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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. @ronyahmed027, please make sure that "working hard" is also "working smart" (not just staying busy). Here are some things that you can do to "work hard" the right way: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/295757-how-can-i-get-to-my-first-order/?do=findComment&comment=1864504 https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/
  2. What are you doing to get your first order? I noticed in the post you linked to, the answer was "wait & wait." This is an incorrect answer. If you just wait, you might never get an order. There are many things you can do to get your first order: studying your target buyers, learning how to connect with them, updating your gigs so buyers want to buy from you, and sharing your gig links with those who are likely to order your services. As a newbie seller, I also spent a lot of time: 1. Building my portfolio (so that buyers would trust the quality of my work) 2. Improving my workflow, documents, and gigs. 3. Reading through all the reviews of high rated sellers, taking notes on how I could improve my customer service. 4. Reading through all the articles on the Help Center. I got my first order within 2 weeks. It can take longer for some sellers. I probably could have gotten an order earlier, but I scared a few customers away due to bad inbox replies (I was writing in all caps whenever someone asked something that violated Fiverr's ToS). After I learned how to be more tactful and helpful in my replies, buyers were more open to working with me. ☺️
  3. @donnovan86 - This makes me really sad! I've actually made that mistake before (but caught it before hitting the submit button). It wasn't three clicks - it was one swoop of the mouse - just "hovering" or swooping over the stars can cause it to change from 5 stars to 1 star pretty quick. And this was at 1 AM for me, too. I gave 5 stars, wrote my review, and moved my mouse out of the way and it changed all the stars when I did that. I was really sleepy so I might have nodded off when I moved my mouse (but I know I didn't make three clicks). Luckily I was awake enough to notice the error and was able to correct the stars before submitting. If I had submitted it with 1-stars, I would have felt really terrible. It's too bad that buyers who make honest mistakes in their review can't ask for Customer Service to change it without risking damage to the seller. Mistakes do happen and a seller shouldn't be penalized for a buyer's mistake. @donnovan86 - As a seller, I would tell my Success Manager what happened and share my screenshots with her. She's usually very helpful (even if the mistake can't be corrected). For you, the private review (which should be positive) should still weigh more heavily than the public one. I can also see that you just recieved a bunch of 5-star reviews. It's good that you are high-volume. Hopefully that will allow you to bounce back faster from this mistake review!
  4. Hi @maglincer! Welcome back to Fiverr and to the forum! I looked at your profile and suggest that you add gig videos on all your gigs and build up your portfolio samples (you should have different samples on your gigs and utilize your 2 PDFs to showcase as many samples as you can). When I was a newbie seller earlier this year, my portfolio convinced people to buy from me. I had to create a portfolio from scratch since I didn't have one when I started. Here's an article of things you can do to optimize your gigs: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/
  5. Good job sticking up for yourself! You should never to extra work that is not included in the order (unless you add it in as a gig extra). Unfortunately, Fiverr Customer Support can't do anything while the order is still open and you are in the "cancel request war" with your customer. This cycle can go on forever if neither of you budges. Customer Support usually won't step in to intervene. Once someone gives in, the order will either be canceled or closed. If canceled unjustly, you can then go to Customer Support to dispute the cancelation. Sometimes Customer Support will pay you for the work you do even if the order is canceled (I received payment from Fiverr because the buyer still had my files after canceling the order). If the buyer accepts the order and closes it, you might have a very unhappy customer who will leave you a negative private and public review (but you will get paid for your work). it's really your choice how you want to go about handling this.
  6. I knew a seller who dropped from Level 2 to a New Seller in one review period because of a silly mistake on her part. In one month she got her Level 1 status back and after 2 months she was a Level 2 seller again. It's never fun to see your numbers go down, but it's also possible to bring those numbers back up. I wish you the best of luck!
  7. Hi @ronyahmed027, Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! If you mention in your bio that you offer logos, please get that gig set up so that buyers can order that service from you. For your resume designs, please include more samples of your work. You also get 2 PDFs and a video for your gig, so take advantage of those options to show what you can do. Before I had orders and a lot of reviews, my portfolio gave me credibility and convinced buyers to buy from me. Here are some articles that may be helpful for you as you are getting started: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/279005-the-first-5-things-you-should-do-when-starting-your-fiverr-career/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/260825-yet-more-tips-for-newbie-sellers-before-creating-your-account/
  8. Since this November (over the last 2 months), you received 4 less-than-perfect reviews, with 2 of them being 1-star reviews. Prior to this time, you only had 5-star reviews. Most likely, these four clients left negative private reviews, which would explain why you aren't getting any messages in your inbox right now. Negative private reviews can affect your account for 90 days or longer. Quality of Services. Based on your two 1-star reviews, there was a question on the quality of your services. You also have a low order completion rate (89%), so that can also be an indicator of buyer dissatisfaction. Look hard at your reviews and the reasons why you are canceling orders to see how you can improve those numbers. If you are canceling due to buyer error, make sure that you are also contacting Fiverr Customer Support so that those cancelations don't affect your order completion rate. If you are canceling because your buyers are not satisfied, find ways to deliver better services or restructure your gigs so that your deliverables are clear. Asking for Reviews. It looks like you are asking for clients to leave reviews (one client who left a 1-star review mentioned he didn't want to leave a review but you asked him for it). I wouldn't recommend asking for reviews because Fiverr already asks the buyer to leave reviews at least three times on each order. If you also ask for the buyer to leave a review, then that can make the buyer feel annoyed and leave a lower review. Focus on delivering impressive quality so that buyers will want to leave a review without anyone asking them to. Problematic Repeat Buyer. It also looks like you have one repeat buyer who left a 3-star and 4-star review. You might want to consider not doing business with that customer because the comments only say "thanks." Both reviews are technically not bad reviews, but it does lower your seller rating. Especially when you only have 32 reviews. Although you did lose your Level 1 seller badge, you can get that again by increasing your seller stats. Your gig ranking/visibility and Promoted Gig feature can also come back as you improve your performance and keep your customers happy.
  9. As a buyer, the gig favorites are a great way to organize sellers and gigs that you would like to purchase from in the future. As a seller, there aren't really any significant benefits to getting more gig favorites.
  10. Hi @provat_m - sharing your gig links in "Casual Conversations" isn't allowed. You can share your gig links in "Improve My Gig" and "My Fiverr Gigs." Anywhere else it is considered spam. In response to your question, please read this post with all my favorite links to help you re-rank your gig: @imagination7413, can we merge, hide, and/or move all of these extra posts by this forum member? Thanks! [Mod note: posts split, and topics merged.]
  11. When you upload your work to deliver, there should be an "Add a sample to Gig's gallery" where you can scroll through your files until you find the file you want in your gallery:
  12. Whenever you deliver an order, make sure you are selecting the files that you want to show up in your gallery. After that, it's up to the buyer to approve the image. If the buyer doesn't approve the image, it won't show up. Since my deliveries often contain confidential information, I have to create an extra/special image of the delivery (with personal information removed) so that my buyers will be comfortable posting the images of their deliveries on my gallery. Even so, I have a gig where only 25% of my buyers leave reviews, and even fewer approve the delivery file for my live gallery.
  13. From your gig page, check the "Live Portfolio" option: Once you do that, on every delivery, you can select the file that you want to show up next to the buyer's review. Buyers will be able to approve that file when they leave a review. If they approved the file, it will show up next to their review and in your gallery. If they didn't (or if they didn't leave a review), the file won't show up in your gallery.
  14. You're missing one word: few Only a few quality sellers are getting these briefs. This is stated in the Help Center. ALL quality sellers will not be matched - only 1 or 2 quality sellers will be matched to a single brief. This is not like buyer requests which allowed 50 sellers or more to make an offer on a single request. If you were relying on buyer requests for orders, don't expect briefs to be the same or you will probably be disappointed. Fiverr is relying more and more on smart algorithms to match buyers to sellers. Because of this, sellers will need to adapt to this in order to survive. Sellers should focus on getting seen in search instead of relying on buyer briefs.
  15. Hi @manabendra7 - even without the new cancelation policy, if a customer orders by mistake, Customer Service is more than happy to remove that from the seller's profile so it doesn't affect the seller's order completion ratio. Please contact Fiverr Customer Support and share the screenshots of your conversation with you buyer that shows the buyer made a mistake order. Customer Support should be able to adjust your order completion rate for you. Whenever you have a cancelation due to buyer error, you should contact Fiverr Customer Support so that it doesn't affect your order completion rate.
  16. If you offer your services for free, you are opening the door for buyers to take advantage of you. Once they know you will do the work for free, they won't want to pay you for your work. Also, Fiverr won't allow you to offer services for $0, so the only way to do this is to make your delivery in your inbox. Fiverr also can't help or protect you if you do have issues with a buyer because they aren't buying anything and you aren't selling anything. There isn't any agreement between you two. There really isn't any reason to offer services for free. Buyers are already protected by Fiverr on every order they place. Funds are held by Fiverr until the buyer says the delivery is acceptable. If it is, the funds are released to the seller. If the buyer isn't satisfied and wants a refund, the money will usually be refunded. If buyers want to "try" out your services, you can offer a smaller order for a portion of the work. If all is well, buyers can order the remainder of the work and you can complete it. You could also offer discounts (which is essentially doing "free" work).
  17. Hi @zohur21, Welcome to the forum! Here are some of my favorite articles on Gig ranking: Posted a week ago by @newsmike (please pay attention to the myths that are listed and make note of what you should do): https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/295232-to-rank-or-not-to-rank/ A Guide by @frank_d that looks into all the factors that affect your gig ranking and tips for improving your gig's visibility in search: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/274399-what-happens-when-you-publish-a-new-gig-a-pro-sellers-guide/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/273172-the-simplest-way-to-get-a-boost-in-ranking/ Tips by @looseink on things affecting your impressions: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/235903-why-your-impressions-and-clicks-are-down/
  18. Hi @web_clwon, as long as you have the skill, you can open up gigs in whatever category you want. I published gigs in different categories because my buyers were asking for those services and I knew I could deliver. This has only helped my business because when one gig is down, usually another is doing well.
  19. Hi @jagannathroydip - this is how it will look at the bottom of the gig pricing page:
  20. Hi @peter_eli01 - I'm not sure if I understand what you are asking. Impressions are related to anyone (buyer or seller) who finds your gig by searching for your services on Fiverr. Fiverr doesn't differentiate between buyers or sellers because there are many sellers who also buy services on Fiverr. If they are using Fiverr's search to find you, most likely they are a buyer. So consider all impressions you get as buyer related. One thing to note: Impressions are not the same as gig views because you (and anyone else with your gig link) can also share your gig with others. Views from buyers who come through your gig link are not counted in your impressions number because impressions are only related to Fiverr's search.
  21. Hi @sofia2568, I took a look at your profile and can see that your gigs are in highly competitive fields, so every detail can make or break whether a buyer decides to go with you or with another seller. Here are some possible reasons that I found after taking a look at your profile and gigs: High Competition. Since you joined in September, it has only been 3-4 months. It can take that much time or longer to get your first order, especially if you are offering digital marketing services and data entry. Low Credibility. If you are offering digital marketing services, buyers will want to see if you can use your marketing skills to bring business to yourself. Also, you mention years of experience, but there is nothing in your portfolio to show your years of experience. When you don't have reviews, a good portfolio can give you credibility with your buyers. I was a new seller earlier this year and my portfolio was a deciding factor for many buyers to place orders with me (even when I had few orders and reviews). English Fluency. You state that you are fluent in English, yet your profile, gigs, and gig images/PDF's have MANY errors in them. For example, in just your tagline, you call yourself a digital "marketter." I suggest you proofread and fix these errors since buyers will expect perfection from someone fluent in the language. Errors in your portfolio images also turns away many buyers from buying - they don't want a digital marketer that will make mistakes on their social media channel. Seller Profile & Gigs. I think you have opportunities to optimize your profile and gigs so that they are more attractive to your target buyers. In addition to upgrading your portfolio and proofreading/editing your gigs, you can also follow the tips in this article to make yourself more attractive to your buyers: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/
  22. Fiverr discontinued buyer requests and it's not coming back. This has been replaced with the Brief & Match feature. Just make sure your "Get briefs" option is turned on from your Gig page to activate this feature. This badge is only given to a few new sellers who pass Fiverr's manual review process for this badge. Not all quality new sellers will get this badge and it is a temporary badge. After a certain number of views are gained on the gig, the badge falls off. You can read more about this in the Help Center: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011204777-What-is-Rising-Talent
  23. Hi @smrakib, As long as you sent the offer to the buyer, you don't have to worry about following up with the buyer. Buyers will come to you when they are ready. Sometimes my buyers accept the offer right away or they come back and order after disappearing for several months. A lot of times they will just disappear. Don't waste too much time chasing after a buyer that isn't ready to move forward. Continue on with your business and leave the door open so that they can come back and order from you if they want to.
  24. How long was this for you, @strategist_ceo? I agree that this is the best option. I don't see how pausing a gig will help. The only way a gig can improve is if there is new and ongoing data that shows your seller performance and quality is high. @domenikbrenner - it does seem like you have a steady stream of orders (even though it less than what you are used to). Focus on the customers you have right now and delivering the best quality with each order. It might take time but it can be done. @strategist_ceo was able to pull himself out of the slump and I'm rooting for you to do the same!
  25. Hi @drewdigihub - you shouldn't depend on briefs as your main source of orders. Instead optimize your gigs and become the seller that Fiverr wants to promote. Here are tips on how to optimize your gigs so that you can get seen in search: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/ And here are tips on how you can become the seller that Fiverr will want to promote and match with buyers: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/
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