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  1. vickieito's post in How to extend review time was marked as the answer   
    Hi @thea_nrws,
    Tell your buyer to go to their delivery and at the bottom, they will see two buttons:
    If they click on "I'm not ready yet," they will be given several choices why:
    To extend their review period, the buyer can click on "I need more time to review." Buyers can request up to 5 days at a time to extend their review period.
    To request a revision, the buyer can click the first button, "I still need revisions." This will keep the order open indefinitely until there is a new delivery. Buyers will need to include details on what revisions they would like to make.
    I've had buyers use either of these buttons to extend their review period.
  2. vickieito's post in Is avg. Selling price my total earnings? was marked as the answer   
    Hi @bwembyamubanga, When you set your prices, just remember that 20% of all your Earnings will go to Fiverr. So if your listed price is $115, Fiverr gets $23 (20%) and you get $92 (80%). The buyer also pays transactional fees with every order, so that's what the $7.15 is.
    Your Average Selling Price (ASP) is the average selling price of each order over the last 30-day period (before Fiverr's 20% fees are taken out).
    $92, or 80% of your order.
  3. vickieito's post in Deleted Conversation by Accident was marked as the answer   
    Have they ordered your services in the past? If so, you can send a new message from your "Growth & Marketing" tab and "Contacts." That will let you send them a new message. Otherwise, if they are a prospective client, there's no reason to reach out to them. If they are interested in ordering, they will reach out to you in their own time. If you reach out to them, it might be considered spam.
    Edit: I just found out how to restore any deleted conversation in your inbox (even if the buyer hasn't placed an order with you):
    Type in: www.fiverr.com/inbox/username
    This won't work if no previous conversation exists, but it'll bring up all of your previous communications. Only message the buyer if they are expecting a response or quote from you.
  4. vickieito's post in More than 90 days delivery with gig milestones was marked as the answer   
    Hi @ayoubbkm - I'm not sure where you are seeing the 120 days, but as long as you set up each milestone for 30 days (you can have up to 6 milestones with 30 day deliveries), you should be fine. Once each milestone order starts, you can even extend the delivery from the order page if you need more time. I've had projects last longer than 5 months before, so there shouldn't be an issue asking for more time as long as you and the buyer are in agreement.
  5. vickieito's post in Impression dropped drastically was marked as the answer   
    Hi @capablethings - Honestly, the only time I've seen impressions plummet like this is when there is a negative private review (which you'll never see). You might want to read this article by @williambryan392:
    It's a myth that editing your gigs hurts your rank/visibility:
    It might affect your impressions for a couple of days, but editing your gigs, especially if you are just adding a video, shouldn't cause your impressions to plummet (and stay down) like you see in your graph. Here's a great article by @frank_d explaining what happens when you publish or update a gig:
    Although you have only 5-star reviews in public, your buyer might have left a negative private review. The private reviews hold a lot of weight because that's when buyers can express their true feelings. Here's what @williambryan392 says about these:
    Regardless of WHY your impressions are down, you've got a problem. Now you have to figure out how to get out of this slump and regain visibility in search again. Here are a few articles that can help you do just that:
    https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/104901-getting-through-the-sales-slump-upyour/  (steps 1, 2 & 4 - buyer requests are no more)
    https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/104668-marketing-yourself-just-do-it-heres-how-upyour/  (how to market yourself when you aren't visible)
    https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/273172-the-simplest-way-to-get-a-boost-in-ranking/ (how to increase your visibility in search)
    https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/  (how Fiverr really works)
    https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/  (a deeper look into the metrics and indicators affecting your impressions)
    https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-📈-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/ (how to use the algorithm in your favor)
  6. vickieito's post in Should I contact people that had ordered from me before? was marked as the answer   
    Hi @sacredtravis, based on my review of your profile and gig:
    1. Profile & Gig Descriptions - You talk about yourself but not what you can do for your clients - use more "you" statements and less "Me, my, I" statements. This can also be applied when you are writing your gigs. Don't just list what you can do - speak to your customer's pain points and show them why you are the "solution" and answer to all of their problems.
    2. Credibility - You have the "Highly responsive" badge and 5-star reviews.  You are off to a great start. I've never had the "Highly responsive" badge. As you continue to offer quality services and keep your buyers happy, you can gain additional badges (such as the Fiverr's Choice badge and becoming a leveled seller) that will help give you greater credibility and trust with your buyer.
    3. Portfolio - Before I had many reviews, my portfolio was what convinced buyers to place orders with me. Take advantage of the gig video, 3 images, and 2 PDFs that you get with each gig to show off your skills and unique selling proposition (USP).
    4. Customer Lifespan - I listened to my customers and tailored all 7 of my gigs to cater to their needs. This allowed me to get 4-5 orders from each customer (which is very helpful for getting more customers). As I was closing one order, I would give the buyer the next order via custom offer. This is one way to quickly get orders. Also, by planning with your buyers, you can gain more stability in your orders. I have one customer where we have a years' worth of orders planned out. Some customers don't want to see that far but on your end, you can have a tentative plan for that customer.
    5. Repeat Customers - Once you get customers, keep them happy and try to convert them to lifetime customers. This may be hard when you're first starting out because your prices may be lower. You may have to part ways with you previous customers and take on new clients at your higher rates.
    These articles may be helpful for you:
  7. vickieito's post in What can i do to get messages on my fiverr account was marked as the answer   
    Hi @tutu_guru, 
    If you have good impressions and clicks but no orders, buyers are visiting your gig and deciding not to buy from you. So you have to improve your conversion rate. Here's a good guide on how to do that:
  8. vickieito's post in Among my clients was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately, no. You can only add buyers who have a website.
    This is how I did it:
    I save screenshot copies like the one above as documented proof of the buyer's approval to add them as my Top Client. I suggest you do the same for the approvals that you received.
  9. vickieito's post in Buyers requests no more was marked as the answer   
    Here are 16 tips to train the AI to get better matches:
    And here's more information on what you can do to improve your gigs so that you get better matches:
    @mariashtelle1 recommended this webinar to me (see last video in the link below) and I really liked the "Best Practices" tips that start about the 8:00 minute mark and the Q&A that starts at the 45:00 minute mark. It has really good tips that can help you improve your chances of orders:
    I also found @vickiespencer's buyer perspectives on the Brief & Match feature (scroll to see all of her comments):
  10. vickieito's post in Do promoted gigs charge and/or consider spam messages when calculating your profits? was marked as the answer   
    Hi @ashleymahan217, I always though a  click was a click, so anyone who clicks on one of your promoted gig (even a spammer) would be counted as a click. Fiverr doesn't know the difference between a spam inquiry and a regular inquiry unless it's marked as spam. Correct me if I'm wrong. It looks like you get quite a bit of spam, so turn on your Promoted Gigs and see what happens when a spammer clicks on the ad. I'd be curious to see if anything happens if you mark the messages as spam (or if Fiverr's automated system moves it to the spam box)!
  11. vickieito's post in Review extension was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately there isn't. 😟 I have 6 orders with extended reviews due to the Thanksgiving holidays. I'm just hoping that they won't need any revisions (and that they all don't come back to me at the same time)!
    Buyers can extend up to 5 days at a time. As long as they request a new extension, this can go on indefinitely.
  12. vickieito's post in Buyer Communication Rules was marked as the answer   
    Hi @muttalibripon - please read Fiverr's ToS: 
    If you share your contact information, you will be breaking Fiverr's ToS and risk getting your account shut down. Simply tell your buyer that sharing such information is against Fiverr's ToS and you can handle all communication through Fiverr's platform.
  13. vickieito's post in I Have a lot of late orders. Will my Gig Ranking be loss when there are Active Late Orders ? (Not after deliver, when late orders are active, in progress) was marked as the answer   
    Hi @tharinduslaksha, I don't know why you would have so many late deliveries. You can always request for a time extension through the Resolution Center if you need more time to complete your orders.
    That many late orders will affect your gig's performance if you close them as late. If I were you, I would cancel each of those late orders and reopen new orders with your customers. This will get rid of the late deliveries and the cancelations won't affect your order completion rate if the buyers accept your new orders. Then, if needed, you can request a time extension properly through the Resolution Center BEFORE the orders expire.
  14. vickieito's post in How to Overcome that dreaded 1 ⭐ Review was marked as the answer   
    A buyer has 10 days to leave a review on this order. After the buyer leaves feedback, the seller will be prompted to leave a review on the buyer (in order for the buyer's review to be posted immediately to the seller's profile). Once the buyer's review is visible, the seller can respond to the review. Both of the seller's reviews will post immediately.
    If the seller chooses not to leave a review of the buyer, the buyer's review will not show up on the seller's profile for 10 days. When it does show up, the seller will not have a chance to respond to the review.
    Note: If the buyer leaves a review right at the 10-day deadline, the seller may not be able to leave a review.
  15. vickieito's post in I am not seeing Intro video option in my Seller account? was marked as the answer   
    In addition to what @williambryan392 mentioned, some sellers (not all) were invited to test the beta version of a profile introductory video. If you were invited, it will appear in your profile (in edit mode):
  16. vickieito's post in What is seller plus? was marked as the answer   
    Hi @alifa_art, you can read this post here:
    There are also a lot of good threads on the forum that talk about the pros and cons of Seller Plus (you can find them by doing a quick search).
  17. vickieito's post in Doesn't Fiverr have to be a US-based company to ask for W-9s? was marked as the answer   
    I'm not sure who is the seller here. Are you (or your sister) a U.S. citizen? If so, no matter where you live in the world, you have to report your income to the U.S. government. So you'll have to fill out that W-9 form. There are hefty fines placed for companies that don't ask U.S. citizens to submit a W-9 form (especially if you make more than $600/year). I'm a U.S. citizen in Japan, so I had to provide a W-9 form. I also file taxes for both the U.S. and Japan. 
  18. vickieito's post in Recently I applied for Fiverr Pro but didn't get any response was marked as the answer   
    Hi @sohangazi1, the review process for Pro applications is manual, so it can take some time before they respond to you. How long has it been?
    I also wouldn't suggest making any changes to your profile or gig while Fiverr is reviewing your Pro application. Just be patient and wait until you hear back from them.
  19. vickieito's post in Buyer Request Marketplace - is it gone? was marked as the answer   
    Hi @dana__b, you're correct, I was one of the sellers that was "matched" to your brief.
    I did consider your brief since I love writing resumes and profiles for career changers and SAHM's. I'm a career changer myself, having transitioned from 17 years as a food scientist to doing data entry, writing resumes, and offering other services on Fiverr. I love my work now because it allows me to work from home and be there for my kids.
    I feel that a PhD in Psychology transitioning to a career in the music industry is not a long shot, especially with your volunteer experience in concert and live music. Music and psychology are deeply intertwined, since music is meant to evoke certain emotions and enhance the quality and overall enjoyment of its listeners. So there's a lot of fun connections you can weave into your resume and profile to show off those qualifications.
    However, I also noted your strong plea to the music industry, which is one of the reasons why I declined your brief. I do review and optimize resumes for those in the music industry and production, but I'm not specifically in the music industry. So I thought it was best for you to explore working with those sellers first.  You can type in "resume for music" or "entertainment resume" to hopefully find sellers who are more in line with what you are looking for.
    I have better luck using Fiver's search than submitting Buyer Requests or Buyer Briefs, because like you said, sometimes you get sellers who aren't the best matches for what you are looking for (they only happen to be in the category that you selected).
  20. vickieito's post in Gig promotion was marked as the answer   
    Hi @lorita_book, Welcome to the forum!
    You can share your gig links in "My Fiverr Gigs" and "Improve My Gigs." It's considered spam if you post them in other categories.
  21. vickieito's post in Deleting my account to start all over again was marked as the answer   
    I actually thought the review was good. The buyer only stated "Communication was good." Even if a buyer gives you 1 star, if they write a good review, you only need to respond positively, such as "It was great working with you!"
    You don't need to explain how you got sick and had to extend the delivery date. Only if the buyer mentions that as a reason for giving you less than 5 stars, should you go into such detail.
    I agree that it doesn't help you to cancel your account and create a new one. Just move on and try to get orders. It is possible to get orders after a negative review.
    For future reference, read @gina_riley2's post on how to overcome negative reviews here:
  22. vickieito's post in How come do the buyer requests never match the metadata on my profile? was marked as the answer   
    Hi @olga_ro, Welcome to the forum!
    In answer to your question -
    Buyer Requests are category-specific, so it isn't related or connected to your metadata on your profile. So you'll see a lot of requests that aren't related to your services. I would always see 800 buyer request a day, and most of the time, I wouldn't see any to make an offer on.
    However, now I don't see any buyer requests because Fiverr is discontinuing Buyer Requests and replacing it with the Brief & Match feature. The changes has happened gradually over the last several months, so some sellers are still seeing Buyer Requests, but not for long.
    To get the most out of the Brief & Match feature, make sure your "Get briefs" feature is turned on (from your Gig page). There will be a lot of irrelevant briefs at first, but they'll start to become more relevant as you train the AI to send you briefs that you want.
  23. vickieito's post in Buyer was marked as the answer   
    I do think you should contact Customer Support. Show them how the buyer is abusing the revision button and not letting you know what needs to be revised. You can also show how you have delivered according to the order requirements.
    Customer Service may be able to contact the buyer on your behalf so that the buyer can actually tell you what changes need to be made. You can create a ticket here:
  24. vickieito's post in cancel incomplete order was marked as the answer   
    Hi @mavaisashraf,
    It doesn't hurt your seller statistics if an order is canceled before the order requirements are submitted, so if you really wanted to, you could cancel these orders.
    However, since the buyers already paid for their orders, it doesn't hurt to just keep those orders where they are at. I think Fiverr also periodically cleans some of these orders for you if they've been hanging around for several years. 
    I have an order that has been in the "incomplete status" stage for about 6 months, with no buyer response since July. The price of my premium package has increased by $70, and I'm doing another price increase, so I might cancel the order based on these price changes. However, I'm still okay with the price of this one order and will probably keep it open since the buyer admitted to being really busy (but still interested) in her last message.
  25. vickieito's post in How works with Fiverr Milestone? was marked as the answer   
    You can set up any custom offer as a milestones order. Milestones orders require at least $50 per milestone, and at least 2 milestones per milestones order. Milestones orders allow you to get paid after each milestone. For you, you could set up each milestones as a day's worth of work. Alternatively, you could set up weekly subscription orders to cover your daily work.
    It might be helpful to know what services you offer, to know which one will work better for you. Can you explain?
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