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Posts posted by williambryan392

  1. It's hard. Research the forum, particularly the tips for sellers category.

    I think your main problem is that you are in a very saturated niche. If I search for a logo designer there are 200,000+ gigs as an option.

    Also you're also offering a canva design, which is a widely available, free to use software.

    You need to ask the question... why does a buyer need / want you over another seller?

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  2. Just want to throw out another thought… 

    Over the last 6 weeks or so some m have been noticing a slump. In the same period SVB collapsed, lots of tech investments got pulled, banking weaknesses have started to show, and more will crumble. 

    Fiverr still depends on investment as we know, this investment brings new buyers to the platform along with everything else.

    Most tech companies are laying people off now, reducing spend etc. Fiverr reduced their work force by 8% last July.

    Maybe Fiverr and those that use Fiverr are tightening the purse strings, spending less, and that’s contributing in some way to what’s going on. 


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  3. It's been a little weird for me too. My expensive gigs recovered super quick following my time off in February, my cheaper gigs have been slower to do so.

    I also had 4 cancellations in the last couple of weeks, but only one of these wasn't amended by CS. One was because the buyer was tricky so I cancelled (the one that wasn't amended). 2 were in the requirements stage for a year and I got tired of looking at them, and the final one was the buyer cancelling 2 minutes after they purchased. 

    Even though the OCR rate was corrected, I wonder if this still impacts behind the scenes?

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  4. 12 hours ago, photo_shop_man said:

    My main gig has 800+ orders and gig promotions active for the last 3,4 months.  yesterday I received notification that my gig is not promotable now. 

    what changes/improvements I should make to get promoted again?

    There are several reasons why this could have happened, some public, some private.

    The most likely reason (in my opinion) is that your private buyer satisfaction score has dropped.

    You can contact CS to ask, but the only thing you can really do is to make sure your future buyers are happy.

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  5. Firstly Happy Birthday for yesterday, I hope this year is even better than your last!

    8 hours ago, frank_d said:

    have some more cake

    Most importantly what kind of cake did you have?

    Thanks as always for sharing your thoughts on all things Fiverr, you don't have to yet you spend the time to do so, and what you have done over the years has been key to me getting to where I am today, so thank you, I'm genuinely grateful!

    I agree with everything you say, it's all about relevance, conversion and retention.

    I received the same email you did re new buyers a few months back and it really scared me lol. It was around the time where I think half my orders were from new buyers.

    I also understand why new buyers can be a potentially scary prospect. I recall creating a post about this a while back but others didn't really feel the same, I feel a little vindicated by your post!

    The only thing I would add (so far, I'm still on my first coffee of the day) is that we know that conversion is super important, and like you say I think Fiverr is sending new buyers because it thinks you have a better chance of closing them, and giving them a great experience so they come back. I know I'm tempted to avoid new buyers, but if I don't close them, perhaps it counts against me even more?



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  6. What's the feedback on this feature, has it been working out for you? My main offerings are consultancy on zoom but I still haven't activated it, I'm worried it's going to be messy.

    What happens if a buyer doesn't show up, do you get stuck in limbo? Ideally the consultation would auto complete without the option to review but I guess that's not the case.

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  7. The Fiverr community / your forum account doesn't impact your main Fiverr account.

    There will be another reason. Have you checked with the support team?

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  8. Logging out doesn't close an account. It just logs you out of it. So your girlfriend now has 3 Fiverr accounts which is against Fiverr Terms of Service.

    The support team does try to help, but it's hard when people break the rules. I would ask support to permanently close two of the accounts and allow continued use of the third account. But maybe because she already broken the rules it's a permanent ban. The only people that can help you are the support team.

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  9. On 3/18/2023 at 1:06 PM, catwriter said:

    And now the OP is going to tell us that it's for their family members or something...


    2 hours ago, zunaira_writes1 said:

    i mean can me and my brother use two different fiverr accounts on same internet ? 1 account about content writing and  1 about e commerce . 

    Are you psychic @catwriter?


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  10. 3 hours ago, zunaira_writes1 said:

    can i use multiple fiverr accounts

    No, multiple accounts are against Fiverr terms of service. You will get banned. It's a really good idea to read the terms (as well as the help center) if you want to be successful on Fiverr.

    Best of luck!

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  11. It could definitely be clearer that there’s a fee in the help centre. They allude to it with ‘the amount you’ll pay’ but I think people may think this is just the amount you borrowed, and not the fee. This post shows screenshots of the process. At least it’s super clear when actually going for it that it comes with a fee



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  12. @maxtpf & @smartdezigns are correct.

    There is nothing you can do, just wait. If you have the promoted gigs feature, or coupons you can try that. You could take this opportunity to also launch a new gig.

    Staying active really makes no difference to visibility, and social media promotion only has a chance of working if you can contact the perfect target audience. But, that's one of the reasons you pay fiverr 20% - because Fiverr bring you customers.

    @zradnan360 & @masud_digital are incorrect.

    There is a lot of great advice on the forum, but also bad advice.

    My advice for you is that if anyone is giving you tips then check their Fiverr profile. It is usually not a good idea to take Fiverr tips from sellers (such as @zradnan360 & @masud_digital ) who have not made any sales.

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  13. In that case I assume you're on your parents or legal guardians Fiverr account. Taxes vary from country to country.

    Fiverr may well report earnings to your government / tax institution if asked FYI, and this may appear under your parents tax obligation, as it's technically their Fiverr account.

    You can find more info here: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010561178-Seller-Taxes

    I suggest after speaking to parents/legal guardian you/they speak to a tax professional.


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  14. You're completely right @imagination7413, as far as I'm aware there's no specific rule, but I wonder if we're in danger of 'rule lawyering' ourselves. Unless spamming 'likes' qualifies as spam. Anyway I don't think any decent user of the forum would think that this behavior / bot use is ok. I think the rules need updating.

    Pulling @Lena@mjensen415 and @milos_siena in on this if that's ok to see what 'official Fiverr' think...

    In the short term what would be the appropriate action to take for inappropriate forum use like this? Assuming you agree of course that a bot is in use and / or this behavior of serial liking posts for the sake of it is inappropriate. I don't want to be overzealous as I'm tempted to remove points down to 'rookie' or 'newbie', but this really isn't what we should expect from a 'Grand Master'. It really adds no value.

    In the medium term perhaps we could also look to update the rules and even consider changing how the forum works re liking multiple things?

    It's almost funny that the user in question is liking the posts that are critical of his bot use 😆


    Screenshot 2023-03-15 113000.png

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  15. 1 hour ago, vickiespencer said:

    Are these users getting warnings?  

    Yes! When we see things that aren’t ok warnings are given or other action taken. If you see stuff that doesn’t look right please do report the post and/93 tag me or another mod to take a look. Seeing all this AI posting nonsense just adds more noise and confusion to an already noisy and confused place!

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  16. 23 minutes ago, vickiespencer said:

    @anowar3494 You are breaking Fiverr Forum rule #8 by posting ChatGpt content! STOP IT!

    Agreed. Please stop @anowar3494, it really doesn't help anyone or add any value. 

    I also find it funny that you posted the below topic within minutes of posting the above.

    It's really doesn't reflect well on you, instead use the forum to learn.

    Check out the tips for sellers category. There's lots of great advice there. You're not the first to ask your question.

    Best of luck with your Fiverr career.


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  17. 13 minutes ago, mariashtelle1 said:

    I don’t appreciate

    Not surprised you don't @mariashtelle1!

    One day there will be a final reckoning I think. All the data, the power of AI, the ability to quickly (and pretty accurately) check whether things are as they should be will cause a lot of people to get burned. If OP or others have been doing what you fear they may (note 'may'), then I guess they could be on the hook for a lot of money.

    Retroactively paying for the licenses, the fines, the legal help / representation, and even potentially follow up action by previous clients who have had their business damaged because they are using something they thought was ok but in fact wasn't. I know this is extreme, but I don't think impossible!

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  18. You have a really strong, credible profile already so I don't think it will make a huge difference either way, however....

    My view is that 'people trust people' and having a personal photo can help build trust. Indeed it's a requirement for the Fiverr Business Marketplace so my view is a personal photo is the better option. But like I say, it's not a huge difference IMO.

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