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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @gwyneth_galvin! It looks like there are several threads going on for this. I'm glad you're liking the new navigation bar as much as I am!
  2. I just got it! I thought it was cool that "Contact Support" is an option now and the forum is listed twice! It seems more user support-friendly than the last one. This new layout does hide a lot, but once you start clicking on things, it's the same. I might forget about some features, though. 😂 I do like this section here (not really part of the new dashboard, but a new thing): I would love to have something similar for our profile/gig pages (for sellers to make announcements for their buyers/anyone visiting their gigs).
  3. Hi @zunairyasin, there's still about 4-5 hours until the statistics are updated...
  4. Hi @suzan_hossen - Please create a support ticket with Fiverr Customer Support to resolve your issue: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/gigs/create-a-gig/create-ticket
  5. Hi @sheriff_saless, If you aren't getting impressions, that means you're not considered relevant in search. Relevancy isn't just title and tags - it's your seller performance compared to other sellers in the same category. If they are responding faster than you are, delivering quicker, or have more orders, they will be shown higher in search than you. If you aren't getting clicks, that means buyers who see your gig aren't finding it interesting enough to click on it. Things that affect clicks include your gig image, use of gig videos, prices, number of reviews that you have and your seller level.
  6. Hi @sheriff_saless - these articles about buyer requests may help you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/159742-buyer-requests-leadership-suggestions-on-buyer-request-complaints-few-requests-br-faqs-times-issues-etc/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/205473-buyers-request-39-offers-should-you-bid-%E2%9D%93/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/279605-how-to-spot-fake-buyers-in-buyer-requests-for-beginners/
  7. @musafreelancer7 - I've had Fiverr CS pay me for an order that was canceled and refunded to the buyer before. I showed them that the buyer had my delivery files and they did that for me. So in my experience, they do take care of sellers sometimes.
  8. What a great way to rebrand the Fiverr image! I'd be for that one ($5 per gig might be a bit pricey but not if it includes premium Seller Plus features).
  9. vickieito

    Improve my Gig

    @ponkoj_roy - To get your first order your profile and gigs should look professional and show of your skillsets. I noticed that you stated that you were fluent in English, yet there are errors in your bio, gigs, and in one of your typography t-shirt image. Please correct the errors in punctuation, capitalization, and word choice. The biggest error is in your bio: "I'm 3 years old" --> "I have 3 years of experience." You also want to come off as professional. Work on your portfolio images and feel free to attach a PDF for additional samples. Make sure the images are a good reflection of the quality that you can provide to your buyers. In your first typographic t-shirt gig, I found your font choice on shirts #1 & #3 to be hard to read. Also, check the grammar on shirt #3. In your bio, you state, "if the client is not satisfied, I try my best to satisfy them. I never give up" and in both of your gig descriptions you list "unlimited revisions" on three separate bullet points for why a buyer should hire you. You also have "100% money back guarantee" listed. None of these are reassuring to the buyer, who has limited time and doesn't want to wait for you to get it right. I would remove all of these as they are not selling points and work against you. Since you have 3 years of experience, you might also have clients that you can direct to Fiverr to use your services. This can help you get started with initial orders until buyers can find you in search.
  10. Yes, it's perfectly okay to share your gig links (or the gig links of other sellers) with your buyers.
  11. Hi @ljcprovideos - you can find Buyer Requests from your "More" tab:
  12. ...I think the forum is an accurate reflection of what CS might be dealing with. Also, I'm really shocked at some of the gigs that I do see on the marketplace, that are somehow getting past the filters. Even though Fiverr is getting more strict on who they're letting in, there are still many sellers who don't know the basics of quality salesmanship. I think Fiverr only depends on a reporting system to clean those up (which isn't enough).
  13. @john_doe86 - You have a lot of skills, so it looks like you are a jack-of-all-trades catering to everyone. What this does is puts you in competition with everyone on the platform. And more competition means you have less chances of being seen in search. Don't set yourself up to fail. I suggest that you narrow your focus and niche down. This will help you speak to a targeted audience when writing your gigs so that you have less competition and better visibility in search. You don't need everyone to buy from you in order to do well on the platform. Only a handful of strong buyers. For me, I niched down based on inquiries I got in my inbox and my own professional background. Now I mostly work with educators, even though I'm in high competition categories such as virtual assisting, data entry, writing, and instructional design.
  14. Hi @obr_design - your visibility in search depends heavily on your seller performance. If you are doing better than your competition - responding faster, delivering quicker, with happier customers and better metrics, your gig will show up higher in search. Keep being the "super man" that your customers say you are, and you should be fine. 😊 I took a look at your gigs and here are a few things that caught my eye: Your average response time is 2 hours. Try to get that to 1 hour. You have a shortened URL on one of your gigs...use the blogspot.com URL instead. You might want to get rid of your 100% satisfaction guarantee, after delivery support, and unlimited revisions.
  15. Hi @ahasan6541 - you are looking at two different metrics: Response time - the average time it takes for you to respond to messages. In your case, it's 10 hours. Most sellers want their response time 1 hour or less. Response rate - this is how many messages you are replying to that come from your inbox or your order pages. In your case, you have responded to 100% of the messages that your received. You want to keep this number at 90% or higher if you want to level up or maintain your seller level.
  16. Hi @pritom142, I only see benefits from withdrawing offers. It doesn't hurt your seller metrics to do so and the last thing I want is for a buyer to place an order when there's an influx of orders. So even if I put an expiration date on the offer, I might cancel if the buyer is not responsive or things get busy. I can always create a new custom offer when the buyer and I are both ready to do so.
  17. @musafreelancer7 - it sounds like a terrible buyer. I'm sorry you had to deal with the verbal abuse... and then the retaliatory cancelation. You, as a seller, shouldn't have to deal with that type of abuse. She probably saw her negative review and canceled the order because of it. I would reach out to Customer Service again if I were you. Show screenshots of the abuse. Mention how the buyer probably canceled based on your review. And show how you delivered exactly what the buyer wanted and she now has your file. This order shouldn't qualify for a cancelation since she has your delivery. You can contact Customer Service here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/orders/current-orders/issue-with-an-order/create-ticket
  18. Hi @kathrynwatts410 - your post has been reported for spam.
  19. Of course the gig impressions and clicks will be bad if you haven't been active for a while. They are based on your seller performance, and if you don't have any performance to show for, you won't be as high up in search. Can you explain why you couldn't do that? Was it denied? I don't see why you would need to deactivate an old account. I didn't use my account for 2.5 years and was able to get business just fine when I started to use it again. You already have reviews, so those will only help you. Include something in your bio that mentions that you are back in business, since your last delivery was 9 months ago. Focus on getting orders, because getting more orders (with good deliveries and reviews) will help improve your visibility in search. Submit offers to the buyer requests and briefs that you get. Share your link with those you know who may need your services. Try to make your gigs attractive to your buyers so that they will click on your gig and place an order.
  20. HI @jawadkhalil267 - I don't do any marketing on social media because most of my buyers are repeat buyer. This article on marketing is really helpful: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/104668-marketing-yourself-just-do-it-heres-how-upyour/
  21. Because it's a Fiverr-created software application .... that allows you to also integrate external clients into one location for easier management.
  22. It started about a month ago. I didn't know about it until @smashradio mentioned he was hiding there. It's also in the navigation bar for Seller Plus members. However the email just got sent out recently, so they are behind in announcing it.
  23. I think Zoom meetings with the success managers should cost extra. I never do the Zoom meetings, but I do email (and my success manager can respond at her own convenience). Since success managers are available on the forum, I'm wondering if access to success managers will be a perk via the Seller Plus forum will be a perk on the Standard plan and the premium one has "dedicated" success managers. Then Fiverr will need to tell us earlier about these features. The Seller Plus forum was up 2 weeks before the "announcement" email came out about it.
  24. I agree with @newsmike on this one. It was a bit of a surprise to see that the "current" program was considered the premium tier. I think they should add more perks for premium services.
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