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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. It’s time for another installment of Fiverr Simplified! If you missed the first installment, you can read it here: 📈Fiverr Simplified: Two Steps to Selling More & Earning More This second post is in response to many questions on the forum right now: Where are buyer requests? Why don't I have any briefs? Why is my gig not ranking? Why am I not qualified for Promoted Gigs anymore? How can I get orders?!! To quickly answer these questions: Fiverr got rid of Buyer Requests and replaced it with Buyer Briefs. If you don't have any Buyer Briefs, it's because there are no matches for you at the moment. Your gig isn't ranking because Fiverr's system doesn't see you as a relevant match when buyers look for your services. If you lose qualification for Promoted Gigs, it's because you didn't meet all the quality metrics required to participate in this program. If you want more orders, you'll have to understand how Fiverr works so that you can make the changes necessary to help your business thrive. It all boils down to understanding how Fiverr operates. It's easy to feel hopeless when business isn't going well. However, things usually happen for a reason, and if you understand Fiverr's matching system, you don't have to "wait" on the sidelines for something good to happen. Waiting is the worst thing you can do. You can take decisive actions now to start moving your business in the right direction. 1) Fiverr is a matchmaker. Once you understand that Fiverr is a matchmaker, it’s easier to understand why Fiverr does what it does. For example, the switch from Buyer Requests to Buyer Briefs was inspired from the idea that the search engine and Buyer Requests could be bypassed and a smart algorithm could be used to do the matches. Why have pages of search results or tons of offers on a single buyer request when an algorithm could possibly provide fewer, more perfect matches, and do this matchmaking more quickly? 2) When is Fiverr acting as a matchmaker? All the time! Fiverr’s algorithm is constantly gathering information from each buyer and each seller to create a perfect match in: Its search engine on the marketplace The Brief & Match feature (when briefs are matched and when they are rejected) Qualifying sellers to use certain features such as Promoted Gigs Promoting sellers via badges and labels (such as Promoted Gigs, Fiverr’s Choice, Highly Responsive Badges, Repeat Buyer Badges, Quick Deliveries Badges, etc.). Results in search are custom-tailored for each buyer based on their purchasing and browsing history, the relevancy of the seller’s gig, and the seller’s performance. 3) How does Fiverr match buyers to qualified sellers? Insight into this is given in the Help Center. Sellers are given a Match Score to determine their gig's relevancy to each specific buyer. Fiverr's smart algorithm calculates how likely a buyer is to click on your gig. This is based on the following quality metrics: This means if you want to start getting more briefs, improve your visibility in search, qualify for promoted gigs, and get more orders, you need to improve how your gig looks professionally as well as your overall seller performance. I thought it was interesting that one of the quality metrics was a "buyer's potential to return to your Gig." Although I don't know what that all entails, as long as I understand what Fiverr is looking for, I can stay focused on the things that are most important. 4) So, what is Fiverr really looking for? As a matchmaker, Fiverr is focused on two things: 1) Quality Sellers and 2) Happy Buyers. Quality Sellers – Fiverr is doing a lot to raise the bar and quality level of its sellers by prescreening out low quality sellers, banning existing accounts, and providing many new tools to help sellers improve their professionalism (e.g., seller intro videos, My Portfolio, Top Clients, etc.). Fiverr also loves sellers that can convert impressions to clicks and clicks to orders – in other words, sellers with a high conversion rate. Happy Buyers – To Fiverr, quality isn’t just about amazing skill – it’s about how happy you can make your buyers. In fact, there are many talented sellers on the platform who are not considered “high quality” because they lack the communication, professionalism, and business skills needed to keep their customers happy. Everything Fiverr does is to improve the caliber of its sellers and to match buyers to quality sellers who offer amazing experiences to their buyers over and over again. 5) How Can I Get Matched and Get More Orders? Focus on those two things listed above. Become a quality seller and keep your buyers happy. Specifically, here are three things you can do to help you improve your seller quality and buyer satisfaction: Utilize the Help Center. Fiverr really does give its sellers amazing resources through the Help Center. I like to read through both the buyer and seller sections because sometimes the buyer articles will have information that can’t be found in the seller resources. The Help Center has all the tools and resources you need to get started, improve your gigs, and be successful in Fiverr’s marketplace. Use all features that Fiverr offers to you. Are you using all the tools and features that Fiverr gives you to improve your gigs and business? I find my business is always strongest (as in financially strong) when I’m using all of the features that Fiverr gives me. This includes My Portfolio, Live Gallery, Gallery Images, Top Clients, Gig Extras, and Subscriptions. I also benefit from using the features provided through the Seller Plus program. Use your data to improve! It’s amazing how much information and data is at our fingertips just by using Fiverr’s platform. And the more features you use, the more data Fiverr can collect on you. This not only helps its algorithm but the features and tools are really handy to sellers. I especially like the Buyer Insights and Advanced Analytics tools available to Seller Plus members. It makes it easier to see the health of my business and pivot if necessary. When you do these three things (with the focus of becoming a higher quality seller and keeping your buyers happy), you can become more visible in search and seen as a more relevant match for buyers searching for your services. Now it's your turn! 😊 What are you doing to improve your seller quality and buyer satisfaction rate? Is it helping you get matched on the platform? What are your thoughts on Fiverr's matching system?
  2. Hi @afreensdesign, once you make all the changes I suggested above, let me know and I can take a look at your bio and gigs again!
  3. Hi @fbalamin, Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! I noticed you are a web developer, so you might want to read this article: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/292234-experienced-sellers-only/?do=findComment&comment=1842480 Here's an article that can help you get in the right mindset: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/ This is how you can spend your time as a new seller: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/ And here's must-read for all new sellers that's chock full of good information and links from @williambryan392 and @imagination7413: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  4. As a buyer, I've never had the option of leaving feedback on an order canceled by the seller (not by email or on the order page). I had three such cancelations in January and one in September. The one time I did initiate the cancelation as a buyer, I had the option to leave a private review (my last one was in August). The only time I initiated a cancelation as a buyer was because it was flooding in Pakistan and my seller couldn't initiate the cancelation. Normally my sellers will initiate the cancelation, so I never knew there was an option for buyers to leave a private review on canceled orders until I canceled the order in August due to flooding.
  5. No. I really wanted to leave a private review when a seller canceled on me, but was not given that option.
  6. Yes. It's against Fiverr ToS to do that. You can only share your portfolio using approved URL's: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011421198
  7. Hi @afreensdesign, You don't need to be online all the time - that's a myth. You can still live your life, have a good night's sleep, and still maintain the 1 hr response rate. Just download the Fiverr app so that you can be alerted when a buyer messages you. Are you waiting for Buyer Briefs? Or are you talking about getting matched with buyers on the marketplace (i.e. being found via organic search)? It can take a while to briefs matched to you. It took me two months to get my first brief. Take a look at your impressions and clicks. How do they look? These number will tell you if your are getting "matched" to buyers. If you have impressions, tat means the algorithm matched you to potential buyers. If you have clicks, it means your gig was attractive enough for buyers to click on your gigs. You are in a competitive category, so you need to make your gigs stand out from the competition. To be honest, I thought your gigs look too much like other graphic designers out there offering the same services. You need to tell buyers why Afreen is different - why are you unique? What can you offer that your competitors can't? Also, if you niche down, you can reduce the competition. Try to target a certain buyer.
  8. Hi @tharinduslaksha, I don't know why you would have so many late deliveries. You can always request for a time extension through the Resolution Center if you need more time to complete your orders. That many late orders will affect your gig's performance if you close them as late. If I were you, I would cancel each of those late orders and reopen new orders with your customers. This will get rid of the late deliveries and the cancelations won't affect your order completion rate if the buyers accept your new orders. Then, if needed, you can request a time extension properly through the Resolution Center BEFORE the orders expire.
  9. Hi @poojauiux, Your Order Cancelation Rate (OCR) is calculated on a rolling 60 days, so it's not based on the total number of orders that you have. If you don't have any more cancelations your OCR will return to 100% in 60 days. If you are able to close 10 more orders quicker than the 60 days, then your OCR can be brought up to the "safe range" of <90% sooner. Cancelations are an opportunity to learn how to improve your business. You can read about what I learned from order cancelations here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/283566-today-is-day-60-and-finally-finally-i-have-an-order-completion-rate-of-100/
  10. Hi @mahmudhq_007, Your gigs looks too much like all the other gigs by SEO experts. I want to see more "Mahmud." What makes you special and unique from all the other SEO experts on Fiverr? Can you share samples in your gallery of your skills, abilities, and portfolio? What type of buyer do you think you resonate with the most? I like the gig videos that have you talking. Can you include gig videos for each of your gigs?
  11. Hi @clearity1, Welcome to the forum! 1) Buyer Reviews Buyers are asked to leave three reviews on each order (2 private and 1 public): Public reviews affects how potential buyers see you and can give you credibility, especially when delivery images are included with the reviews. Some buyers will have a criteria based on seller reviews (e.g., I will only work with sellers with 20+ 5-star reviews). If you have negative public reviews, it's important that you respond to them in a professional manner. Often a seller's response to a negative review will tell buyers more about them than a response to a positive one. Sometimes I'll be impressed with how a seller responds to a negative review (and it'll make me want to buy from them). That 3rd Review, the Private Feedback that you'll never see, has a huge impact on how your gig performs on the marketplace. If you receive a negative private review, you'll see your gig impressions plummet and it will be on your record for as long as 90 days. Some sellers never recover from this hit. 2) Cancelations If your orders are canceled due to buyer error (e.g., ordered by mistake, requesting work outside of scope of the order, non-responsive buyer, etc,), this shouldn't affect your seller statistics. Contact Customer Support to ensure that it doesn't affect your order completion rate. Other cancelations that don't affect your order completion rate: orders canceled before the order requirements are submitted and orders canceled with the buyer purchasing from you within 2 weeks of the cancelation. Orders canceled due to seller error will affect your order completion rate, so you should work hard on delivering quality work and keeping your customers happy. Buyers can leave private reviews on canceled orders if they initiate the cancelation. Note: Your private reviews will affect your gig's performance more than cancelations. Cancelations only negatively affect you if your order completion rate goes below 90% or if the customer is also unhappy when you are canceling.
  12. @salivanjack13 - I loved your post about how you became a plumber. I was in real estate for 9 years, so I depended heavily on my plumbers to help manage my properties. It makes me sad that plumbers get a bad rap all the time because what they do every day is nothing short of amazing. Plumbing issues can easily eat away at all your profits, so having a good plumber can save a lot of headaches and keep properties out of the red. I can't do much when it comes to plumbing issues. I'm good at digging 5 feet down and 25 feet across to expose a main line. I can also replace a toilet and do troubleshooting on a swamp cooler. That's about it. Maybe you can start a new thread about your experiences in the "Casual Conversations" category! It would be a fun break from the usual topics that we see on the forum. 😊 (Note: this thread is three years old, so I reported it with the request that this thread be locked to prevent further spammy post-bumps)
  13. Hi @lisadianern1, Yes, it will negatively affect your account unless the buyer places one more order from you within two weeks. Ideally, the buyer should have just canceled one of the orders but buyers make mistakes like this all the time. I had a buyer that accepted my new custom offer before canceling the order - we agreed that the buyer would cancel the order while I was creating a new order. Instead the buyer waited for the custom offer, accepted it, then canceled the current order. Customer Support was able to adjust my order completion rate so that cancelation didn't hurt my seller statistics. Reach out to Customer Support. They might be able to do the same for you, since they can see that it was the buyer's error in canceling both orders. If that happens again in the future, just offer two smaller orders to cover both cancelations (e.g., Two $10 orders instead of one $20 order).
  14. Hi @araza0987, Fiverr is designed to help sellers get orders without having to make bids or offers. If your services are relevant and your seller performance good, buyers will be able to find you through search. However, you have to be good at what you do. Since you are a digital marketing manager, show your buyers that you can drive relevant traffic to your gig to get orders. You also have gigs for writing SEO articles and making posts in English but your English fluency is listed as "Basic," which isn't enough. In your virtual assisting gig, you have "assistent" in your gig images. I would also check/proofread your other gallery images and gig descriptions. Your bio also states that you are a "victual assistant" doing "admirative tasks" - I believe you wanted to say "virtual assistant" and "administrative tasks." The SEO article that you included in your gallery has many errors that should be corrected. It's good that you are honest about your skill level. However, most buyers will be looking for sellers who have a better command of the English language to do their writing. Try to focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses. If English isn't a strong point, try to restructure your gigs so that you are using/selling your greatest talents and skills. Try to offer services that aren't dependent on perfect English abilities (like your B2B lead generation gig and data entry).
  15. You're correct - not all Seller Plus members have this feature yet. This is a wonderful feature to have. I hope it becomes available to all Seller Plus members soon!
  16. Post a gig that you have a skill in and make sure that the "Get brief" feature is turned on. If there are matches, you will get briefs. What category are you creating a gig in?
  17. I didn't get briefs for the first 2 months, so it can take a while before you start getting briefs. You might also want to read this thread here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293601-how-to-get-buyer-request/?do=findComment&comment=1850772
  18. I think you mean Buyer Briefs, since Buyer Requests are gone now. Brief & Match works differently than Buyer Requests: 1) There is no guarantee that buyers will get any matches for their briefs. Some buyers are being told by the AI that there are no sellers that match their brief. 2) Likewise, sellers are not guaranteed to get any briefs. If you aren't getting any briefs it's because the AI hasn't found any matches for you. 3) The AI isn't perfect, so even if you do get matches, they might not be relevant ones. The best thing we can do is to indicate why we are rejecting the briefs and hope that this will train the AI to send more relevant ones. 4) Briefs tend to be too brief ...so I have been rejecting them as being too vague. Briefs that are too vague aren't helpful for training the AI. It would be helpful feedback to the buyer to know that their briefs are being rejected for being too brief. 5) The Brief & Match is designed for buyers to be matched to sellers with the best quality metrics, so this system rewards high-quality sellers (regardless of seller levels). 6) Sellers shouldn't depend on briefs as a major source of orders. Just like a Fiverr's Choice badge, it's a nice-to-have, not a necessity. If you focus on improving your seller performance and gig so it attracts your target buyers, you should do well in Fiverr's search and should be able get a couple of brief-related orders too. 7) Pay attention to trends and adapt. In addition to Buyer Briefs, Fiverr has been pushing for sellers to be available via video conferencing options and now profile videos. This is making me seriously reconsider my "no video" business model - if I can't adjust to these changes quick enough, I'll be left by the wayside. Sellers should be willing to learn new skills and adapt if they want to remain competitive on the marketplace. Sometimes that requires that you change how you do business and get out of your comfort zone. Sellers who can adapt quickly tend do do really well in business.
  19. You still have 209 impressions and 4 clicks. Work on converting impressions to clicks and clicks to orders by making your gigs attractive to your target buyers. Sometimes that may include discounting prices temporarily. Repeat buyers are also great for business.
  20. Hi @vvoloshyn, I just wanted you to know that your use of the word "concert" is incorrect - the correct term is "gig." This will help clear away any confusion that may result from using the word "concert." Hopefully @strategist_ceo's answer will help you!
  21. Buyers and sellers are not required to share their gender, s****l orientation, or age on this platform. Referring to them by these terms immediately places them into a category that might not be correct. Also, using these terms in your gig descriptions can alienate you from buyers who may otherwise use your services (see @lloydsolutions's post about that here): https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/143255-want-more-sales-no-sir/ Using these terms can also be seen as unprofessional. You can read @smashradio's post here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/250476-dear-madam-please-dont-call-me-sir-my-dear/ Don't assume gender even if you do get a personal name (especially when leaving a public review). You can spare yourself unnecessary embarrassment and improve your rapport with buyers with by keeping your conversations gender-neutral and using the buyer's user name. Even better, if buyers share their personal name with you, use that. 😊
  22. It looks amazing, @trombonhero!!! I agree, this is one of the coolest features that Fiverr has added to the profiles!
  23. Hi @miiila, You are right (so I stand corrected)! I went back and looked at the ticket I submitted to CS when the 10 days expired. I was shown the buyer's review and was able to respond to the buyer's feedback. What I didn't realize was that Fiverr's system will still ask the seller to leave a buyer's review, even though the 10-day period expired (it will allow you to type in a review but since the 'send' button is grayed out, you can't send it). I went back to this order today and it still is showing this view. I can enter in the stars and the text, but can't submit the review since the 'send' button is grayed out. This is weird because this order is 6 months old. You would think this option would disappear after 10 days to avoid confusion.
  24. As a buyer, I can still contact you and order from your gigs. This is really strange because I shouldn't be able to do either if you were banned. Fiverr has been shutting down gigs like yours. The reason why you may see some still up is because some sellers haven updated their gigs yet. Fiverr's system is triggered when new sellers are creating new gigs or existing sellers are updating their gigs. Services also may be flagged by other users on the platform.
  25. @emankhan478, normally a sudden drop in impressions is due to a negative private review, which you'll never see. I checked out your public reviews and saw one from three weeks ago that may have resulted in a negative private review (even though the public review was 5 stars). This also coincides with the timing of when your impressions dropped. Do you have a Success Manager that you can reach out to see if there was a negative private review? Negative private reviews can affect your account for 90 days or longer depending on what you do during that time.
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