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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. I have this beta feature but I don't need it to do my services, so I won't activate it. If you or anyone else activates this feature, I'd like to see how it looks!
  2. I lived there for 10 years, so I did get to see a lot of the green and white ones. It was very rare to see other colors, such as pink, purple, and red. Sounds like you are ready to take a trip up north (and during the coldest time of the year)! 🥰 I've only lived there, so I had to look up how likely it is for aa visitor is to see the northern lights. Here are some stats for Fairbanks (this is on the road system so you don't have to fly out to the bush area):
  3. Hi @swaybur123, gig clicks can increase if you can make your gig title card look attractive to prospective buyers. Your gig images, gig video, title, price, seller level, and rated orders all play a factor in how attractive your gig is to buyers. Buyers only have seconds to decide which gigs to click on, so make sure your image is professional, unique, and clearly states the services that you offer.
  4. I grew up in bush Alaska, so whenever I think of winter, I think of Alaskan winters with lots of snow, no sun, and the Aurora Borealis, which was like ribbons of green and white dancing across the dark sky. I loved the sound of the snow crunching under my feet and seeing miles and miles of glistening snow across the silent tundra. It was so quiet and peaceful. I miss all of that now that I live in Hawaii (but I do enjoy the warmer weather and beaches here)!
  5. I agree! What I've experienced isn't what others will. Fiverr's platform works well for me for many reasons unique just to me. However, this is what Fiverr is moving away from. Fiverr discontinued buyer requests because it doesn't fit their business model of being a matching service. The Brief & Match system may not generate enough orders to sustain most sellers who depended on the buyer requests. Unlike buyer requests that allowed 50 sellers or more to bid on a single project, briefs only match a buyer to 1 or 2 sellers at a time. There's a lot less opportunities to bid on projects and sellers don't have as much control on which briefs they get matched to. If a seller wants to bid and make offers, Fiverr might not be the best platform to work on. There are plenty of other places where sellers can bid for jobs.
  6. It's automated. If you go to your Earnings tab, you will be able to see when your funds will clear (usually 14 days).
  7. @tom_o_malley & @sabinespoems, This feature is now available to Seller Plus members, who can select which reviews to put in their highlighted reviews! You can pick up to 5 reviews to include in the highlighted section. I now have this feature on most gigs (except for the gigs with single-digit reviews).
  8. This is why it's important to make it clear to the buyer how many revisions your order allows. In my delivery, I remind my customers they only get 3 free revisions with the order. On each revision that they request, I'll let them know the remaining revisions they have left. If they request for more, I send them a gig extra for the cost of an extra revision. It's up to the sellers to enforce their own revision policies. This doesn't matter - as long as you make the first delivery before the deadline the hours of delay will disappear when the order finally closes. This is normal and has been a subject that sellers have brought up to Fiverr on numerous occasions. Maybe someday we'll see an update where the system enforces a seller's revision policy. For now, however, sellers have to enforce the policy themselves.
  9. HI @raidigital - Did you visit the "Click here" link in the red banner up top? It should provide more information on why your gig was was declined. When gigs are updated, Fiverr sometimes reviews the title, gig descriptions, and gallery images/videos for compliance. There was something that triggered your gig to be declined. The link should provide more information.
  10. Hi @saqib_ag_07, All you needed to do was modify your gig following the three steps listed in your screenshot. You didn't need to delete the gig and you shouldn't deactivate your account and start a new one. It would have been helpful if you found out why your gig was denied so you could prevent this from happening in the future. Right now the best thing to do is contact Customer Support and ask them to help you with your issue.
  11. Hi @shenteriamarie, it looks like you have done really well on Fiverr. I'm sorry you've had all those negative experiences that you mentioned above. I posted my first gig Nov 2021, so I don't know how the platform was before then, but so far it has been a great platform to work on. I was a new seller until mid-Jan 2022, quit my day job and started freelancing full-time at the end of February, and became a Level 2 seller in March. I would agree that there has been a lot of changes in 2022, but most of them have been really good and helpful for me as a seller on the platform. I don't think the platform is catering just to higher sellers. There are a ton of resources to help newer sellers grow their businesses and the matching system is what makes Fiverr unique from other platforms. I prefer this method because I don't like bidding on projects. It's nice to have buyers come to me. I've also spent a lot of time studying how Fiverr's matching system works and this has helped me get orders and improve my business, gigs, and quality as a seller. The resources in the Help Center and the forum have also been very helpful. It may be hard for new sellers to grow their businesses on Fiverr, but it is possible with the matching system that Fiverr has set up.
  12. Thanks for the link to the source @uk1000! it's an interesting read. It might be wise to refrain from posting a Midjourney gig until a decision is made.
  13. New sellers can post up to 7 gigs on their profile. Buyers will find you through Fiverr's search function, so make sure your title, tags, and gig descriptions are relevant to your services. Your seller performance and seller quality (appearance quality and delivery quality) are also factored in when determining how visible your gig is in search.
  14. Hi @katakatica! The last movie I watched was "A Man Called Otto" with Tom Hanks. He does a great job playing a grumpy, old man and reminds me of my Dad. 😂 For series ...I finally started watching "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" (after many recommendations from family and friends). It's feel-good and refreshing to watch. It's really fun to see thing through Attorney Woo's eyes and I love all the whale facts that she shares. I also like the longer episodes and seeing how everything ties together at the end of each episode.
  15. Hi @apexcopywriter, is there any reason why you aren't offering digital paintings with Midjourney as a gig? Just my two cents. I thought everyone on this conversations had good advice and the best of intentions but the topic got kind of swayed. Hopefully we can steer this topic back on course. I wish the best of luck to you and your business!
  16. I once worked on a project for 5 months creating a 50-hour eLearning course. I threw everything I had into that order and the buyer loved it! However, soon after the delivery, the buyer got busy, the order auto-closed, and the buyer never left a review. Although it would've been nice to get a review on that order, I don't fret too much about it. There will always be buyers who love your work and never leave a review. Leaving reviews can be tedious, especially for repeat buyers who buy the same thing often. As long as my buyers are happy (and keep coming), I'm happy. 😊 And as you say, it's best not to ask for reviews. Fiverr does allow you to ask for honest reviews, but since Fiverr already reminds buyers to leave reviews 6 times, it's annoying to buyers (and you never want disgruntled buyers leaving reviews).
  17. Leaving reviews on orders is completely optional for buyers. From what I see on the forum, most seller have reviews on 65-75% of their orders. Some have higher percentages. some have lower percentages based on their niche, whether the seller is a repeat buyer, and how busy their buyers are. I have one gig where buyers only left reviews on 25% of my orders and they would come back after 10 days and ask to leave a review. It seems like they were all busy. My best-selling gig has reviews on 95% of my orders, so overall I'm at 75% rated reviews.
  18. Hi @ariful_24, Gig links aren't allowed in "Fiverr Stories." You may share it in "My Fiverr Gigs" and "Improve My Gig" categories. No one said it would be easy (unless they are a guru on YouTube)! Freelancing is difficult because ... It often requires you to change in order to see success. You have to be your own boss and solve your own problems instead of letting others tell you what to do. You don't have the security of a set paid check every month - if you don't work, you don't earn. However, as @vickiespencer mentions, in the long run it is worth it and you can enjoy the benefits that come with freelancing. Problems don't go away, but your ability to handle them will increase with practice.
  19. You can create a ticket with Customer Support here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/account-and-security/account-verification-and-security/phone-verification/create-ticket Or, you can email them directly at: support@fiverr.com
  20. Hi @ambercreator, Welcome back to Fiverr! Since you were gone for so long, Fiverr hasn't been promoting your gigs to buyers looking for your services in search. The algorithm will give priority to sellers who are getting more orders, responding to inquiries faster, and keeping their customers happy. The good news is, you can pick up where you left off. Some buyers may question why you haven't gotten a sale for 2 years, so don't let them think it's due to the quality of your services. Update your profile bio to let people know that you were gone but are now back in business. Build your portfolio. Take every opportunity to show off your skills and quality of work. Add gig videos and take advantage of the 3 images and 2 PDFs that are in your gallery. When you have few orders, your portfolio will give you the credibility you need to get orders. Refresh your gigs, revaluated your packages, and open the new gigs that you mentioned. New gigs can give you a boost in visibility and refreshing and optimizing your gigs can help you gain better visibility in search results. Pay attention to your impressions, clicks, and orders to see what is working and what is not. It may take some time, but it can be done.
  21. Hi @dev_iqbal, since you are a web developer, these articles may help you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286673-calling-all-new-website-designers-top-tips-to-help-you-succeed/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/292234-experienced-sellers-only/?do=findComment&comment=1842480
  22. Hi @bourque19, it's hard to help without seeing the data. How do your impressions and clicks look for the last month? How are your seller statistics?
  23. Only PayPal Business users can add multiple people to an account, and they would need to be part of the same business. Two separate Fiverr accounts wouldn't qualify as the same business.
  24. Hi @lyricsandlogos - it takes time to build a business. You started this month. Many sellers don't see their first order for weeks, or even months. Also, when I first turned on the "Get Briefs" option as a Level 2 seller, I didn't get briefs for 2 months. If they have few impressions, it's because Fiverr's algorithm doesn't see you as relevant yet. That will grow as you start interacting with buyers and processing orders. If you have impressions but no clicks, your gigs aren't attractive enough to make buyers want to "click" and visit your gig. Buyers only have seconds to look and decide which gigs to click on, so make sure your gig image is high quality and attractive. Profile - I like your bio! It's creative, witty, and shows off your personality. It also includes the buyer (YOU statements) so that's a wonderful way to connect with your buyers. Music & Lyrics gig - 1. Your video doesn't really show off your work, describe your service, or give a call-to-action for the buyer. 2. Besides the video, there is nothing else in your gallery - take advantage of the 3 images and 2 PDFs that you get to show off your work. When you are a new seller, your portfolio will give you credibility when you have zero reviews. 3. I'm not sure if you want to include that you are willing to make lyrics/music for "as dirty as you want." That might invite buyers who may ask for things that are against Fiverr ToS. Hand-drawn Calligraphy gig - 1. Consider shortening your title since buyers can't read it in its entirety without hovering over the title. 2. I would love to see a video of you writing some calligraphy! 3. Same comments here on the gallery - you have more work samples here but you can still add unlimited portfolio samples in your 2 PDFs and gig video.
  25. Hi @iqrabutt13, there is a great Promoted Gigs webinar that was put on by Fiverr that helps sellers troubleshoot issues they may have with impressions, clicks, and orders: At about 5:18 "Best Practices" and tips are shared with practical steps you can take to improve your gig's performance in Fiverr's search: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017729338-Promoted-Gigs#h_01G7PJWY4RXHXNWB1ZQED3C3S5
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