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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. Has anyone hipped the real Dmitry as to what happened?
  2. So that's your answer. You are getting poor reviews, which Fiverr sees as a quality issue with your gig, so it drops you. That's the way it is supposed to work.
  3. Why did you lose level 2?
  4. Why did you lose level 2? Stop doing that stuff. That is my suggestion.
  5. There is nothing to do. Gigs rotate, or do you expect to stay on top all the time? BTW, if you were demoted from level 2 to new seller, then you are losing momentum for some legitimate issues.
  6. newsmike


    Who would you give it to?
  7. What would you consider an improved algo for the seller?
  8. Then that is ridiculous. I hope you continue to bug CS and get it reversed.
  9. But Fiverr gives you 24 hours in which to respond. I hate what happened to you, but I don't understand why you say Fiverr is unfair. It has always been the requirement that if you don't respond within 24 hours, they ding you.
  10. Did you get just one batch, or an entire batch of them?
  11. Sell more than the people already there.
  12. Crazy idea which allows Fiverr to temporarily hang on to their namesake. What if it cost $5 per gig, per month to sell. Here's the pitch: "Fiverr! Start freelancing for just $5" @mjensen415 I'll do the VO for free, please tell Micah.
  13. Sellers can still choose to sell at $5, because there is absolutely not a penny of investment required on their part in the current model. Maybe if they had to pay every month, they would raise rates. If not, they can leave, there are plenty of others to fill the void. Playing to the preferences of the $5 buyer/seller is the sure road to hell for Fiverr if it wants to become what it seems to want to be when it grows up. It is equally important to shed both the $5 buyer and the $5 seller.
  14. You get a Gold Star for the most brilliant analysis of this in 16 perfectly spoken words!
  15. Shareholders don't care about number of users, they care about profits. If you made 1 million dollars with 30M users, vs 2 million dollars with 10M users, which is the win? We are talking about culling the folks who don't think investing $29/month is worth it, so they all have to be pretty low earning sellers. The serious sellers will immediately pick up that slack at higher rates. Especially since it costs money to keep that 2/3 "low hanging fruit" on the site. They eat up CS time, bandwidth, server space, etc... Wanna bet 95% of CS time is consumed by problems created by bad sellers as opposed to quality sellers? And if those sellers are not making sales or paying a monthly fee for SP or a pay wall, then they are actually an expense which we all are paying. Not to mention the drag on the algo.
  16. Hopefully @frank_d can also relay the info.
  17. Right. If you have 300,000 people selling photoshop services, and you force 2/3 off by instituting a "pay to sell" model, the business does not dry up. The remaining 100,000 will absorb the business, probably at higher rates which means bigger 20% for Fiverr, so win-win-win. Best sellers make more money, Fiverr gets 20% of higher priced sales, and buyers get better quality sellers. Boom!
  18. It would be a good test. If that were the requirement to sell here, the worst sellers would vanish immediately.
  19. This is definitely not about raising the bar on the quality of sellers, this is about selling keyword research and services that don't take SM time for a low price point.
  20. My first thought was that they went the wrong way. As an avid proponent of the pay wall (surprise, I know), I felt that instead of offering a lower level with less features, they should have instituted a higher level, a level that would hopefully would allow premium visibility, the ability to create more than 1 gig, ability to sell at more than $5, etc. Thereby forcing the divide, because the problems that plague the site are definitely coming from the people who will never sign up for any level of seller plus. We see this every day on the forum, the sellers from a certain location that say, "I just made 7 gigs yesterday, stay online 26 hours every day, and as marketing expert, but make no sales, pray for me."
  21. Dear newsmike, We're constantly working on new ways to help freelancers like you grow on Fiverr. To give more sellers access to growth opportunities and increase flexibility, we're splitting Seller Plus into two plans, Standard and Premium. Luckily for you, as a valued Seller Plus member, you’re automatically in the Premium plan for no added cost. If you choose to drop to a Standard plan, you’ll have to let go of some Premium perks like having a dedicated success manager (and the price to rejoin is going up soon). As always, if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to your success manager who is here to help, or contact our customer support. We're excited to continue working together on your growth! The Seller Plus Team
  22. After years of using an automated machine, it died. I ordered a replacement but found that the manufacturing moved from Italy to Romania, and it had a nifty prop 65 warning on it. So, after searching literally dozens of similar machines, I reached the conclusion that you cannot find a machine without this, which, regarding the roughly $1,500 price tag is disheartening. This warning is on almost everything these days, and cannot be avoided sometimes, but for something that makes food or drink, it seems a scary gamble. I've even seen it on the leading brand of Sriracha sauce: So after all that I have settled on just 2 types of coffee. Pour over using the Chemex and Zerowater boiled in a 100% stainless kettle. And Lavazza espresso in a 100% stainless moka pot, which ain't easy to find. Almost all are aluminum, and don't get me started on the dangers of heating food in aluminum.
  23. Funny, absolutely. Nice to see you. Been a little bit. Hope all is well.
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