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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @ayoubbkm - I'm not sure where you are seeing the 120 days, but as long as you set up each milestone for 30 days (you can have up to 6 milestones with 30 day deliveries), you should be fine. Once each milestone order starts, you can even extend the delivery from the order page if you need more time. I've had projects last longer than 5 months before, so there shouldn't be an issue asking for more time as long as you and the buyer are in agreement.
  2. Hi @sabinespoems - both you and I have it on our bestselling gigs, but not the newer ones with fewer orders. I reviewed several other profiles and found the following: 1. Some sellers also have this feature on only one of their gigs, and many times, it isn't their bestselling gig. 2. One of my Level 1 sellers had it on his bestselling gig with 30 reviews (he has over 70 reviews total). That was the lowest number of reviews that I could find during my search. 3. I found one TRS who didn't have it on any of his gigs, even though I'm pretty sure he provides stellar service. 4. I found several TRS sellers with this feature on multiple gigs. One TRS even had it on 4 of his 7 gigs.
  3. As @imagination7413 mentioned, if you need the break (especially for your studies), take it. I used my Out-Of-Office (OOS) feature earlier this month for the first time for vacation purposes. When I got back, it didn't affect my orders. I used my OOS on January 3rd, 4th, & 5th (see chart below - my impressions dropped to zero because my gig was removed from search). After returning, my gig had slightly lower impressions but higher clicks and orders. Even so, this month is on track for having the highest revenue since I started on this platform. A lot of this is because I recently updated my gigs and profile. Notes: If you just want to reduce the orders that are coming in but not get taken off the market, you could temporarily raise your prices on all your gigs to values that no one will order at. Once you are done with the exams you can return your prices to normal. This should also help you with inquiries too, since there should be less people interested in your overpriced gigs.
  4. This is interesting! How are BYOB and Scale Your Business different? I haven't been able to use the SYB option since I started due to a technical glitch that CS told me couldn't be fixed.
  5. Thanks @melanielm! I don't have this, but it looks like a great feature to have!
  6. Because it's based on a rolling 60 days. This number can change every day based on how many messages you are getting in your inbox and orders. If you haven't gotten as many messages in the last 60 days, this number can drop without any new messages. You might also want to check your spam messages. I notice Fiverr's app will tell me that I have unread messages (and they are all in my spam folder). This includes messages that Fiverr automatically moved over for me. If I just click on the spam messages, my unread messages go to zero. It looks like you were demoted to Level 1. However, this demotion is not permanent. Get your response rate above 90%. As long as you are good on all of your other statistics, you'll return back to Level 2 after next month's evaluation. Try to find out the reason for your response rate going down. If you're using the mobile app, always respond first before blocking and check your spam folder often to make sure spam messages aren't bringing your response rate down.
  7. Don't focus on briefs as your main source of orders. Briefs are not like buyer requests, where many sellers get matched to one request. Only 1 or 2 sellers get matched to a single brief at a time, so this already reduces the number of briefs available to make offers on. If you get orders from briefs, that's great! However, Fiverr is designed as a matching service to match buyers to relevant sellers. So focus on being the type of seller that Fiverr wants to promote through search, badges, Promoted gigs, and and this Get Brief feature. Here are several articles that can help you do that: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/
  8. Everything @theratypist said. 😊 Also, don't forget that with the new cancelation policy, as long as the buyer places a new order within two weeks of cancelation, this cancelation will not affect your order completion rate (it will, temporarily, until that second order is accepted by the buyer). This doesn't require Customer Support intervention if done right. I do this type of cancelations a lot, especially when customers accidentally order a higher-priced package. The only time there is an issue is when the order is canceled after the buyer accepts the new order. If you do it in this order, you will need to get Customer Support's help to correct your order completion rate (cancelations must always be done first).
  9. Hi @melanielm! I'm on the Seller Plus Premium plan. Can I see a screenshot of what you are seeing? I'm on the Seller Plus Premium plan and I don't have this option on my "Growth and Marketing" tab. I'd love to learn how the BYOB feature works!
  10. This was the mindset that I had when I posted my first gig! I thought I had missed the boat joining the online community of remote workers so late, so I didn't expect much. My first gig was in November 2021 and I only planned on it being a part-time side gig for supplemental income (so I wasn't pursuing this as a career path). However, I was able to quit my day job and offer my services on Fiverr full-time within 3 months, so I kept on going! Fiverr has so many talented sellers with years of experience to back them up. Unfortunately I'm not one of them (although I wish it were true)! I did have 23 years of professional experience, but that experience isn't directly related to any of the gigs I offer. For me, a lot of the studying, experience, skills, talents, and testimonials I have are from my time on Fiverr, as my Fiverr business evolved. I'm grateful for this - that I was able to experiment, set up multiple gigs, learn where I could create the most value for my customers, and develop my skills when I had zero experience, zero customers, and zero reviews. I set up unrelated gigs in different categories because I didn't know what skills people would actually buy or if I was good enough to compete with other sellers offering the same services. I spent a lot of time creating my portfolio (which I'm now embarrassed about because my skills weren't very good when I started). However, my portfolio showed my buyers exactly what I was capable of doing so they knew what quality I could offer. The skills that worked for me, I kept and developed. The skills that didn't, I got rid of. I really hope my approach didn't ruin anyone's experience! I think what makes a difference is that I approached the platform with a business mentality, even if it was a side gig. It took me 2 1/2 years to post my first gig. I didn't see Fiverr as a faucet that you turn on and orders just start flowing (without any effort on my part). I knew it was going to be hard work and that continuous effort, progress tracking, and improvement was necessary. I think it's wonderful that Fiverr allows sellers to work as much (or as little) as they want. However, it's important that sellers see their Fiverr business as a business that exists to serve real customers (not as a quick way to make extra money for them - as in "Make me rich.").
  11. Hi @xavier_paesch, Welcome to the forum! I like how you have a branded look to all of your gig images, and the images include text that clearly describes your services as well as a picture of yourself. Here's my two cents: 1. Bio - Change "welcome" to "Welcome" 2. Gig images - The gig image for the resume and cover letter gig is slightly cut off on the left side on Desktop mode (all images look fine on mobile view). 3. Prices - I think your prices for the cover letter and resume giga are too low. You can keep it where it is now, but have a plan in place to increase it as you get orders (such as increasing it every 10 reviews). 4. LInkedIn Optimizations - This is a trending gig. Just make sure that you do it right - it's against LInkedIn's User Agreement for third-party to log into clients' accounts to make changes. You'll have to provide a step-by-step report for your clients with rewrites and instructions for them to update their accounts on their own. If you make the changes for them, you risk getting your clients' LinkedIn account shut down. 5. Gallery - You get 3 images, 2 PDFs, and 1 gig video for each gig. Take advantage of all of them to show off your portfolio and skills. When you have no reviews, your portfolio is your business card to your buyers. My portfolio was the only reason buyers placed orders when I had few reviews. I would love to see samples of your work on your gigs!
  12. Work hard to get it back. You will be evaluated on the 15th of each month, and if you meet all qualifications at that time, you can return to your Level 1 status again.
  13. If you want to ask for a review, just remember that it's against Fiverr's ToS to ask for a positive review or try to manipulate the buyer's review. Reaching out to buyers can also be seen as spammy. Buyers get 6 reminders from Fiverr to leave a review on your order, so you really don't need to ask them again. To make it seem less spammy, you could include the request as part of your delivery message (e.g., "Please feel free to leave an honest review of my services. It really does help other buyers know what to expect from my services!"). However, I choose not to ask the buyer to leave a review - instead, I try to "wow" the buyer with my delivery so that they will want to leave a review without me prompting them.
  14. Hi @hamza2001s, Welcome to the forum! I'm glad you found us! It's a lot easier to find the community now that Fiverr updated its dashboard. Yes! I can see from your screenshots that you have some impressions, some clicks, and no orders. Impressions are related to how relevant you are in search when a buyer searches for your services. This includes your title, tags, gig description, seller performance, and seller quality. The better your gigs and services, the more visible you'll be in search. Priority will be given to the sellers who are responding quicker, delivering more orders, and keeping their customers happy. Clicks are related to how attractive your gig is. You are getting some clicks, which means buyers saw your gigs and were interested enough in clicking on it to see what you were all about. To improve clicks, improve your gig card - your gig images, add in gig videos, check your title, tags, and pricing. What you really want, is to get orders from those clicks. That's where gig optimization comes in. Tailor your gig to your target customers so that they will want to order from you. Here are some articles that may help you get started here on the forum and on Fiverr: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/279005-the-first-5-things-you-should-do-when-starting-your-fiverr-career/ About the Forum https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/78709-forum-guide-where-to-post-what-to-post-whats-in-the-categories/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278683-new-to-the-forum-welcome-here-are-5-tips-for-efficient-forum-use-%E2%80%93-how-to-make-the-forum-work-better-for-yourself-and-for-everyone/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282067-my-first-25-days-%E2%80%93-how-i%E2%80%99m-getting-the-most-out-of-fiverr-forum/ About how to get that first order: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/
  15. Fiverr got rid of buyer requests about 6 months ago. Instead, focus on being the seller that Fiverr wants to promote: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/
  16. Hi @shuhag_raj, Fiverr gives an initial boost to new sellers. Since you started last month, you might not be getting that boost anymore. Here are a few suggestions: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/ You don't need to be online all the time to get an order. Download the Fiverr app so that you can be available if a customer sends you a message in your inbox.
  17. Good luck @ronhi85! One order down and another in queue, I hope this year's a good one for you!
  18. Hi @andleebfarhad, it looks like you had a delivery 1 month ago and I didn't see any negative reviews, so I'm wondering if you have any other information that we can look at. How does your seller stats look? Your impressions and clicks for the last 2 months? Did anything happen from the last 2 months that may have caused this?
  19. Hi @sabinespoems! I'm not sure if I have much to add since you've already received a lot of good feedback. I don't think a profile picture is necessary in your case. I really like your logo profile picture design and think you've branded yourself perfectly with this. Just make sure this design transfers over to all of your gig thumbnails that you'll have. I also agree that you can expand your services with more gigs. It might help to give more focus to your customers who expect you to create poems out of thin air with little to go off of (which, by the way, you are great at doing)! You might even offer a consulting fee for those who need a little more guidance/help. I think you are doing a lot of that (and it shouldn't be for free). You can definitely raise your prices (or lower the number of lines) so that you can get paid for your work and time. Your prices do look very low, so you can definitely raise your prices. If you don't want to do that because of low sales, at least lower the number of lines that you offer and add in some gig extras. The consulting fee would be one. You might want to charge extra for designs that you might include with your poems (and have different charges for text only, borders, borders with graphics, color, etc.). It looks like you are doing this already. Try to think of services that you are already doing that could be an add on service. You may find out that you are giving away a lot of extras for free.
  20. I think I will! If I'm turning away 90% of my buyers, I think it's time for another increase. And you are right about living expenses in Hawaii! It's a lot higher than I thought!
  21. I'm turning away most of the legitimate orders coming into my inbox because my schedule is usually full. If I complete work early and have a gap in my schedule (and don't have an inquiry sitting in my inbox), I'll pick up a brief order or turn on Promoted Gigs for a few hours until I pick up an order. I do love this feature! I get about 15% ROI on Promoted Gigs, but since I have a great chance of getting an order from the brief option or from my inbox inquiries (that I'm turning away), those are my first options when a gap shows up in my schedule.
  22. It takes a lot of time to respond to every single one because I wanted to train the AI and do my duty to report spammers/sellers who are using the feature. I also wanted to give good feedback to the product managers. Now that they have all of my comments and feedback from ~8 months of use, I'm turning it off. It's a nice feature to turn on, if I ever need it! I'll turn it on before I ever turn on the Promoted Gigs again.😊
  23. I usually send the cancelation offer when the buyer is ready and instruct them to cancel. Once they confirm, I send the new offer and instruct them to accept it. I used to send the offer and cancelation request at the same time, but if the steps are done out of order (e.g., the buyer accepts the new order then cancels), you will have to go through Customer Service to have your stats fixed. The more you control in this process, the less errors there will be. I would send a custom offer every time.
  24. Good luck! I like to do the cancelation and the new order together with my buyer in one sitting. This ensures that stats won't be affected (stats are affected until that second order is accepted, so it could affect your ratings on the 15th if you aren't doing the back-to-back cancelation and reordering).
  25. I just turned mine off yesterday since I get enough orders without it and the notifications are too much.
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