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  1. thanks for your information
  2. rakib789rr

    Gig rank

    After 5 days of creating my gig, an order comes, I complete it nicely and get 5 star feed back but, after completing this order, clicks and impressions of my ID are moving, now it has come down. Please give your opinion how my clicks and impressions are like before. will be
  3. Means, if the budget is not increased by increasing the work with the buyer order, what should be done?
  4. After placing the order, the buyer overcharges and threatens to not review or cancel the order if not performed. So what action will be taken? And the profile should have no effect
  5. rakib789rr

    Gig rank

    Hello all members! How are you? How can I rank my gigs I have uploaded 7 gigs but why am I not getting work I have good skills please help me how can I get work and my gigs get noticed
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