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Everything posted by miiila

  1. Me, I'm surprised to see they included Buyer Insights in both plans, you bet I'd have kept that as a draw for premium.
  2. Weeell, I definitely remember forum posts from buyers with legit requests that didn't get through seeking advice, so there must be some kind of screening, but for what exactly, who knows. I often see BRs that shouldn't have gotten through, but it's probably either difficult to teach AI to not let bad ones through while not sorting out too many good ones with them, or they have staff doing manual checks who've never been Fiverr sellers and don't see what we see, or something... Maybe they should ask Cinderella if they can hire her pigeons for that job, now, that she doesn't live with the evil stepmom anymore. The (unspoken) rules for some types of work seem so vague, that this seems to be the sensible approach. It's a pity, though, that, due to this, certainly quite a few people will turn away jobs that would be just fine to do, and that they'd gladly do, and there's a good chance that those jobs go to people who also pick up jobs that are not okay to do.
  3. miiila

    Counting Sheep

    That's the bit that's important for me. 🐑 ga ippiki 🐑🐑 ga nihiki 🐑🐑🐑 ga sanbiki 🐑🐑🐑🐑 ga yonhiki 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑 ga ... 😴 Yes, counting sheep, here. The classic works like a dream, but I don't count myself, I slumber away to Jujutsu Kaisen's Nanami Kento counting sheep, the VA's voice being supremely suited to drift off, and that's not to say it's boring, at all, just so soothing.
  4. Standardly sardonical, or not, I like it. And aren't they all. Just kidding. But always good to know of another one's existence that couldn't just be but is. You're all lucky that I'm not a musician. My song might be about shoes in a hallway. Marking the day I realized that our little boy's shoes, lining up with ours there, were bigger than mine, and that he wouldn't be or even already wasn't a kid anymore, even way before turning 18, driving license and other adult-now stuff. I'm sure we're better off with your and Ava's song 😅 Cheers ☕ to Ava, good kids, good songs, and good coffee.
  5. Same here, and I've been "training the AI" since I got Briefs and never turned them off, rejecting about 99% for not being what I offer. I don't think our common issue with Briefs is even a question of (training the) AI, anyhow, but of thinking and coding.
  6. It took a bit of getting used to, like any changes, but it's fine. Unfortunately, it didn't fix something that was an issue with the old dashboard, too. Sometimes, you have to randomly click "Switch to Selling", when you hadn't switched to Buying in the first place, but just looked at something. No drama, but unneeded clicks and lost milliseconds accumulate over time 😉 Lost time and annoyance factor through spam, be it all the Telegram, WhatsApp and similar scammers, or all the spam by sellers who don't realize that Gigs are no BRs, is far, far worse, of course – if I could choose, I'd rather people work on reducing that issue than on another revamp of the dashboard for sure, but it's nice.
  7. miiila

    Your New King

    All hail, MacKing. It's nice, dear. Can I apply as a humble falcon hunter if I come into the hallowed forum halls sockless, and serve the blackest espresso anyone has ever seen, until someone invents a colour that's darker than black? Or was it hunt with falcons. Whatever. I hope everyone can see the King's new clothes, I meant, forum badge, so shiny 👑!
  8. Obviously. ... The only thing that should be obvious is that something needs to be done about this, i.e. that sellers need to be given the ability to disable or reduce the Gig multiples option. I'd keep chatting with them until they tell you that it shouldn't affect your completion rate and to keep an eye on it and let them know if it does, and tell you they passed on your issue/suggestion to the relevant team. It's beyond ridiculous that people can place orders like that without the seller having the option to prevent it and that it will affect their order completion rate. We're not all mere button pushers, who can "deliver" thousands, or tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of words within minutes, after all... I still don't get why they changed it for Voice Over, now already long ago, and still didn't for W & T. Did the dog eat the relevant lines of code? 🐶
  9. ... unless you let an order go into "Very Late" status, then the buyer gets the option to simply cancel unilaterally, which also leads to an automated 1*-review by Fiverr in the buyer's name (I've had that happen as a buyer with an unresponsive seller, and could, and finally did, cancel from my side, without involving support). Just adding this as something to pay attention to, for sellers who tend to let orders get late - the buyer doesn't have to but gets the option to cancel, and Fiverr even sent an automated message, telling me they noticed that my order ran late (which I might not even have noticed on my own). So, unless you know a buyer well enough to know they won't cancel, you're taking a big risk with delivering "very late" (I think that means 48 hours after due date, but not sure). And perhaps also unless a buyer tries to apply a coupon in vain, seeing Vickie's comment.
  10. Somehow, I quite often land on a profile page without actually wanting to, while scrolling on my phone and apparently touching something I shouldn't have, or even clicking something I think takes me to the original post of a quote but brings me to a profile instead, or so... sorry for that, too, to anyone who thinks I've been reading their profile 😉
  11. I know, but thank you. Ah, I shouldn't access topics through the notifications of/about people I follow, it doesn't show the forum category then, and for some reason my brain always thinks I'm in "Casual Conversations" or whatever it's called, probably because it's often the only category I have ticked, when checking the forum via the category list page, but this probably was a "Seller Tips" post, I guess, sorry, I'll check next time.
  12. As a tactic, I like this about as much as I like my supermarket thinking I'm stupid enough to think that €1.99 is so much less than €2, and most banks nowadays asking for a fee that will cost you more than all those €0.01 coins you bring them, once they spill over from wherever you empty them into to get your pockets to an acceptable weight and smoothness, but, yes, it's a proven method. Sometimes, I wonder what our world would look like, if everything, really everything, would cost what it really was worth, and, yes, that includes the "real cost", environmental, human, and everything. 🌈🦄 But, yes, it's a proven method, just like that people will rather buy a jar of marmelade if you confront them with 3 or so options vs just one, or ten.
  13. Just in case this means that you still, at this time, have more than 1 active account, I'd recommend to decide on one to keep, and get rid of the other ones post-haste, before someone else may decide for you which one you get to keep if any.
  14. Can someone please activate an applause emoji from the reaction emoji list, thank you. ~ I'll add a tip to make this post seem on-topic and not an attempt to preserve my Grand Master status (Do you have to preserve it? No idea, don't really care, though, either way.): Don't ? 5-10 minutes after you sent a message. It makes me (want to) reply later rather than sooner. Also, I have to actually focus when working on orders, and can't check for new messages every 5 minutes. And you want me to focus on your order too, don't you. While I'm super special, I'm not under the illusion that I'm that special, when it comes to such things, so this probably is true for many other sellers, too. ~ While it's a real shame that Fiverr (yet!) doesn't properly recognise your coffee drinker expertise, in the meantime, please accept this humble officially unofficial Fiverr forum champion coffee drinker badge ☕ 🥇. Your coffee drinking efforts don't go unnoticed. Sincerely, and without a single winking smiley, A fan of coffee, and good plus entertaining forum posts ~ *This post was typed while sipping on an iced latte and might contain typos or other unpleasantries, due to coffee bliss. Don't quote me, don't sue me, don't ask for revisions.
  15. Hm... about 5 pounds. But jokes aside, you should publish as many as makes sense, without publishing any "duplicate" Gigs (Gigs that are too similar, like... "I will design awesome logos", "I will design fantastic logos", ...). Can you offer 3 different services with confidence? Publish 3 Gigs. 7? Then 7. Just 1? That's perfectly fine, too, and people might perceive you as an expert in that area, laser-focused on that 1 service, then, so, if you feel you can confidently offer exactly 1 service, then publish just 1 Gig.
  16. Hi. Unless you're fine with getting your refund to your Fiverr balance, you need to create a ticket. This is from Fiverr's payment terms (that page is also linked in the their ToS): I hope you'll get this settled soon and will have a much better experience, if you decide to use Fiverr again at some point; there are awesome people here, and if you read the terms and some stuff in the Help Center beforehand, you'll be able to navigate through potential issues far more smoothly if they arise.
  17. miiila

    Is it just me???

    Be careful with that, though, as it can hit your response rate if you take out an old message. Maybe take a screenshot first, so you have some proof in hands that shows that the message had been sorted into spam by Fiverr before you "saved" it and that you couldn't have responded to it sooner because of that.
  18. miiila

    Is it just me???

    Since months now. All those 4 seconds add up to quite a lot of time. All those times I hear that custom sound I allotted to Fiverr messages telling me a Fiverr message came in, only to see yet another spam message... I really wish they'd do something to tell new sign-ups that Gig ≠ BR and that they can't actually contact buyers from their side, unless having been contacted first, and that contacting other sellers will likely result in them pressing the Spam or Report button. As just wishing won't do much good, I also tried to do something by sending CS a ticket with ideas how to eliminate or lighten the load of spam for sellers (it really should help a lot if, on signing up as sellers, they were made aware that Gig ≠ BR and that they aren't supposed to beg other sellers for jobs and might very well get reported and banned for it (consciously using the term "beg" here, because, often, it's more along the lines of begging than reminding of a cold-call business mail). Well, they said great suggestions, they'll pass it on (whether to the virtual rubbish bin, DiscoBot, or the relevant team, is anyone's guess 😅), as they do, and something about how it's unavoidable to get spam because of my awesome profile, or something, to cheer me up, or whatever. So, let me cheer you up, Zeus, it's all because of your awesome profile, enjoy your spam! Source: techradar.com
  19. And once you're there, you can (almost) never get back to Fiverr Classic, at least that was my xp with both Pro and Business so far, once you clicked yourself there somehow, it's really hard to leave the labyrinth. Probably on purpose, though, not by unintuitive design, like siphoning would-be ticket creators through the Help Center. 😅
  20. Can't tell if this is satire or not. I fear not, though. In which case, Heaven helps those who help themselves.
  21. AI is both awesome and fearsome; like many if not any other tools, it depends on what people do with it. Regarding freelancing specifically, and my niche, but it probably translates to many other niches, it could, can, and does get used very advantageously, freeing up more of the time and resources of the freelancer for things that AI does *not* do well, and could thus lead to better output and a prettier world in the same money and time bracket. But, in the hands of people without a vision, perspective, savvy, moral integrity, on both the client's and freelancer's side, it can also become a means of exerting pressure, a bargaining chip, or greed, the aim set on the lowest possible price, the fastest possible turnaround, instead of the highest possible quality.
  22. As they certainly will take into account the private reviews when deciding if a seller fulfills their Fiverr Business criteria, you'd already be a step ahead just through that alone, as that's nothing you can vet by yourself even if spending a hundred hours. I feel your pain, I don't buy often, but when I do, it takes me ages to decide on someone. Certainly, part of that is the forums's fault, and the other part all the seller spam messages I get. You're buying for business purposes, by the way, not for private fun, right? Then you should be able to deduct it anyway.
  23. That ^. Also, note that when you hover over the topic title, you can read the first bit and even scroll through the complete opening post without even clicking it, saves a ton of time.
  24. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010108157-What-does-my-order-status-mean According to the Help Center, you should be able to cancel yourself without an impact on your order rate. I'd wait at least 1 day more to be sure, though, because of timezones, and all that.
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