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About sujontive

  • Birthday 02/02/1904


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  1. I am just learning Brand Design, can you recommend some great books? Any English book will be appreciated.
  2. I am planning of reading at least 1 book a month form January 2024. Which book do you suggest to young Branding Designer? I really need your suggestions!
  3. Very Promising! I was about to say your lines & I totally agreed to you philosophy of not taking limitless orders. I think everyone should have a max target. Cheers mate!
  4. As a designer, I am struggling with my productivity! Which books you recommend?
  5. What are the extra skill I should have as a Freelance Branding Designer? Do you think? I should learn UI/UX Design as my secondary skill? Or I should focus on, Logo animation, Mockup Design?
  6. I have created a gig, and it goes to review section, it is not public yet. How much time fiverr take to review the gig?

  7. I have created a gig, and it goes to review section, it is not public yet. How much time fiverr take to review the gig?
  8. I am a mid level logo and brand identity designer. I want to learn a lot about logo and brand identity design. I always look for best resource for scale up my design carrier. I know, in our fiverr community, there are lots of people who is experts in Brand identity field. As a part of that community we all have responsibilities to help one another. I have always look for great resource for learning branding design. For that I see lots of free and premium video tutorials. But I know, Book is the best knowledge provider. I always read personal development books. Now I want to experience some book knowledge about logo and brand identity design. I know fiverr community has this platform to share knowledge and experience. Now I need a book suggestion for logo and brand identity design. Please give me Best book suggestion for logo and brand identity design. I hope everyone on the fiverr community will help me for this. Best wishes to all. I want to thank all of you in advance, Thank you very much.
  9. What is the best 5 ways you should spend your time when you have no order in fiverr? How you stay positive and calm when you are having a hard time providing service on fiverr?
  10. Thank you very much for your words. In that following month my order competition was 89 percent so that I lose my level 1 seller badge but now, now it is 90%. I am eligible for level 2 seller, I am very nervous for that. That is why I am feeling very panic. I am trying to overcome it, but as you know sometime it is herd
  11. I am passing my worst day in terms of orders. What you do when you see that your gig is out of search result or removed from the rank you was before?
  12. What are the best tips for a seller in 2021? As we all know the marketplace in expanding day by day & it’s though to stay at your position, because the rising number of freshers. What are your best tips for a level 2 seller?
  13. I need advice to increase my Logo design skill. Aa a logo designer, how can I bring my skill set to the next level?
  14. Yah. Thank you. This virus simply broke our knees!!! But we are trying our level best to get rid of it
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