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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @noordesigner0, the quality metrics for Promoted Gigs are based on a "match score" that Fiverr gives to each seller. This quality is based on "gig appearance quality" and "gig delivery quality." See article below for more details. The link to the Help Center is from the Promoted Gigs section: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/ This Promoted Gigs webinar also has tips on how to increase your impressions, clicks, and orders (start watching from the 5:18 minute mark): https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017729338-Promoted-Gigs#h_01G7PJWY4RXHXNWB1ZQED3C3S5
  2. Because the OP left a 3-star public review and the buyer was livid and announced that he would leave a really bad private review in retaliation (which he did). Customer Support was not helpful at all because the buyer originally left a 5-star public review. They only told the OP that this negative private review wouldn't affect him (incorrect information). Pausing the gig will take it off the market. You can still complete your current orders if you do that (you just won't be able to receive new orders). Once you put it back on the market, you can monitor your gig to see what kind of traction it'll get. I'm not sure if this will help you but you can try.
  3. Hi @bagasbrojo, what isn't working? The link? The video? The best practices suggested by Amir? If best practices, what practices did you try to implement (the ones for impressions, clicks, orders, or ROAS)? There were multiple suggestions for each one. As you implement, continue to monitor your performance and make adjustments as necessary. If one thing isn't working, try another.
  4. Hi @noirparliament_! I just wanted to clarify - I'm not a top-rated seller, just a Level 2 seller. 😊 However, I was a new seller earlier this year and was able to replace my day job with my freelancing income. So I know that new sellers can make money on this platform, even without buyer requests.
  5. Wahoo!!! Congratulations, @sunboatrecords! Kudos to you and all your hard work. 😊 Bringing in some cake, confetti, and balloons to celebrate your 1 year anniversary with Fiverr! This is the key! Not only did you put in a lot of effort, you were teachable and willing to implement the necessary changes to grow your business. I wish more newbie sellers on the platform were open (and appreciative) of the resources and support that they have to be successful! And thanks for all that you do here on the forum, Spyros! I wish the best for you in 2023!
  6. When I moved from Japan to the US a week ago, I had to manually change my location with Fiverr Customer Support (only the time changed automatically for the time zone I was in). All Fiverr needed was a copy of a utility bill showing proof of residence and they changed my country for me.
  7. As long as your impressions are greater than zero, you are getting seen by buyers. As a newbie seller you have to work hard to make yourself attractive to the few buyers that do see you so that they click on your gig and place an order.
  8. Hi @sharminnshima, I think my responses to 6 of your posts will answer the other 13. Please note that cross-posting the same questions across the forum (especially when you do it all within the same 1-2 hour window of time) violates forum rules and is seen as spamming the forum. @imagination7413 - Can we removed/hide the rest of the duplicate posts below? Thanks! [Mod note: done. Topics merged.]
  9. Hi @sharminnshima - from your Gig page, click on the dropdown menu for each gig and turn on the Live Portfolio option. This will allow you to deliver an image with your order delivery. The image will show up with a buyer's review if the buyer opts to include the image with their review. Also, FYI gig links can't be shared in "Your Fiverr Experience" - Gig links can only be shared in "My Fiverr Gigs" or "Improve My Gig."
  10. You can find it here: https://www.fiverr.com/?force_buying_nav I just have this bookmarked in my browser so that I can quickly access it. You can also access it if you switch to buyer mode, but this way is much easier.
  11. 1. If you state you are fluent in English, buyers will be critical of everything you write. 2. In the gig descriptions, don't just state what you can do, talk to your buyers' pain points and show how you are the answer. Your gig descriptions are very short and doesn't convince a buyer to place an order. 3. Utilize your 2 PDFs on each gig to showcase your talents and skills. This was how I was able to get more orders as a newbie seller. 4. Add gig videos on all your gigs to showcase your talent and skills. 5. Add up to 10 FAQs per gig to address any question a buyer may have before ordering from you. 6. On several of your gigs you state that you offer 3 free revisions, while right below that statement it shows "Unlimited Revisions." I would only offer 3 free revisions for each gig. Unlimited revisions can lead to burnout, cancelations, and other buyer issues. 7. I also wouldn't mention "100% satisfaction guarantee" and "Full refunds if you don't like results." That makes buyers question the quality of your work. 8. You can't share a Behance link on your gig - this is against Fiverr's ToS and risks your gig getting shut down. Below are the list of approved URLs that you can share: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011421218-Gig-policies Andy explains this perfectly here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293807-active-vs-productive/
  12. @frank_d talked a lot SEO and what really counts when trying to get your gig to rank high in buyers' search results: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/
  13. I'm not a sir. 😊 These articles may be helpful for you as well: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293563-the-relationship-between-buyers-and-sellers-is-strengthened/?do=findComment&comment=1850549 https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/143255-want-more-sales-no-sir/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/250476-dear-madam-please-dont-call-me-sir-my-dear/
  14. Hi @ariful_24, if you read the articles I shared in your other post, you will see that Fiverr scores sellers based on a Match Score that is comprised of "Gig appearance quality" and "Gig delivery quality." Here's advice that I gave to another new seller today: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/295327-new-seller-advice/#comment-1861893
  15. Because Fiverr got rid of buyer requests. However, you don't need buyer requests to get orders. Here are some things that you can do: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/295327-new-seller-advice/?do=findComment&comment=1861893 https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/
  16. Not getting briefs ≠ No orders It is possible to get orders without getting briefs. Focus on making your gigs attractive and relevant to your target buyers. I was also a new seller earlier this year, so I know it can be done: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/295327-new-seller-advice/?do=findComment&comment=1861893
  17. There are some gigs that require tags on your gig photos, so those would be the only ones that would need tags on the gig photos. Just make sure that the tags are relevant to the services that you are offering and you should be okay.
  18. Of course! I was a new seller earlier this year and I was able to make this my full-time income. You don't need buyer requests or briefs to get orders. You do need to be willing to work hard for your orders and make your gigs attractive so that buyers will place orders with you. For me, my portfolio convinced buyers to order from me when I didn't have reviews on my profile. As a new seller, I spent most of my time working on my portfolio (which also helped me to hone my skills) and improving my gigs so that they looked more professional. I also read through a lot of reviews on the profiles of successful sellers so that I could learn how to keep my customers happy. You don't need to be online all the time to get orders. Download the app so that you can respond quickly when buyers reach out to you.
  19. Most of the changes I make to my gigs don't affect my impressions at all. Sometimes I'll see an initial drop in impressions for a couple of days before my gig regains traction in the marketplace. However, I always make changes whenever I see the need to, so the changes have only improved the professionalism, quality, and relevancy of my gigs.
  20. Hi @sofia2568, I can't see your images. However, it's usually easy to tell who is a scammer and who isn't. You can protect yourself by keeping business on Fiverr, not sharing your personal information, and sticking to all of the rules, ToS, and protocols that Fiverr has in place to protect you. @miiila wrote a good article about how to recognize scammers here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/285174-no-you-have-not-been-hired-new-sellers-dont-let-them-scam-you-dont-contact-them-off-fiverr-dont-do-any-work-for-them/
  21. My Japanese is good enough to get myself into trouble, so I try not to use Japanese on the platform. I only list English on my profile but my location still would throw off several buyers. I did have a request for doing work in Polish once. The buyer was insistent that I could do everything in Polish, which confused the heck out of me (I had to run to the mirror several times just to see if I looked Polish)! I later found out it was because my gig said "I will proofread and polish your writing" and I was on the first page for buyers searching for "Polish" and "proofreading"! That title got changed very quickly!
  22. HI @raonaeem01, Welcome to the forum! Cancelations stay on your account for a rolling 60 days. To avoid cancelations in the future, you can read the tips here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/283566-today-is-day-60-and-finally-finally-i-have-an-order-completion-rate-of-100/ I noticed that you had a negative review about a month ago. If the buyer also left a negative private review, that can stay on your account for 90 days or longer. It also causes your impressions to drop significantly. To recover from a negative review, please follow the advice in these articles: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/269345-how-to-overcome-that-dreaded-1-%E2%AD%90-review/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/104901-getting-through-the-sales-slump-upyour/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/
  23. I'll add to this as well - If you are a US citizen, don't forget to update your W9. You might also have to change your Payoneer country as well (I just moved from Japan and found out that Payoneer requires a new account if you move in or out of Japan). I'll echo this! I'm also a native English speaker but many buyers questioned that since I was based in Japan. It shouldn't be a problem now that I'm back in the US!
  24. @newsmike gave the best suggestions here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/265291-a-real-secret-for-serious-sellers-re-rank-your-gig/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/295232-to-rank-or-not-to-rank/
  25. Hi @karlo_veliki, @visualstudiosis right - as long as you deliver on time, the order will be counted on time when the order finally closes. While you are in revision mode, the order will show up in red and the system will say it's late (even thought it isn't). This has been a complaint of many sellers! The longest order I had in revision mode was 30 days. It wasn't fun seeing the red "late" label every time I logged into Fiverr.
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