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Posts posted by williambryan392

  1. Great post @katakatica, kudos for being brave enough to raise and share!

    I'm late to this topic, and took time out of the forum for this very reason. I was not in a good place at the start of the year and decided to take a step back from everything in February to get into a better place. I actually got to the stage where I was resenting Fiverr buyers messaging me, I was resenting new orders. That's not good!

    I'm not a lover of social media, and I'm quite a private person, but in the spirit of being open and helping to break the stigma @vickieito refers to I wanted to share this. In my twenties I also got into a really dark place. Think bottle of brandy, edge of a bridge, new years eve. Literally. Randomly a friend phoned me, he had no idea (and still doesn't), but he saved me.

    To anyone reading this you should know there is always a path forward, even if it seems impossibly hard and dark.

    Building any kind of business is always going to come with dark days, whether it's Fiverr or wherever. In fact any kind of life or career comes with dark days.

    Regarding Fiverr, I still feel anxious every time I wait for the feedback notification or the fear of a buyer not responding to a delivery. However I'm really trying to only worry now about the things I can control, and to let go of the things that I can't control, or that don't matter.

    In the same way the experienced among us rightly tell sellers not to stay online 24/7, or that they should say no to bad buyers, I think we need to also tell sellers it's ok to go unavailable/OOO and take a real break (and it's ok not to reply to repeat buyers when you are). It's ok for your response rate to not be 1 hour. It's ok to not respond in the middle of the night. It's ok to say you're too busy, or to use the order limit, put your prices up or use RTO feature. It's ok to put yourself first. Decent buyers understand, bad buyers may not, but hey, who wants to work with bad buyers!

    These are all things I was so fearful of when growing on Fiverr, I was scared I would lose my positioning on the platform. The thing I've come to believe is that if you are good at what you sell (which I believe everyone commenting here is) then your profile / standing will recover in a bit of time. Yes you can't take 6 months off, but a week or two should be fine (I'm testing this right now!). Ultimately, if you don't look after yourself then there is a real danger to your own mental health, and if you're not in a good place then it's so much harder to do good work.


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  2. 5 minutes ago, soloxydesigns said:

    Am facing the same issue can someone please tell me what to do. 

    As mentioned in the thread above you were not approved because either the gig(s) and profile you created were of low quality, or you broke Terms of Service. 

    The only thing you can do (as far as I know) is contact Customer Support, but I don't think they'll give you a different answer!

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  3. 5 minutes ago, frank_d said:

    I will post an update on March the 20th, if you want to see what’s new with the algorithm. 🙂 

    Yes Frank!!! Hugely excited to hear your insights / what's new!!! I've actually put a diary reminder in for this as I don't want to miss it lol

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  4. Looks like I missed an interesting webinar! Re your points @vickieito just be you on the call, don't overthink it. I live on zoom, sometimes it's a Tshirt, sometimes a hoody, sometimes a shirt and / or jumper. Buyers aren't expecting 'corporate', so you can be a bit chilled out I think! Re the background, I used to blur it, but I found that this can (it seems) slow down the connection / call and make it lag, so I just have my back to a wall now, or make sure the background is tidy (ish).

    Either way, I think being open to zoom will elevate any seller. I've lost track of the amount of buyers who said that they ignore sellers that won't meet on zoom.

    • Like 15
  5. I'm sure Fiverr is grateful for the feedback and will take action if possible.

    Anyway, let's now try to keep the feedback to what we think about the content and the questions!

    12 hours ago, mjensen415 said:

    Is there anything you're doing that you want to share to insulate your business from the economic downturn?  
    Do you have any questions around challenges that you've had over the last few months? 

    I'm considering new services, building out my portfolio (it's been on my to-do list forever!) and perhaps adjusting my pricing / packages.

    I also want to create a course, and it's a key goal for me over the next few months!

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  6. 4 minutes ago, moikchap said:

    If a depiction of a seller has good lighting, good framing, good posture, good clothes, and good backdrop; my gut says its a stock photo rather than the actual seller. I start to feel like it's a trick.

    Yep, or if they are just ridiculously good looking my spider sense tingles and google lens is my friend!

    When I said 'perfect profile' I meant perfect reviews 5* all the time reviews. I think it's near impossible to have a perfect profile. Perfect doesn't exist. But you're completely right, being negative/admitting flaws does build trust, it just has to be done the right way!

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  7. 2 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    Sorry for the confusion!

    Nothing to be sorry for! 

    @mandyzines, @vickieito is right, I just stalked your profile and it's come a long way, nice work!! Also, congrats on the level 2 achievement, and the constant great reviews since that negative experience. 

    There is data out there that a perfect profile is concerning for buyers, so perhaps this will actually help you over the long term! Crazy notion I know!

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  8. Just now, vickieito said:

    The last time (only time) I used OOS, I got a ton of messages, all from existing clients. So, I don't really see a benefit from using this feature if I'm already using Request to Order. New buyers are much easier to turn away with a QR. Existing clients require a lot more interaction.

    Great point well made. That makes a lot of sense. I do feel unavailable should come with the option to block prior buyers (not active orders) from also messaging. Once you've been here a while it means messages are daily. Which is obviously a good problem to have, but dang it, putting down and ignoring the phone for a day is such sweet relief!

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  9. 12 minutes ago, vickieito said:
    14 minutes ago, mandyzines said:

    I'm not sure what OOS is. 🙂

    Out-of-Office. 😊

    OK, light bulb moment. I've been using OOO for years. Is it actually OOS? Like when I was in my late twenties and learned that vivid didn't mean blurry 😆

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  10. Lift is a good addition, all help is good help!

    I'm especially pleased to see Fiverr mention taxes! I think this is an iceberg on the horizon for so many sellers that sell but don't think it matters because maybe it's not a huge amount of money.

    I can see a time when governments just ask freelancing sites for user data and their earnings, like they are increasingly doing with crypto (coinbase for e.g.), and there are going to be a lot of back taxes and fines. 

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  11. 7 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    No, I'm just using my Request to Order feature. It's the same thing except it doesn't take my gigs off the marketplace.

    I doubt there's much cause for concern, it will be fine, but aren't you more concerned about the impact to conversion?

    Also don't you want some peace from the messages lol if you're on vacation? That was the biggest relief for me, not having to tap away on my phone regularly! I didn't realise how much I was always on it until my GF at the time was like wow, you're not on your phone 🤣

    Your positioning should bounce back after unavailable, so long as it's not long than a month. I didn't go unavailable for over a year when I started, I was super worried, now I've done it 5 times for 6 weeks total this year and it hasn't impacted. Fiverr changed how much it impacts so if you are worried and avoiding it, you probably shouldn't be because you have a really strong profile already. 

    And my word do I want the request to order feature so badly!!

    • Like 5
  12. 1 hour ago, vickieito said:

    It's natural to have slow periods in business

    100%. Ups and downs are part of the freelancing life. Busy when you want to relax, and quiet when you want to be busy lol!

    It was thanksgiving in the US last week, and the holiday season can be a weird time. When orders are slow you should look to launch new gigs, improve your profile and potentially even build your income in other ways.


    1 hour ago, vickieito said:

    I'm getting a lot of inquiries right now but I'm turning customers away because I'm on vacation

    Are you not using OOO mode / unavailable?


    • Like 7
  13. 49 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    Per my understanding, sellers' Fiverr profiles don't "convert" to Fiverr business - the Fiverr business profile is separate from the main seller profile on the platform. Sellers should be able to switch back and forth between these two profile modes via their profile edit page (two buttons should appear)

    Yep no conversion. You get it when Fiverr gives it to you, and then you can choose via your gig edit page whether your gigs appear on Fiverr original, Fiver Business Marketplace (FBM) or both.

    If you're on FBM you have an extra 'preview' button on your profile (see below). Once you click preview you can edit various parts using various edit buttons on your Fiverr Business profile. There are only a couple of differences between the two profiles apart from structure / layout. The information on one feeds the other and is 95% the same (you get a banner on FBM for example), but some gigs may not appear on the FBM.

    There are two key things that are taken into account for your profile to appear on FBM: what you sell, and the quality.

    My business related gigs... consultancy, pitch decks, business plans etc appear on FBM. My career guidance gig does not. 

    In short, Fiverr business is for business services, and there are quality metrics. At least that's the way it is for now.

    Fiverr is really wanting to push further into the business space, who can blame them, business buyers (should) have bigger budgets and are more likely to be repeat buyers for different services. But don't fear... just because do you don't appear @sathees_sanoj please don't think it's a reflection on your quality necessarily, it's perhaps because your niche is already saturated and/or your gigs aren't business focused.

    As for the benefits, so far, as per other threads, there doesn't seem to be much difference between business buyers and normal buyers. Anyone can sign up to be a business buyer.



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  14. To those wishing for money, you're boring 🤣, but to be honest I also wish for that too!

    To those wishing for health for themselves or their loved ones, I wish it for you as well! 'Health is wealth' as the saying goes.

    To those wishing for family and friends to be close, well aren't you just the sweetest - I wanted more selfish answers! 🤣

    On 12/3/2022 at 7:52 AM, vibronx said:

    You're always welcome 🥰 A Chipotle Christmas meal would be heaven ☀️

    We're going to have a curry on Christmas day this year. We decided to mix it up completely! Chipotle also sounds like a great idea!

    On 12/3/2022 at 1:17 PM, breals said:

    and as a dad to two young girls this would be bliss locked in my office with a crate of beer, instead of playing with Barbie 🙂 

    I got my god daughter lego a couple of years back and she loves it. Her parents were always quite traditional in their gifts so I thought I'd mix it up. You obviously know your girls better than me @breals, but they may love it, TBH I've never heard of a child not loving lego! I also got a 'learn to code' app on my iPad when I stayed with them for a couple of weeks and she got really into that. Since then her dad got her a raspberry pi and she's been flying along!


    Thought we were going to lose her with the first two vet visits and had to push to keep her alive

    You're a good man! What's the cat's name!?

    On 12/3/2022 at 7:39 AM, imagination7413 said:

    On my wishlist is socks. But these are very nice, high end, thick sole, super soft, warm alpaca wool socks that are nine USD a pair! And I'd really like to have 3-4 pairs.

    PM me. I'm serious. I want to buy you socks (not in a creepy way, no photos of you wearing said socks will be expected) but you do so much on the forum behind the scenes you're the real MVP here in my book. Everyday I wake up to the warnings and the posts being moved- it warms my heart so it's only reasonable your feet are warm too. I also may want to buy some for myself, please share the link? I'm boring and like buying socks for myself!

    On 12/4/2022 at 3:45 AM, zeus777 said:

    You know what, it will be great if I can have a fancy cruise Christmas party with my Fiverr buddies.

    That would be an awesome experience. It would be cool to meet everyone in the flesh! We just have to agree to not only talk about Fiverr!! 

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  15. 5 hours ago, majidshowghi said:

    What are "Bumping" and "Cross-posting" terms referring to?

    Bumping means to move a topic up to the first page by commenting on it in order to give it attention.

    Crossposting is the act of posting the same message to multiple forum areas or topics.

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  16. 21 minutes ago, cartoonice said:

    Hey Williambryan392, thanks for the reply! This is a lot of help. 

    My pleasure. One more suggestion for you, and probably an obvious one. Launch a new gig! It should get some more exposure (new gigs do get a bump up), which could trigger potential buyers to look at your other services, which should then hopefully bring your existing gigs back to life.

    • Like 8
  17. 18 minutes ago, miiila said:

    zenbook dual

    ok wow that looks very coo!

    20 minutes ago, miiila said:

    Totally for business purposes, of course, not because it's totally fun to play around with

    oh ditto, of course, I'll only ever do pure work on mine....

    I'm also thinking of maybe getting one of those dual monitor extenders but don't know much about them. Need to research!

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  18. Freelancing can be tough, and we all work hard I know, and sometimes we deserve to treat ourselves I think.

    My second hand $100 chromebook has been a sturdy friend to me since I started on Fiverr.

    However, it's slow, it's dirty, I swear it actually smells slightly (it did when I got it, don't judge me!) and I thought I deserved a treat so I took the plunge and bought a new Lenovo with a 40% black friday discount! It's a business expense too so thankfully also tax free!

    I'm so excited for it to arrive!

    Ok, I know it's not Christmas / holiday season yet, and Santa may judge me for getting my present early, but I don't care.

    So, what do you want for Christmas? 

    If you don't celebrate Christmas that's completely cool! But what's on your wish list? What is the one treat that would make your life, personally or professionally, better? (and please don't say getting a Fiverr order or reaching TRS/Pro status!). I want to hear about products or experiences!!


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  19. It will take time for the algorithm to realise you are back / active on Fiverr again. I think a good way for you to start would be to either use the new Briefs feature and respond to prospective buyers, or bring new clients to Fiverr.

    You can find more info on briefs here courtesy of @vickieito:

    Here are 16 tips to train the AI to get better matches:



    And here's more information on what you can do to improve your gigs so that you get better matches:


    @mariashtelle1 recommended this webinar to me (see last video in the link below) and I really liked the "Best Practices" tips that start about the 8:00 minute mark and the Q&A that starts at the 45:00 minute mark. It has really good tips that can help you improve your chances of orders:


    I also found @vickiespencer's buyer perspectives on the Brief & Match feature (scroll to see all of her comments):


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