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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. You are well within your rights to tell him that the standard is that there are 3 days to request revisions, after which a new order would need to be placed.
  2. And you say no, over and over, and over and over. Sometimes "piss off" works quite well also.
  3. I hope it helps, but the good news is that there are still plenty of buyers who are honest, despite the flood from that "certain country" you mentioned.
  4. This can be tricky. Technically once you sell something, all rights pass to them, unless you specifically specify otherwise. What you are describing is the entire sales cycle. T-shirt made in China for 25 cents, sold to distributor in US for $2.00, sold to retail chain for $4.00, sold to consumer for $15.00. Imagine Chinese factory worker suggesting that it is unfair because someone resold it at a profit? Again, unless you specifically state that all copyright and ownership rights are not transferred upon sale, and transfer is prohibited, this is not a violation. And unfortunately, even if it were, there is little you can do if someone is intent on cheating you. Fiverr has no protection, and you are dealing with International IP theft, which is impossible to control. You should see the nifty Rolex I got in Times Square for just $50. Just type "Disney" into Fiverr's search bar and here's over 1,000 scammers ripping Disney off as we speak. How Fiverr approves these is beyond me. https://www.fiverr.com/search/gigs?query=disney&source=top-bar&ref_ctx_id=4699875bb2766945d4d3b8be86690eb2&search_in=everywhere&search-autocomplete-original-term=disney
  5. Me watching @breals fight nonsense:
  6. I found a mistake on your profile, thought you might want to know:
  7. Yes, very easy. Sell a lot of services.
  8. Right. Most have a line something like, "I know, let's go hide in the slaughterhouse. next to the old wood chipper."
  9. Bad movie advice... Billy Batts, Goodfellas.
  10. And there's your mistake. BTW, you cannot call out other users by name on the forum, even scammers like this.
  11. May I ask who told you to offer "lead generation" services without knowing how to do that? YouTube video?
  12. I wasn't asking to see your gig images. The question is what have you done to promote yourself? And I must ask, since you claim to be an expert in "lead generation", why are you asking us how to "generate leads?" This makes us suspect that you are not actually skilled in building business for others if you are unable to do it for yourself. Honesty is very important here.
  13. Please tell us all the things you have tried so far to be successful on Fiverr.
  14. Of particular interest is that he asked not how to improve the quality of his offering, just how to work around it and get his low quality gig approved. I like this new filtering we are seeing.
  15. Yes, it's right there. Fiverr looked at what you wanted to sell and determined that it is of no value or low quality ( a pretty low bar honestly) . Plain and simple. Your question about how to proceed can only be answered by learning a skill and offering it at a high quality.
  16. OK, buyer's requests are a dumpster fire that should be avoided by everyone all the time.
  17. My instruction is to be honest and not lie about your level of English skills. The screenshot below from your profile is a lie, and if you are willing to lie about this, why should anyone trust you at all?
  18. Until you improve your English skills, the rest does not matter. Plus you should not lie about your proficiency level in English. You are most definitely not fluent in English, and when you lie about it on your profile, people wonder what else you are lying about.
  19. You should start by being honest as to your ability to speak/write English. The screenshot below from your profile is clearly not accurate.
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