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Everything posted by miiila

  1. Now I'm at a loss what emoji to click... the laughing one, or rather the sad one...? ... but a facepalm or "Rude!", or open-mouthed one would be more appropriate - but we shouldn't have those emoji, I guess, that'd turn out just as well as the short-lived thumbs up/down trial back when. 😅 well, at least a "bro" for your jedi profile image might be a sign that the person doesn't automatically assume that any person with long hair must be a "sister", or maybe they thought it was supposed to be Qui-Gon 😉
  2. I also think it would make sense to have the "Accepts Custom Orders" slider per Gig instead of per profile, by the way. Then, we could set up "Quick Gigs" that are specifically cut out for direct orders only, and a "Custom Gig" or more, as needed, only for custom offers, which buyers would actually be required to contact the seller about, as they would not be directly bookable. Maybe one day.
  3. 📌 That might be so, but I'm not a bro, and this was a good opportunity for another tip - don't make assumptions about someone's gender based on their neutral profile image. Just "Thank you", would have been enough, you know. It's not that important on the forum (but you may lose especially female customers if you call customers brother or bro as well, or even if you call them sister), but in any case, if you don't want to be called "sister", maybe don't call others "brother". 🙂 There are several other female forum users who don't use their own photos as forum profile images, by the way, and there's no way that you can know if they are men or women based on their profile images, so it's really a good idea to keep it neutral; if you have to or really want to make it personal, the username is the best choice. It's just as weird for women to be called "brother" by you as it apparently is for you to be called "sister". ☮︎
  4. For the Gigs that people can directly order, yes, completely agree; for most use cases, it's possible to set Gigs and Requirements Page up in a way that direct orders work. But Fiverr also has the "ask for a Custom Offer" option, and if people need a custom offer, they should either order a Gig that covers everything (and more if needed) that they need, or contact the seller for a custom offer. That should be pretty self-evident, though, and most people do message in such cases, at least in my experience. Of course, there are people who'd need a custom offer, but order a Gig package that does not cover what they need, but that's not a system issue, it's user error/abuse. If Fiverr Gigs were completely logically set up in all categories (mainly, if they order Gig multiples, the delivery time would need to go up accordingly, and certain Gig extras would have to be billed per multiple, not per order), and there would be some more fine-tuning (like what file type people want to provide), in theory, I could set up my Gigs in a way that nobody would ever need to message first, though. My Gigs say something like "order directly if a Gig fits, or contact me for a custom offer". I wouldn't mind if all people who actually could order directly, would do so, as it would save time, but on the other hand, those are also those who order a Gig with 5 or 7 days delivery time, and let me know on the order page that they need it done last Saturday ;). The issues that can arise from such things would be avoided if they had messaged first, but, again, that's not a system issue but user error/abuse, and all in all, I'm very much a fan of the direct order feature. I don't mind people (that is, actual potential customers, not other sellers, Telegram scammers, etc.) messaging, but it would be great if I could set everything up in a way that most customers wouldn't have to message even for custom offers, unless they want to. Like William, I like the option to simply buy right away myself, and have done that with most of the orders I placed as a buyer, as I only needed a custom offer once myself.
  5. You won't be able to outrank your competitors if they are experts and you aren't. I'd suggest becoming an expert, but that requires you to do the work associated with it, not us. That's a good plan. Do it.
  6. Getting orders daily doesn't have to do with your level. I've been at every level from beginner to TRS, and I never got orders daily. If you want orders daily, you need to offer things that are enough in demand for that, and Gigs and a profile that are interesting enough for many people who need those services to buy from exactly you among all the others who offer the same. Or you need Gigs that offer things that few others offer, but then, the demand typically won't be super high. If you sell very quick work with short turnaround times, and lots of people need it (or few people need that service very often), and your Gigs and profile look reliable and stand out, it's certainly possible. But it's not about a level. Getting level 1 or 2 or TRS doesn't automatically mean you'll wake up to daily orders, if you didn't get them before. Take a hard look at your own profile and Gigs, then at those of sellers in your category that you see delivering/getting feedback daily, if you can find some, and then try to figure out what's different, and if you can and want to do something about it. Another option would be to figure out how to get orders that mean enough work and revenue for several days, so that you won't actually need daily orders. I couldn't even handle daily orders at all times, as many orders take me a lot of time. In any case, "as a level one seller" isn't the point for getting orders daily; getting orders, daily or not, is all about the same things for all levels, only that with increasing levels, you better be increasingly able to deliver great work, so that customers who chose you based on your level won't be disappointed, and potentially leave bad private, or even public feedback.
  7. I didn't do it for the money, I felt like helping. I actually hate making phone calls, and turn down actual business things to do with phone calls. I don't offer anything the like in my Gigs, after all, but sometimes, people ask for things you totally don't offer, just because you're in a specific country. I usually recommend looking in the Virtual Assistant category then. A while ago, someone wanted me to physically visit stores for cold-calling in person, I guess, you could call it. Sorry, but that's really not in my job description. If you don't mind phone calls and want to set up a gig like that, better brace yourself for people asking you to prank someone, or worse things, though.
  8. My most "off-topic" order on Fiverr that I actually accepted, I've called a train station in my country to inquire about someone's earphones that they thought they may have lost there, while traveling through and not completely sober. Commemorative earphones, so to say, so it made sense. Sadly, they hadn't shown up at the lost and found.
  9. Hm, that could count as There's a manga/anime character, Near, in Death Note, who does white ones... you can actually buy those, so in case you feel like needing more challenging, or more boring ones... 😅
  10. Well, I didn't take a break, and yet my BRs are 99% "ingenuine" lately, there's a big spam/scam wave. I've found maybe 2 genuine requests that also were about something I provide over the past two months. Hang in there, I guess. On the bright side, probably so many sellers who don't really need rely on BR, gave and give up on looking at BR at all, that your chances of getting an order out of one of the few genuine requests might be high.
  11. Final Fantasy XIV, because it's a far-away friend's favourite. I'd like to play a game I'm translating for, but it's a complex one, and between work and running around getting food to people dear to me quarantined with COVID, and fresh clothes to a relative in hospital, there's little time. Doing all that by public transport, I can hang out on the forum, though. Maybe I should get into mobile gaming, but I fear that would send my mobile internet to a crawl too soon.
  12. Nobody could possibly tell with that kind of non-info, it depends. Try it out, and observe how it will work for you.
  13. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360049910953-Cancelations-and-refunds-?segment=buyer
  14. https://community.fiverr.com/search/?q=forum benefits&quick=1&updated_after=any&sortby=relevancy&search_in=titles&search_and_or=and
  15. The craziest for me wasn't colour, but I had it cut really short after the last day of school, ear length. I've always had more or less long hair, and I guess the "passage" from school to uni triggered it. It was super nice, because it felt so light, but super weird too. This is the "craziest" colour, so far, just a random mix of blue, green, and teal, it doesn't show well in the photo, but was rather visible in person. Crazy, for me, would be... yellow, pink, red, orange, something like that, colours I like on flowers, or other people (your hair looks great!), but not on me, so my hair craziness stops at blues and greens. My hair length, however, has been crazy sometimes. Once, I went right home to cut off a few centimetres with paper scissors, after they'd somehow got stuck in a bus seat and I almost missed my stop. 😅 My next project, to celebrate something, is dark blue tips all-over, and dark blue strands in front, partly based on an anime character. I want a really dark blue, indigo, night blue, not so easy in dark hair. One day, I might get a short men's haircut, I'd like to try that. But first, dark blue. Odd looks for crazy hair colours or styles, I don't think so. We also still have some punks hanging around town, younger Frank would have fit right in with his Catholic hair style 😉 They effortlessly beat anyone stepping out of even the most avant-garde hair salon. Sure, from people who'll give people odd looks for just about anything, or maybe from children if they haven't seen it all yet, but generally, no, there are too many people with non-natural hair colours these days for it to really turn any heads. Also, most people are far too much concerned with themselves. I do look, if it looks nice, but hopefully not in an odd, but encouraging way.
  16. I don't use any. If in doubt, always check out the ToS that you agreed to by registering and using the site: I'd rather not risk using such extensions, as they could be seen as "hacks" or "mods", or "crawlers", and you also can't know if some third-party tool you're using is clean, or could "overburden" the site, etc.
  17. Hi. I'm using the feature regularly, and the spam messages reliably start to come in as soon as I'm available again, so it seems to work. 😉 Careful with the "including" (the last day you want off), though. I always have to put a day more than I actually want. I don't know if that's a problem that affects only some accounts, like the "won't affect your response rate" when you don't reply to spam but just click the spam button, but if it's really important to not get messages or even orders on the last day you want to include, maybe better set a day longer, you can still deactivate the mode manually if the "including" works as intended for you. That's for desktop; I think it works in the app, the wording there is different, too, "until" or "last day" or something, I tend to use desktop, that's better when I want to add my own out of office text.
  18. That isn't really the problem, though, the problem with briefs so far isn't that I'm not comfortable with any of that, but that 99% of the briefs I got, were either telegram scam attempts, or not at all for anything related to my Gigs. The system needs some major improvement. The telegram scam ones can be tricky, as sometimes, they only get out with what's actually up in your reply to their brief/BR, but it must be possible to code the thing in a way that, for example, a seller who only offers translation into Chinese, won't get briefs about translation into all the other languages, as such Gigs, at creation, have drop-downs to choose "from" and "into". It's only been a time sink for me so far, and not because I'd not have been comfortable with any of the terms, but it was either scams, or I literally couldn't have accepted the order, because I don't provide the requested service. Plus, in many cases, unfortunately, it's been both the telegram scam and for a service I don't provide, too. Okay, technically, you could say, the issue were the REQUIREMENTS, because I don't want to take part in a telegram scam, or deliver something I don't offer and can't provide, but, you know.
  19. Report the messages. It's a really annoying spam/scam wave, thankfully it wasn't normal, but lately it kind of is. I hardly see anything else on BR, get hardly anything else as Briefs, and also get them directly in my Messages. And it's not just spam. As one can also guess from most of their messages, someone who had actually replied to some of them on telegram, has posted on the forum, and said he worked for them, without ever seeing any money (of course).
  20. It's interesting that you don't get the telegram scam briefs "at least", I thought there'd surely be some that would be matchable to writing Gigs too. I already got 4 of the scam briefs today, and it's only midday, so they may be targeting only certain categories. Or could it be due to the $50 that I set as a minimum for briefs? As those scams usually have a dizzyingly high budget for here, in the hundreds and thousands, they may not get matched to sellers who set lower limits? On the other hand, some have only "flexible" for budget and everything else, they are trying different tactics.
  21. Frank had posted that a while ago, before his trip already, I'm pretty sure. I read it and turned the feature on again because of that. Not that it helped, the two or three times I sent a message, they messaged back with, guess ... right, a telegram address I was supposed to message for further information. Sadly, almost all briefs I'm getting, are either definitely one of those scam briefs, or very much look as if they are, and the remaining 1% or so is for something I don't even remotely offer. The briefs need people to filter out the telegram scams, shouldn't be too hard, but, yeah, guess it requires personpower. But, in any case, messaging instead of sending an offer is possible now, and you have "Suspected spam / buyer not credible" for choice among the rejection reasons, that are already two advantages over BR. Now, if there only were actual briefs by actual customers who wanted to pay and not scam you on telegram...
  22. Are you sure? There's a "Message Buyer" button since a while on my briefs. Doesn't really help, though, if you have to keep rejecting them as "Suspected spam / buyer not credible", almost all briefs I get are those telegram scam ones that also clutter BR lately.
  23. Hi Ashane. Is that a theoretical question? I see that you have seven 5-star reviews, so your buyer does seem happy, and not angry, and it seems to be going well for you. If you're talking about a specific experience, some more details would be helpful. If it's a general and theoretical question, it's not really possible to answer that in a few sentences, there are whole books about subjects related to that. Ask yourself what elements may be at play, and look up information, for example "expectation management", "business communication", "how to please unhappy customers", "customer psychology", "customer service skills", "working with customers", "collaboration with customers", "dealing with angry customers", and other associated search phrases may be good starting points for your research. There are shiploads of information at your fingertips.
  24. Exactly. It's tiring, though, this endless supply of sketchy link/contact me/our CEO/our assistant manager/etc. on telegram/what'sapp/gmail/etc. spammers... 😴 Today, I was so annoyed, that, instead of my usual canned quick response and hitting the report or spam button, I spent a bit longer and typed a reply, "Not again. ... will be reported every single time." Not that it will deter them in any way, they seem to be able to open countless accounts, or use some kind of pyramid scheme, with ever new rank and file. "Not again" is basically my first thought, whenever I hear or see a notification coming in lately. Without a few regular customers in the mix, it would be close to 100% spam/scam. Well. This spam/scam wave too shall pass. I hope.
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