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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. @rakib789rr - what do you mean by "the buyer overcharges"? And what does the buyer want you to do? I'm afraid I don't understand what your situation is. If the buyer is threatening you to do something outside of the scope of your order, you should involve Customer Support. You should be able to cancel the order without it affecting your seller statistics.
  2. @devisil, you should be able to use your own images when creating your gig. I'm not sure if I understand your question. Are you talking about the Shutterstock options in the "Pricing" tab? You can include this option and still provide your own images as a gig extra. The Help Center may also provide answer to your question: https://www.fiverr.com/support/categories/8394132735121-Shutterstock-integration
  3. Hi @sberazer - if you aren't getting orders organically through search, what other means are you looking at to get orders? Promoted Gigs only help you if you have good seller statistics and are performing better than your competition. I don't know if you are on Seller Plus, but if you are, coupons might be a great resource for you to encourage more of your buyers to buy from you. It's good that you have some repeat customers, but it looks like you may need to get orders from other sources as well. Are you reviewing opportunities through the Buyer Requests and Buyer Briefs? There aren't too many, but every now and then you can find a gem there. You might also want to explore ways that you can promote your services to those you know or have connections with on social media.
  4. That's too funny! Some people have second thoughts the moment you greet them...remorse, maybe? Lately I have been getting request from sellers saying, "Please scam me!" I wonder if they all have the same mentor. I have no idea what they want me to do ... report them? 😂 Anyways @magdakalinart - @donnovan86 is a great resources for you on this topic. He has 17,960 reviews, and has dealt with thousands of inquiries that are similar to the one you mentioned in your post. If anyone knows about people trying to swindle free work out of you, it's @donnovan86.
  5. I usually tell my buyers that we can start with a smaller test order and then finish the balance of the order on a second, bigger order. This way they get a sample of my work, I get paid for my work, and then if we work well together and are a good fit, we can do more work together. I agree with @jonbaas that you should never work for free.
  6. The closest would be the Seller Plus Buyer Insights. If you are on Seller Plus, you get insights on each buyer and can see what they typically order, how often they tip, their order completion rate, how much they usually pay per order, what their rating is as a seller, what their rating is as a buyer, what ratings they typically give to their sellers, etc. It's a lot of information, and sometimes the buyer will opt out of sharing some of this information.
  7. It doesn't matter how long ago you lost your "status" - you can build and grow your business from this point on. Focus on getting orders and keeping your customers happy because that will help you gain visibility in search again. If you can't get the orders organically try to get it through other means - buyer requests, buyer briefs, or advertising it to those you know who may need your services.
  8. @rakib_sopan - your gig looks just like your competition - and you're in a competitive field. There are so many Wordpress experts on the platform. Differentiate yourself from the competition by choosing a specific niche to work with so that you aren't competing against every Wordpress expert. Define your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) so that buyers want to buy from you, no one else. Make yourself and your gig unique and memorable.
  9. Hi @tricks_traffic - you are in a very competitive market. You have to figure out how to connect with your buyers. Try to find a niche to work within so that you aren't competing with every seller that builds Wix websites. What specific customer can you target? How can you make yourself unique so that you can stand out and convince buyers to buy from you, and not your competition?
  10. As stated above, for me, it was in one week. However, if you are getting that much in a day, that's even better.
  11. It seems like Customer Support is has been slower in their responses the last week. I also had a delayed response (24 hrs). The week before, I had an answer in 22 minutes. It really depends on their workload. I would also like this option, but I don't see this happening any time soon. In the last shareholder report it mentioned Fiverr aggressively reducing their staff, which is the opposite of what they would need to do to handle all the chat inquiries if they did this method of customer support.
  12. Try a different resolution than what you have been using. Play around until you find a setting that works (or hire a seller that can help you with your image). This is what Fiverr recommends from the gig gallery page:
  13. @shimul8693 - if you browse the forum, you'll see that Fiverr is trying to tackle this issue by making upgrades to Buyer Requests. It will eventually be replaced by Buyer Briefs that do allow you to report sellers who break the rules and use the feature inappropriately. You will also be able look at your offer in your inbox, communicate directly with the buyer, and withdraw your offer if you get too busy or no longer want to take on the project. You can read more about these changes here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284572-fiverr-is-updating-buyer-requests/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286972-new-feature-get-matched-with-buyers/
  14. Hi @danishajaib - Welcome to the forum! 😊 Here's my two cents: You have a lot of grammatical errors in your bio and gig descriptions, so I suggest that you proofread and fix these errors (especially capitalization and punctuation). You might also want to change your language level from "Fluent" to "Conversational." Conversational level is perfectly fine. If you say you're fluent, then you will be held to a high standard and may be judged for you errors. You have many great reviews and clean gig images. You might want to add gig videos because that increases engagement - it's also something I don't see many of your competitors doing, so it might make you stand out more. Remove "Satisfaction 100%," "Unlimited revisions," and "Lifetime service." This is only asking for trouble. Change "Fluency in English" to "Great Communication"
  15. @greengas - you might want to focus on other ways to get orders besides making lots of changes to your gig. Make offers to buyer requests and advertise your services to people who might need your services. Getting in orders will help bring in organic traffic to your gigs.
  16. Hi Andy, welcome to the forum! The forum is a great place to learn about how you can improve your business. I think this article will help you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/ Since you have very low impressions, your gigs aren't getting shown to buyers who are searching for your services. In order to get higher up in search, you have to improve your seller statistics - it's not just about title & tags, your performance is being measured against other sellers and if they are responding faster than you or getting more orders, they'll be shown higher up in search. One of the best ways to improve seller statistics is to get orders. If you're not getting it organically through search, that means you need to explore other ways to get orders. Try making offers to Buyer Requests or advertise your services to people you know that may need your services. More orders will help you gain better visibility in search.
  17. @ossamamehmood, Ouch. Cancelations can hurt a seller, however, you can always recover from it. What have you been doing the last 6 months to get through this order slump? This article may help you:
  18. Yes, reading the gig description is important. I also tend to look for quality in how they write their gigs. The thumbnail is important if the seller will be doing graphic design. If my seller is doing data entry or writing, I'll forgive them if their thumbnail isn't the best. I also like to read the reviews and discuss my project with the sellers to see if we can communicate and to get a feel of how the seller is. If I feel comfortable, I usually order a smaller test order before giving the entire project to the seller.
  19. Normally a sudden drop in impression results from a negative private review from a buyer. A buyer is asked to leave 3 reviews on each order (2 private and 1 public review). The private reviews (which can't be seen by the seller) hold greater weight than the public review. These stay on your account for 60 days. The only way for sellers to prevent negative private reviews is to focus on delivering good work and keeping our customers happy. As you do that, your seller statistics will improve (and the private review will eventually fall off your record). Sometimes customers will be happy with the order and may find a problem with the order days after the delivery (customers have up to 14 days to leave a private review).
  20. No, milestone orders that are ignored (and auto-closed) are seen as regular orders. As long as the first milestone was delivered on time, or if you delivered on several milestones and ignored the rest, It won't affect your seller stats.
  21. As a new seller just starting out, if you have any impressions at all, that's a good sign. And if you have clicks, that's even better. However, that's just one data point. Monitor to see how your gig performs over time. If the numbers are increasing, that's a good trend. In my first week as a seller, I got 50-79 impressions and zero clicks. In the second week, I was receiving 100-200 impressions and 1-4 clicks. That's when I got my first organic order.
  22. There are many deterrents to tipping ... such as the spammy reminders to tip. As a buyer, I just tipped a seller 50% of the order after receiving the first automatic tip reminder. Not too long after I left the tip, I received the second "It's customary to tip" reminder to tip this seller again. So even if you tip, you aren't spared from the tip reminders. As a seller, I've had buyers from non-tipping countries get mad or confused when they get the tip reminders because they think it's coming from me. I wish there was an opt out option for sellers and/or buyers to select for tip reminders.
  23. Normally you can look an an order and see the reasoning why the client canceled your order. I once woke up to a series of orders all at once, only to find out every one of them were canceled immediately by the buyer. When I looked into the orders, they were indeed canceled by the buyer (without my consent), but I was able to look at the buyer's reason - she was trying to apply a Honey coupon to the order and it wasn't working. She finally got it to work. Luckily none of those orders affected my statistics as a seller. Take a look at the reason why your client canceled. If it was due to buyer error, Customer Support can help you make sure it doesn't affect your seller statistics. If it was due to seller error and the client had a legitimate reason, it'll be harder to dispute.
  24. I just tried to block a person who was messaging me (and didn't place an order) and the only way to to that was to mark them as spam. I even submitted a ticket to CS and "reported" the buyer several times. After a day, Fiverr CS confirmed that the only way to block this buyer was to hit that spam button. So it does appear that you can only use the block function on buyers who have ordered from you before.
  25. Yes, you can offer any other approved services, so video editing and script writing would be okay. I don't have that statement on my gigs and sometimes I only get 20% reviews as well. It really depends on the customers and how busy they are. The fact that Fiverr automatically stamps this warning on your gig shows that there are A LOT of people who would ask for fake testimonials.
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