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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. A buyer has 10 days to leave a review on this order. After the buyer leaves feedback, the seller will be prompted to leave a review on the buyer (in order for the buyer's review to be posted immediately to the seller's profile). Once the buyer's review is visible, the seller can respond to the review. Both of the seller's reviews will post immediately. If the seller chooses not to leave a review of the buyer, the buyer's review will not show up on the seller's profile for 10 days. When it does show up, the seller will not have a chance to respond to the review. Note: If the buyer leaves a review right at the 10-day deadline, the seller may not be able to leave a review.
  2. I doubt your account is banned. I can still place orders on all of your gigs (without pushing the confirm button). @garrit1222 - can you show us a screenshot of your impressions? Also, can you show a screenshot of what you see here? https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/gigs/gig-status
  3. Hi @garrit1222, were you trying to open up a new account on Fiverr? If so, this only applies to the new account. Per ToS, you are only allowed one account on Fiverr. If your current profile was really banned, I wouldn't be able to find your profile or your gigs. So my guess this only applies to the new account you were trying to set up. Your current account is active. When I visit your profile, it is an active seller account and all 5 of your gigs are active. This means that your gigs are searchable on the Fiverr marketplace and buyers can find you. Check your impressions. As long as they are not zero, then buyers are seeing your gig. It can take longer than 48 hours for your gigs to start showing up in search. Also, Fiverr's search results are different for each buyer, so what you see in search won't be what your buyers see. I can never find myself in search, but I still get orders (so I know I'm getting found by my buyers). Instead, focus on getting impressions and clicks and converting your clicks to orders.
  4. I'm with you @sunboatrecords! I would love if this feature could be used as an Out-Of-Office tool that could count towards my response rate (and I could apply it to all messages and all customers). As it stands now, there isn't really a benefit. It can set up false hope in a buyer who might think you are available when you are not.
  5. As @designer_rahmat mentioned, this is in beta mode, so only a select group of sellers have this option. Check your seller profile. If you don't see it on your profile page, you aren't part of the beta group:
  6. Why would you want to get that warmth out of your voice? I can do it without trying. 😂 My first and only voiceover that I did was for an insurance course. My eyes glaze over whenever I think about insurance and I found out that my voice was very honest about that (my first attempt sounded low and dead). I had to do some aerobics to get my voice back to its peppy self. My buyer did end up approving the voiceover but the project was for a 50-hr ecourse and I couldn't motivate myself to do it all. I quickly got permission from my buyer to replace my voiceovers with a professional voiceover artist. Best decision I ever made! I was a corporate trainer during my food science days, so many of my training groups had up to 50 people. I love to interact with my audiences and I can't do that with the camera - it doesn't talk back to me or give me the eye contact that I need to feel natural or real. I feel silly talking to a camera.
  7. The Help Center states: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017729338-Promoted-Gigs?segment=seller You meet certain requirements: Level 2 Seller, 5-star rating, and 20 reviews. So my guess is that you aren't meeting one or more of the quality metrics that Fiverr uses to evaluate eligibility for Promoted Gigs. Please note that your performance in relation to other sellers in your category is also taken into account, so if another seller is delivering more orders than you, replying faster than you, or is performing better than you, that might be the reason for your ineligibility.
  8. Hi @perez__, Welcome to the forum! I would change your first gig image for the SEO writing gig. You have "SEO Friendly Researched Plagiarism" listed across this gig image, making it seem like you are selling plagiarism. I'm pretty sure you meant "plagiarism-free." If you are selling quality writing services, your buyers will be looking for quality. You promise that your writing is error free, so I suggest that you proofread your gig description and make the necessary corrections. You also have no samples of your writing, so I suggest that you get some writing samples up in your gallery. You have 3 images and 2 PDFs that you can add to your gallery. When I was first starting out on Fiverr, my portfolio convinced buyers to purchase from me when I didn't have any reviews or orders.
  9. Let us know how the feature works for you @designer_rahmat!
  10. Hi @farhadkhan424, If your order is due to buyer error (or in your case, a scammer), cancelation is not a bad thing. Customer Support will ensure that the cancelation will not affect your Order Completion Rate (ORC). Cancelations only hurt sellers if it's due to a seller-caused issue (e.g., the seller can't deliver or provide acceptable quality to the buyer). You should always contact Customer Support if you feel that a cancelation should not affect your OCR.
  11. It took me a year of giving private ZOOM lessons for ESL students to figure out how to look directly at the camera! This is the next big challenge...I still have a hard time conversing with my computer camera as if it's a person. I should probably put up a picture of someone I like to chat with, such as my older sister. The only problem is I start to sound like a valley girl when I chat with her, so I may need to get a picture of a professional client to put up by the camera. I'll play around with it. That's a good point! I have glasses and I always give off a glare. I'm really blind without those glasses. I do have a good photography lighting kit that I left in Maui. Our family just decided a couple of days ago to move to Hawaii (instead of just visiting there), so I might just pick up the lighting kit from Maui before we move to the Big Island. Once in Hawaii, I was going to get a prescription for contact lenses (for our beach days), but it might come in handy when I need to record the intro video. How lucky! This is a gift. I'm glad you're using it to your advantage! I like how your voice still has your signature warmth and depth in the sample you shared. Maybe I just need to face reality. Since I'm never on camera, my perception of myself is probably skewed from reality. I might turn to daily vlogging to get used to myself, my voice, and the camera. I'll delete all the videos - I just need to practice and get used to this! Thanks @danno1950 & @mandyzines for all the tips!
  12. @williambryan392, I know you mentioned that I should put myself in my gig videos (I still haven't done that yet). 😅 Now I have another video to do. Still gathering the courage. I don't like the sound of my voice. I wish I could sound like @mandyzines, but some people tell me my voice is a little high and youthful sounding. I'd like to sound mature and thoughtful. I also want to have the presence and comfort of speaking in front of the camera like @danno1950 or @trombonhero! I'm not comfortable in front of the camera. It might take me a while before I get videos up that I feel are representative of me! (I'd appreciate any free pointers from the people I've tagged!) 🙏🏾
  13. In addition to what @williambryan392 mentioned, some sellers (not all) were invited to test the beta version of a profile introductory video. If you were invited, it will appear in your profile (in edit mode):
  14. Hi @guardianofcrete, The Help Center states: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4416325224977-Perfect-your-profile-picture?segment=seller Please review the Community Standards as well as the Non-Original/Intellectual Property Standards to make sure you comply with those terms, too. You can find them here: https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/intellectual-property In short - the picture must be appropriate for all audiences, not misrepresent your services, and be your own design (not copyrighted). Please note that if you have previously posted your original image online elsewhere, it may be flagged for investigation due to possible copyright infringement (even it if is your own image).
  15. @alex_3d0, Currently Fiverr doesn't have a system to enforce the seller's revision policy, so that is up to you, as the seller, to make your revision policy clear and enforce it. Your order requirements automatically includes your revision policy. I also like to remind the buyer of the revision policy when I give the buyer their first update on what to expect. I also include a reminder of my revision policy in the delivery message. In each delivery, I specifically mention how many free revisions are included in the order so that the buyer doesn't abuse it. If the buyer requests revisions, I'll tell them that I will wait for all of their comments so that we can make the most out of each revision (with a reminder of how many revisions they have). I also like to get, in writing from the buyer, that they understand there are limited number of revisions and additional revisions will cost extra. When I deliver the last revision, I'll mention the price for additional revisions. As long as you make sure your buyers understand your revision policy and you enforce it, they should not abuse the revision button. If they do, you can send them a gig extra for the additional revisions. You can also redeliver the order as-is because you have met all the requirements of the order. If necessary, get Customer Support involved.
  16. @seven_sign is correct. You should never accept a delivery without the work being 100% complete. It's against Fiverr's ToS for a seller to deliver an order without meeting all of the order requirements. When a buyer accepts a delivery, they will be asked to leave a review of the seller's services (and this is impossible if the seller hasn't completed their delivery). Once the order is accepted by the buyer, the order is considered complete and the seller is under no obligation to do anything further. You can, as a buyer, dispute the delivery if the seller fails to deliver but this will cost you unnecessary grief and time to get that resolved. During this time, your good review of the seller is posted on the seller's account and won't accurately reflect your experiences with the seller. It's best to do things right from the start to protect yourself as a buyer. The seller probably made this request to protect her interest as a seller and to get payments earlier, without realizing the systems that Fiver has in place to benefit both the buyer and seller. Explain to your seller how her empty deliveries are in violation of ToS and reject them, as @seven_sign suggests. Then suggest that you cancel the order and replace it with a subscription or milestones order (this is if the seller wants to get paid earlier and in increments). If she doesn't mind waiting for 2 months to get paid, you can keep the order as-is. The order cancelation will not negatively affect her seller statistics as long as you accept her new subscription or milestones order within 2 weeks of the cancelation. Alternatively, she can just create custom offers for an agreed upon period of time (e.g., weekly or monthly). If the seller refuses and continues to deliver an empty delivery, you can reject the delivery with "I didn't receive anything," which will trigger an investigation and will most likely result in an account warning for the seller.
  17. Our Hawaiian vacation 🏖️🌴just turned into a family move ...so we are moving to the Big Island of Hawaii in less than 27 days! 😲

  18. Hi @muzaffar78600 - I love your gigs 😍 and can see that you spent some time putting things together. Which says a lot since you only started last month. Your account is fairly new, so it might take some time before you start seeing inquiries and getting orders. What I would like to see more of (since you are a graphic designer), are samples! Please include more samples of your work! You have several gig videos but not on all of your gigs, so add a video for each one. Please add examples of your work to show off all of your skill. Take advantage of the 3 images and 2 PDFs that you can add to your gallery. You can include many samples in the PDF and videos. Before I had any orders or reviews, my portfolio was the only reason why my buyers were ordering from me. On your resume design gig, you picked the the wrong category (Data > Data Entry > Copy Paste). It should be "Graphic Design > Visual Design > Resume Design." Resumes are a trending category, so it'll help you to get better exposure if you correct your category. You might also want to offer cover letter designs and LinkedIn banners (LinkedIn is doing especially well). Depression is a terrible place to be. I have dealt with it personally and second hand many times (since it runs in the family). Please know that you aren't alone! Don't be afraid to get professional help if you feel it is out of control or taking over your life. I also think it's great that you are reaching out to others on the forum. The forum is a great place to interact with other sellers and to know that you are not alone in your struggles! That was one of the reasons why I started on the forum and why I continue to post here. There are others on the forum who are also caring for family members or are in situations that make it really difficult to get a traditional job. Freelancing has made it easier for me to meet the demands of my family, while having the flexibility of choosing my own working hours and projects. We also tend to move around a lot, so freelancing just makes sense. If you need to chat, or want to ask Fiverr or forum-related questions, feel free to send me a private message on the forum! 😊 Also, did you know that there's a forum just for Graphic Designers like you? You can find it here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/forum/64-graphics-design/
  19. Original Poster. Sorry. 😅 These 5 steps are correct. The buyer doesn't even need to know your name. Your user name is enough. Sounds like a good idea. Scammers will often be very vague in their requests. I usually don't deal with buyers who can't tell me what they want within the first 2-3 messages. Scammers also will forward the gig, but won't mention anything about the services that the gig offers.
  20. Good point @imagination7413! I thought the "contact information" was for the data entry job (as in B2B mailing lists). If he was asking for the OP's contact, that is a big red flag!
  21. Not a spammer. I just think he's not ready. He is busy and a bit scatterbrained at the moment and just needs extra time to put himself together.
  22. Hi @elleo1, you only need to ask for the information once (not multiple times). I'll just let the buyers know what I need from them in order to give them a proper quote. Then I leave it there and let the buyer reach out to me (for clarification or to ask for a custom quote). If the buyer is serious about moving forward, they will have the information needed to create an order (or will at least have questions about the price or details of the order).
  23. Hi @alifa_art, you can read this post here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/291259-seller-plus/?do=findComment&comment=1837508 There are also a lot of good threads on the forum that talk about the pros and cons of Seller Plus (you can find them by doing a quick search).
  24. If you are getting orders regularly, then you don't need to worry too much about gig impressions. Buyers are finding you and you are getting orders. I'd rather get orders than impressions. Your impressions are not only related to your performance, but the performance of other sellers - if they are getting more orders, have happier customers, or performing better, they will be seen as more "relevant" in search and will have higher impressions than you.
  25. It looks good. Don't forget to talk to the buyer in your bio and gig descriptions (less "I" statements and more "you" statements). The buyer should not only know your skills but how those skills can help them.
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