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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. That is strange! My success manager told me that I can email her as often as I like. I did notice that her schedule is booked out a month for the Zoom calls, too. However, I never do the Zoom calls because of the time difference. Email communication is faster and I can cover more topics.
  2. Hi @farleysweb, Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! Here are answers to your questions: 1. Personal contact information may only be shared if it part of the order requirements, so make sure that you clarify this in your gig descriptions, FAQs, and in your order requirements when you set up your gigs. Once the order starts, the buyer can share all personal information needed for you to complete the order, as outlined in your order requirements. Do not share this information with your buyer in the inbox. This is stated in Fiverr's ToS: 2. Links to your your demos can also be included in your delivery (as outlined in your order requirements). Fiverr is strict on which weblinks you can use, so if it isn't on the Approved URL list, and is require for you to complete your services, outline it in your order requirements. You may also deliver screenshots and videos if that's what you want to include in your delivery. I don't. I just send the link the eLearning platform where I designed the ecourse and Landing Page. 3. I would deliver the files and then transfer the ownership after the order is accepted by the buyer (or the order closes). Once you deliver the files and the buyer reviews the delivery, they have 3 days to decide whether they want to extend the review period, request a revision, accept the order, or let the order auto-close. If the buyer requests revisions, you can still make changes and revisions because you haven't transferred ownership yet. Once the order closes, you can then transfer the ownership because the revision period is over. As a seller, you need to define what your delivery is, so you can deliver exactly what you promise you will. You can include in your FAQs when ownership will be transferred to the buyer. Always deliver work using the delivery button - never deliver early in the order chats (or inbox) or give your work to the buyer before you make a delivery. Once you make a delivery on your order you can get paid, you won't get paid if you deliver your work in the order chats or inbox.
  3. Hi @jerryliubj, this message is spam because it's asking you to contact the manager outside of Fiverr's platform, which is against Fiverr's ToS. Mark the message as spam and move on. You currently don't have a gig set up. You need to set up a gig in order to start earning money on the platform. Set up your gig following these steps: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010451397-Creating-a-Gig
  4. Hi @ozanartist, On your seller profile you mention that you operate as a team - is there anyone on your graphic design team that can help you with this?
  5. It really depends how long the wait is now. I was on the wait list for 5 months before I joined (this was before the introduction of the 2 levels of Seller Plus). As long as you are on the wait list, you will have a chance to join again once it becomes available to you.
  6. Hi @adrianabasti687, Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! I looked at your profile and the "description" is actually your profile bio, not your gig. To create a gig, follow these instructions: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010451397-Creating-a-Gig?segment=seller
  7. Hi @rreboucas, When you hover over a message, click on the spam button. This will both block and report the seller to Fiverr without it affecting your response rate: You could hit the flag "Report" button, but this will only report the seller without blocking them (and it will affect your response rate if you don't respond).
  8. vickieito

    please help

    It's useless trying to find your own gig on the search page - Fiverr's algorithm will show different gigs to each buyer (including you). I can never find my gigs in search, but I know my buyers are finding me because I am getting orders. Instead, focus on growing your impressions, clicks, and orders. Your gig is getting seen by buyers because you are getting impressions. To increase your impressions, you have to make your gigs relevant to search. Make sure your gig tags, title, and gig description clearly describe your services. Your gig's relevancy is also determined by your seller performance (see your statistics) and seller quality (your appearance quality and your delivery quality). All of these metrics play a role in determining how relevant your gig is when buyers search for your services. Sellers that respond faster, have more orders, have happier buyers, and deliver quicker will be ranked up higher in search. If buyers click on your gig, that means they are interested in learning more about your services. To increase clicks, make your gig card attractive - have a unique gig image that clearly describes your services. Also make sure that your title is completely visible (not cut off) and easy to understand. Buyers will also be looking at the price, your seller level, your rating, and the gig video (if you have one). If you have impressions and clicks but no orders, it means that you are getting seen in search and buyers are visiting your gig. However, when they get there, they decide not to buy from you and then move on to a different seller. To increase orders, you have to convince these buyers that you are the solution to their problem, so tailor you gig to a target buyer and make sure your gig descriptions and portfolio gives them what they want. If buyers see what they want, they'll most likely contact you and place an order. If they don't, they'll move on to another seller.
  9. Hi @jason_doggett - Welcome to the forum! You should always send your finished work to your customers as a delivery. What you call "draft" I call a final proof. This is work that I have written and rewritten to meet all of the specifications that the buyer has laid out in their order requirements. If I have any questions, I ask the buyer to clarify. When I feel that I have a final product that will meet or exceed the buyer's expectation, then I'll send it to the buyer as a delivery. This will stop the clock and show up as an on-time delivery. At that point, the buyer has three days to decide to extend the review period, request a revision, close the order, or allow the order to auto-close. I offer 3 free revisions with each order, so I'll hold all of the buyer's comments until they are finished with their review and they give me the go-ahead to make all the revisions. This allows us to get the most out of each revision. If your buyer doesn't respond, the order auto-closes and you get paid for your work. It's risky on your part to deliver in the order chats - buyers can run away with your work and disappear. On top of that, you are not handling revision the way that Fiverr intended and risk a late delivery (not to mention going crazy wondering when that buyer will get back to you)! I also used to deliver in the order chats and had to deal with the same issue as you. I stopped doing this after a buyer disappeared with the work I delivered and I ended up canceling to avoid a late order. Luckily, Customer Service paid me for the work that I did: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282216-24-hrs-until-delivery-and-no-contact-from-the-buyer-also-unable-to-deliver/
  10. Hi @freekhan12, Reviews stay on your account forever - they don't get removed when you update your gig videos. The reviews still count towards your profile if you delete a gig. I'm not sure what you mean by this. If you want to update your gig with a better video, please feel free to do so. 😊
  11. Hi @isaacjiro567, Briefs have replaced buyer requests - buyers will submit briefs about their projects, which will be sent to a few, qualified sellers (who can then make an offer on the brief). As long as your "Get Briefs" option is activated on your Gig page, and a minimum price is set, you can be matched with Buyer Briefs. You can learn more about the Brief & Match feature here: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4415601609361-Get-matched-with-buyers
  12. Hi @harixtechnolo, This article explains how Fiverr's algorithm works - it's not just title, tags, and gig descriptions, your seller performance, and seller quality (appearance quality and delivery quality) plays a role as well: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/ And here are more in depth articles by @frank_d that explains how Fiverr works: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/
  13. This is my best month since I started on Fiverr. I was worried because I took the first week off for vacation (went out of office), but I updated everything on my gigs and they have been doing very well, especially my writing gigs for resumes, copy editing, and eLearning content. Last January, it was really slow for me (and I didn't update my gigs). I'm wondering if the updates made all the difference.
  14. It's not that orders couldn't be made through buyer requests, only that matches (using Fiverr's smart algorithm) weren't being made. From Fiverr's perspective, it was an upgrade to switch to the Brief & Match because it utilizes their smart algorithm to make matches. Both buyer requests and buyer briefs have the same purpose, which is why Fiverr replaced buyer requests with briefs. I would agree with you that many sellers got lots of orders through the buyer request feature. That may not be possible through Fiverr's new Brief & Match system. With buyer requests, over 50 sellers could make a bid on a single request. However, with briefs, only 1 or 2 sellers get matched at a time and sellers have no control over what briefs they get. That's why sellers shouldn't focus on the Brief & Match as a major source of orders. Only a few will get matched to a brief and there really isn't much sellers can do other than turn the feature on. Buyer requests did have advantages to many sellers. However, since it isn't coming back, sellers will need to learn how to get seen in Fiverr's search so that they can get orders. This is where Fiverr's matching system works best. The Get Brief system still needs a lot of work to make better matches. I agree! There are buyers getting zero matches or bad matches to their briefs and sellers getting a lot of irrelevant briefs.
  15. This is exactly why Fiverr chose to upgrade to the Get Brief feature - to help buyers who couldn't find what they are looking for when searching for gigs. Buyer requests never really accomplished this - it never created matches. Buyers would post their jobs and then they would have to sift through tons of offers without knowing the quality of the sellers responding to their request. The idea of the Get Brief feature is to allow Fiverr's algorithm to match the buyer to a few high-quality sellers with good delivery quality, appearance quality, and seller statistics, as well as services, prices, and availability that match what the buyer is looking for. This matching system functions like Fiverr's search, which is also designed to match buyers to relevant gigs. The Get Brief feature is still in the beginning stages and there are still improvements that need to be made to ensure better matches for the buyers. Only 1 or 2 sellers are matched to the buyer at a time, so the chances of the seller turning the brief into an order is higher. Sellers still have to bid, but it is only really there to give both buyer and seller the choice to work together based on other factors that the algorithm may not see. This is an upgrade from buyer requests, but still needs to be improved to achieve what Fiverr is aiming for - buyers entering in briefs and Fiverr recommending the perfect seller for them to work with.
  16. Montana is gorgeous! I really need to visit there. It sounds like you get to see the Aurora Borealis year-round since it gets dark in the summer. And you see all colors, even pinks. How lucky!
  17. That's awesome! He must have loved it here! Everyone is really sweet and I do love the "ainokea" (I no care) attitude that they have. 🥰 Even my bad driving doesn't ruffle their feathers when I end up turning into oncoming traffic on the one-way streets over here (which I did a couple of times). Both times I got waves, smiles, and shakas instead of curses, honks, and getting flipped off by other drivers.
  18. Yes, there are really only two seasons in Alaska - winter and summer (which isn't really summer weather because it's still chilly). However, since the sun's out all the time, it's summer. 😊 Summer vacations were really nice because the days were twice as long (as kids we were always sneaking out at midnight to play since it was so bright outside)!
  19. Oh, that makes me sad! 😟 I thought they would let the other sellers keep it, but only let the Seller Plus members choose which reviews get shown.
  20. It's great to see you again, @smashradio! I almost started a consultation gig before this came out but decided against it since the only consultations I'll ever do are chat consultations and they are included with each of my gigs. I still can't get myself to dress up for work every day and it doesn't help that I'm now living in the Big Island and they don't seem to care about my lackadaisical dress standards.
  21. I can also see this, but I don't think this is a major deterrent, since you can quickly resolve that issue by responding in a timely manner. Buyers can already see that if you are online or not. I also don't think it's necessary to include the "I RESPOND WITHIN 2 HOURS!" statement in your headline. As you get more messages in your inbox, and regularly check your spam messages, your average response time should improve. You could try to contact Customer Support, but usually they don't change these statistics. Normally they just advise you to be careful to check your spam messages in your spam box.
  22. Hi @norinejackson, buyers won't see your inbox response rate and the inbox response time isn't really off-putting if you are responding to them in a timely manner. I visited your profile and it looks really good to me since you do have reviews (as a buyer). That gives you some credibility. The inbox is really fickle; I tried to use the Out-of-Office feature because I was camping and my response rate dropped from 100% to 98% (even though I responded to every message). Then, when I got back it kept dropping until it hit 96% even though like you, I was responding to every message. It looks like I had to go to my spam box and view those messages in order for those messages not to count against me. I'm now at 97%, so it's slowly climbing up after two weeks.
  23. Hi @sasyj93, what do you mean by this? You turned on the feature and you aren't getting any clicks? How long has this been? It took me about 2 weeks before I saw anything happen with Promoted Gigs. Once I started seeing clicks, I was able to get a 10-15x return on my investment.
  24. Good luck, @theratypist! I've been trying to get my husband (city boy from Tokyo) to go to bush Alaska with no success. I even showed him where I lived but he was turned away because the only labeled attraction was "tundra." 😂 I hope you like the outdoors! My dad owns 114-acres of raw Alaska land and wanted to build a geodesic dome (but the permafrost made the build too expensive). It's now the best berry-picking land and all the Yup'ik grandmas like to pick the blueberries and salmonberries in the summer months. There's also fireweed that makes good jelly and great fishing. You might have to stay the whole year to see everything though!
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