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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. 2 words that should not be in the same sentence.
  2. Only if you want to have your work stolen and work for free.
  3. How can you sell lead generation for others when you can't figure out how to research it and do it for yourself?
  4. Gigs can lose position for many reasons, like poor quality or dishonesty, like this:
  5. It may have something to do with a mistake in your profile:
  6. This is because being online has nothing at all to do with getting orders. Research the forum and read, this has been answered hundreds of times.
  7. Love the hilltop studio. As far a Gragnano, such a coincidence. This is the pastificio that bears my family's name and is still in operation since 1848. I'll take you up on that caffè.
  8. Tommy, you should be a very proud papa. Ava is truly talented, and the fact that you and she can collaborate on projects is such a blessing.
  9. Ciao Michele, The fear of editing gigs is largely unfounded. True, if you upload a new video or audio file, sometimes you have to wait 24 hours to have it approved, and it seems that you are invisible forever, but it really does come right back to normal. Edits to your pricing and description have no effect. I tend to leave things fairly stable until I decide that it is time to freshen, then I edit at will sometimes up to 10 edits in a day. It comes right back, and I suspect that the algorithm actually likes freshening and updating of gigs. Never been to Genazzano, but next trip to Roma, I may swing through. Looks as if I'd drive right through it on my way to Gragnano, my family's hometown to the southeast. Buona fortuna with the edits.
  10. Today's mobile app update integrates the forum, so now "Congos" can follow you anywhere.
  11. For me Tom Waits has the best drunk song ever:
  12. newsmike

    Payment by Donation

    You would end up working to free most of the time. Fiverr is a for profit business and not a charity, therefore not set up to work this way.
  13. I vote for the face smashing. Reminds me of a favorite flick:
  14. newsmike


    Why do you lie about being fluent in English? It is not a good look.
  15. I understand how you may feel. I think you should ask your SM for an analysis. My issue is that before you even know the facts you declare the "no reason" high ground position that we see here every day. There is a possibility that there is a very good reason. But the way you misunderstand the TRS procedure does not give me a lot of confidence that you are open minded about data and facts and stuff. Anyway, cocktail time, toodles, and good luck.
  16. You clearly don't understand the requirements. Once you hit all the hard metrics then you are eligible for Fiverr to take a look at your gig (if they choose to) and review it for TRS quality and award it... if they choose to. Most who hit all the metrics will never be selected.
  17. A couple suggestions. First, you need to improve your English skills to the point where someone will have confidence buying from you. The word "knock" means something entirely different from what you think it does. Second, don't lie about your level of proficiency in English because people will wonder what else you would lie about in order to make a sale.
  18. I liked the comment much more when I said it. Please don't copy other people's words and use them as your own. This makes you look like a complete scammer.
  19. I think that anyone who is legit enough to have permission from the artists would also have the Hi-res digital files provided from the respective publicity firms or management. Fishy. Beware.
  20. If you want US buyers you might want to improve your English skills, because whatever you are selling, there are lots of folks already selling it who can communicate well in English. It matters.
  21. You should go to the gig, and click "report" to have the gig removed.
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