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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @xotatech, you can use any of the following approved URLs to share your portfolio: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011421198
  2. As mentioned above, you shouldn't depend on briefs as your main source of orders. Work on improving your seller performance and buyer satisfaction so that you can be found in search (this will also help you to get matched to briefs).
  3. Hi @paragishani, In your profile you mention that you have many local clients. Why don't you direct your local clients to use your services on Fiverr? This might help you get initial sales and start building credibility on this platform. Also, I think you show your skills very well, you just need to modify your bio and gig descriptions so that they not only show what you can do, but how you are addressing the pain points of your buyers. What problems/headaches/pain points are you solving for them?
  4. Hi @imtiaz485, Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! What have you done so far? I noticed that you are digital marketing expert, so you might want to drive relevant traffic to your gig to give you some initial orders. This actually isn't that long. Many sellers don't get their first order for months. You are in a competitive category, so it will be important for you to differentiate yourself from other sellers. Try to write your profile and gigs for your target audience and make your Unique Selling Propositions (USPs) clear. If you niche down, you will reduce the competition and increase the chances of your gig being seen. Simplify your gig image so that there isn't so much text (3-5 words summarizing your service is enough - buyers will only spend a few seconds looking at your gig in search). Pay attention to your impressions and clicks, and try to convert your clicks to orders.
  5. HI @rumi_creates, Welcome to the forum! I took a look at your gig and it looks like you are doing really well! You have good reviews, your gigs and profile are written with the customer in mind, and you have prices that speak of the caliber and quality of your work. How are your impressions, clicks, and conversion rate looking? If these numbers are constant or increasing, then you are in a good spot. You might also want to start building customer loyalty so that repeat customers can carry your business when organic orders slow down. Adding gig videos for all of your gigs can help you show off your portfolio and can make your gig more appealing (especially if you aren't camera shy and don't mind being in front of the camera).
  6. Hi @arjunkumarroy, it can take a while to get that first order. For some it happens in a matter of weeks and others, it can take many months before they get that first order. I took a look at your profile and gig and thought that this article here can help you improve your gig and business so that you are ready when orders start coming in: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/ If you are serious about growing your Fiverr business, you should also read this article, and all the links provided by @williambryan392 and @imagination7413 here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  7. Hi @psybotstudios, how are your numbers looking (impressions and clicks)? Are the numbers pretty constant or are they trending in any direction? And have you had any inquiries? The only thing that I saw that might be working against you is the "Recommended" section that Fiverr shows to the buyers - most of the "Recommended" mixing & mastering gigs that are shown to me are half your price, so I don't know if pricing is a factor here. I definitely think you should be charging what you're worth, especially with your level of experience. However, it might take longer to start getting orders because of your pricing. You might want to price yourself competitively at first and then significantly raise your prices every 10 orders or so. One thing that you might be able to do to improve your gig's appeal and make it different from others in your category is to have a gig video with you talking about yourself and your Unique Selling Propositions (USPs). That will allow buyers to see your personality and put a face to your gig. Also, adding as many portfolio samples as possible allows you to have credibility when you don't have reviews to back you up. You can use the following URLs to share your portfolio with others: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011421198
  8. Hi @annalipa, your accounts says "Active since Feb 2022." That isn't old at all. I had my account for 2 1/2 years before I started posting gigs and selling. You should be find with using your current account.
  9. Hi @dyngraphicalart - Fiverr gives an initial boost to new sellers, so that's what you are seeing here. Work on optimizing your gigs so that the impressions that you have can increase, and that the impressions can convert to clicks and orders. I found your bio a little confusing - you switch to third-person in the second sentence, and you have errors in the third sentence. Also in your gigs, you mentioned that you are working as a team. So, in your bio, introduce yourself and your team to potential buyers so that they know who they are working with. Don't forget to proofread your profile, gig descriptions, and FAQs so that it looks polished and professional to potential buyers.
  10. I have been getting Fiverr's Choice orders consistently since April, so I am getting promoted and placed in front of buyers by Fiverr. However, this isn't related to Seller Plus. Seller Plus won't promote your gigs, if that's your question. It's not paid promotion. You are paying for analytics, tools, and information, which if you use, can help your business.
  11. Hi @sojibweather, This article can help you understand how Fiverr operates and how you can get more orders through organic searches and briefs: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-📈-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/
  12. That's really up to you. I get a lot out of it because I use all of the tools and resources that Seller Plus provides. I enjoy my Success Manager, the Buyer Insights, Advanced Analytics, Request to Order, Negative Keywords, getting paid right after an order closes, and the chance to be the first to try out new features on Fiverr's platform. I've seen others on the platform say that they decided to discontinue using Seller Plus because they aren't using the features. Try it out and see if it's worth it for you.
  13. Most of my posts are answering questions from other members on the forum, so I learn a lot by just answering questions. Sometimes it requires that I search the Help Center or forum for answers, so it also helps me to improve my research skills and ability to navigate through the tools and resources that Fiverr provides. However, the biggest benefit I get from the forum is not from posting. I follow a lot of members on the forum and I do a lot of searches to find answers to my own questions. So I'm on the forum because there are better sellers than me on the forum. These are sellers that are Pro sellers, top-rated sellers, and high-performing Level 2 sellers. They have been here longer and have weathered through more storms than I have. They have closed more orders and are incredibly good at what they do - not just in the skills that they have, but in their ability to run a thriving business. I'm also impressed with the New Sellers and Level 1 sellers who regularly contribute good content on the forum. I have a lot to learn from all of them!
  14. Hi @kosalarathnayek, I thought your recent good review addressed any concerns that I had with your first 3.7-star review. If you keep delivering quality work and show that you are able to meet your customers' expectations, you should be able to continue to get orders. You might have had a rocky start, but that initial review was two years ago and you are showing that you are taking your business seriously now. You might also want to add gig videos and more samples of your portfolio to give yourself more credibility with your buyers.
  15. To add to this - being productive includes specific actions that lead to desired results. It's measurable. If the action is not leading to the desired results, then you are just being actively busy. So to be productive, you need to know two things: 1) What is my goal? and 2) Am I getting closer to my goal (or away from it)? Then, you do the things that bring you closer to your goals and eliminate those that are counterproductive.
  16. Buyer Briefs are very different than Buyer Requests - you won't see as many briefs as you saw buyer requests (and there's no guarantee that you will even get a brief). Fiverr limits the number of sellers who can bid on each brief and some buyers are reporting that their briefs are coming back with "no matches." Because of this, Sellers won't be able to depend on briefs as a main source of orders. Instead, as mentioned above, sellers will have to learn and work within Fiverr's matching system so that they can start being found through organic searches, which is where a bulk of your orders should be coming in. This will be a learning process for many sellers who were dependent on buyer requests to sustain their business. When I first turned on Buyer Briefs, I didn't get any briefs for 2 months (with the minimum set at $50). I currently have it set at $200 and I get many briefs a day. Other sellers found that they get more briefs at lower amounts (they started with a high minimum price, then lowered it and started getting briefs). Play around with the brief minimum amount and make sure your gigs and packages are optimized to be found in search and matched in the Brief & Match.
  17. Hi @ahmad_query, I did look at your profile and 4 gigs before I answered you and felt that the links would be most beneficial to you. I noticed your gigs looked generic and you only had two sentences in each gig description. You could also show off your portfolio better. So you definitely can rewrite your gigs so that they speak to your customers. The links I provided should help. I just looked at your gigs again and haven't seen any changes yet, so let me know when the changes are made and I can take a look at your gigs again. Thanks!
  18. Hi @ahmad_query, you might want to read this post - it has a lot of helpful links. The last link is to a post I wrote for a web developer, so that link might be helpful for you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/292630-why-fiverr-continues-to-ignore-my-profile/?do=findComment&comment=1844616 2k impressions and 65 clicks is really good. If you have clicks and no orders, it means that people are visiting your gig and made the decision not to buy. So it doesn't make sense to promote your gig if people aren't going to buy your services. First, fix and optimize your gigs so it appeals to your target buyers. Then, you can turn on your promotions, if needed. The links that I shared in the attached article should also help you target your gigs so it appeals to your buyers. Don't have a generic gig, make your gig stand out from the competition.
  19. How were Buyer Requests working for you @soufianejanna, and how is Buyer Briefs doing so far?
  20. Hi @miraz_meher, Profile Bio "I like to be creative and edit based on some crazy ideas" --> "I like to be given new challenges to edit and create." "You will be surely overwhelmed with my work, I guarantee" --> "I guarantee you'll be impressed with my work." Gig #1 In your gig description - I would put the 2 paragraphs first and then the "Editing" list. This is addresses the buyers' pain points first and then gives details of your service. Gig #2 I think you can write more than 2 sentences describing this gig, even if you think your packages describe it all. Use the gig description to appeal to your target buyers. Gig #3 Please include more samples of your portfolio. In your "Lightroom Editing Services" list, your bulleted list has two sets of bullets.
  21. But that doesn't mean you should be accommodating. Based on my experience, I'm the only person that gets hurt if I allow a buyer to push me around. The buyer gets a steal of a deal and not only do I unnecessarily overexert myself to please the buyer, I have no support from Fiverr CS because I'm not following my own rules. If the buyer isn't accommodating, it's best to politely refuse and refer to my own rules that I set up to protect myself. I make sure that the scope of the order is clear to both myself and the buyer, and if the buyer isn't accommodating, Fiverr has been really good at making sure the cancelations don't affect my seller stats. They can't do that if I'm bending the rules to please my buyer.
  22. vickieito

    Silent clients

    @viktor_penev, I didn't mean to offend you or make you sad! It looks like you are doing well! You have fun gigs that are in demand, so you have a stream of orders and some repeat clients, too. Why get sad when some clients disappear on you? You have happy customers to attend to, and it's better to not worry too much about buyers who aren't ready to make the purchase.
  23. When you have zero orders and zero reviews, the only thing that buyers can see will be your profile. So make sure your gig looks like a gig from a high quality seller. Put time and effort to set you gigs up right. I suggest you go through all the information on the Help Center on setting up a gig, because you can't go wrong by following it step by step. You can find all of this information here (click on each link that the Help Center provides): https://www.fiverr.com/support/sections/360003012197-Creating-and-managing-your-Gig?segment=seller
  24. He might have a different version - my client had a different version of Adobe InDesign than I did and he also had problems with the files I that I sent him. I ended up sending him the files in Word, PowerPoint, PDF, along with the InDesign file.
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