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About razib_biswas

  • Birthday 01/02/1985


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  1. So in that case, now what should I do. May I ask buyer to give review. Or some things else. Pls suggests.....
  2. hi community. I am getting a problem and need to a solution. I have completed order and buyer has accepted this too. But i cannot find my review. And Also cannot find to give buyer review. What is the solution for that?
  3. Hi community, I have a ID which is old and inactive last 6 months. Now i have made it active and publish gigs. But my impression is too low to get the order. Hardly reach it at 50. Here in this situation what should be my best choise?? May I delete by support center or keep continuing. Pls suggest me Razib
  4. Hi, Community, I would like to draw your kind attending the that I created my ID last year but still do not get the order from fiver. I am active over the phone and laptop. create my gig SEO, Delete old gigs, and post new ones after research. but the situation is the same. what should I do at this moment? looking for your kind suggestion to get the order.
  5. Can i talk with fiver support team for this purpose. what is the suggestion did you get.
  6. which will be helpful dear, please suggest me
  7. Hi community, I need yours kind suggestion , my profile was created on last December 2021 but I am active in fiverr from last 4 month actively. now I have 7 gigs but now my gig impression is very low. In the meantime I need to cancel 2 order because buyer post me order without consulting me and I was trying to complete this but timeline was too short to complete this order. I have request for time extension and approve this extension too but suddenly force me to complete this in short time. I was unable and cancel both by resolution center. Few days ago I got an order and complete this with 5 star review. but my gig status is downing day by day. I am active 24H, all time active through mobile apps and laptop too. also share my gigs in LinkedIn every day. I do not understand what should I need to do, cancel all gig and post new gig or remove my current profile and open a new one. which will be beneficial?? My fiverr profile is https://www.fiverr.com/razib_biswas?up_rollout=true
  8. Yes, my online status is always on
  9. Q1. I have found that my gig show offline when open but my profile shows online in same widows. why?? For that reason my gig dost not get much impression. Dear community I need your valuable suggestions in this regards. Q2. My gig impression does not increase even can not place in 1-3 page. where I have create my gig with researchers. here my gig link can any body please check and advice https://www.fiverr.com/share/jVKRAv https://www.fiverr.com/share/rb8GVb https://www.fiverr.com/share/GK4mVa
  10. I am 24 hour active by mobile apps.is this ok?
  11. My gig Impressions going down and down. I cant understand how can I inprove this. I reach hardly 20-30 perday. Please suggests me to improve my GIG. I have all 7 GIG on board but dont find the reason. Plz help
  12. Hi, community, I am sharing my 1st order information to you all. This is a nice experiance. Specially when receive a 5 star review. I am new seller so i dont have much experiance in this matter. So please advice me what may i need to do in future to get the more jobs. Thanks
  13. Does it affect all gigs rank or just for specific gigs where the order cancel hapend.??
  14. Hi Community, I am in deep trouble. I had open my account on last january then keep active and afterthat I was totally inactive. Onthat time my gig was 1. Now from last month I am active seriously. Active atleast 15 hours and now my gig is 5. But from last week i found my inpression is going down. I had 2 order but this was all fake and need to cancel. I dont understand what should I do. Do I open a new ID? Or keep giong with this old one?
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