits (and I'm not ignoring them)

I knew you were limited, but not THAT limited. But perhaps it's not only a bad thing? You see – every time I see your name show up in my notifications due to a post, I know there will be something interesting at the other end, and not just a "Thanks" or "I agree". 

On 8/10/2022 at 11:19 PM, vickieito said:

Is it okay to use? My Success Manager told me that if you are a seller, you can't use the Business Marketplace (it's for buyers only). I always thought it was a buyer-only program like Fiverr Select, which Customer Support told me multiple times cannot be used by sellers-who-also-buy (though prompts will try really hard to get you to join the program). Maybe my problem is that I always ask for permission... 🤔

I don't know, to be honest. But I'm sure we can use it to identify sellers we want to work with. But perhaps it's best to order via the regular marketplace if you're a seller. Still, the catalog is there; it's open and available. I also get those Fiverr Select notifications from time to time. It never interested me very much, but I wasn't aware that you couldn't be a Fiverr Select and a seller. How strange – considering many sellers on Fiverr are also avid buyers. 

On 8/10/2022 at 11:19 PM, vickieito said:

I listened to both of your voiceovers and was blown away ... I love your voices! ...I'm bringing in @williambryan392 because we were having a discussion on how helpful/not helpful gig videos are: @williambryan392 - Have you seen @smashradio's and @newsmike's gig videos?! (much more powerful and higher converting than the mediocre gig videos we were talking about!)

Thanks 😄 Yes, gig videos can be helpful. I've tripled my click-through rate and doubled my conversion rate after switching back to video, despite it killing my audio quality (as I've complained about on multiple occasions). 


16 hours ago, williambryan392 said:

Yeah agree, they are very good, and I think a necessity for voice / audio. I am coming around to gig vidoes. I'm thinking about buying their gigs! 'Need a consultant...? Hire Will'


Better hire @newsmike , unless you want a quirky Norwegian accent. 😂 I just did a role as the Norwegian prime minister in a game. I sent them some samples of different accents I can do, from an American accent with a hint of being European (I guess that's what they call the "transatlantic" or "mid-atlantic" accent but with a hint of the nordics), a more pronounced Norwegian accent, and finally, my parody of Norwegian accents – which, funnily enough, is how the former PM and NATO boss, Jens Stoltenberg, speaks for real. So embarrassing. They picked my worst parody accent. "That sounds like a real Norwegian!" they said. "Good lord have mercy on my soul" was my last thought before recording for the role. The Norwegian accent gives me seizures. I might be fluent, but I just can't seem to get rid of it. 

The worst one is Petter Solberg (the rally driver). He is the laughing stock of all Norwegians when he opens his mouth on TV. 

And I mean a laughing stock. Here's a famous Norwegian comedian doing his parody of Petter Solberg: 

By the way, if you want to see some really incredible impressions of famous singers, that same guy did a show with 35 live parodies on stage: 


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On 8/8/2022 at 3:05 PM, theratypist said:

I think there is someone or a team overlooking that closely... Seems to me they are keen on making strides on the Fiverr Business model. They reached out to me and I did some back and forth with the editorial team... Hahaha... Wonderful people...


Hi Theratypist, I was just curious about how you came up with your name. Can you enlighten everyone?

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6 hours ago, kendal1747 said:

Hi Theratypist, I was just curious about how you came up with your name. Can you enlighten everyone?

Hey sure, its just a random wordplay of therapist and typist! At the time of sign up I was just a buyer still in uni (studying to be a rehab therapist) then and I went to Fiverr needing a video done. I am now a rehab therapist involved in research and patient care! I'm not on Fiverr full time and have actually just gotten more involved as a seller since the pandemic. I have been hanging out in the forum for a while and I still find it a fun place (for many reasons hahaha)!!! Nice to meet you here 🙂

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1 hour ago, theratypist said:

wordplay of therapist and typist

It's a good name! Mine is so... boring!

1 hour ago, theratypist said:

hanging out in the forum for a while and I still find it a fun place (for many reasons hahaha)!

Massive agree. Maybe there's something wrong with me but I do love when it escalated into a bit of drama 😆. @newsmike where are you!? I stayed away from here about 6 weeks or so and you don't seem to be here much any more! I'm missing your 'truth bomb' contributions!!

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8 hours ago, williambryan392 said:

Massive agree. Maybe there's something wrong with me but I do love when it escalated into a bit of drama 😆. @newsmike where are you!? I stayed away from here about 6 weeks or so and you don't seem to be here much any more! I'm missing your 'truth bomb' contributions!!

I think after a while it gets old coming to the forum and seeing 95% of the posts are "How do I rank gig?", followed by a chorus of bad advice, and an army of parrots thanking the posters of said bad advice. The forum is very different now, and there is a fatigue that sets in. Right now @smashradio has been providing lengthy and helpful advice, but it gets pushed out of sight almost immediately by the wave of posts asking how much plagiarism is OK, or how to get suspended account back, or any of the dozens of other noob questions that basically translate to "I have just arrived. I have no skills, no interest in getting any and have no plans to read and learn how Fiber works. But I sure like money. Give me some." 

We have gamified the forum so that noobs simply "like" every comment without reading it, and thank every comment no matter whether insightful or plain stupid. Then they boast, "I have achieved Grand Master" having done nothing but hitting the "like" button 4,000 times, and expecting the flood of orders that should, of course commence.

There are experienced people here who have the patience of a saint when it comes to answering the same dopey questions a million times, @vickiespencer and @lloydsolutions and @theratypist and @frank_d as well as @jonbaas and some others, I fear I have neglected to mention come to mind immediately. In all it seems about 2-3 dozen who have been routinely providing help, but unfortunately, they are as overwhelmed as Venice in July with tourists fighting to get off the ship, buy a Chinese glass trinket and snap a selfie at the gelato stand during their 4 hours in town. I've left Piazza San Marco and have been wandering the back streets.

BB King said it best...


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On 8/11/2022 at 4:23 PM, smashradio said:

unless you want a quirky Norwegian accent.

I grew up in a community founded by Norwegians and other Scandinavian peoples. The race car driver sounds much like how the old timers in my town sounded.


8 hours ago, williambryan392 said:

Mine is so... boring!

Mine too. When I signed up, and they asked for my name, I typed in my real name thinking I would be able to type a "cool" name in later. Well, that did not happen.


41 minutes ago, newsmike said:

so that noobs simply "like" every comment without reading it, and thank every comment no matter whether insightful or plain stupid. Then they boast, "I have achieved Grand Master" having done nothing but hitting the "like" button 4,000 times, and expecting the flood of orders that should, of course commence.

I know of someone who used to be on the Fiverr Forum daily but has been working a non-freelancer job since spring, and when they checked in on the Forum, they had received Grand Master without posting since the spring merely because the badge seekers had liked all of their comments.


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9 hours ago, williambryan392 said:

@newsmike where are you!? I stayed away from here about 6 weeks or so and you don't seem to be here much any more! I'm missing your 'truth bomb' contributions!!

I am also a @newsmike fan!!! 😆😁  @williambryan392 your write-up on how to be successful was great and is very handy to cite when people ask for help! The problem though is if said people read it (or took action) 🥴

Smash definitely has been quite helpful with the detailed advice lately. Although I wonder @smashradio gets the energy to do those stuff. But I am happy someone does! Conga!!!! 😂

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Awe dang, how did I miss this thread/post? It's a lot to read though, I'll have my coffee ready later so I can take my time to read through everything.
It's just hard to look for topics that are interesting, I need to swim through a bunch of spammy posts and in a lot of cases I end up drowning in them 😅
(Good to see you dropping by again, @newsmike!! )

I'll also need some munchies to go with my coffee, I need to decide whether I get the cheesecake blueberry muffin, the lemon bar, the walnut cinnamon rugalech, or the pecan brownies. Gosh, so many options at the Three Girls Bakery!



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5 hours ago, newsmike said:

Right now @smashradio has been providing lengthy and helpful advice, but it gets pushed out of sight almost immediately by the wave of posts asking how much plagiarism is OK, or how to get suspended account back, or any of the dozens of other noob questions that basically translate to "I have just arrived. I have no skills, no interest in getting any and have no plans to read and learn how Fiber works. But I sure like money. Give me some." 

Yeah, it's demoralizing to spend time writing guides and advice, when the posts are hidden under a ton of crap five minutes later, or taking the time to check out a gig to provide real feedback with 20 "thanks for fiber best advice" and some random likes from people who never read the content anyway. 

I often check out the gigs a while later, only to see the same hideous thumbnails, claims of speaking "fluent" English and harrowing gig descriptions.

5 hours ago, newsmike said:

In all it seems about 2-3 dozen who have been routinely providing help

That says it all. A forum this large, and everyone actually trying to help could fit inside a single bus. 

4 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

I grew up in a community founded by Norwegians and other Scandinavian peoples. The race car driver sounds much like how the old timers in my town sounded.

It's horrible and embarrasing. 😄 

4 hours ago, theratypist said:

Smash definitely has been quite helpful with the detailed advice lately. Although I wonder @smashradio gets the energy to do those stuff. But I am happy someone does! Conga!!!! 😂

Lots and lots of coffee! I play a lot of flight simulator, and I'm a long-haul dude, so I'll set up a flight from the EU to the US or something. Watching the instruments in cruise gets old right away, so I minimize the sim and do other stuff, like the forum 😄


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2 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

Well maybe for you. It was endearing to me. The cook at my high school called me "Bickie" instead of Vickie. She is long gone, but I still remember Bertha and her excellent cooking.

You know you are going to be Bickie from now on, right?

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On 8/13/2022 at 4:06 PM, vickiespencer said:

Well maybe for you. It was endearing to me. The cook at my high school called me "Bickie" instead of Vickie. She is long gone, but I still remember Bertha and her excellent cooking.

This little memory of my cousin Vickie came back to me. She got named "Vickie Bird". The reason was we were painting a house and a bird decided to dump his refuse right on her face. It was very embarrassing for her and from then on the boys told her that she would became known as Vickie Bird. Kids can be very crude sometimes. 

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34 minutes ago, kendal1747 said:

Hey Newsmaker,  We all need Fiber, lol. Was this a typo? Just nitpicking.

No, not a typo. For the last few years we have had hundreds of noobs who post links like this:


And those of us who have been here routinely poke fun at it by intentionally using "fiber" as a way to poke fun at people who haven't even learned the name of the platform prior to asking why they are not successful. But speaking of typo, you know my mane is not "newsmaker", just nitpicking. 😀


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