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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @mds_soikot, Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! Fiverr gives an initial boost to new sellers, so it's expected to see your impressions and clicks grow when you first start out. Are your impressions and clicks at zero? Or are you just maintaining the same number of clicks and impressions? If you have 0 impressions, that would mean your gig is not relevant at all to buyers' searches on Fiverr (or your gig is not active on the marketplace). To check if your gigs are active, you can click on this link here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/gigs/gig-status?gigId=237301483 If you are getting impressions, even if it's just a little bit, buyers are seeing your gigs. If you are getting clicks, that means your gigs are attractive to potential buyers. Impressions are related to how relevant your gigs are when buyers search for your services on Fiverr. Relevancy is related to your gig title, tags, gig descriptions, and a number of factors around your seller performance and quality score. To increase impressions, make sure you are using relevant keywords, keeping up with your seller metrics, and are providing quality services that keep your buyers happy. I saw that you already have 2 reviews from a repeat customer, so you are off to a great start! Repeat customers are wonderful because they can keep your business going even when you don't have any impressions or clicks. Understanding how Fiverr works can help you to increase your relevancy in search (and get more impressions and clicks). You can read more about that here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/
  2. I want to frame this! Fiverr, the system, is not broken because there are no sales. Unfortunately, so many think that there is a problems with the "gig ranking" system, buyer briefs, and anything else that might make a good scapegoat instead of looking within, and doing what @newsmike suggests.
  3. For me, I just modify the design (e.g., move the images and text so that they fit the viewable margins). When I upload the images onto my gig, I check from both desktop and mobile modes to make sure everything looks good. If not, I made adjustments. There's probably a better way to do it. However, I'm not a designer, so this is the way I do it.
  4. Thanks @newsmike! This was a good reminder for me - I had a lot of buying power just by earning in dollars and spending in yen. Now I don't have that luxury and my cost of living is much higher now that I'm back in the US. With all the new updates and tools that Fiverr has been rolling out to help sellers make their profiles and gigs stand out and look more professional, my gigs definitely need upgrading! The price of my services will be increasing considerably and I will be revamping and elevating all of my services. I have a lot of work to do over the holidays! A good one to you too, @newsmike! 😊 Thanks for all your help this year!
  5. There are editors at all price points on Fiverr. Have you tried submitting a Buyer's Brief with your requirements and price point? Also, you might want to enlist the help of alpha readers and beta readers. They can give you good feedback so that the book can still be your own masterpiece. If you find a good alpha reader that you work well with who also does developmental editing that might be a good, cost effective option as well.
  6. Hi @kcomic, editors will usually need more information to provide you with an accurate quote. What is your genre? Word count? And what type of editing is required? All of these will affect your price. Some genres are harder to edit, higher word count will command higher prices, and developmental and structural editing will be much higher than line or copy editing.
  7. Hi @wp_tuts, Just type in the "negative keywords" that you want to use in the text box. For example, I use the the following negative keywords to filter out the buyers who use these words in their search terms: Amazon reviews, web reviews, essay writing, thesis, assignment This reduces the inbox inquiries that I get from buyers who are requesting services that violate Fiverr's ToS, such as doing student work or writing paid reviews on Amazon.
  8. Hi @bagasbrojo, if you aren't getting anything from Promoted Gigs, you should follow the Best Practices listed in the webinar below to increase your impressions, clicks, and orders: See the last video in the link below. Best practices will be at the 8:00 minute mark: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017729338-Promoted-Gigs#h_01G7PJWY4RXHXNWB1ZQED3C3S5
  9. I think that's a coincidence. I sometimes see my orders in queue go from -1 to -2 and it doesn't affect my impressions at all. Usually when my impressions drop to zero it's because the data hasn't been updated for the day. How long have your impressions been at zero? Can you show us a screenshot of what you are seeing?
  10. Hi @veerdesigns1, On desktop view, the 4th gig's thumbnail image has text that is still very close to the left edge (you might want to move it over some). On mobile view, the text is cut off on the thumbnails for your 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, & 6th gig. When creating your gig thumbnails, please make sure it looks good from both mobile and desktop views. Also, please review the link that I previously sent to you because there are still some updates that you haven't made to your gigs: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/
  11. Can you let me know exactly what Fiverr said "wasn't allowed"? I know for sure that empty deliveries are against ToS, so you still need to send the buyer a delivery when there is a no-show. You should also describe how you are delivering according to your policy/order specs.
  12. Hi @imu_animation, you are a digital marketer - I'm sure you don't "stay online for 20 hours" to get traffic for your customers. Apply your marketing skills to drive more traffic to your gigs. Understanding how Fiverr works is a good first step to getting more impressions. Impressions are related to your "relevancy" to search terms being entered by buyers. This relevancy score is based not only on title, tags, and gig description, but on "appearance" quality and "delivery" quality. Please see attached article to learn more about these metrics: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/
  13. What metric or metrics plummeted (and what were they before), @jayshennel?
  14. I hope this is just a temporary setback due to the new category. Hopefully things will pick up.
  15. That's great @rafique_sumon! Please let me know if you need help finding other resources to help you increase your visibility in search. 😊
  16. Hi @rafique_sumon, what did you mean by this?
  17. Hi @rafique_sumon, Here is a fun story on why you shouldn't worry about ranking your gig: Instead, focus on tailoring your gigs to your customers so that they will want to buy your services: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/211706-are-you-a-new-seller-this-is-how-you-get-more-orders/
  18. Hi @gdshafik24, Fiverr will initially give a boost to new sellers, which will give you good impressions (and clicks if your gig is attractive to buyers). If those clicks aren't turning into orders, that means you aren't convincing buyers to buy once they visit your gig. They are leaving your gig and placing orders with other sellers. So you need to update and write your gig so that you are more attractive to your target buyers so that those clicks turn into orders. Since you haven't gotten any orders yet, Fiverr's algorithm doesn't see you as the most relevant "match" when buyers are searching for your services. Other sellers, with more orders and better performance are shown higher up in search. This, combined with the "new seller boost" disappearing is probably the cause of the drop in your impressions and clicks. To get your impressions and clicks back up, you will have to increase your Match Score. You can read more about how this works here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/
  19. Impressions - are the number of views you are getting on your gig. This happens when buyers search for your services and Fiverr determine that you are a good match. Your match score depends on your relevancy (e.g., title, tags, gig descriptions, and good seller performance compared to other sellers on the platform). The more relevant you are, the more impressions and views you will get. If other sellers perform better than you (e.g., have more orders, faster deliveries, happier customers, etc.), they will appear higher in search. Clicks - are the buyers who see you in search and are interested in your services (so they "click" on your gig). The more attractive your gig is to buyers, the more clicks you will get (e.g., gig images & videos, prices, titles, seller level and reviews, etc.). If your gig looks too generic, buyers will overlook the gig and will click on another seller's gig.
  20. I'm not sure what you mean. Are you saying that after you delivered, the buyer opened a request to cancel via the Resolution Center? If so, you can respond like @newsmike here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282473-yesterday-buyer-opened-a-dispute-and-i-declined-3-days-gone-but-order-is-not-marked-as-complete/?do=findComment&comment=1783095 Also, why is your order cancelation rate at 50%? Any time and order is canceled (and it's the buyer's fault), it shouldn't affect your order cancelation rate. However, you do need to contact Fiverr Customer Service so they can makes sure to adjust that number for you.
  21. Hi @wiebesworks, I'm not sure if much can be done with your current orders, but you might want to change your policies a bit. I know others who offer live sessions who put it in their FAQs that a "no-show" is the same as a "completed gig." Here's how @williambryan392 states it: You could have a similar policy (obviously don't copy the one above word for word). That way, if a buyer ghosts you on a call, you can close the order and deliver it. Make this policy clear upfront so that you have a clear case to show Customer Service should your buyer want to cancel. You can easily prove that the order doesn't qualify for a cancelation. Currently Customer Service can't really help you because you don't have a policy like this in place.
  22. Play around with the prices. I found the prices worked best at the average selling price for my best-selling gig. Other sellers have luck at cheaper prices, while others are getting more briefs at higher prices. Set your price and see if you get any orders. It took me 2 months to get my first brief, however now I get 3-5 relevant briefs a day.
  23. If I was getting orders, I determined my prices were in the right place. If I got too many orders, I would increase my prices. I started low, only because I didn't have much experience in what I was doing. I increased my prices after my 1st order, 5th order, 10th order, and 20th order. When I got a huge influx of orders, I increased my prices aggressively. Price yourself where you feel comfortable and have a plan to increase your prices if you feel like you are undervalued.
  24. HI @xandriadv, You should be able to change your prices. Eligibility for the Promoted Gigs is based on seller performance and quality, not on your gig prices.
  25. Hi @henriettabongu_, I noticed you haven't applied all the tips that were mentioned in the articles that I provided for you here: For example, based on the articles I provided, here are some of the things you can do: 1. Update your gig image - the top text is cut off. 2. Add a gig video - Fiverr says this increases user engagement by 40%. 2. Include more portfolio samples of your work - use your 2 PDFs! This is how I got orders when I had zero reviews. 3. Write your bio and gig with the buyer in mind (less what you do and more how you are the solution to your buyers' problems). 4. Utilize all your gig extras (currently you have none included). 5. Utilize all 10 of your FAQs (you currently have 4). Convince buyers to order from you by answering all of their questions.
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