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Fiverr is simply lost !?


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That’s right too! Should new sellers be always at the end of the pages? Then there will be only old sellers! No one will be able to succeed there. Fiverr will go back and back even faster. What do you think?

Should new sellers be always at the end of the pages?

Since my last comment was long and complex, I’m utilizing your idea here to point something out. If you were to use criteria from an Amazon best-selling novel algorithm and apply it to Fiverr gigs:

A new seller could be a best seller and appear in the top of the pages.

The formula would be to sell X number of orders in Y number of days where X is a “high volume” number determined by Fiverr and Y is a fairly brief period of time as determined by Fiverr.

An old or new seller of any level with any number of reviews could bounce up and down from best-seller to not just by meeting (or not meeting) the criteria for X and Y in a given week. It’s theoretically plausible.

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Guest manucornel

Should new sellers be always at the end of the pages?

Since my last comment was long and complex, I’m utilizing your idea here to point something out. If you were to use criteria from an Amazon best-selling novel algorithm and apply it to Fiverr gigs:

A new seller could be a best seller and appear in the top of the pages.

The formula would be to sell X number of orders in Y number of days where X is a “high volume” number determined by Fiverr and Y is a fairly brief period of time as determined by Fiverr.

An old or new seller of any level with any number of reviews could bounce up and down from best-seller to not just by meeting (or not meeting) the criteria for X and Y in a given week. It’s theoretically plausible.

A new seller could be a best seller and appear in the top of the pages.

This is true. Bestseller never meant and never will longest time selling here. 🙂

This complaint about the new sellers that get a fair shot at being called bestsellers is ridiculous. As a long-time seller on the Fiverr platform, you have advantages that newbies are at least a year away from them. If you don’t know how to take advantage of them, that is on you. Why wouldn’t a high-quality newcomer have a fair shot sitting side by side with “veterans”.

Welcome to the marketplace. This is the beauty of it. No matter how old you are in the business, that doesn’t guarantee your spot. Only your quality and constant improvement guarantee your success. I am glad bestseller list is not filled only with 6k+ sellers that get so arrogant about their position that they will treat buyers like doing them a favor.

Maybe you should care less about algorithms and stuff out of your control, and focus more on things that matter and you can control. Like offering better services and a more diversified portfolio.

Take the music industry for example. How many people haven’t arrived from anonymity and made top rating hits? Some veterans that used to have billboards they are not even present there anymore. But they don’t care. They have fans, they have their own advantage of being a vet.

The number of years spent here has nothing to do with the quality you provide or if you deserve the status of Bestseller. I never worried about my rank in search and I am growing just fine. Maybe your energy should be spent more productively than debating a mathematical equation and its correctness.

These changes take place because it was affecting the Fiverr business, and I have a small clue why. If the customers are happy because what they get in the bestselling list is a bunch of hungry sellers ready to deliver quality and that is increasing the Fiverr business, then I am more than happy that they implement these changes.

And if my sales will drop because of it, that will only mean that I have something to improve in myself, not that Fiverr is broken.

I don’t know anyone from Fiverr staff, but I don’t think they are a bunch of amateurs laying down changes just for the sake of it. No one that creates a booming business over the course of many years doesn’t get there by luck. It’s constant improvement and innovation. To think otherwise is just naive.

How about all these complainers about the platform just leave it, and let the rest of us, who are happy with this amazing opportunity, to work and grow alongside with Fiverr.

Oh wait, they are already making changes to achieve that. 👍


A new seller could be a best seller and appear in the top of the pages.

This is true. Bestseller never meant and never will longest time selling here. 🙂

This complaint about the new sellers that get a fair shot at being called bestsellers is ridiculous. As a long-time seller on the Fiverr platform, you have advantages that newbies are at least a year away from them. If you don’t know how to take advantage of them, that is on you. Why wouldn’t a high-quality newcomer have a fair shot sitting side by side with “veterans”.

Welcome to the marketplace. This is the beauty of it. No matter how old you are in the business, that doesn’t guarantee your spot. Only your quality and constant improvement guarantee your success. I am glad bestseller list is not filled only with 6k+ sellers that get so arrogant about their position that they will treat buyers like doing them a favor.

Maybe you should care less about algorithms and stuff out of your control, and focus more on things that matter and you can control. Like offering better services and a more diversified portfolio.

Take the music industry for example. How many people haven’t arrived from anonymity and made top rating hits? Some veterans that used to have billboards they are not even present there anymore. But they don’t care. They have fans, they have their own advantage of being a vet.

The number of years spent here has nothing to do with the quality you provide or if you deserve the status of Bestseller. I never worried about my rank in search and I am growing just fine. Maybe your energy should be spent more productively than debating a mathematical equation and its correctness.

These changes take place because it was affecting the Fiverr business, and I have a small clue why. If the customers are happy because what they get in the bestselling list is a bunch of hungry sellers ready to deliver quality and that is increasing the Fiverr business, then I am more than happy that they implement these changes.

And if my sales will drop because of it, that will only mean that I have something to improve in myself, not that Fiverr is broken.

I don’t know anyone from Fiverr staff, but I don’t think they are a bunch of amateurs laying down changes just for the sake of it. No one that creates a booming business over the course of many years doesn’t get there by luck. It’s constant improvement and innovation. To think otherwise is just naive.

How about all these complainers about the platform just leave it, and let the rest of us, who are happy with this amazing opportunity, to work and grow alongside with Fiverr.

Oh wait, they are already making changes to achieve that. 👍

Nice reading, but I must repeat. If the best sellers (at the moment or overall) aren’t being shown, the filter best selling should be called another name.

This is true. Bestseller never meant and never will longest time selling here. 🙂

This complaint about the new sellers that get a fair shot at being called bestsellers is ridiculous. As a long-time seller on the Fiverr platform, you have advantages that newbies are at least a year away from them. If you don’t know how to take advantage of them, that is on you. Why wouldn’t a high-quality newcomer have a fair shot sitting side by side with “veterans”.

I never mentioned that bestseller should be veterans or not. People seems to believe bestsellers can be only veterans, but don’t understand that are those from the last 2/3 months only. It can be new or veteran. But placing a 22 rated gig in front of a 22k rated gig, doesn’t mean the first one will become a best seller (or at least a good seller).

You don’t need to answer, but ask yourself: If you worked hard, days and nights (sometimes over 18h a day over 4 years) and always deliver high quality standards, like a seller with 6k+ reviews and only 3 negative (all the rest positive), would you mind or not, all the reputation and achieves you earned being given to a just arrived gig with lower ratings?

How about all these complainers about the platform just leave it, and let the rest of us, who are happy with this amazing opportunity, to work and grow alongside with Fiverr.

I believe it also works for those who complain that best selling page should be used for new sellers too, right?

People got crazy when experienced and best sellers want something good, but don’t imagine that they became that good because a reason. They achieved a good placement because their hard work (and not just a chance given). Because they ran behind their objectives. Because they promoted their work. Because they are professional. Because they aren’t arrogant with their buyers (or they wouldn’t have so many buyers).

I just see new and inexperienced sellers complaining about succeeded ones. I never seen a succeeded seller complaining about other succeeded one, maybe because they know how hard they worked for this.

I’m a graphical designer and I have an “OCD”, which I always look all gigs their cover first. Most of these discrete, low rated gigs who complain about “how I mek sell”, “how to rank to first page”, “how improve my impressions/views/clicks”, “how to sell my first order”, 99% of these have amateur covers made at PAINT, even WORDART (I already spotted a cover with the red line of typo on a cover), and copied covers. Also, most are low resolution and not well cropped covers. Some place their photos to advertise a logo design service.

Then I ask myself, are these really good sellers as they mention? They couldn’t even be professional and create (or ask to someone create) a good cover. You don’t need to be a graphical designer to have a good gig cover.

YES, THE GIG COVER MATTERS. This is what call a buyer attention over thousands of similar service gigs. Your gig cover is the face of your business.

BUT, they just want to go to the best place, have the best sales, being given a chance by doing nothing. Just waiting.

I will repeat. The past best sellers became the best because their hard work and high quality delivered, not because a chance was given.

Oh wait, a chance was given, just a fair marketplace and their own skills.


So what is the solution @xuntes?

  • Do you think it would be better to have only those who have sold over 1000 times on the first page?
  • Should the whole site be listed in order of number reviews with the highest at the top?
  • Is it just the name that you don’t like? If they changed the filter to “We think these will suit you” and they just displayed a random mix of gigs by levels, number of reviews etc would that make you happy?
  • Are you upset because Fiverr is “manipulating” buyers or is it because they are not manipulating buyers in your favor?

It seems to me that it is the bottom one that is what bothers you.
Perhaps it is time for you to learn to fish for yourself and let Fiverr give the fish to new sellers?


I will just say it short…

Everyone deserve a chance here. Even Fiverr is obviously full of bugs, they need to “rotate” gigs around. Without it, best seller gigs would be same all the time. That wouldn’t be fair then…


Nice reading, but I must repeat. If the best sellers (at the moment or overall) aren’t being shown, the filter best selling should be called another name.

This is true. Bestseller never meant and never will longest time selling here. 🙂

This complaint about the new sellers that get a fair shot at being called bestsellers is ridiculous. As a long-time seller on the Fiverr platform, you have advantages that newbies are at least a year away from them. If you don’t know how to take advantage of them, that is on you. Why wouldn’t a high-quality newcomer have a fair shot sitting side by side with “veterans”.

I never mentioned that bestseller should be veterans or not. People seems to believe bestsellers can be only veterans, but don’t understand that are those from the last 2/3 months only. It can be new or veteran. But placing a 22 rated gig in front of a 22k rated gig, doesn’t mean the first one will become a best seller (or at least a good seller).

You don’t need to answer, but ask yourself: If you worked hard, days and nights (sometimes over 18h a day over 4 years) and always deliver high quality standards, like a seller with 6k+ reviews and only 3 negative (all the rest positive), would you mind or not, all the reputation and achieves you earned being given to a just arrived gig with lower ratings?

How about all these complainers about the platform just leave it, and let the rest of us, who are happy with this amazing opportunity, to work and grow alongside with Fiverr.

I believe it also works for those who complain that best selling page should be used for new sellers too, right?

People got crazy when experienced and best sellers want something good, but don’t imagine that they became that good because a reason. They achieved a good placement because their hard work (and not just a chance given). Because they ran behind their objectives. Because they promoted their work. Because they are professional. Because they aren’t arrogant with their buyers (or they wouldn’t have so many buyers).

I just see new and inexperienced sellers complaining about succeeded ones. I never seen a succeeded seller complaining about other succeeded one, maybe because they know how hard they worked for this.

I’m a graphical designer and I have an “OCD”, which I always look all gigs their cover first. Most of these discrete, low rated gigs who complain about “how I mek sell”, “how to rank to first page”, “how improve my impressions/views/clicks”, “how to sell my first order”, 99% of these have amateur covers made at PAINT, even WORDART (I already spotted a cover with the red line of typo on a cover), and copied covers. Also, most are low resolution and not well cropped covers. Some place their photos to advertise a logo design service.

Then I ask myself, are these really good sellers as they mention? They couldn’t even be professional and create (or ask to someone create) a good cover. You don’t need to be a graphical designer to have a good gig cover.

YES, THE GIG COVER MATTERS. This is what call a buyer attention over thousands of similar service gigs. Your gig cover is the face of your business.

BUT, they just want to go to the best place, have the best sales, being given a chance by doing nothing. Just waiting.

I will repeat. The past best sellers became the best because their hard work and high quality delivered, not because a chance was given.

Oh wait, a chance was given, just a fair marketplace and their own skills.

I know some people will not like me saying this but who cares?! :roll_eyes:

I will give you credit for having the ability to express yourself in a respectful manner. One man against how many? I like to see people standing up for themselves – going against the grain. Anyway, carry on. Cheers! 🍹


Seller has a bad month: This is Fiverr’s fault, they are screwing us, it’s going downhill.

Seller has a good month: This is 100% due to my quality and effort as a seller, I’m the best.

my best month (May 2018), my gig went from the top of ranking to the end of the second page.

I already made a research with new buyers (over 4 months), asking them how they got to me. 90% of them came to fiverr site and then research for a buyer.

From these 90%, half through keyword search, other half by browsing category rankings.

Only 10% came to fiverr due self promotions.

People think that fiverr is only about self promotion and etc, but it’s not. Most of new buyers come to fiverr and then look for their sellers, and “I’m fighting” because I want be fairly able to get these buyers.

AGAIN, the best promotion to a seller is their placement. If some day you get to the top (due to your performance, or by having lucky), you will understand what I’m talking about.

And like I said before, this best selling filter manipulation is misleading buyers to believe that low performed gigs are the real best sellers, while the true best sellers were hidden some pages behind.

By the way, if you research for a keyword (like VECTOR), you will see that the RELEVANCE results in search are different from BEST SELLING (search), but are similar with BEST SELLING at category ranking.

And like I said before, this best selling filter manipulation is misleading buyers to believe that low performed gigs are the real best sellers, while the true best sellers were hidden some pages behind.

You basically won this argument here.

The point is not about who gets how many sellers. The point is that yes, this advertising of non-bestselling gigs as best selling is misleading. This is damaging to buyers.

It’s like a restaurant owner with a freezer full of lobster trying to flog it by calling it best selling. - No one really buys it, the restaurant owner just wants your $$$'s, and as soon as people taste frozen lobster, they know it’s frozen, feel a bit miffed, and never visit that particular restaurant again.

Fiverr is misleading buyers & lies always have a negative effect on customers. Who anyone is, how long they have been here or who makes the most and least $$$'s is irrelevant. It’s buyers that matter and at present they’re getting quite a lot of slaps in the face.


Nice reading, but I must repeat. If the best sellers (at the moment or overall) aren’t being shown, the filter best selling should be called another name.

This is true. Bestseller never meant and never will longest time selling here. 🙂

This complaint about the new sellers that get a fair shot at being called bestsellers is ridiculous. As a long-time seller on the Fiverr platform, you have advantages that newbies are at least a year away from them. If you don’t know how to take advantage of them, that is on you. Why wouldn’t a high-quality newcomer have a fair shot sitting side by side with “veterans”.

I never mentioned that bestseller should be veterans or not. People seems to believe bestsellers can be only veterans, but don’t understand that are those from the last 2/3 months only. It can be new or veteran. But placing a 22 rated gig in front of a 22k rated gig, doesn’t mean the first one will become a best seller (or at least a good seller).

You don’t need to answer, but ask yourself: If you worked hard, days and nights (sometimes over 18h a day over 4 years) and always deliver high quality standards, like a seller with 6k+ reviews and only 3 negative (all the rest positive), would you mind or not, all the reputation and achieves you earned being given to a just arrived gig with lower ratings?

How about all these complainers about the platform just leave it, and let the rest of us, who are happy with this amazing opportunity, to work and grow alongside with Fiverr.

I believe it also works for those who complain that best selling page should be used for new sellers too, right?

People got crazy when experienced and best sellers want something good, but don’t imagine that they became that good because a reason. They achieved a good placement because their hard work (and not just a chance given). Because they ran behind their objectives. Because they promoted their work. Because they are professional. Because they aren’t arrogant with their buyers (or they wouldn’t have so many buyers).

I just see new and inexperienced sellers complaining about succeeded ones. I never seen a succeeded seller complaining about other succeeded one, maybe because they know how hard they worked for this.

I’m a graphical designer and I have an “OCD”, which I always look all gigs their cover first. Most of these discrete, low rated gigs who complain about “how I mek sell”, “how to rank to first page”, “how improve my impressions/views/clicks”, “how to sell my first order”, 99% of these have amateur covers made at PAINT, even WORDART (I already spotted a cover with the red line of typo on a cover), and copied covers. Also, most are low resolution and not well cropped covers. Some place their photos to advertise a logo design service.

Then I ask myself, are these really good sellers as they mention? They couldn’t even be professional and create (or ask to someone create) a good cover. You don’t need to be a graphical designer to have a good gig cover.

YES, THE GIG COVER MATTERS. This is what call a buyer attention over thousands of similar service gigs. Your gig cover is the face of your business.

BUT, they just want to go to the best place, have the best sales, being given a chance by doing nothing. Just waiting.

I will repeat. The past best sellers became the best because their hard work and high quality delivered, not because a chance was given.

Oh wait, a chance was given, just a fair marketplace and their own skills.

Nice reading, but I must repeat. If the best sellers (at the moment or overall) aren’t being shown , the filter best selling should be called another name.

The point is that yes, this advertising of non-bestselling gigs as best selling is misleading. This is damaging to buyers

I agree with this - the name is misleading.

However I suspect that this is not the issue that is really concerning people, that the unsuspecting buyers are being lured into a false sense of security or whatever. It seems that the issue is that they are being lured away from certain people. Namely, those who used to enjoy uninterrupted exposure at the top of the “charts”.


it is think about as a buyer if buyer need a best selling gigs and they used a “Best Selling” filter and they only see the gig with selling or review with 50 or so,
so might be misleading to me that there is a best selling gigs are only with 50 plus review…
so if i have a time then i will look one by one and chose a best gig with good feedback. so it will take more time then i expected to chose one,

if the best selling with good feedback gig on the top then i choose immediately one and it save my time …

Guest offlinehelpers

it is think about as a buyer if buyer need a best selling gigs and they used a “Best Selling” filter and they only see the gig with selling or review with 50 or so,

so might be misleading to me that there is a best selling gigs are only with 50 plus review…

so if i have a time then i will look one by one and chose a best gig with good feedback. so it will take more time then i expected to chose one,

if the best selling with good feedback gig on the top then i choose immediately one and it save my time …

if the best selling with good feedback gig on the top then i choose immediately one and it save my time …

if everybody did that there wouldn’t be scope for many sellers on the whole site.

There’d be a few at the top every time because their feedback would grow and grow, and nobody else in the same category would get a look-in.


if the best selling with good feedback gig on the top then i choose immediately one and it save my time …

if everybody did that there wouldn’t be scope for many sellers on the whole site.

There’d be a few at the top every time because their feedback would grow and grow, and nobody else in the same category would get a look-in.

and one think that is only a 10% buyer chose feature filter the category, and around 90% gig is searched by buyer they do not know about category nor goes to category to filter the search engine,


And like I said before, this best selling filter manipulation is misleading buyers to believe that low performed gigs are the real best sellers, while the true best sellers were hidden some pages behind.

You basically won this argument here.

The point is not about who gets how many sellers. The point is that yes, this advertising of non-bestselling gigs as best selling is misleading. This is damaging to buyers.

It’s like a restaurant owner with a freezer full of lobster trying to flog it by calling it best selling. - No one really buys it, the restaurant owner just wants your $$$'s, and as soon as people taste frozen lobster, they know it’s frozen, feel a bit miffed, and never visit that particular restaurant again.

Fiverr is misleading buyers & lies always have a negative effect on customers. Who anyone is, how long they have been here or who makes the most and least $$$'s is irrelevant. It’s buyers that matter and at present they’re getting quite a lot of slaps in the face.

The point is not about who gets how many sellers. The point is that yes, this advertising of non-bestselling gigs as best selling is misleading. This is damaging to buyers.

The Bestselling feature is bogus, all I see is new sellers or gigs with zero reviews. I’ve spotted a few older accounts with the old thumbs down/up :-1:t4: I’ve even spotted a few with a 🚚 truckload of “seller failed to deliver…” signage. Therefore, I cannot rely on these search filters at all. So, hell yes it’s very misleading too boot!


Nice reading, but I must repeat. If the best sellers (at the moment or overall) aren’t being shown , the filter best selling should be called another name.

The point is that yes, this advertising of non-bestselling gigs as best selling is misleading. This is damaging to buyers

I agree with this - the name is misleading.

However I suspect that this is not the issue that is really concerning people, that the unsuspecting buyers are being lured into a false sense of security or whatever. It seems that the issue is that they are being lured away from certain people. Namely, those who used to enjoy uninterrupted exposure at the top of the “charts”.

I agree with this - the name is misleading.

However I suspect that this is not the issue that is really concerning people,

That’s like a man walking into a bar, shouting “horse for sale,” and someone in the back muttering, “I suspect he means cow.”

  • The Bestselling category is misleading to buyers
  • A seller complains about this, possibly because they have done a spot of research to see why their sales have slowed (aka they have been proactive)
  • Seller comes to forum to state ‘Fiverr is simply lost,’ states so because of an (apparently) purposeful attempt to mislead buyers
  • Forum reaction = Stop moaning about not getting orders, how disrespectful of you considering your past apparent success

The complete point here is being derailed.

I’m not complaining about having work or not. I’m talking about the marketplace itself. Only about fiverr, nothing else.

Despite a couple of attempts by the OP to prevent this from happening.

I have been looking for a specific kind of service on Fiverr for the past few days but I am having zero luck finding the forum user I would like to visit the gigs of in the search. (I don’t remember his username).

I can’t make head nor tails of the results provided to me in the search and not just because of who is promoted and who isn’t. That said, I dare say that since I know the seller has been active on Fiverr for a while, it would be easier if I didn’t have to get to page 7 of new sellers trying to find him before giving up entirely.


So what is the solution @xuntes?

  • Do you think it would be better to have only those who have sold over 1000 times on the first page?
  • Should the whole site be listed in order of number reviews with the highest at the top?
  • Is it just the name that you don’t like? If they changed the filter to “We think these will suit you” and they just displayed a random mix of gigs by levels, number of reviews etc would that make you happy?
  • Are you upset because Fiverr is “manipulating” buyers or is it because they are not manipulating buyers in your favor?

It seems to me that it is the bottom one that is what bothers you.

Perhaps it is time for you to learn to fish for yourself and let Fiverr give the fish to new sellers?

Do you think it would be better to have only those who have sold over 1000 times on the first page?

No. Should be the first page like it always was. Those who performs better in a certain period. I faced people from 100 to 50K reviews. But no placement was given. Placement was earned. This is the only way to prove if you are good or not. Because right now, those on top MAY be good, MAY be not.

Should the whole site be listed in order of number reviews with the highest at the top?

Of course not. Only the best Selling for best sellers. All the rest is already being done to promote new and discrete gigs, such as:

  1. Reducing total reviews to 1k (instead showing it’s total).
  2. Gigs rotation (so dont fix 1 gig on top).
  3. Available now.
  5. Rising talent badges.
  6. buyers request page.
  7. I believe I’m forgetting something.

May I ask, @eoinfinnegan, after this ranking change (placing not best sellers on top), what best sellers have in marketplace to value their work? (Please dont mention PRO, because not every category has this).

Is it just the name that you don’t like? If they changed the filter to “ We think these will suit you ” and they just displayed a random mix of gigs by levels, number of reviews etc would that make you happy?

I like the name, what I really want is the best sellers FILTER (edit) do justice to its name. If they change their name, there is nothing I can do, but I don’t imagine a marketplace will succeed by hiding their best selling. Maybe when you sell products, which has a limited stock, but services hasn’t.

Are you upset because Fiverr is “manipulating” buyers or is it because they are not manipulating buyers in your favor?

I’m upset because fiverr is misleading/manipulating buyers (something they as to gigs not to do). I don’t want fiverr to manipulate buyer in my favor. I’m upset because the “prizes” of the hard work are given for someone else.

Perhaps it is time for you to learn to fish for yourself and let Fiverr give the fish to new sellers?

The recipe to fail. I also care with fiverr marketplace integrity and reputation. I dont mind helping sellers, if it’s fairly and professionally done.


Do you think it would be better to have only those who have sold over 1000 times on the first page?

No. Should be the first page like it always was. Those who performs better in a certain period. I faced people from 100 to 50K reviews. But no placement was given. Placement was earned. This is the only way to prove if you are good or not. Because right now, those on top MAY be good, MAY be not.

Should the whole site be listed in order of number reviews with the highest at the top?

Of course not. Only the best Selling for best sellers. All the rest is already being done to promote new and discrete gigs, such as:

  1. Reducing total reviews to 1k (instead showing it’s total).
  2. Gigs rotation (so dont fix 1 gig on top).
  3. Available now.
  5. Rising talent badges.
  6. buyers request page.
  7. I believe I’m forgetting something.

May I ask, @eoinfinnegan, after this ranking change (placing not best sellers on top), what best sellers have in marketplace to value their work? (Please dont mention PRO, because not every category has this).

Is it just the name that you don’t like? If they changed the filter to “ We think these will suit you ” and they just displayed a random mix of gigs by levels, number of reviews etc would that make you happy?

I like the name, what I really want is the best sellers FILTER (edit) do justice to its name. If they change their name, there is nothing I can do, but I don’t imagine a marketplace will succeed by hiding their best selling. Maybe when you sell products, which has a limited stock, but services hasn’t.

Are you upset because Fiverr is “manipulating” buyers or is it because they are not manipulating buyers in your favor?

I’m upset because fiverr is misleading/manipulating buyers (something they as to gigs not to do). I don’t want fiverr to manipulate buyer in my favor. I’m upset because the “prizes” of the hard work are given for someone else.

Perhaps it is time for you to learn to fish for yourself and let Fiverr give the fish to new sellers?

The recipe to fail. I also care with fiverr marketplace integrity and reputation. I dont mind helping sellers, if it’s fairly and professionally done.

I like the name, what I really want is the best sellers do justice to its name.

I like your perspective. Do watch out for the massive logic black whole though. 🙂


I like the name, what I really want is the best sellers do justice to its name.

I like your perspective. Do watch out for the massive logic black whole though. 🙂

I should edit this post. Lol

I meant that the best sellers FILTER do justice to its name 😅


Do you think it would be better to have only those who have sold over 1000 times on the first page?

No. Should be the first page like it always was. Those who performs better in a certain period. I faced people from 100 to 50K reviews. But no placement was given. Placement was earned. This is the only way to prove if you are good or not. Because right now, those on top MAY be good, MAY be not.

Should the whole site be listed in order of number reviews with the highest at the top?

Of course not. Only the best Selling for best sellers. All the rest is already being done to promote new and discrete gigs, such as:

  1. Reducing total reviews to 1k (instead showing it’s total).
  2. Gigs rotation (so dont fix 1 gig on top).
  3. Available now.
  5. Rising talent badges.
  6. buyers request page.
  7. I believe I’m forgetting something.

May I ask, @eoinfinnegan, after this ranking change (placing not best sellers on top), what best sellers have in marketplace to value their work? (Please dont mention PRO, because not every category has this).

Is it just the name that you don’t like? If they changed the filter to “ We think these will suit you ” and they just displayed a random mix of gigs by levels, number of reviews etc would that make you happy?

I like the name, what I really want is the best sellers FILTER (edit) do justice to its name. If they change their name, there is nothing I can do, but I don’t imagine a marketplace will succeed by hiding their best selling. Maybe when you sell products, which has a limited stock, but services hasn’t.

Are you upset because Fiverr is “manipulating” buyers or is it because they are not manipulating buyers in your favor?

I’m upset because fiverr is misleading/manipulating buyers (something they as to gigs not to do). I don’t want fiverr to manipulate buyer in my favor. I’m upset because the “prizes” of the hard work are given for someone else.

Perhaps it is time for you to learn to fish for yourself and let Fiverr give the fish to new sellers?

The recipe to fail. I also care with fiverr marketplace integrity and reputation. I dont mind helping sellers, if it’s fairly and professionally done.

If I’m mod I will pin this post, that’s my opinion. 🙂

Maybe it will get fiverr attention and make changes to the Best Selling.

You know, we should appreciate some veteran seller like @xuntes who can point out the problem with a good explanation why it’s a problem. We no need defend everything fiverr did, he not scolding or shouting to any user here, he only cared about the platform which we all invested so many efforts and time into it and that’s really an issue with the Best Selling, no?

May the OP change the post title to: “Dear fiverr, please fix your BEST SELLING filter”.


If I’m mod I will pin this post, that’s my opinion. 🙂

Maybe it will get fiverr attention and make changes to the Best Selling.

You know, we should appreciate some veteran seller like @xuntes who can point out the problem with a good explanation why it’s a problem. We no need defend everything fiverr did, he not scolding or shouting to any user here, he only cared about the platform which we all invested so many efforts and time into it and that’s really an issue with the Best Selling, no?

May the OP change the post title to: “Dear fiverr, please fix your BEST SELLING filter”.

You know, we should appreciate some veteran seller like @xuntes who can point out the problem with a good explanation why it’s a problem.

Yes, we should and I’m sure that if more buyers visited the forum, they would too. Instead everything turns into yet another handbag fight because a few forum users are apparently master psychics and know the ‘real’ reason behind other user forum posts.


Actually it’s our responsibility to complaints you know? It’s because we are part of fiverr platform, something they did great, I’m sure most of us will give compliment about it, but when they did something not right, why we can’t complaint?

Complaint is necessary in-order for a platform to listen and act. Imagine we all just leave it, they will just going to do whatever they wanted without even listen to our opinion. (like now)

We should use this forum and pin every fiverr true problem so they got a list to fix it, and tag those fiverr staff. Make sure at least they know the problem…

We gonna stick together if we care about the platform and hope it make improvements. fiver is kinda like youtube, and its creator is ‘complaining’, that’s how we ‘communicate’ with them, or else how?

Sorry if anyones saw this video I post, here I share again:

Assume change:
youtube > fiverr
creator > seller
video > gig

You get what I meant, unfornutaly we didnt have some big kids like MKBHD (the youtuber) like Casey Neistat who can find the CEO and make an AMA. 🙂


I just don’t understand why people get mad with Best Sellers. If these people were also the best sellers, would they get happy for getting their gig placed in the pages behind?

It’s so beautiful “getting a place in the sun”, but what these did users to get this? Except asking for, and waiting for fiverr algorithm “give” this?

I bet that anyone can’t find more features that benefits more best sellers than new and discrete buyers:


  1. Reducing total reviews to 1k (instead showing it’s total).
  2. Gigs rotation (so dont fix 1 gig on top).
  3. Available now.
  5. TODAY, Best Selling filter too (at gigs category ranking).
  6. Rising talent badges.
  7. buyers request page.


  1. ?

I just don’t understand why people get mad with Best Sellers. If these people were also the best sellers, would they get happy for getting their gig placed in the pages behind?

It’s so beautiful “getting a place in the sun”, but what these did users to get this? Except asking for, and waiting for fiverr algorithm “give” this?

I bet that anyone can’t find more features that benefits more best sellers than new and discrete buyers:


  1. Reducing total reviews to 1k (instead showing it’s total).
  2. Gigs rotation (so dont fix 1 gig on top).
  3. Available now.
  5. TODAY, Best Selling filter too (at gigs category ranking).
  6. Rising talent badges.
  7. buyers request page.


  1. ?

They are not mad about Best Selling, they are soooooo tired of viewing another ‘fiverr is XXXXX’ post. They are doing great maybe they only want see ‘positive’ story on forum, that’s what I see.


Actually it’s our responsibility to complaints you know? It’s because we are part of fiverr platform, something they did great, I’m sure most of us will give compliment about it, but when they did something not right, why we can’t complaint?

Complaint is necessary in-order for a platform to listen and act. Imagine we all just leave it, they will just going to do whatever they wanted without even listen to our opinion. (like now)

We should use this forum and pin every fiverr true problem so they got a list to fix it, and tag those fiverr staff. Make sure at least they know the problem…

We gonna stick together if we care about the platform and hope it make improvements. fiver is kinda like youtube, and its creator is ‘complaining’, that’s how we ‘communicate’ with them, or else how?

Sorry if anyones saw this video I post, here I share again:

Assume change:

youtube > fiverr

creator > seller

video > gig

You get what I meant, unfornutaly we didnt have some big kids like MKBHD (the youtuber) like Casey Neistat who can find the CEO and make an AMA. 🙂

I like the Youtube comparison. I don’t publish on Youtube. However, 2 Youtube channels I like made videos this year complaining about Youtube. The result has been me (and I am guessing other viewers) discovering alternative platforms like Dtube.

In the Youtube example, I am a (essentially) a buyer who now uses a competing product because Youtube has started losing favor among some of its top creators. - This is why being clear and honest is so important for any business.


From my perspective, the only thing that matters is that as many buyers have the best experience on Fiverr as possible. When a buyer is happy they are more likely to spend more on this platform and recommend the platform to others. Happy buyers spend more!
If they have purchased what they believed was a ‘best selling’ gig and it turned out to be an awful experience then that sets the bar quite low for Fiverr as a whole.

I don’t pretend to know the answers but potentially misleading buyers doesn’t seem to be great business sense when it discourages buyers from further engaging with the platform


I like the Youtube comparison. I don’t publish on Youtube. However, 2 Youtube channels I like made videos this year complaining about Youtube. The result has been me (and I am guessing other viewers) discovering alternative platforms like Dtube.

In the Youtube example, I am a (essentially) a buyer who now uses a competing product because Youtube has started losing favor among some of its top creators. - This is why being clear and honest is so important for any business.

And those YT creator was so hype when IG launching IGTV now. 🙂


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