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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. I got this message too! I'm really curious to see what other "Premium" perks there are besides the dedicated success manager and what the difference between the two programs will be. Will the Seller Plus forum be on the Standard or Premium plan? What will be the price difference between the two for new members? I'm not sure if the features of the standard plan (without the success manager) will be worth it, unless you have access to success managers on the forum to answer your questions.
  2. HI @sarabarkat! Make a schedule and stick with it. List all of the things that you have to do with their due dates (this includes your schoolwork and your Fiverr orders). Estimate how much time each task will take and block out that time. If you have to prepare for exams or tests, don't be afraid to use the Out-Of-Office feature, extend the delivery times for your orders, or increase the prices to make the orders more manageable.
  3. Hi @bitcoinpro989, great job getting orders! If you are sharing your gig links, that won't increase your impressions or clicks because you're directing traffic to your gig (not to Fiverr's search page). Continue to focus getting orders, making quality deliveries, and keeping your customers happy. This will improve your seller performance, which will make you more visible in search so that you can start getting organic orders.
  4. I know how you feel, @mandyzines! I just had my post-limit removed several weeks ago. The limit is very frustrating, especially if there are people who think you're ignoring them in your inbox or on the forum. As long as you consistently bring quality and value to the forum and keep the rules, you'll eventually have the post-limit lifted. I hope that's soon for you! There isn't one thing that will trigger it, it'll be a combination of factors. I was also looking for answers and there are none. Here are some things I noticed/took a look at: Tenure. Some members with unlimited posts had only 1 month of tenure on the forum. And there are others like you who are almost to the year mark who still have the post-limit. Forum Rank. I still had the 5-post limit as a Grand Master and we can see many members of lower rank without the post limit. Reputation. I still had the post limit with 5,000 reputation points while others, with fewer reputation points, had unlimited posts. Posts. I had 500 posts while others, posting less had the unlimited posts. Warnings. This definitely plays a role. Keep the rules and be on your best behavior so you don't get these. Seller Level. Possible role.
  5. Okay, I would consider the issue closed as well, just based on that information. Just open a new ticket and explain the following:
  6. You can block out the CS agent's name and share it.
  7. Yes, you can build a team, but the purpose of the team is not "so we can all have work." A team is built to provide quality services to your buyers. Another way you should not build your team is messaging a seller in their inbox asking them to pass off work to you. Yes, they may have orders in queue and they may be busy. They may even be turning away buyers. However, that doesn't mean that they want to pass off work to you or that you are entitled to the orders that they don't want to take on themselves.
  8. Do you mean closed, not deleted? I can see how they close the ticket if they think there isn't an issue. Can you share your ticket with us, so we can see?
  9. Then what @smashradio and @breals is true - you and your service isn't what Fiverr is looking to add in its marketplace. Unfortunately, there are many people coming to the forum posting exactly the same thing as you. Fiverr has been denying new accounts if they think the service isn't going to provide quality or value to the marketplace.
  10. Unfortunately, it is justifiable. It was a technical error, but it was a true reflection of the buyer's experience. He was shocked to see the empty files and immediately left a 1 -star review. What you can do now, is respond appropriately to the 1-star review: Sympathize with your buyer's feeling of shock upon receiving the corrupted files Explain why it happened (i.e. technical error) Explain how you found out about it (i.e., the buyer's review) and how you felt (probably equally shocked) Describe what you did to immediately resolve the issue and ensure that your buyer was satisfied in the end End on a happy note that it was a pleasure to work with them and that you were glad the issue was resolved in the end If you can show professionalism and care in your response, this will let future buyers know that you will listen to their concerns and take care of them should an issue arise with the order. Sometimes a seller's response to a negative review motivates me (as a buyer) to use their services because I am impressed with how they handled that bad review. I hope the same is true for you!
  11. What?!! They deleted it? That doesn't sound right. Do you think that was a glitch? I've never had a support ticket deleted.
  12. Hi @shohag_dm, it might be because buyer requests are not sent to your account... you would find them in the Buyer Request section. If you are visiting the Buyer Request section and are not seeing buyer requests, it may be due to these reasons here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/159742-buyer-requests-leadership-suggestions-on-buyer-request-complaints-few-requests-br-faqs-times-issues-etc/ Fiverr is also updating Buyer Requests and may affect you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286972-new-feature-get-matched-with-buyers/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284572-fiverr-is-updating-buyer-requests/
  13. Nice to meet you, @steveparkinson! I hope the forum is helpful for you! 😊
  14. Hi @s_akram, I usually just do that in the form of multiple orders. If the entire project is $1,000, the first order is for $500 and the second for $500. You can divide up the order requirements accordingly. For example, if you want 50% upfront, you can put most of the order requirements on the second order.
  15. It's a sad thing when relief doesn't reach the people it's supposedly intended for. I'm all for economic stimulation in the form of investments and increased job opportunities.
  16. Hi @timothykoen, I think it's wise that you turn that opportunity down. It sounds like they were soliciting reviews, which can be a violation of Fiverr's ToS (especially if it violates third-party ToS or they are trying to influence your review). I usually avoid those type of requests.
  17. Hi @dennysshawn, The fact that this client is using a different username is also a red flag. They aren't allowed to have more than one account. You can politely decline this project or raise your price. I personally would just decline.
  18. Hi @roberto_cf, that's a question for Fiverr Customer Support. Did you reach out to them? I have seen other members who needed to prove their Fiverr earnings with their government and Fiverr CS was able to provide them with the proper documentation to justify their sales. I hope they are able to help you as well.
  19. Hi @oronoz42, These two articles may be helpful for you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/
  20. Hi @smrakib, There are some "uncommon" gig descriptions that are nonsense and meaningless - you don't want to be that kind of "uncommon." Instead, focus on be unique and speaking to your target customers. As long as you are relevant, describing your unique selling proposition, and NOT copying someone else's gig description (which is against Fiverr ToS), you should have no problem having an "uncommon" gig description. You can also visit the gig pages of your competitors. If yours looks too much like theirs, you have a common gig description. If it looks different, you could say that yours is "uncommon" and unique.
  21. Hi @rahima_begum_01, I looked at one of your competitors and noticed that he had a gig video showing his portfolio (which included many visually appealing graphs and charts). I think including more images of your portfolio via gig video and PDF can enhance your gig and make it more appealing to your buyers. I think many of your buyers will know that their data needs to be analyzed, but might not know the best option for them. Seeing the finished version of what you can deliver for them can help them visualize their project better and convince them to order from you rather than your competition.
  22. It really does put things into perspective, doesn't it? I'm really sorry to hear about the lives lost in your community and country, as well as the damages to homes, livelihood, property, and infrastructure. UN Chief Antonio Guterres described the flooding as an unparalleled "climate carnage" requiring immediate global support and over $30-billion in damage repair. The devastation is really staggering. 😟 My heart really goes out to all the Pakistani sellers on the platform. I saw many posts on the flooding initially, but it has been really quiet right now. I really hope everyone is okay.
  23. @adsgenmedia - If you are thinking about SEO and gig ranking, you are focused on the wrong thing. Please read this article here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/
  24. @nishikanto744, take the skills test so that you can publish the gig. If you don't pass, most likely you'll have to wait 90 days to retest. Your gig will not be published until you take and pass the skills test.
  25. @aliciaarroyo6 - I also didn't know how to get customers when I first started. I posted my first gig and thought the same thing, "I'll give it a year to let my Fiverr business grow." I really only planned on using this as supplemental income, but within several months, it became my main source of income. I spent my early days trying to make my gig attractive (especially working on my portfolio), and the buyers started to come in. As I got more reviews, it got easier to get orders.
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