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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @vishdrawings - it's both, so @catwriter is correct. The AI is imperfect and needs to be trained. If sellers are ignoring briefs (and not responding why they are rejecting the briefs), they will continue to get imperfect matches. It took me several weeks to train the AI to give me briefs that I wanted. Even then, the AI is not perfect and will send irrelevant matches. If I ignore the briefs (instead of responding and telling the AI why I won't make an offer), the briefs get more and more irrelevant. I received no briefs for 2 months and now I have the AI trained so that I get 3-5 relevant briefs a day (with a high likelihood of them becoming orders if make an offer). As long as you can turn on the "Get briefs" option, then you can get briefs, regardless of your seller level. However, there's no guarantee that you will get briefs. Unlike Fiverr's search, buyers are not inputting a single search term (they are inputting a description) and buyers also manually select the category they go in. I've seen several buyers requesting graphic design in the writing category. This is probably why we see buyers complaining that they are getting "no matches" for their briefs. Briefs are only as good as the details the buyer provides. I've been sharing the following links on the forum and will share them on this thread as well:
  2. Actually, @damilolabolu & @mabeljacob481, buyers can retaliate before blocking. Since buyers can leave private and public reviews on each order, they could give you a good public review and you could give them your honest, negative review of working with them. After reading your honest negative review, the buyer can then leave a very bad private review in retaliation, since they have 14 days to leave their private reviews (and yes, they can see your negative, public review before leaving their negative, private review of you). Although we can't see the negative private review, it'll be evident because your impressions will plummet and your account may be hurt for 90 days or more. Some sellers can never recover from the negative private review. Here's a post that talks about this: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/288420-hidden-private-feedback-is-the-worst-idea/ This is probably the biggest reason why sellers are hesitant to leave negative public reviews of their buyers. @domenikbrenner (also on the thread above) gives a first-person perspective on this if you want to read more.
  3. Hi @syed_az - I can't see all of your analytics that would tell me if you are optimized to get briefs. Your matching score depends a lot on your performance as a seller, so please look at your metrics and improve. Some notes - Your average response time is 3 hours, so that might make you seem less relevant than any competitor that may be responding quicker than you. You promise deliveries "in several hours" and within "24 hours" on many of your gigs, which may cause quality issues if you ever get an influx of orders. I'd like to see more samples of what you can do! Please utilize the PDFs for your gallery images so that buyers can see your skill. Consider having a unified look/brand for all your gigs to give your profile a more professional look. In the gig descriptions, don't just list what you can do - show how you are solving common pain points for your buyers.
  4. Hi @adsashraf19, You might be interested in all of these articles on the new Brief & Match feature: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/294392-buyers-requests-no-more/?do=findComment&comment=1855970 Briefs are very different from requests - buyers only get matched to one or two sellers at a time. So if you don't have any briefs, there are no matches for you at the moment. I didn't get any briefs for two months.
  5. Hi @lash_lee, you can either access Gmail from a web browser on your Desktop or add your Gmail account back onto your phone to access it via mobile app.
  6. Hi @belinda_designs, To understand more how Buyer Brief works, you might find the links in this article helpful:
  7. Hi @anisaillustrate, you might want to read all of the links in this post right here:
  8. On mobile mode only (not desktop), you can set up templates for custom orders and send them to your specific clients. Each offer you send to a client can only be used once, and you can choose to set a deadline on it (or not). You can limit the orders in queue by using the template to create custom offers one at a time (or 4 at a time, whatever your queue limit is). You can also set expiration dates (or withdraw your offers) so the buyer doesn't order past a certain period.
  9. Extensions requests are no longer a part of the Resolution Center. They are now only located below the "Time left to deliver" section of your order page: Under this new system, you can now extend up to 60 days at at time (instead of 28 days).
  10. Hi @ecomdream - I really like this webinar on Promoted Gigs (see last video on the page): https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017729338-Promoted-Gigs#h_01G7PJWY4RXHXNWB1ZQED3C3S5 At the 8:00 mark it starts talking about best practices and specific action you can take to improve your impressions, clicks, and orders. These tips are very specific ad really helpful in helping you increase your organic orders. As you can see in the webinar, Promoted Gigs can enhance your organic orders, if you know how to use it properly. What was their response? Letting us know what advice you've already received can help us provide better feedback for you.
  11. Hi @mubashir151, It's good news that your impressions are increasing because that means Fiverr is showing your gig to buyers. Now you should focus on getting more clicks and turning those clicks into orders. To increase clicks, you need to make your gig card attractive so that buyers will want to click on your gig to learn more about your services. You only have a second to impress buyers. Factors that affect clicks include your gig image, gig video, gig title, reviews, and gig price. To turn clicks into orders, your profile and gigs need to be professional and tailored for your target buyers. Are you just listing skills? Or are you showing your buyers how you are the solution to their problems? Take advantage of your gallery to show off your skills and portfolio. A couple of notes after looking at your profile - I noticed that you mentioned "Satisfaction Guaranteed" and "100% Money Back Guaranteed." These statements are unnecessary. No one can guarantee satisfaction (there are some buyers that you just can't please). Also, by mentioned your money-back guarantee, it suggests to the buyer that they might not be satisfied with your services (so you'll give them your money back). Don't give your buyers a reason to doubt the quality of your services. Your gigs are also very generic and buyers would want to see why they should pick you over another seller on the platform. What makes you unique and different from the competition? What can you offer that they can't? Speak to your buyers' pain points and show them how you can help. I see you refer to your portfolio on Behance. It's against Fiverr ToS to share your Behance portfolio. However, you can share the following links: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011421198
  12. Hi @newbutgoodplaye, Welcome to the forum! The best thing to do is understand how Fiverr works and become the quality seller that Fiverr is looking for. That way Fiverr will promote your gigs so that it is visible to your target buyers, without you having to advertise your gigs. This is what you have in your bio. I suggest you rewrite your gig so that you can present yourself as a professional that Fiverr will want to promote. It doesn't make sense to promote or advertise your gigs if they are not optimized to convert visitors into buyers. You can start optimizing your gigs and profile by following the tips below: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/
  13. Here are 16 tips to train the AI to get better matches: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/274154-can-anyone-explain-the-feature-fiverr-briefs-in-details/?do=findComment&comment=1832873 https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293601-how-to-get-buyer-request/#comment-1850772 And here's more information on what you can do to improve your gigs so that you get better matches: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/ @mariashtelle1 recommended this webinar to me (see last video in the link below) and I really liked the "Best Practices" tips that start about the 8:00 minute mark and the Q&A that starts at the 45:00 minute mark. It has really good tips that can help you improve your chances of orders: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017729338-Promoted-Gigs#h_01G7PJWY4RXHXNWB1ZQED3C3S5 I also found @vickiespencer's buyer perspectives on the Brief & Match feature (scroll to see all of her comments): https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/290975-bring-back-buyer-request/page/3/#comment-1855814
  14. Hi Ashley, here's a few to get started: Webinar link: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017729338-Promoted-Gigs#h_01G7PJWY4RXHXNWB1ZQED3C3S5 (this is the last video on the page, about 1 hr long; I like the "Best Practices" and "Q&A" sections) Related threads: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/240510-sponsored-gigs-progress-report/page/4/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/207308-fiverr-paid-gig-promotion-ads-new-gig-analytics-coming-soon/page/6/
  15. You're awesome, @mariashtelle1! Thanks for your help and tips! 😊 I'll try find all the resources you mentioned. Please get some sleep!!! 🛌💤
  16. Just tag a Fiverr Staffer to your messages so that they'll be alerted to your message. 😊
  17. Hi @elsakrishnan, Welcome to the forum and Fiverr! I also do resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profile optimizations. This is a good business to have, if you are good at it. Some notes for you: 1. More than designs, your clients will want high-quality writing, so please put together a portfolio of your writing samples. If you have written over 1,000 resumes, you should be able to put together "mock" samples of your writing so that buyers can see the quality of your writing. Also suggested: please proofread and edit your bio, gig descriptions, and FAQs to make sure your writing is professional, clear, and error-free! 2. It's against LinkedIn's User Agreement for you to log into your clients' accounts to edit their LinkedIn accounts - as a result, this also violates violates Fiverr's ToS. So don't do it! You risk getting your client's Linkedin account shut down and your Fiverr account, too. You can still optimize your clients' Linkedin profile, but they will need to make the changes themselves. 3. Your prices are extremely low, especially with your level of experience. Sometimes low prices make buyers think that you are offering low quality. Have a plan in place to progressively increase your prices as you get more orders.
  18. Hi @razib_biswas, You don't need to cancel your gig or your profile. Stick with the profile that you have. You also don't need to reach out to Fiverr Support because there's nothing that they can do to help you. It's natural for gig positions and impressions to go down, especially if you have two recent cancelations. Cancelations remain on your account for a rolling 60 days. The good news is that you can recover from this. Here are some things that you can do: If you have no impressions, you need to make your gigs more relevant. You can do that by following these tips: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-📈-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/ If you aren't getting clicks and orders, it's time to upgrade your gigs so that it appeals to your buyers: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/ Here's a great article on how to market yourself: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/104668-marketing-yourself-just-do-it-heres-how-upyour/
  19. Hi @alii_raja1, In the Help Center, you'll find out that there are several factors that Fiverr considers to determine whether your gig is worthy of the Promoted Gig feature. These factors are lumped together and calculated as your "Match Score." Read the article below to learn more about how this matching system works so that you can take advantage of all the features Fiverr has to offer: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-📈-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/
  20. Fun survey @chrygraphics! I published my first gig last year about this time, so I'm right at my 1-year and mark. 😊
  21. Both! Brief notifications show up where all your notifications are. On Desktop mode, it will be here (highlighted in yellow): And on mobile mode, it is here (circled in yellow):
  22. All hail, King Mooch! Again, thanks for another dose of awesomeness! Your loyal subjects look forward to your posts with great anticipation - the King never disappoints!😊 I'm also honored to be on your appointed council! In the realm of the forum, "sticker" badges have incredible power in the minds of those who hold them. Designations from the King, thoughtfully made at his espresso machine, are much more highly esteemed than these automatic forum badges! I think your loyal subjects have already gotten the memo on this one - I noticed more posts now forgo the "Please" and just state "Give me tips" or "Suggest me!" But don't worry, dear King. That's what I'm here for. I don't mind answering those posts if we can have more quality posts, like this one!
  23. @ashleymahan217, that's good that spam isn't getting counted towards your Promoted Gig clicks! Thanks for being the guinea pig there! You might be interested in this - Fiverr is trying out a new feature where promotions are being sent directly to buyers' inboxes (in a spammy way):
  24. You actually don't want ANY warning points, @tharinduslaksha. If you have that many, your post limit might not get removed (or if it does, it will take a very long time). I agree with @melanielm - Don't worry about when your post limit is removed. Post when you can, and only when you can provide value to the forum. 😊
  25. I have time now. 😊 December and January will be busy, so I might not be on the forum as much. You're the one with Jedi powers, @vickiespencer! I think I just have a forum addiction. I have too much fun here! 😂
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