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Posts posted by williambryan392

  1. 46 minutes ago, leannelrivers said:

    When you say orders, was this through arranging contracts over Linkedin? I heard there might be a gig style booking system in the works, but is there already some kind of booking I'm not aware of?

    21 minutes ago, kendal1747 said:

    Yes, please share Williambryan392 and thanks.

    Sorry, I should have been clearer. I have edited my above post. I meant orders for my LinkedIn optimization gig. Just regular Fiverr buyers coming through Fiverr like they normally do.

    I have not heard of another style of system.

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  2. 1 hour ago, visualstudios said:

    That's what's weird though. If spend was going down, it wouldn't make sense that I sold my two biggest orders ever this year.

    That's interesting for sure, and on a separate note congratulations on the new milestone achievement.

    My only counter would be that it's not a meaningful data set. Could just be an edge case / 2 outliers.

    Similarly, my 2 biggest orders for my LinkedIn gig were about 4 weeks, they both purchased all the gig extras within about 2 days of each other, and both left sizeable tips. I actually thought I was maybe being scammed lol, but all good so far. Even so, overall, it does still seem strange what's going on.

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  3. I increasingly think this is the result of a macro trend - recession.

    For me, impressions and clicks are up (for now), and I woke up to a Fiverr choice order.

    This tells me that Fiverr still 'likes' me. However, I'm still getting far fewer orders overall. Only a few messages a day and 1 order every few days, vs. previously getting double digit messages a day and several orders a day. If impressions had tanked then I'd think it was a private review issue. But because my stats are up, but orders are down I think this is buyer behaviour vs. the algorithm (at least in my case).

    Many talented people have been laid off, causing more to start freelancing, and at the same time, businesses are cutting costs.

    I wouldn't be surprised if we are all suffering from this to some degree. I have friends working on other platforms, and they similarly say that revenue has dropped substantially over the last couple of months.

    Or of course the matching algo could be showing me to the wrong buyers, but if that was the case I would think Fiverr would have seen a massive drop in sales across the board, and in turn they'd take action.

    Obviously this is all just speculation...



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  4. I've been waiting to comment on this fully because I took 30 days off in February as unavailable so I thought this was another variable thrown into the mix. I also paused a couple of gigs a few weeks ago.

    What I'm finding strange is that my impressions are pretty good, but the amount of messages has really dropped off, and so has the number of orders. Back in January I was getting 3 or 4 orders a day, for the least couple of weeks it's averaging 1 or less. But I've still been getting some Fiverr Choice orders. That's the really strange thing to me.

    So, I'm assuming that my BSS is good otherwise I wouldn't be getting FC or good impressions.

    I've also noticed that on certain days when I do get messages they are all often from specific parts of the world, whereas before they were random.

    I do feel something has changed, whether it's the algorithm, the upcoming/present recession, recent layoffs causing more new sellers, or something else- I have no idea. Probably a combination.

    I would be surprised if I wasn't alone in saying that I had got a little comfortable with the order regularity, and so hadn't updated my gigs for at least 6 months. Time for some changes. 

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  5. Yep it was a mistake for me too, and sorry all, I got a reply on this 24 hours ago from my SM and didn't see it. Amateur hour all around 😆

    I hope they send an email out telling people it was a mistake.

    This reminds me of a time when suddenly all promotable gigs became un-promotable.

    I'm guessing that the trigger for sending it was wrong, so not everyone would have got it, but a lot did.

    So, it kinda negates a lot of the above conversation re first-time buyers.

    But it also reinforces our thought s that something is weird with the algo, impressions all over the place, inconsistent sales.

    Something does seem strange- this is just a breakage we're seeing, makes me wonder about the ones we aren't.


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  6. 8 hours ago, visualstudios said:

    And for the people saying a 10x return on promoted gigs is good... It's not. It would be if that was the whole picture. It isn't.

    You're paying 10% on promotion... plus the 20% commission. Fiverr is actually taking 30% of all your earnings.

    I’m the one saying that lol 😆 

    And again I go back to ‘if I can get a 3.3 X return on my spend’ (20%+10%) then that’s still likely better than my own website.

    And that’s assuming all sales are promoted gigs whereas they currently make up 30% or less typically of total sales.

    8 hours ago, visualstudios said:

    When will it stop?

    50% / 2 X return on my spend on all gigs. If I’m making e.g. 600K a year on fiverr (BIG e.g, I’m not talking real numbers) and they charge me 50% / take 300K then at that point it will be crossing the line of not being worth it

    However I think there’s still room to grow… new gigs, new pricing strategy, new retention strategy.


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  7. 9 minutes ago, miiila said:
    9 hours ago, visualstudios said:

    If they actually incentivised it (for example, 0% commission on first time client to the platform, as a reward to providing the retention and making them come back), then I could see the point of taking that risk.

    Great idea! And would even out that you may have to spend more time, explain Fiverr technical fundamentals to a new person, etc.

    Non freelance marketplaces, e.g. salon booking software typically charge a few percent as a transaction fee, then 20% for a new a customer on top. If they're not new to you then it's just the transaction fee.

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  8. 1 hour ago, sunboatrecords said:

    Let me dissipate the clouds of depression by sharing that I made low four figures with $60.


    That's a good return in my book! I had a 9X return on mine this month, I tend to be happy when it's 10X. I remember initially when promoted gigs launched I could sometimes get 30X, but the CPC has drastically increased since then.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

    We are overreacting? When they clearly state first time buyers are clueless, and if they are unhappy for reasons we can't control, that "can have a significant impact on your Gig’s visibility "?

    ‘May’ should have been capitalised, it’s been a long day and I’m on mobile. I think they always say that about gig visibility. The thing is it’s beyond our control so what can we do apart from continue to do our best and also hope for the best. It’s isn’t good for the anxiety though without actionable feedback. I’d like to know which gig they mean at least!

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  10. 47 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    I got the same-ish email

    I did too, 3 hours ago.

    What I would like to know (along with a lot of other things!) is whether the drop in BSS is compared to the average of all sellers, or compared to your prior score (I think it's your prior score).

    Hypothetically, if I was getting 99/100 for my BSS, and then it drops to 90/100, then that's a big drop and could trigger the email, but it's still a good score.

    I just don't know if it's 'you're bad compared to other sellers' or 'you're bad compared to your previous great self'

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  11. Easy now (as a famous U.K. comic and fake wannabe rapper would say).

    I personally would like direct bank transfers. Fiverr to PayPal to my business bank account is a hassle. It works, but it is a hassle.


    28 minutes ago, sadekmiah30 said:

    . you are not owner of fiverr you can't say like that we have to leave fiverr for this issues.

    No one says you have to leave. They were just making the point that we all live in fiver’s house, and those are the rules. If we don’t like the rules we can vote with our feet. There are plenty of other ways to sell online.

    I had issues with PayPal a few months ago. They froze my account. But I spoke to PayPal and sorted it out. I expect payoneer works for most, in the same way PayPal does, or the way fiverr does.

    Sometimes they do make mistake though and Customer support isn’t perfect. 

    I understand how this would be frustrating though!


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  12. 12 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

    it's the first time a person buys from you. And I tend to agree with that, because none of the "new buyers" I had were new to the platform

    oh really, ok. That's a different angle then! Most of my buyers are new, I'd say a good 90%, so that means most of my reviewers are heavily weighted. At the same time maybe the point is that the weight of a repeat buyer private review is less, therefore new buyers are by definition more. The 'would you buy this again' question would have more weight with newer buyers.

    I'd guess the review weighting is something like this...

    1) New to the platform, new to the seller

    2) Not new to the platform, new to the seller

    3) Not new to the platform, not new to the seller


    We often talk about indicators on the platform, and for me this is the sign...



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  13. 7 hours ago, frank_d said:
    14 hours ago, cre8iveartwork said:

    he clearly stated that all the feedback, private our public count the same ... Now not sure what to belive. 

    If that was the case, then why separate the metrics for BSR?

    Nothing is certain obviously, but my personal unproven view is...

    I don't think public reviews count for much at all, or if they do the weighting of them is incredibly light.

    Private reviews are what matter the most, and will be the main driver of the BSR. Maybe public reviews factor in a little, but my guess is only a little.

    As for first time buyers it makes perfect sense to me that Fiverr considers their feedback particularly important. Fiverr has spent money getting them to the platform, and it's on us as sellers to retain them. If they have a good experience they will come back. If they don't there's a good chance they won't.

    We've all heard something along the lines of: it costs 7 times more to sell to a new customer than to an existing customer / the cost of acquiring a new customer costs five to ten times more than retaining an existing one'

    There may even be a completely separate BSR for new buyers, and maybe that impacts the buyers they make you visible to. I wouldn't be surprised. 

    Repeat customer spending also tends to trend upwards, as they get more comfortable they'll spend more. All this is super important to Fiverr, actually it is true of any marketplace, so I do understand why Fiverr may well be putting more onus on new buyer satisfaction than existing.

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  14. Hello,

    There is nothing you can do. Only customer support can help you. Wait to see what they say.

    The problem is that you broke the rules and the rules are clear.

    You can only share personal information / communicate off the Fiverr platform if it is strictly necessary to complete the gig.

    If you are lucky you will only receive a warning.

    Read the guidelines CS sent you. Read the Terms of Service:


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  15. I don't know why you have combined your logo gig with facebook ads. That doesn't make sense to me. They are two separate things.

    I suggest you operate in the categories where you have skills. That is how to be successful.

    I read your description, and it doesn't make you sound like someone that knows what they are doing. Buyers want to hire people that are a professional at what they sell. 'I am new here, trying to gain knowledge and learning new things, and gathering experiences. I hope I will be good at this very soon. I hope this website will lead me towards my goals and give me chances for a better future.' - This doesn't build trust.

    Anyway, I think researching is the best place to start. I suggest you start here, it's a collection of great posts by other sellers that have been successful on Fiverr:


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  16. 10 hours ago, mabelma said:

    That being said, a good way to do an A/B test without breaking ToS is to keep the structure of your gigs similar in terms of description, images, pricing, etc and then only change one thing at a time. Say for example if I wanted to see if my Draw anything you want gig will perform better against my draw any character, I could keep everything similar (of course specific to each individual service) but test different gig titles against each other until I find the perfect one for each gig. So kind of like an A/B test without the exact info but still essentially the same "working" structure. 

    I think this would still qualify as a ToS violation. If it's in a different category though I think you could be ok though.

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  17. My most popular gig Business Consultancy typically gets 1-3 orders, sometimes more, a day. Yet I hadn't received an order for the last 5 days until last night when I got a Fiverr choice order. Downturns happen, I get it, but I find it strange because if I'm getting Fiverr choice for it then surely the BSS for it is good.

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  18. Thanks for sharing your experience, and the graphics make it look great, you're clearly talented!

    There's a lot to digest here, and I'll probably have some other questions, but I was wondering if you could expand on some things.

    Why is 'buyer bill' not a big tipper? Obviously this varies from service to service, but in my experience established businesses are the best tippers. They're the ones that usually have the budget to leave tips. Or if this is just a suggestion to other sellers to construct a buyer avatar. if so I totally get it!

    On 2/8/2023 at 9:09 AM, mabelma said:

    you can always do A and B tests with the same gig duplicated with different titles

    I'm pretty sure duplicate gigs are against terms of service, even for the innocent and positive reason of A/B testing. Unless of course I'm misunderstanding? No one knows more about the rules than @imagination7413 in my opinion, what do you think?

    Anyway, thanks again for taking the time for putting together this post!

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  19. 2 minutes ago, vickiespencer said:

    What would you suggest? Board games? Picnics? Candy sales? Hopscotch tournaments? 

    Ah activities! How about on the next round table...!

    (Great to see the real person yesterday behind the Jedi @vickiespencer, you made awesome points!)

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