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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Don't make changes just for the sake of making changes. Review your gigs and refresh the areas where you could improve on. If you feel it doesn't need to be improved, don't touch it. Review your services and offerings to see what you can improve on. Update your portfolio, gig images, gig videos, and gig descriptions so that they accurately reflect any new changes you have made to deliver quality services to your customers. Consider price changes and restructuring your packages to serve your customers better and improve your gig's profitability.
  2. Congratulations @ptrgar! I'm glad Customer Service was able to help you get paid for the work that you did! Your persistence paid off. 😊 Just a note: I've asked the m0ds to remove the references to the buyer's name and company because it's against forum rules to call out buyers and sellers by name on the forum.
  3. Hi @digitgraphicweb, as long as you have the "Get brief" option activated on your Gig page and you have set your minimum rate, you can get buyer briefs. This doesn't mean that you will get buyer briefs:
  4. It's natural to see this. Impressions are related to how relevant you are in search, so if you haven't done anything for the past year, your gigs will have little impressions because your gig won't be as relevant as a seller that regularly gets orders, responds to buyers' inquiries, makes timely deliveries, and keeps their customers happy. The good news is, you can pick up where you left off. Spruce up your gigs and portfolio. Show buyers that you are now in business again. You can even mention this in your profile. To increase your impressions, you've got to show that you are relevant when buyers are searching for your services. Update your title, tags, and gig descriptions so that it accurately reflects the service you are offering. Fiverr's algorithm will also give higher impressions to sellers with good statistics and seller quality - this includes "appearance quality" and "delivery quality." You can read more about this here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/
  5. Gig impressions are related to your relevancy in search. If your impressions are decreasing, Fiverr's algorithm sees your gig as less relevant in search than other sellers. Your relevancy is based on your title, tags, gig descriptions, and seller performance. Make sure your gigs accurately reflect the services that you are offering and focus on improving your seller quality. This is more than just your seller statistics - if other sellers are delivering faster, responding quicker, handling more orders, and keeping their customers happier, they will be shown higher up in search. It doesn't have to be stunning, just relevant. Per @frank_d: Find out how you can be more relevant, so that you can increase your impressions and get seen by buyers: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/
  6. Hi @chayanroy354, You have good impressions and clicks, you just need to convert those clicks into orders. When you see clicks and no orders, that means people are visiting your gigs and are deciding not to order from you. Instead, they are placing orders with another seller. So it's up to you to figure out how to make your gigs attractive to buyers so that they will want to place an order with you. This means your gigs need to look professional, credible, and of the highest quality. Here are a few articles that can help you do that: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/274399-what-happens-when-you-publish-a-new-gig-a-pro-sellers-guide/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/277860-spring-gig-checklist-for-sellers/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/
  7. Why would you use someone else's Payoneer account? You can easily create your own account and withdraw your earnings to that one. Otherwise, your cousin will receive all your earnings and you will be dependent on him to give that money to you.
  8. Thanks @newsmike! It took me a long time to get the design right and to set up my packages better. I always like how you remind me to look at my prices. It looks like I was doing a lot of extra work for free in most of my gigs and packages. I was charging the same rates for a resume (whether it was a new HS grad, IT professional, or C-suite executive). I broke up my resume writing gig into three gigs to allow me to structure my packages and gig extras better. It makes me nervous to break up my main gig into three services but I'll monitor how these gigs perform and will make any necessary adjustments. I agree with this! I realized I was giving advice on the forum about how to improve peoples' gigs yet my own gigs needed to be refreshed. I can already see an uptick in my gigs' performance, so it looks like the updates are helping!
  9. Hi @mahmudhasan448, Fiverr doesn't guarantee matches for every seller. Fiverr doesn't even guarantee matches for buyers posting the briefs (as can be seen on the Help Center and buyers posting on the forum). Buyer briefs work very differently from from buyer requests in that each brief only gets matched with 1-2 sellers at a time (and sometimes there are no matches). With buyer requests, each request could get 50 or more offers from buyers, so there's a huge difference between the two Other than turning on the "Get brief" option and experimenting with different minimum prices, there isn't much you can do to get briefs. Instead, focus on being the seller that Fiverr will promote - then you'll get seen and matched to buyers in search, Promoted gigs, briefs, and more. You may have seen the article below, but it contains valuable information on how you can get higher visibility in search: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/
  10. I did send each video to the buyer to review before uploading and then let the buyer know each time I uploaded or made changes to the online course. She didn't really look at anything I did, but was appreciative of my work. And after the order was delivered, the order auto-completed within three days. This order took 5 months to complete, so I learned my lesson. I agree with both of you! This particular order was created when I was a newbie seller, so I didn't know any better. 😊 For all future orders, I made sure to break up large orders into smaller orders so that I can deliver the smaller deliverables as I complete them and get paid sooner.
  11. Thanks to you @newsmike, I finally updated my gig images, gig videos, titles, tags, packages, prices, times, and gig descriptions before my New Year's celebrations! I also branded all my services with a logo, created 2 tiers of services (business support and career services), and added 2 more gigs. This only represents a fraction of what I'm planning to do to increase the quality of my services. Back to your question on quality - no one wants to talk about improving quality because it's hard. It's so much easier to update title & tags and call it good. Improving quality is tough because it's a never-ending cycle. I'm still not satisfied with where I am and know that I need to upgrade my skills, portfolio, workflows, and gigs (still!) so that I can compete with the TRS and Pro sellers in my category.
  12. Congratulations! Both the portfolio and "Fiverr's Choice" badge are a great indicators of a high quality seller. Keep up the good work! Orders placed through the Fiverr's Choice promotions will be labeled with a Fiverr's Choice badge. This is how it looks like from your order page: Do what you can to keep a consistent stream of Fiverr's Choice orders. I have had Fiverr's Choice orders consistently since April, and it has been a big game changer for me.
  13. Hi @pdbstudios - thanks for activating all of your gigs! Here's my question to you - Would you buy from someone with the same headline and bio that you have? Both of those should be geared towards the buyer and show how you are the solution to your buyer's problems. Currently, they don't. There's no call to action. I think you can spend more time tailoring your headline, profile description, and gigs for your target buyers. Don't forget to proofread, because errors can quickly turn away buyers. Focus on showing off your portfolio in all of your gigs so your buyers know what to expect.
  14. @ayeshaahmed498, Here's how it will look: The early payout is what I referred to as "immediate payout option" which is the green clock/money icon to the right. If you click on it, you can have immediate access to your earnings for a fee equal to 1% of the order amount.
  15. When an order closes, you'll see that your payments will clear in 7 days, instead of 14 days. I also have the immediate payout option, which allows you to get paid as soon as the order closes (for a 1% fee). Seller Plus get to try out new features, and new features are constantly being rolled out by the product development team. I love having the Request to Order feature (no one can place an order unless they contact me first).
  16. Hi @pdbstudios, Your headline states that you are "waiting for the first client" and your description is "no has bought anything yet." You also have no gigs published so there's no way for anyone to order any services from you. Without gigs, you also aren't visible on Fiverr's search, so no one can find you. Please refer to the resources on the Help Center to set up your gigs: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010451397-Creating-a-Gig
  17. Hi @craft_bot - Fiverr doesn't guarantee that any seller will get briefs. Briefs are very different from buyer requests, where 50 sellers or more could make an offer on a single buyer request. Each brief is sent to only one or two matches at a time. This significantly limits the number of sellers who are matched to a brief. If you were depending on buyer requests for orders, don't do the same for buyer briefs. The bulk of your orders should be coming from buyers who find you via Fiverr's search. This is where Fiverr will promote and show you to prospective buyers - if you are seen as "relevant" to Fiverr's algorithm. Your relevancy is based on a number of factors making up your Match Score. Learning about these factors and making the necessary changes to improve your business is the best way to get orders on Fiverr. You can read more about this here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/
  18. You can email support at: support@fiverr.com Or you can create a Help Desk Ticket here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/gigs/gig-status/create-ticket However, I don't think you need to contact Fiverr Support. This is to be expected if you spend time away from Fiverr. Ratings and seller level doesn't really matter to the algorithm if you leave your business for as long as you have. If you stop working, Fiverr's algorithm will start seeing you as less and less relevant when buyers search for your services. Higher impressions will be given to sellers who are delivering more orders and have happier customers over a rolling 60-90 days. The good news is, you can pick up your business again and start showing the algorithm that you are relevant again. This isn't done overnight, but it can be done. As you respond to inbox inquiries, close orders, improve your services, and get current, positive reviews (private and public), you can more impressions and improve your visibility in search. Here's an article that can help you understand what you can do so that Fiverr's algorithm sees you as a relevant seller: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/
  19. As long as your portfolio is one of the approved URLs, then you are fine to share it. Otherwise, it violates Fiverr ToS: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011421198
  20. Hi @jagannathroydip, Try entering in other relevant keywords until all 5 tags are shown on your gig.
  21. Low impressions means Fiverr's algorithm doesn't feel like the gig is relevant when buyers search for your service. Or there isn't enough interest in the service you are offering. Check with your title, tags, and gig descriptions to see if it clearly matches the service that you offer. I had one word in one of my gig titles that completely changed to the audience Fiverr was showing my gig to. Once I changed that word, I was able to attract the right audience. Do your market research and make sure that the service you offer is one that buyers are interested in. This may require that you restructure your gig and packages so that it is more appealing to your target buyers.
  22. Hi @chekwube_ozieh, have you considered expanding your services based on your customers' needs? When I first started, I only offered one gig. I quickly found out that my customers wanted other services as well, services that I could provide. By offering writing & editing services, research & summaries, data entry, business support, and other gigs tailored to my customers' needs, I was able to increase my Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) and the number of orders that I receive. Most of my customers will buy from 4-6 of my 7 gigs and some of them are regular buyers.
  23. Hi @jensfriberg! Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! Whether you work on Fiverr part-time or full-time, make sure that your profile and gigs look professional and you utilize all the tools you have to show off your portfolio and skills (e.g., you gig video and gallery, especially the 2 PDFs you get per gig). Before you have reviews, this will be your business card to buyers, so make sure it looks professional and appealing. Here are some articles that can help you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/292980-things-to-know-before-you-publish-your-first-gig/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/ I wish the best for you and your business!
  24. A really good one. If you are a video editor, your gig video will be the deciding factor for your buyers, whether they work with you or move on to the next seller.
  25. It's against Fiverr ToS to have more than one Fiverr account. If you have two Fiverr accounts, you risk having both shut down (and be banned from Fiverr forever). If you have different services, just offer different gigs on the same account. That's what gigs are for. I have 7 different gigs, all offering different services.
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