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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. I once got a buyer that rated me 4.7 and she accidentally gave me 4 stars on recommending my gig to others - her review stated something like, "I'll definitely tell everyone about this seller!" As a buyer, I found that it's REALLY easy to change the amount of stars - simply hovering over the stars (without clicking) can change the review from a 5 star to a 1 star. So if you are trying to move the mouse out the way so you can type (or read) your review, you could easily change the number of stars. Most buyers are careful enough to change it before submitting the review, but mistakes do happen. In the case of my buyer, I asked her how I could improve my services, and she realized her error and hid from me (out of embarrassment for several weeks). I will never asked any buyer that question again if I get another "good" less-than-perfect review.
  2. vickieito

    Silent clients

    That's another type of "silent buyer"! The one that disappears mid-chat (and in the weirdest places in conversation). I get a lot of those, too. I had one of those that disappeared right after she asked a question (which I answered, then asked her one of my own) ...and then 5 months later she comes back, acting like nothing had happened. She answered my question and asked for a quote. I gave her the quote and she disappeared again. I look forward to our next conversation, most likely after the holidays. 😊 Most of these disappearing buyers in my inbox never come back, so it's fun when they do. So far, I only have 3 disappearing buyers who keep coming back every few months or so. We are on first-name basis now.
  3. Hi @llhifi, Sellers aren't required to sign NDAs with their buyers, but if both parties agree, Fiverr is okay with both parties signing an NDA as part of the order requirements. I have signed several NDAs when I do beta reading for authors.
  4. Hi @dmc_art, sorry you had such a negative experience with that buyer. For those buyers, the minute they ask for something outside of scope of the order, you should send a gig extra to cover for that additional work - this will ensure that you get paid for your work and it sends a message to the buyer that you won't work for free. Some buyers will keep asking for more as long as the seller keeps agreeing to do the work. Standing by the scope of your services also makes it easier to cancel without the cancelation hurting your seller stats because you are clearly defining the scope of your order to your buyer. Nothing will happen until the buyer either accepts the gig extra or the order is canceled. When order requirements aren't so clear (especially when the seller agrees to do some work outside of the order requirements), it sends mixed messages to the buyer on what is included in the order and it makes it difficult for Customer Support to support the seller in the cancelation.
  5. Are your impressions 0? Or are they just low? If they are 0, then you might want to see if your gigs are active and can be found in search. You can check here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/gigs/gig-status?gigId=232202182 If you still can't find your gig, you can follow the Help Center's advice here: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4599361153809-Cant-find-your-Gig?segment=seller
  6. Hi @gauravsingh582, price isn't the only the thing that buyers are looking at. Many buyers will pay premium price for premium service, but you have to look the part. Decide which buyers you want to target and cater your gigs to them. If you want to offer premium services, look for ways to make your gig attractive to those buyers so that you can charge what you are worth.
  7. Hi @nomandev_! It's good to hear that you are getting such good support here on the forum! 😊 I agree - I read and learn a lot every day. I just wanted to mention here that you don't need to be online to respond to queries - you can just download Fiverr's app and it will notify you if a buyer reaches out to you. 😊 Other than that, it looks like you are taking strides to grow your business! I wish you the best and look forward to chatting with you on the forum!
  8. Hi @aminyahyazadeh, I wrote an article about how Fiverr's matching system works, and it might help you in your research to find out why your gigs aren't getting matches: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-📈-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/ I did visit your profile and watched all of your gig and portfolio videos - you have a good voice and I liked how you had a lot of samples for your buyers to listen to. The two videos that showed you singing with the music was good to see (I usually prefer to see the singer in the videos), but the audio and video weren't synced together in both of those videos, so I preferred your videos that didn't require audio and video to be synced exactly. Those two videos were really the only thing that I thought might stick out to your buyers.
  9. Your client may not have Adobe Illustrator. Try sending the file in an editable Word or PowerPoint format. You should easily be able to change the file type in Adobe Acrobat.
  10. Hi @sardarahmad360, it sounds like everything is working as it should - you won't see your impressions unless you click on each gig to see how it is performing. Also, there currently isn't a graph that will show a summary of all the impressions you are getting for all your gigs. The good news is, you are getting impressions, so monitor your impressions to see if they are increasing over time (and if you are getting clicks). Try optimizing your gigs so that impressions turn into clicks and clicks turn into orders.
  11. Hi @th3_developer, Welcome to the forum! You might want to read this article about how Fiverr's matching system works in search and what you can do it improve your visibility in search: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-📈-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/ If you want a more in depth, please read @frank_d's articles here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/
  12. vickieito

    Silent clients

    Hi @dmc_art, This happens all the time! It's been happening to me a lot the last couple of months, even on orders that are $200 or more. You would think they would care about their money and orders, but I'm okay with it as long as I get paid for my work. I have fun chatting to myself on the order about what I'm doing and how I'm taking their order requirements into consideration. I try to anticipate their needs and If I don't have everything I need, I reach out to Customer Support and they can usually get a non-responsive buyer to respond to me. If I end up delivering to a non-responsive buyer, I just reiterate in the order delivery how I've taken all their order requirements into consideration and I look forward to their feedback (with a reminder that they have three free revisions on the order that they can take advantage of). Who knows? 🤷‍♀️I have a good imagination and can think up some fun stories. 🤔 Sometimes I have some of these clients come back 4 week later apologizing that they just got busy and they loved the order. Some never come back. So I just assume that life happens and things just got really busy.
  13. Hi @ankkkulsingh, You are in a competitive field, so you'll need to make sure that your gigs are optimized so that you stand out from the competition. You could utilize the 3 gig images, 2 PDFs, and videos for each of your gigs to increase user engagement with your gigs and increase chances of you getting an order. The time you spend working on your portfolio and samples will show in the quality of your gig and buyers will notice. When I was a new seller, with no reviews or orders, my portfolio was the reason for buyers placing orders with me. It was the only thing that gave me credibility. So work hard on putting together samples for your buyers to look at and videos that show off your skills. Try to tailor you gigs to a specific niche to reduce the competition that you are up against. This will increase the changes for your success. For more information on how you can improve you business during the slow times, you can take a look at this article here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/
  14. Hi @olapure_sales, You can optimize your gigs and improve your seller performance so that Fiverr's algorithm sees you as a relevant match for buyers looking for your services. You can read more about how this works here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-📈-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/ Fiverr wants high-quality sellers and happy buyers. If you and your gigs can meet these quality standards, Fiverr will give you good visibility in search.
  15. You can join the Seller Plus Waiting List here: https://www.fiverr.com/cp/seller-plus I was on the waiting list for 5 months before I was invited to the program. This was before there were 2 levels of Seller Plus, so you may become eligible faster than me.
  16. Hi @asifrajpoot951, Welcome to the forum! It looks like you can still do some work to improve your gigs. You have grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors in your bio, gig descriptions, and gig images. Since you are offering writing services in both of your gigs, your buyers will expect your writing to be flawless. There are also no writing samples for your buyers to look at to see your skills. That might explain why you don't have orders yet. Are there any skills that you have that aren't dependent on perfect English? If you do, it would be good to set up new gigs advertising those skills.
  17. That's good news! I'm glad they did that. It seems like many buyers weren't finding matches to their briefs (or on the sellers' side, they only matched up with some of the buyers' criterion). I find it easier using search to find a seller to meet my specific needs. Let us know how the updated briefs work for you!
  18. McDonald's does pay its food scientists really well! I optimized equipment, processes, and products for 7 years at a manufacturing plant for McDonald's & it was good money. Highest paid burger flipper right here! 😊
  19. Hi @ashleymahan217, I always though a click was a click, so anyone who clicks on one of your promoted gig (even a spammer) would be counted as a click. Fiverr doesn't know the difference between a spam inquiry and a regular inquiry unless it's marked as spam. Correct me if I'm wrong. It looks like you get quite a bit of spam, so turn on your Promoted Gigs and see what happens when a spammer clicks on the ad. I'd be curious to see if anything happens if you mark the messages as spam (or if Fiverr's automated system moves it to the spam box)!
  20. The only friends that wanted to get started on Fiverr were the ones who didn't want to set up a profile, only have me pass off work to them. They are still wondering why I haven't sent them anything. The other people that I know don't think highly of Fiverr. So while they think my success on Fiverr nice, they don't understand why I even bother with it. I recommended Fiverr to was my son when he turned 13 years old. He types 72 WPM and loves to code and animate. I made a few suggestions on things he could do. He told me, "Mom, don't deprive me of my childhood." 😂 Looks like I made recommendations to the wrong person! I agree with @williambryan392 & @zeus777! You should give it a try! I deliberated for 2.5 years before posting my first gig. That's because I couldn't think of any skills. If you already know what skills to sell, that's half the battle. I think your buyer reviews all look good and communication was mentioned as your strong point. I think most "bad" reviews are result of poor communication, which, I don't think you'll have a problem with. ( @williambryan392, to find a buyer's profile, you need to add the username after "www.fiverr.com/") I know @zeus777 is amazing! I show @zeus777's artwork to my 9-year-old daughter all the time because she loves to draw and animate and wants to be an artist or animator when she grows up. @zeus777 is a good role model for her.
  21. @katakatica, I've been singing Christmas songs since summer! 😂 When I was in the US, our Christmas tree went up after my birthday in October, so we got to decorate it with Halloween items, then Thanksgiving items, before decorating it with the traditional Christmas decorations (I know, I'm terrible)! That's a great one! Our family also likes: "A Christmas Prince," "Elf," "Pete's Christmas," "Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas," "Little Women," "Frosty The Snowman," "A Christmas Carol," "It's a Wonderful Life," "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer," "Holiday Inn," and "White Christmas."🎄 I grew up in Alaska, so we watched a lot of movies when we weren't outside building luges and igloos. This year we won't see any snow because we will be vacationing in Hawaii. Actually, this vacation just turned into a family move, so we have only 3 weeks to pack up and move our family from Japan to Hawaii. This definitely puts me into the Christmas spirit because this move will bring us closer to family members who we haven't seen since the pandemic started.
  22. Congratulations @katakatica! It makes me happy to see you doing so well! 😊 August-October were really good months for me and November was looking to be the best with all the Fiverr's Choice orders. However, I'm trying to slow things down and have Request to Orders on all my gigs. I don't want to take on new projects until end of January/February due to the holidays. I have enough projects to last until then. Since this is my first year of freelancing and I have never taken time off before (just one day here and there), I need to figure out how to do work with a long 6-week vacation that involves extended family. My repeat buyers for the projects I'll work on in December and January are flexible with the delivery dates so I hope it'll work out okay!
  23. A lot isn't clear. The Match Score is the likelihood of a buyer to click on your gig. Exactly how Fiverr calculates this "likelihood" is unknown. However, we know that Fiverr has a record of every gig that I've clicked on and can derive things like what is "gig appearance quality" to me based on my click history. This data would be specific to me, as a buyer, because what I click on and am attracted to, is very different from another buyer. I think there's a lot of user-specific data, and, as you suggest, there may be group-specific behaviors based on buyers who behave a certain way. I'm curious to see how they calculate my likelihood to buy a specific gig again. Yes, the highest match score is looked at first, then the bid amount, which is also calculated for the seller: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4405489899153-How-Promoted-Gigs-works-Ad-ranking-explained?segment=seller
  24. Hi @ahmed_faroquee, the purpose of my article was to help you learn how to "Get Matched." Please read the article again, especially points 3-5. Understanding how Fiverr matches its sellers to buyers (and studying how this system works) is the best way to getting match. This includes a continuous improvement cycle of PDCA (Plan, Do, Checking, & Adjusting) to see what is working for you and what gets you the best visibility/matches. Are you utilizing all the features that Fiverr has given you and monitoring the data to see if it's working/not working? If not, it's time to get started!
  25. Hi @aleksandar122, Welcome to the forum! If you are serious about your business, it will show in your profile and gig. You can start by optimizing your gigs. You only wrote 1 sentence in your profile bio, your gig description is very short, and there isn't much in your gallery. Buyers will expect to see a little more effort put into your gig. If you have 6+ years of experience and over 100 customers, show it! You have a gallery where you can put 3 images and 2 PDFs to show off your skills and experience. Take advantage of it! It isn't uncommon for someone to take 90 days to find a job. This includes all the time it takes to find the potential jobs, submit applications, interview, and get accepted. However, once accepted, you'll have a guaranteed salary each month and can have the peace of mind that comes with job security. You'll have to be honest with yourself. What are you looking to gain from freelancing? If it's job security, then maybe freelancing isn't for you. Many new sellers don't get their first order in two months. And even after they get the first order, it doesn't guarantee them getting another order. Orders don't just flow once you get the first couple of orders or even the first 20 orders. There might even be some months with no orders at all.
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