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  1. Once any Buyer click on your gig it means your gig in good position and eventually when the Buyer doesn't order it will not help to rank your gig up. But you will get some impressions through Buyer clicking on any of your gigs. Keep sharing your gigs on Social Media Platforms, bring traffics from there on fiverr, stay active, spend time on forum. Your gig will rank up soon but obviously depends on your consistency of works.
  2. Hi there!! We are doing great. What about you?
  3. Thank you for sharing @webgaragepro hope it's gonna help a lotttttttttttt.
  4. I am also facing the issue for the last few days. Stay active, share your gigs on social media and try engage into your followers posts. Once any of your followers visit fiverr through your link- you will get impressions in your gigs.
  5. Not really. That's why took seller plus feature. It has a great feature for keyword research, gig performance and so on.
  6. GIG marketing is a quite simple thing. It's your business and fiverr is a platform where you can run your business. Well, share your gigs on social media and try to engage yourself into your targeted audiences posts. So that your social media profile, posts will be seen those people and eventually they will visit fiverr through your gig link. Fiverr will get traffic from you and your gig will rank up. As simple as that.
  7. You don't have to be worried on this issue. Once you log in into your fiverr from another country- fiverr will automatically detect their ip address location and change your location according to that. No worries at all.
  8. Fiverr is focusing more on brief match. So you deliver quality service, good ratings, good hidden feedbacks and maintain quality matrices, you will be notified with brief match by fiverr.
  9. The best way to rank your gig- sharing gigs in social media platforms and after sharing just make sure you are engaged yourself there. Try to convince few of your followers to purchase your service, stay active on fiverr.
  10. I am getting briefs since it's started to send sellers. But I get it only from one gig but others don't get.
  11. Buyer request is going to disappear soon. Fiverr is focusing more on brief match. So share your gigs on social media platforms, try to engage yourself there and get ranked your gigs.
  12. Just a proper SEO can't give you the best outputs. So if you can make a good presence over in social medias then in the end, it will help to bring more traffic to fiverr, helps to rank your gig, bring more clicks and orders as well.
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