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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @sristy_dutta - it's perfectly okay to direct someone who uses your services to order through your Fiverr gig instead of going directly through you. However, it is not okay to ask for a good review. That's against Fiverr ToS.
  2. @mdshafiurrahman - I responded to your private message. Please follow that advice and the advice of @breals above. Put yourself in your buyer's shoes and find better ways to connect with your buyers so they will choose you over the other 93,000 web designers out there. Differentiate yourself and find your niche - you don't need to compete against 93,000 designers. Make yourself unique and work with only a targeted group of buyers.
  3. Hi @deyotraffic, Normally Fiverr sends you an email telling you why your account was flagged. What did that email say?
  4. Hi @shohag_dm! Welcome to the forum! These two articles might help you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/
  5. Another reason for you to raise your prices, @donnovan86!
  6. Whenever I cancel through Customer Support so it doesn't affect my seller stats, I will reply to the "solved" ticket to open it up again to request Customer Support to verify that it the cancelation does not affect my seller stats. Once I get that in writing from them, I monitor my stats to make sure it really does not affect my stats. If it does, Customer Support usually tells me to contact them again.
  7. Hi @mdshafiurrahman - the only way you can get a review is if someone places an order with you. Once you deliver the order, the buyer will have the opportunity to leave a review for you. Please note that buyers do not have to leave a review, and it's best not to ask for one. Asking for positive reviews is against Fiverr ToS. Asking for "honest" reviews are okay, but may annoy the buyer since Fiverr's automated systems asks them repeatedly to leave their review.
  8. I'm glad it worked out, @iamattique! And congratulation on your 200th order! That's a great story that makes your 200th order more meaningful. I'm glad the buyer likes your speed, accuracy, and quality. Hopefully this buyer turns into a repeat buyer!
  9. Hi @dhaka029, Great job on completing 5 orders! The best thing you can do to increase your visibility in search is to get more orders, make quality deliveries, and keep your customers happy. If you aren't getting orders through search, find other ways. Make offers on buyer request. Share your gig link with those you know who may use your services. Find ways to connect with your target buyers so that they will want to buy from you.
  10. Welcome to the forum, @kristinkate! The fastest way would be if you already had existing clients that could start ordering your services through Fiverr. Usually though, it takes time to build a business on Fiverr, one client at a time. As a newbie, you have to learn how to connect to your clients so that they'll want to buy from you (and not your competition). You also want to build rapport and loyalty from your clients so that they'll keep coming back to use your services. Here's a great article that can help you get started: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  11. Hi @habibaislam_ - that's spam, which (unfortunately) makes up most of the requests that you'll see in the buyer request section. Luckily Fiverr is replacing Buyer Requests with Buyer Briefs, so we should see less spam and opportunities will be sent to you in your inbox, rather than you looking for them.
  12. Hi @designcity32 - Not quite. I've seen sellers successful with only one or two gigs. I've also seen sellers who have many gigs, but few orders. If you publish more gigs in different categories, you will have access to more buyer requests because you can look at available buyer requests in each of the different categories. Simply seeing more buyer requests wont' increase the chances of orders. Most of the buyer requests are spam or no good. And you would still have to submit offers to the buyer requests and have those offers accepted for them to turn into orders. Instead of trying to create more gigs - focus on making sure you're really good at the gigs that you do have. You will perform better in the marketplace if you are good at what you do, and you won't have to depend on buyer requests to get orders.
  13. vickieito

    Order dan

    Congratulations, @mimcoverdesign! 🥳 Sometimes that first order can be the hardest. Keep it going!
  14. Hi @socialfahim71, Here's what it says when I hover over "Action Plan": If this is a service you provide, feel free to add it to your list of services!
  15. Hi @nomee_dez, you can reach out to Customer Support for help by creating a ticket here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/orders/general-inquiry
  16. You can, but I don't see a need to ask for such things. It's pushy and might even cause buyers to not buy from you again. If buyers like your services, they will happily refer you to others on their own. You don't need to ask.
  17. Any time, @sraboni_web! 😊 One thing that might happen with a buyer marking your gig as a favorite is that they might share your gig with others, and that could lead to more orders for you. However, most of my referrals come from happy clients who share my gig links with others (regardless of whether they make it a gig favorite or not).
  18. To further explain how these two work in search - Impressions are related to how relevant your gig is. This is not just SEO and keywords. It's related to your seller performance compared to other sellers. If others are doing better than you - responding faster, getting more orders, delivering quicker, with more happy customers - they will be more visible in search than you. I noticed that your average response time is 12 hours ... you really need to get it down to 1 hour to be competitive and considered "relevant" in search. As @donnovan86 mentioned, clicks are related to how attractive your gig is. Make sure you only have 3-5 easy-to-read words on your gig images that clearly describe your services. You have too many words, and the buyers won't take the time to read them. You might want to add a video for each of your gigs, because this can increase user engagement by 40%. Try to see it from the buyer's perspective - would I click on my gig if I saw it? Does it stand out from all the other gigs offering the same service? Clicks mean people are visiting your gig. However, if they aren't turning into orders, it means you haven't convinced those buyers to buy from you. They are just moving on to a different seller. Here are some articles that can help you get started: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/
  19. Hi @hadia_ahsan, Welcome to the forum! I don't think this has anything to do with you using the auto-refresh extension. I'm glad you stopped using it, because it's dishonest and unnecessary. The reason why you aren't getting clicks is because clicks are only related to Fiverr search. If you are sharing your gig links, your friends aren't finding you in search...they're going directly to your gig. So you are getting increased traffic to your gig (just not through search). So for your performance in search - How are your impressions? How many clicks are you getting?
  20. I think all of my gigs, even though they are in high competition categories, are uniquely mine, because I just do things differently than what most people do in those categories. I think that's why I only attract a certain type of buyer. My buyers really like how I know what they want more than they do. If they come to me with an idea and ask for a specific thing, and I don't think their requests meets their own needs, I'll suggest a better solution for them. I'm also really into the details and do a lot of research so that I can bring clarity to their projects. This is especially true for my curriculum building gig where I could be creating lessons and content in a variety of formats and designs (e.g., ebooks, ecourses, presentations, videos, etc). Most of those buyers only have a topic picked out, and haven't even thought of what their course would look like. It's my job to show them the possibilities.
  21. Hi @roberto_cf - If your clients are buying from you on the Fiverr platform, you don't need to create an invoice for them. This is already generated by Fiverr. Buyers can access all their orders and print them out from the "Billings" page. https://www.fiverr.com/billing/billing-history
  22. HI @rakib789rr, Great job getting your first order! Fiverr gives an initial boost to new sellers, so this drop may just be due to gig rotation so that other sellers can also have have the opportunity to be visible in search. You can increase impressions, clicks, and orders by improving your seller performance - responding fast, getting orders, making timely and high quality deliveries, and keeping your customers happier. As you do this, you can have better visibility in search. This article may be helpful for you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/
  23. Hi @mehedibaadhon, Welcome to the forum! Here are great resources for you to get started! https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/211706-are-you-a-new-seller-this-is-how-you-get-more-orders/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282867-how-to-build-credibility-on-fiverr-even-if-youre-a-new-seller-with-zero-reviews/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  24. Welcome to the forum, @oronoz42! I hope you are safe and doing well! To answer your questions (and to clarify how Fiverr works) - Fiverr doesn't "rank" gigs. Because there is no ranking, Fiverr isn't "deranking" gigs. It is a matching service specifically tailored to the buying habits of each buyer. So what you see in search won't be what others see in search. And since gigs are also rotated to allow exposure for all sellers, the placement of your gig may change from time to time. So don't worry about what page you are finding your gig in search. It will be different all the time. SEO and keywords only matter in that they need to be relevant to your service. Other factors that affect whether your gig is found in search relate to your seller performance ... compared to other sellers in your category. So even though your seller statistics are perfect, if another seller is doing better than you - for example, more orders, faster response times, and quicker deliveries - you will be shown less in search. This assessment is based on the last 60 - 90 days. Fiverr isn't picking on Pakistani sellers. With the flooding going on in Pakistan, I know many sellers were unable to take on more orders, complete orders, deliver fast, or respond quickly. So Fiverr's algorithm, unfortunately, adjusted accordingly. Luckily the human side of Fiverr (Customer Support) has been able to cancel orders without it affecting Pakistani seller statistics. It's also a good sign that you have been getting orders and making deliveries because every order can count towards improving your performance and increasing your relevancy in search. So your numbers can change and your visibility in search can improve over time. I really wish the best for you and your business!
  25. Hi @cmdgwu! Most new buyers struggle with getting seen and converting clicks to orders, but this doesn't appear to be a problem for you. These numbers tell me that you know how to get found in search and you also have a very high conversion rate...so you're able to convince many buyers visiting your gig to order your services. You have really great reviews on your profile, so it's not hard to see why. The only low number I see here are the clicks, and those numbers are based on how attractive your gigs are to buyers who do see your gigs in search. Try to create attractive gig thumbnails for both of your gigs and add a video for your second gig. As you're creating these thumbnails and video, think - what will convince buyers to "click" on your gig images and visit your gigs?
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