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Iam leva two; but still single!


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38 minutes ago, rabihumakhan said:

My raison d'etre so far was to become level two and now that I have become one, I'm still single. 😥


Haha, I was level 2 wayyyy before losing my single status T.T 

Funny stuff aside, congrats! I'm hoping to get TRS sometime in the next.... 5 years, but... lots of stuff might happen before that becomes a possibility lol

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The correlation beats me, unless there are dating sites out there that ask for your Fiverr level 😀 (which may exist, though, or maybe open one, who knows, maybe you can make a fortune), but well done, and reaching one goal is better than reaching no goal - congrats on the one and good luck with the other! 🍀

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11 minutes ago, katakatica said:

Funny stuff aside, congrats! I'm hoping to get TRS sometime in the next.... 5 years, but... lots of stuff might happen before that becomes a possibility lol

Congrats and I hope you become a  top-rated seller as soon as humanly possible. 

However, my next target is to be  wooed. 😅


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2 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

That reminds me, I have to update my tinder profile to say I'm Pro and TRS. I'm sure that's what's missing.

Let us know if you'll receive serious enquiries by same-level sellers who sell in a different category, and thus would be able to move in together with you without risking your accounts, or if by lower-level sellers in the same category who just want to talk your top secret Pro and TRS tips out of you, while making you pay for your espressos on your one and only date, and then slink away to become your competition or sell your secrets in books and courses. 😉 

All the best to anyone who is looking to end their singleness, wherever, in any case!


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I was afraid this was going to happen.

Yesterday the OP posted a “rant” about how she needs 2 more gigs to qualify for level two in 24 hours.

I had a gut feeling I should hide the post or reply to avoid the possibility that this was a veiled request to get someone to actually buy from them.

Then today I see that the OP is posting about getting level 2 and what do you know? There are two reviews not 12 hours ago by a forum member.

Now I am not against people getting  their levels or achieving their goals, but I feel like this somehow crosses a line.

Am I the only one who feels that way?


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20 minutes ago, frank_d said:

Yesterday the OP posted a “rant” about how she needs 2 more gigs to qualify for level two in 24 hours.

I read that post and was surprised that it was not taken down. The OP was clearly trying to persuade some forum members to buy two $5 gigs (the OP stated this explicitly) from them in order for them to qualify for level 2. I am neither for nor against this, but in my personal opinion, it's unethical.

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Just now, rahulkajla1 said:

I read that post and was surprised that it had not been taken down. The OP was clearly trying to persuade some forum members to buy two $5 gigs (the OP stated this explicitly) from them in order for them to qualify for level 2. I am neither for nor against this, but in my personal opinion, it's unethical.

I felt like I might be reading too much into it and that there’s no way they are openly implying what I thought they were implying.

But here we are. OP is now a level 2 and I’ve lost a little bit of my faith in people.

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11 minutes ago, rahulkajla1 said:

I read that post and was surprised that it was not taken down. The OP was clearly trying to persuade some forum members to buy two $5 gigs (the OP stated this explicitly) from them in order for them to qualify for level 2. I am neither for nor against this, but in my personal opinion, it's unethical.

It was your comment that got me curious and I just had to re-read that exact thread. I recall commenting on that thread and I didn't seem to think about it too much.

30 minutes ago, frank_d said:

Am I the only one who feels that way?

I didn't understand at first why you felt that way. Now that I was able to go back, I see a comment that I missed out. I actually didn't think the main post was an issue. But seeing one of the comments looked like an attempt to confirm the intent of the main post. I missed out that comment at first! I feel that too crossed a line. Its one thing to vent out and its another to even jokingly ask for something. Haha. Oh well! I did congratulate OP though. I wish OP success.

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8 hours ago, frank_d said:

Am I the only one who feels that way?

Totally agree, begging for pity orders is not cool.  In fact it is manipulating, which is against TOS. I couldn't resist looking at the purchase history and am surprised to see who made the 2 fake orders. This really needs to be reported to trust & safety. 

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15 hours ago, rabihumakhan said:

I hope you become a  top-rated seller as soon as humanly possible. 

That is not likely to happen. Many sellers don't become TRS for years. You do not need to be a TRS seller to be a successful seller.

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Wait a minute! Level 2 people gets to have spouses or something? I did NOT know that. Its amazing why its not in the benefits of the levels section.

Does Seller plus help? I should have mailed my manager about this outrageous situation.

I also am some top rated stuff on another platform. Does that mean i get 2 of them? One for each freelance platform? If so, i will start doing business in 5 other platforms. Oh boy, look at all the potential!

This changes everything. Whole new motivation for working harder!

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13 hours ago, frank_d said:

Am I the only one who feels that way

Sorry I’m so late. Traffic was just awful. 

Did this person game the system? Well, not technically. Not on the forum at least. Sure, they passed off a “request” cosplaying as a “complaint.” And yes, it’s true that there’s probably a secret agreement that was orchestrated by the participants of the transaction. But that transaction was a result of “hidden message” marketing. Was it good marketing? No. So it insults you. And you’re right to feel that way. The whole thing was clumsy and weird.

I sympathize with your position. You can’t  very well have everyone come to the forum, pretending to issue new content and breaking rules about advertisement.

You don’t want me just up and saying, “come to Damooch916 for all of your music needs,” in the middle of some dribbling, word clutter. And while it’s true that my prices are fair and my services are fairer, that just doesn’t fly. Even if my material ranges from lyrics to full productions and my experience is staff writing, high level road work and artist and record firm relations. Who cares if my material has been featured on albums, in films and on the radio? Why even mention it? Sure, I’ve played on thousands of songs - but that doesn’t give me the right to turn the forum into a circus. Though I may be the last of a dying breed; a rogue organic songwriter, oozing with life and squeezing the human experience through every note, you just can’t have me turning this thread into some obvious billboard. That would be wrong.

So I understand that you probably have to tighten the belt. Which is a shame. I find it deplorable to take advantage of real interest in the forum arena.

I’m here to help if you need me.

Back to you at the station Chip. 

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13 hours ago, frank_d said:

Am I the only one who feels that way?

I remember browsing through the other thread, but hadn't really connected them before your comment, I just noticed both posts as the "not sure if OP is serious or being funny" kind, and saw this one as funny enough to engage in the sea of the usual forum fare. Going back to read, yeah, well, dunno, I'm pretty sure I've seen similar threads before, where people rant about being just one order or % away from leveling up or down or something. 

Seems hard to police, unless people outright ask to be helped out with their "just one order" "just three messages", and people who really just want to vent, certainly will feel nannied if they may not post such things if they do not have a hidden agenda? And where to draw the line? What if I just read a post by Mr. Mooch, and thought, "hey, human experience, squeezed into a note? He's here to help? Fair prices and even fairer services? And who knows, maybe he'd even add a coffee tip as a bonus? Yesss!", there I go and buy, and missed that he also posted a rant about needing one more order for whatever reason a day ago (as improbable as it is in this special case that I'd miss one of his posts, of course) - or even saw that rant (which he would never post, of course, we're still in this overly long "what if" sentence), too, but still decided I want to buy from him? Isn't that my personal decision?

However, yes, I see the dilemma, and it would be sad if "it" "became a thing" because people notice that it might be a successful tactic, or some Guru starts preaching it on YT. It's not exactly the kind of content this forum needs more of. Maybe discuss it with your M badge colleagues and whatever staff has a say in forum matters if you feel it's important enough to set rules. I'd feel with the people who'd have to message sellers, including those with no hidden agenda to tell them, "Sorry, you might not have a hidden agenda with this, however, you're not allowed to rant about needing just one more order in the Ranting Pot, because...", in any case. M life, hard life, innit.

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1 hour ago, miiila said:

What if I just read a post by Mr. Mooch,

1. You’d obviously have impeccable taste. 

2. You evidently have two hours to spare.

3. You may, or may not - depending on where you live and the time that you read the hypothetical post, be visited by three ghosts - all warning you to make more contributing life choices.

4. You’re a fan of “thread burlesque…” My specialized brand of forum vocality. Which, in it’s rawest definition, is the act of risqué satire, punctuated by vaudevillian silliness with a dash of absurdist characterizations.

5. You’re a fan of “counterfeit definitions” parading as “making sense.”

If you’re reading a mooch post

6. You’re probably reading an arbitrary list.

7. You’re probably questioning my uncanny ability to elicit erotic emotions from my readers, while saying such clunky things as “vaudevillian silliness.”

8. you have questionable time management skills.

9. You’re into “unnecessary completion,” (the act of having 7 funny points but feeling compelled to go to 10).

10. You’ve noticed the inconsistency  between my profile picture and my ability to use words.

That concludes this weeks episode of “The Shadow” brought to you by the Manhattan Soup company. We now return you to your local broadcast, already in progress  


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54 minutes ago, miiila said:

And where to draw the line?

Well this is the million dollar question.

I have already had a discussion with the Admin. I also shared my thoughts with fellow (volunteer) mods.

Seems like it's a fine line and it has been crossed. There's no question about it.

I want to know how the community perceives this.

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11 minutes ago, damooch916 said:

Edited just now by damooch916
Billy Joel burst into my home and made me edit things.

11. This made me go to YT and watch "The Downeaster Alexa" for the I don't know how manyth time. Of course, on Billy Joel's official channel.

I love the number 11, by the way, like the supermarkets in my area that often stick €1.11 tags on the discounted items of the week. I think it's due to our local 11 fetish. While carnival usually is around February, 11/11 is the official start of carnival season, can't have enough carnival, after all.


17 minutes ago, frank_d said:

Well this is the million dollar question.

I have already had a discussion with the Admin. I also shared my thoughts with fellow (volunteer) mods.

Seems like it's a fine line and it has been crossed. There's no question about it.

I want to know how the community perceives this.

I think it would be best to deal with such things as a general "Amendment to forum rules needed?" discussion, whether in the background or in the community/public, or both, especially if it's a fine line, not in a concrete thread. Personally, I perceive it as borderline.

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13 minutes ago, frank_d said:

I want to know how the community perceives this.

My usual theatrics aside…

… inside the context of the original post, nothing that happened is punishable.

Yes, it’s an obvious attempt to solicit purchases using thinly disguised excuse making. But that’s just good old fashioned, bad salesmanship.

In fact, without the covert actions that followed that thread, we wouldn’t even be discussing it. Because typically, this type of cry baby overreaching wouldn’t work. The fact that it did is what bothers you. But that’s not a forum issue.

We can pretend that the forum doesn’t attract sales. It’s a common phrase to teach the “new people.” It’s an attitude that “new regulars” are trained to accept. It’s also false. It’s more fair to say that “bland forum users” don’t attract sales. But none of us are here without firstly being attracted by the marketplace.

I’m not about to attack someone for putting their business needs first. I’ll dig at them for the disingenuous way that they did it, but I don’t disagree that being business minded is what we’re here for.

The post didn’t break the forum rules. It skirted them. Poorly. But it didn’t break them. The two marketplace members that rigged the system broke the marketplace rules. That’s a marketplace issue.

I don’t want to look over my shoulder, should someone reach out to me by seeing me on the forum. Many writers here are demonstrating their skill. That, even when it’s not meant to directly act as advertising, may translate into sales.

We’ve seen this 100’s of times in the past ten years. New regulars posing as the new guard of moral virtue - only to be exhausted with the rules and then exhausted with the forum. We can hear them run out of gas before they do. It’s nothing new. Frankly, you probably brought to light a quid pro quo before it went into total execution. I have my own thoughts as to whether fiverr expects that from eager sellers - but those thoughts aside, it’s a technical violation? I guess it depends on the purchase value. Certainly it was designed to look more comprehensive than it was. But you can’t know that until you do.

On the other hand, fiverr has an open encouragement of people working together and purchasing each other’s services. It’s widely considered beneficial. So while their behavior had more to do with increasing rankings than cutting deals to grow outwardly, even those conditions are somewhat murky.

However, in terms of forum behavior - I just don’t see that we can begin suggesting that people can “almost break rules” and be punished. 

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9 minutes ago, damooch916 said:

My usual theatrics aside…

… inside the context of the original post, nothing that happened is punishable.

Yes, it’s an obvious attempt to solicit purchases using thinly disguised excuse making. But that’s just good old fashioned, bad salesmanship.

In fact, without the covert actions that followed that thread, we wouldn’t even be discussing it. Because typically, this type of cry baby overreaching wouldn’t work. The fact that it did is what bothers you. But that’s not a forum issue.

We can pretend that the forum doesn’t attract sales. It’s a common phrase to teach the “new people.” It’s an attitude that “new regulars” are trained to accept. It’s also false. It’s more fair to say that “bland forum users” don’t attract sales. But none of us are here without firstly being attracted by the marketplace.

I’m not about to attack someone for putting their business needs first. I’ll dig at them for the disingenuous way that they did it, but I don’t disagree that being business minded is what we’re here for.

The post didn’t break the forum rules. It skirted them. Poorly. But it didn’t break them. The two marketplace members that rigged the system broke the marketplace rules. That’s a marketplace issue.

I don’t want to look over my shoulder, should someone reach out to me by seeing me on the forum. Many writers here are demonstrating their skill. That, even when it’s not meant to directly act as advertising, may translate into sales.

We’ve seen this 100’s of times in the past ten years. New regulars posing as the new guard of moral virtue - only to be exhausted with the rules and then exhausted with the forum. We can hear them run out of gas before they do. It’s nothing new. Frankly, you probably brought to light a quid pro quo before it went into total execution. I have my own thoughts as to whether fiverr expects that from eager sellers - but those thoughts aside, it’s a technical violation? I guess it depends on the purchase value. Certainly it was designed to look more comprehensive than it was. But you can’t know that until you do.

On the other hand, fiverr has an open encouragement of people working together and purchasing each other’s services. It’s widely considered beneficial. So while their behavior had more to do with increasing rankings than cutting deals to grow outwardly, even those conditions are somewhat murky.

However, in terms of forum behavior - I just don’t see that we can begin suggesting that people can “almost break rules” and be punished. 

Well put Tommy.

Here’s what grinds my gears:

A forum member, therefore a seller on the platform, poops the bed and cancels orders/misses messages, never replies on orders, whatever.

Then they realize they will be demoted, not qualify for a promotion etc

Then they post on the forum a topic about: OMG, I would beg for 3 orders and 2 more messages by the 15th! Pray for me.”

What is that, if not an attempt for gaming the system? How’s that fair to everyone else who abides by the rules?

As a side note, the borderline tacky rant/request post aside, maybe the other forum member just volunteered to do a good deed. Maybe it wasn’t a request but the other member just straight up took it upon themselves to help.

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