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About rachelbostwick

  • Birthday 01/24/1981


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  1. I just mean, required in order to see the Buyer's review. I'd like to be able to see the buyer's review without having to submit my own.
  2. I know this has been said before. I feel like saying it again. Requiring Sellers to leave public feedback for buyers is pointless and frustrating. The vast majority of sellers are not going to leave honest feedback without knowing how the buyer rated us. First, because way too often, (like maybe once every few months but STILL too often) I have buyers who don't communicate whether they are happy with an order or not until it's time for a review. Therefore, I don't know how I feel about them until I see their review. If they are perfectly satisfied, I am also perfectly satisfied. Happy to leave them a good review. If they are not happy with their order, and using a review as the only way to communicate it, I am not happy with them. I've taken to shooting them a message after the order to encourage them to communicate with me, but honestly, it's not a great solution. Second, because I have a few buyers I work with who are difficult to work with. I wouldn't consider them to be five-star clients. But I keep working with them because I am used to their quirks and they pay me. Why would I rate them honestly? I want to keep working with them. I'm not going to talk badly about them, no matter what. Now I understand that sometimes there are phenomenal customers who deserve a great review. And sometimes there are buyers who are just bad, and taking the time to write them a bad review is a good service to the community. In both of those cases, I think a seller would willingly write a review. But requiring one in order to see the customer's review just isn't productive.
  3. That's wonderful, thank you. I love the feeling that Spring is on the way! It was unseasonably warm here so a friend came over and helped me with some yard work and that was wonderful. Are you glad you moved?
  4. I had a rough day. I can bear a lot of things, but when I stupidly make mistakes that cause problems for my family, friends, or customers, I can hardly bear it. So please tell me something that makes you smile so I can smile with you.
  5. Oh gosh, I don't know if you can get Aerogardens or a similar aeroponic system where you are, but listen, I have had soooo much fun with mine growing herbs healthy and strong right in my room. I have had very good luck with indoor lettuce in a system like this, too. The initial investment is not super cost-effective but it's SO FUN. I got my first little system on clearance for half off so I got lucky.
  6. Last time I was there I got Pat's so it will be Geno's this time. But we have a steak place four miles from my house (I live near Harrisburg) that I've been eating since I was a kid and I like their steaks the very best. I'm a basic girl, I want steak, whiz, and the right roll, and there's literally no food on earth I like better. Thank you for asking 😁
  7. Planting broccoli and cabbage seeds for late spring crops. I hate winter and I love when February pops because one more month and I can start really properly thinking about Spring. OH and my oldest is turning twenty next week, and for his birthday he invited me to go see a concert with him in Philly. It's not a band I would be interested in normally (hard rock), but we're going to get a hotel and explore the city a little bit the next day. It will be really fun. My first out-of-town day trip since my husband died, and those used to be my favorite things to do with my husband. We would take bus trips together and it felt like being kids again together for a little. It will be a different vibe with my son but I'm really looking forward to it 🙂
  8. Don't. Wow your customers with your quality and good service, and they'll leave reviews. If they aren't wowed, you don't want them to leave a review anyway. One glowing review because they couldn't wait to tell others how great you were is worth way more than a boring one you had to ask for.
  9. If they can trick me into eating bugs and thinking they're yummy, they definitely deserve my money 😇
  10. Learn new skills in and around your field and make new gigs for them. That's what I did, and skills that I learned to do in my third or fourth year of tepid sales are making my car payments now. There's always something new to learn, especially in technology fields. Don't stay stagnant. Keep going. Become a master of something new.
  11. Me too 🥰 Post some recommendations then 🙂
  12. See, now it's Roman Holiday. That movie was so wonderful. Romantic and light and also bittersweet. Cried in the movie theatre and giggled throughout with my 18-year-old daughter. I was so happy.
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