This is really simple to answer: Fiverr fees aren’t only for their profits, but also external expenses like any other company which deal with money transactions. Fiverr pay taxes, employees, Energy, algorithm creation, Fiverr platform/site, Customer support, rent, etc etc etc. Nothing of this is free. These $2 fees, we must understand that there are also cancelled orders, refunded and charge back orders, etc etc etc. But you may think that they should get it from their 20%. Of course not! This is their profit. Even if you think it’s too much, seller just need to raise your prices 25%. So they will earn the same amount of the order price they have today. Even after this, if you think that fiverr is greedy, I believe the greedy eye is on the other side. Sellers do their money by working, fiverr do their money by offering the best platform for online/remote services. Me, as seller, I don’t think it’s greedy. I know that fiverr does a lot of money over their sellers, but if these sellers think that the are not earning enough, they should just raise their prices, like any other company has to do to make profit with their products. In resume, most of sellers doesn’t set their hourly wage. And the calculation should start from profit, not for the initial offer.